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Let's Play #5 4e Dungeon Scales of War 1) Rescue at Rivenroar The End NOW WITH PICS OF THE PCs


Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

Session 3.

Encounter #16 Von Adrez-Kauthin Crypt (Area 15)

[sblock=The Map]

The Von Adrez-Kauthin Crypt is in area 15 on the map (see below).


There’s only one way left to go on Gargemel’smap- much to Adronsius’ chagrin, he’s been trying to direct the adventurers here for quite some time. A set of stairs head down- and quite a way by the look of them, Miss Teri is sent ahead a way, she sneaks down to the entrance of the chamber below- another crypt, with added hobgoblins, and a pair of drakes.

Miss Teri sneaks back out of the chamber, tells her tale and then slowly, quietly, guides her colleagues down the stair, as close as they can get without having to really sneak.

They’re ready!

“Fire!” Chiggers screams.

Bad Guys 452 XP Level 1 Encounter
Hobgoblin Grunt Level 3 Minion x4
Drake Spitting Level 3 Artillery x2

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


Snatch’s arrows slam in to the nearest two hobgoblin grunts- the pair are killed instantly and slump to the floor- panic strikes the chamber’s defenders- in the same moment Gargemel’s Acid Orb hits the nearest spitting drake, the creature doesn’t blink an eye, the creature is immune to acid it seems.

A moment later Chiggers and Thug come charging in to the chamber, straight in to the remaining hobgoblin grunts, the dragonborn priest smashes another grunt down.

Miss Teri continues to sneak around the edge of the fracas, so far her shrunken have failed to find their targets however.

Snatch unleashes his Two-Fanged Strike on the nearest spitting drake, one arrow hits- the drake snarls and launches a missile back- the shifter burns as the acid ball hits, a second Caustic Spit whizzes by Thug.

The remaining grunt slashes hard and cuts Chiggers, the hobgoblin screams and the south door opens, a goblin strides out with a wicked looking rod in its hand- the little creature shouts and rants, a Blinding Hex warps and shapes around Chiggers, the Priest of the Raven Queen grunts- bloodied, and blind.

Bad Guys 602 XP Level 1 Encounter
Hobgoblin Grunt Level 3 Minion x4
Drake Spitting Level 3 Artillery x2
Goblin Hexer Level 3 Controller

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


Thug fights on slashing furiously but being kept at bay by the grunt- the creature even manages to cut the bugbear. Gargemel moves forward, to Thug’s shoulder- his Dragon Breath engulfs the grunt in flame and fire- the creature’s dead.

Miss Teri’s shuriken slices in to the goblin hexer in the doorway, the creature snarls but already the shadar-kai is out of sight again. Snatch’s Twin Strike thuds in to the nearest spitting drake- the creature is a mess, blood pours from its wounds, it’s bloodied. Snatch meanwhile manoeuvres and gets his Second Wind with his Invigorating Stride.

The drakes attempt to get some space, away from the melee, they then launch their Caustic Spits- Thug is scorched, the bugbear however shrugs off the pain and gets in the goblin hexer’s face- slicing the defender’s leader. The hexer attempts to back away- in to the chamber behind, Thug cuts it again- leaving the snarling goblin bloodied but with a little more space to work.

Chiggers catches the already wounded spitting drake in his lightning Dragon Breath, the creature remains alive by will alone. Snatch finishes the creature off and then targets the remaining drake. The foul creature has other thoughts- another Caustic Spit strikes the ranger, Snatch burns and is left bloodied again.

Thug meanwhile faces off against the goblin hexer in a much smaller chamber, behind the hexer a beautiful woman, scantily clad, only semi-conscious- Jalissa, the Acolyte of Ioun. The goblin mutters dark words and Thug prickles- a Stinging Hex, if the bugbear moves he will suffer, the goblin makes sure the fighter knows.



“Move and you die, my evil eye is upon you…” The hexer then draws a dagger and rests the blade against Jalissa’s side- it grins.

Thug shrugs, rushes forward- and pays the price, the pain is enough to leave him bloodied, and then with a Reaping Strike cuts the hexer down- almost.

Through bloody and broken teeth the goblin grins again and draws his arm back to plunge the dagger in to the Jalissa’s gut, at that exact moment a shuriken loops over Thug’s shoulder and ends its journey buried deep in the forehead of the hexer.

The goblin thumps to the floor- dead.

Miss Teri steps out of the shadows, winks at Thug and then ducks back out of the chamber.

Back in the crypt Snatch’s wounds heal over in an instant as Chigger recites his Healing Words, while Gargemel catches the last drake in his Burning Spray.

Moments later two arrows thump in to the drake, the creature is bloodied and almost broken, it seeks to flee the scene- heading for the smaller chamber, en route it burns Chiggers with its Caustic Spit. The drake makes it to the doors and hurries with- straight in to a grinning Thug who smashes the creature dead.

602 XP Level 1 Encounter
Hobgoblin Grunt Level 3 Minion x4
Drake Spitting Level 3 Artillery x2
Goblin Hexer Level 3 Controller

Jalissa is quickly freed, her wounds treated, the Acolyte is in want of water, food and comfort; but is otherwise relatively unharmed, while she rests a while the chamber is quickly searched- the bodies of the fallen removed.

More money is found, and added to the growing party funds- another potion of healing is recovered from goblin hexer, along with a huge belt located in a sack in the smaller chamber- Gargemel identifies it as an Ironskin Belt- Chiggers takes it for himself.

Jalissa tells her tale, Thurann- the boy, son of the dead guard captain Kartenix was kept here with her for a while, he must be close by- she swears she heard him shouting sometime earlier today.

The adventurers take a well-earned rest and then plot their next move, there are exits from the crypt to the north or the west, the guys decide to head west.

Comment: Only Thurann left to find, the guys are whizzing through this, and although the fights have not been that tough it all plays very quick- and dirty, with a few cool moments here and there.

A most pleasant dungeon crawl that in parts makes perfect sense- thanks to the fact that the guys keep finding the prisoners dotted all over the dungeon, they keep getting a few more clues to their next target.
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Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

Session 3.

Encounter #17 Sinruth's Abode. (Area 20 & 21)

[sblock=The Map]

Sinruth’s Abode is played out in areas 20 & 21 on the map (see below).


Miss Teri leads the way in, back up a long set of stairs and in to another chamber- this odd-shaped room is dotted with small, three foot high, menhirs which jut up through the otherwise flagged stone floor- strange, Miss Teri thinks.

The chamber is empty, a pair of closed double doors over the far side, Miss Teri sneaks over- but doesn’t get far, she’s only just halfway through the chamber when the shadar-kai is stuck by a freezing blast of cold- coming directly from one of the menhirs. Miss Teri screams in surprise, and then shivers.

The doors ahead burst open, and the Goblin Chief strides in to the chamber.

“Who would disturb me?”

Bad Guys 625 XP Level 2 Encounter
Goblin Chieftain- Sinruth Level 2 Soldier Solo

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


Sinruth, is perhaps the shortest goblin the adventurers have ever encountered. Nevertheless the creature seems confident in its own abilities; and dressed in full plate armour with a wicked looking bladed chain in its hands…

The action gets underway.

Sinruth, in the doorway is hit by an arrow- courtesy of Snatch, and then by two Acid Orbs in quick succession- the goblin chief screams and whirls his chain furiously- he lashes out, catches Miss Teri around her right leg and then yanks the shadar-kai off her feet and closer to him.

Sinruth growls and then stomps on Miss Teri, still not finished the goblin stomps off- out of sight dragging the bloodied, almost unconscious shadar-kai with him. Chiggers and Thug rush through the menhirs and through the doorway- trying to catch up with the goblin, Chiggers gets close enough to mutter a few Healing Words and give Miss Teri a better chance of survival.

Miss Teri has her own solution to the problem, she Shadow Jaunts- disappearing momentarily only to reappear behind Sinruth, and yet the chieftain still manages to avoid her attack.

Snatch and Gargemel rush through the menhirs to catch up with the action.

Chiggers and Thug keep the pressure up on the goblin, although honours are even- Thug has his legs taken from beneath him with a whip of Sinruth’s chain, the bugbear manages to get his feet again and slice back with his Steel Serpent Strike.

Miss Teri has by now managed to sneak away- get out of the melee, she’s now part of the artillery, which on cue fires. Sinruth is hit by a shuriken, an arrow and an Acid Orb, the goblin is at last bloodied.

The goblin lashes back with a Chain Whirlwind- smashing in to Thug and leaving Miss Teri bloodied once more; Chiggers and Thug keep up the barrage however- the bugbear again doing the lion’s share of the damage. Sinruth is being worn down.

Snatch fires and two more arrows thud in to the hard core goblin chieftain, who’s also raked by Chiggers’ lightning Dragon Breath and Thug’s Reaping Strike.

Another Acid Orb smashes in to the goblin, who slips and staggers, almost spent- but still with enough energy to lash out and Chain Trip Thug down, the bugbear is bloodied, the goblin moves to stand over the flailing bugbear. The goblin lifts his boot- ready to bring it crashing down on Thugs head, to squash it like a melon with his Jackboot Stomp.

And then…

And then nothing happens, for several moments.

Finally Sinruth collapses forward, on to Thug, a shuriken sticking out the back of the goblin’s skull- having pierced his helm.

Bad Guys 625 XP Level 2 Encounter
Goblin Chieftain- Sinruth Level 2 Soldier Solo

The adventurers take a well-earned rest and then search the goblin and the chamber beyond- another crypt, there are a number of finds. To begin with Sertanian identifies the gauntlets that the goblin is wearing belong to the collection in the Hall of Valour, also in the crypt is the dragon-crested helm, another of the lost treasures. There are also a lot of coins, the majority of it gold- the adventurers are officially rich, the pile represents more money than they have ever seen.

Next a set of leather bracer- Bracers of Perfect Shot, identified- and taken, much to Snatch’s consternation, by Gargemel.

New Bracers for Gargemel.​

Lastly, a letter-

[sblock=The Letter]

Obviously for Brindol read Fallcrest.​


Comment: The letter’s effect is in-game excellent; the players want to know who the emissary is, they want to crush the Red/Bloody Hand, they’re also reminded of the undead that are supposed to be down here- they’ve not found them as of yet, and it seems there’s a Wight to be fought. Lastly the guys have dredged up from their memories the shadar-kai they saw way back in the portal, and the army also depicted waiting, possibly, in the shadowfell.

The guys love the fact that they now know something- it’s like they’ve been let in on a secret, the big question, for them, is- who do they tell?

But for now there’s one more prisoner, Thurann, and three more lost treasures to locate.


Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

Session 3.

Encounter #18 Honour Guard Crypt (Area 1-1a)

[sblock=The Map]

The Honour Guard Crypt is in areas 17, 18 & 19 on the map (see below).


The adventurers retreat from Sinruth’s chamber, back through the room with menhirs which blast cold- the secret is to run through they’ve discovered. Back to the first crypt down the stairs in which they fought and defeated the goblin hexer. There’s only one other exit available- Gargemel has been updating his map.

The guy’s head north, to a crossroads, as usual Miss Teri is leading the way; there are closed double doors to the east and west, and another set of stairs leading down to the north. Miss Teri heads west, on a whim, to the doors- which she briefly checks over and then swings open.

Beyond is a shadowy chamber, in the centre of which is some sort of huge glowing symbol of the floor- in the centre of which are two humanoids-

“Undead!” Miss Teri shouts.

The two zombies within the unholy symbol of the Black Sun turn to face the intruders.

Bad Guys 250 XP Level 1 Encounter
Zombie Level 2 Brute x2

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


Thug charges in to the circle of eerie light, unconcerned, and cuts hard with his greataxe- slashing the first zombie, in an instant the bugbear is set up- leaping from the passage to the north come a pair of ghouls. The bugbear is clawed, injured and unable to move- immobilised, he only just avoids the second ghoul’s terrifying bite.

Bad Guys 650 XP Level 2 Encounter
Zombie Level 2 Brute x2
Ghoul Level 5 Soldier x2

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


“Help?” Thug enquires- finding the word difficult to say.

An Acid Orb and then one of Snatch’s arrows thud in to the nearest ghoul, the creature is bloodied. Chiggers strides forward- brandishing his holy symbol, praying and grinning.

All of the undead are burnt by the myriad radiant beams which burst from Chiggers’ holy symbol- one zombie is left bloodied, and the already injured ghoul staggers backwards- away from the light, left immobilised.

The unholy symbol on the ground pulses once and the undead creatures within it are re-energised, their wounds beginning to heal over. The zombies flail and claw- Thug and Miss Teri pay the price, the later for getting too close to the powerful mindless undead.

Thug is clawed again, without reply, the ghoul is too quick for the immobilised bugbear who is left bloodied- Miss Teri and Snatch help Thug out with blade and arrows- the ghoul is quickly bloodied.

Gargemel launches his fiery Dragon Breath, followed by his acid Tempest Breath- the undead suffer terribly; both zombies are left bloodied, one is almost destroyed. Chiggers follows up with his lightning Dragon Breath- both zombies are further hurt- for good measure the priest mutters Healing Words and Thug is well again.

The Black Sun pulses again and the undead continue to heal.

“Damn!” Chiggers offers. “Bring them down… Bring them down!” The dragonborn screams.

The zombies concentrate their efforts on Gargemel, the dragonborn sorcerer is slammed repeatedly, and left bloodied.

Thug slashes wildly Cleaves clean through one of the zombies, which is cut in two and then slams his axe in to the ghoul, he can move again- the paralysis is gone. Not for long, the ghoul slashes and claws- Thug is injured again and immobilised once more.

The ghoul previously affected by Chiggers’ holy power returns to the fight, slashes at Snatch and leaves the shifter immobilised. The ranger spills his bow, draws both of his longswords and cuts hard- the ghoul is skewered, and killed.

Miss Teri manoeuvres around the fight, leaving her dagger in the remaining zombie’s back, the creature staggers, and then is engulfed in flame- Gargemel’s Burning Spray- the zombie falls, a ghoul is singed.

Chiggers and Thug begin to rain down the blows on the last undead creature standing, the ghoul is bloodied and bruised- even as the unholy symbol pulses and its wounds begin to heal again. The foul humanoid leaps at the still immobilised Thug and Bites a hunk of flesh from the bugbear’s right forearm- the bugbear pales considerably, then gibbers- stunned. Thug only just survives the attack by the ghoul (on 2 hit points).

Miss Teri and Snatch rush in to the rescue, the pair cut and slash; and with a Clever Strike and a Twin Strike, they cut the last ghoul down.

Thug is still grim-faced ten minutes later, the ghoul’s bite seems to have scared the bugbear.

650 XP Level 2 Encounter
Zombie Level 2 Brute x2
Ghoul Level 5 Soldier x2

The guys rest, as best they can in this eerie chamber, and then head north- down the passage the ghouls were hidden. The corridor heads east and down, in to a chamber with a large, clear pool of water- there seems to be nothing else of notice in the chamber.

The pool is investigated, and put to good use- to fill the adventurer’s water skins, the guys are about to move off when Gargemel spots something strange- an image within the pool, it’s the crypt they investigated on the first level of the complex, they passed through the chamber following the gnome.


The adventurers reconvene around the pool- Gargemel, with a little help from Chiggers attempts to shape and control the images shown.

Comment: I let the players roll some dice and then pretended that they were controlling the images- they fell for it.

The image changes to another chamber, the one in which the guys fought the rats and gnomes, and rescued Mirtala, the cook. The chamber is, of course, exactly as they left it. The image changes, again and again, the guys witness the following-

• The crypt at the bottom of the stairs in which they fought the goblin hexer and the drakes.
• The small chamber they found Sinruth’s treasure in.
• An empty chamber with four columns in the centre of the area- a spectacular shimmering dark magical barrier runs between the columns, this is something new!
• A shrine or chapel, with pews, and an obelisk of sorts, a gnome dressed in robes wanders in to the vision, briefly.
• A huge chamber- a throne room, two thrones on a dais straight ahead, mouldering tapestries on the walls. A skeleton sits on one throne, a humanoid on the other.- the guys are excited to see this place.
• The crypt the guys first encountered the gnomes, and fought the fiery elemental creatures.
• The cells they rescued Sertanian from.

The images flash by quickly, the guys hang around as the images flash through repeatedly- the pattern doesn’t change. They take note of the three chambers they have not visited as of yet, ready themselves for what comes ahead.

Then they head on- back to the crossroads and east, to another pair of closed doors- again Miss Teri is in to action, eventually the adventurers pass through.

Another crypt, alcoves containing sarcophagi resting on top of each a skeleton- the first is smashed to the floor of the chamber, it does not rise; then a noise, a human sound. Crawling on all fours from an alcove ahead comes Thurann, the young lad’s legs and hands are tied, and yet still he battles to stay alive. The adventurers are quickly to the kid- his bounds cut, and an impromptu rest taken.



Time enough to make sure the young lad is well, and after that to explain his father’s loss- Thurann is inconsolable, the adventurers don’t know where to look or what to do- they settle for searching the chamber thoroughly, which leads to two discoveries.

The first is a +1 Amulet of Health, discovered on one of the skeletons, it’s taken by Miss Teri.

Miss Teri’s in fine fettle with her new +1 Amulet of Health.​

The second is…


Thug takes a look down the north passage out of the chamber, there’s a great rent in the corridor, some seismic activity has left the passageway with a deep fault, as the bugbear approaches rocks begin to fall, the room shudders, Thug only just manages to stay on his feet.

The rumbling doesn’t stop, larger rocks begin to fall and the adventurers are forced in to activity- they grab their stuff and run, back to the crossroads. Then on in to the chamber with Black Sun, Gargemel marked another exit on his map there, the rumbling sound eventually fades.

Comment: All the goblin’s prisoners have been found, we even had a nice bit of role-play in which Chiggers (Paul) had to tell Thurann about his father’s death, Miss Teri also proved to have a heart in the exchange.

Ghouls can be nasty, Iain- who plays Thug, thought he was done for when I rolled 22 damage for the creature’s Bite attack.


Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

Session 3.

Encounter #19 Crypt Guardian Chamber (Area 22.)

[sblock=The Map]

The Crypt Guardian Chamber is in area 22 on the map (see below).


Miss Teri leads the guys in, although… they’ve seen this chamber before, in the scrying pool- the chamber has four pillars, between which is the crackling, hissing magical barrier. The adventurers head in a little way- to the barrier, there seems to be something within it- contained by it, although it’s difficult to see.

“What d’you…” Chiggers starts.
Miss Teri shrugs and moves around the outside of the barrier, heading to the north- there’s a pillared passage that heads away east- she moves on.

“Careful.” Snatch whispers.

Suddenly the hissing, crackling sound of the barrier ceases- the barrier is gone, standing at the northern side of the chamber are two bearded humans wearing poorly maintained leather armour- they look, dirty.

The pair transform in an instant, growing elongated snouts, a tail sprouts from their backsides, their feet lengthen- suddenly they’re ratmen. The pair grin- and then pounce on Miss Teri.

At the same moment the rust-red heavily muscled seven foot tall carnage demon, formerly held captive within the confines of the force field, snarls and roars and lurches forward.

Bad Guys 550 XP Level 1 Encounter
Wererat Level 3 Skirmisher x2
Carnage Demon Level 6 Brute

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


The wererat’s lash out and bite Miss Teri- repeatedly, the shadar-kai is bloodied, bleeding and suffering, the creature’s bites cause her wounds to instantly fester- the rogue is light-headed, and yet she fights back- stabbing one of the foul vermin before teleporting away with her Shadow Jaunt.

Snatch’s Two-Fanged Strike smashes in to the nearest rodent-man, Chiggers dashes in, launches his Lightning Dragon Breath and then smashes down his morning star engulfed in his Avenging Flame, both wererats are bloodied, one is on fire.

“Death shall have no dominion!” Chiggers’ Shield of Faith encompasses all of the adventurers.

Gargemel is quickly to the wererats, the sorcerer’s fiery Dragon Breath followed up with his acid blast Tempest Breath leaves both of the vermin staggering, only just alive, at which point the demon smashes in to Chiggers.

The Priest of the Raven Queen grins and absorbs the demon’s terrific blow, unharmed, a moment later Thug’s Predatory Eye sights the opportunity, the bugbear cuts in to the demon with his Lasting Threat (for 32 points of damage- nice Daily).

“Fight me!” Thug roars in the demon’s face.

The wererat’s wounds are healing over- the creatures are regenerating, the first still close to death flees to the north, while the second is on fire still- and looking for vengeance- it leaps at Chiggers but is easily knocked aside.

Snatch fires in to the fracas, again aiming for the lycanthropes- both are hit, both are left staggering from blood loss. Gargemel flings an Acid Orb at the fleeing wererat, the creature is knocked to the floor by the missile- left screaming, burning- it dies slowly. Chiggers smashes the second wererat down, breaking its neck with his morning star.

The priest pays the price- the demon roars and rips hunks from his flesh, the dragonborn is very quickly bloodied, however the demon is also made to pay- Thug and Miss Teri attack in unison. Thug slams his greataxe in to the demon’s chest, while Teri stabs the elemental beast with her dagger, the demon is bloodied too.


Snatch’s arrows strike, the carnage demon flails and staggers, and is smashed down by Chiggers.

The fight is over, just as Miss Teri feints away and falls hard on to the cold stone floor- the shadar-kai Chiggers soon discovers has succumbed to Filth Fever (Miss Teri has no Healing Surges left).

550 XP Level 1 Encounter
Wererat Level 3 Skirmisher x2
Carnage Demon Level 6 Brute

“Retreat! Retreat! Quickly…”

Thug grabs up Miss Teri, Gargemel and Snatch corral the recently rescued citizens of Fallcrest, the entire group orderly heads back in to the chamber they found Sinruth’s treasures- beyond the icy menhirs.

There they rest a while, actually quite a while- see next write up for details.

Comment: The last (living) creatures in the complex- two Wererats and a Gnome Arcanist soon discover the mayhem and destruction left by the adventurers, they head home- they're outta there.

And so endeth the third session of play, awfully inconvenient- what with their only being one more encounter in the complex, but what can you do, sometimes thems the breaks.


Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

Session 4.

Encounter #20 Lords of Rivenroar Audience Chamber (Area 24.)

[sblock=The Map]

The Lords of Rivenroar Audience Chamber is in area 24 on the map (see below).


Overnight things do not go well, for all the adventurers’ ministrations- with help from Zerriksa, the herbalist, still things go badly- Miss Teri is really not well. The shadar-kai can stand but she’s spent, between hot flushes and icy waves she struggles, and shivers amd shakes constantly, the rogue has Filth Fever.

Miss Teri is -2 on her defences, and down a Healing Surge or two, she needs the cure, and yet she’s got to go on.

The adventures head back to the chamber in which they fought the demon and the wererats, and then north in to a chamber they saw through the scrying pool- the shrine in which they spotted a gnome. The place is empty- abandoned, quickly with the remains of spilled rations and items left in haste; nothing alas of interest however.

And so onwards- in to the Audience Chamber of the Lords of Rivenroar, where things play out pretty much as you’d expect them to, and pretty much as the players want them to- give them what they want I say.

[sblock=The Lords of Rivenroar]


The skeleton on the throne gets up, the wight makes threats- and here’s your chance, while many of things I told my players were about the return of chaos and destruction (file under general prophecies of doom), I also included a few clues to some of the things that are coming up in the future. I obviously don’t remember exact details but things like-

“When the Lost Ones are found…”, referring to the secret gang/organisation operating in later modules in this adventure path.

So the guys got a talking to, lots of threats and then from the bone strewn floor skeletons assemble themselves, and attack…

Bad Guys 500 XP Level 1 Encounter
Decrepit Skeleton Level 1 Minion x5
Deathlock Wight Level 4 Controller
Boneshard Skeleton Level 5 Brute

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


The boneshard rushes at Thug and cuts the fighter with its scimitar, dealing necrotic damage as well as the wound- Snatch fires two arrows in to the creature with his Two-Fanged Strike, the undead proves to be tougher than that (even though one of them is a critical hit- nice start).

Miss Teri finds somewhere to hide, sending a shuriken in to the deathlock wight en route, she’s soon gone from sight. The wight takes his anger out on Chiggers, the dragonborn is hit by a Grave Bolt, necrotised and immobilised.

The five decrepit skeletons get in to the action, a flailing bolus of bones, Thug and Gargemel are slashed, the later twice.

Then it all goes wrong for me, Thug unleashes his Lasting Threat (Daily) on the boneshard skeleton (and rolls a ‘20’- which works out to be 52 damage), the Boneshard Bursts sending fragments of bones flying- two of the decrepit skeletons are smashed to pieces by the bone shrapnel, Chiggers and Thug are left bloodied, and Snatch is just injured. The boneshard skeleton survives, just. Thug screams- he’s Unstoppable.

Chiggers is immobilised, the dragonborn prays- starting off with a few Healing Words for himself and following up with a Shield of Faith, he manages to free himself at last.

Miss Teri moves to hide behind the thrones, another shuriken whizzes out and another decrepit skeleton falls. Snatch manages just to catch the wight with an arrow, there’s a lot of flailing and firing but not much hitting at the moment.

Another decrepit skeleton rises from the bones.

Bad Guys 525 XP Level 1 Encounter
Decrepit Skeleton Level 1 Minion x6
Deathlock Wight Level 4 Controller
Boneshard Skeleton Level 5 Brute

The three skeleton minions focus their efforts on bringing Gargemel down- they all connect and the sorcerer is quickly bloodied.

Chiggers shouts for Thug to attack the wight- he’ll take care of the boneshard, the bugbear does as he’s told and smashes the foul creature with his greataxe, the wight is bloodied. Chiggers, as good as his word, Turns Undead, the boneshard explodes- the only one of the good guys caught in the burst is Chiggers- he sacrificed himself, the dragonborn is bloodied (again).

Miss Teri sees an opportunity to end this, she risks it, darts out from hiding and with a Clever Strike stabs the wight in the back, the Lord of Rivenroar dies- not before calling on all the dark gods to bring ‘a creeping, crawling doom on the one that struck him down…”.

At which point, having run out of bad guys in the room two undead variants of Kruthik Young burrow out from the rubble filled corridor Thug collapsed earlier. Oh and another decrepit skeleton gets to its feet.

Bad Guys 800 XP Level 3 Encounter
Decrepit Skeleton Level 1 Minion x7
Deathlock Wight Level 4 Controller
Boneshard Skeleton Level 5 Brute
Zombie Kruthik Young Level 2 Brute x2

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


Snatch is straight in to action sinking two arrows in to the nearest kruthik, it’s bloodied- Gargemel at last gets in to the action (he’s not his anything so far), the sorcerer’s Burning Spray destroys a pair of decrepit skeletons (woo-hoo), but gets stabbed in the process. Gargemel glugs down a potion of healing.

Thug deliberately steps in front of the kruthik- who are out to destroy Miss Teri, the bugbear is clawed, he too glugs down a potion of healing. Chiggers moves to help out but just manages to take down the last of the decrepit skeletons with his lightning Dragon Breath.

The rubble filled corridor further collapses and crawling in to the audience chamber come three more kruthik- two hatchlings, and an adult. The adult fires out its Toxic Spikes, Chiggers is left staggering (on 3 hit points) and poisoned (ongoing damage).

Bad Guys 1037 XP Level 5 Encounter
Decrepit Skeleton Level 1 Minion x7
Deathlock Wight Level 4 Controller
Boneshard Skeleton Level 5 Brute
Zombie Kruthik Young Level 2 Brute x2
Zombie Kruthik Adult Level 4 Brute
Zombie Kruthik Hatchling Level 2 Minion x2

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


It all just got very serious- the players are genuinely frightened they’re going to lose it at the last. The call goes out for brave deeds.

Miss Teri Shadow Jaunts in to the middle of the kruthik, the creatures enter a frenzy- she cuts with her Acrobat’s Blade- killing both hatchlings, wounding one of the young and the adult kruthik, and bloodying the other. Miss Teri scurries back out of the kruthik and hides behind Thug and Gargemel.

Snatch’s Twin Strike destroys the bloodied young kruthik.

Gargemel unleashes hell beginning with his fiery Dragon Breath, following up with his acid Tempest Breath and finishing with his Lightning Breath (Daily)- the young kruthik is all but destroyed, the adult badly wounded, approaching bloodied. The young kruthik Claws at the sorcerer, Gargemel staggers (on 8 hit points).

At the same moment Chiggers collapses, poisoned, the dragonborn chokes and coughs up blood- dying.

Once again Thug interposes himself between the kruthik and Miss Teri, the bugbear somehow survives and keeps the giant undead reptiles at bay. Miss Teri dashes forward and with a Gloaming Cut (and a critical hit) finishes off the young kruthik.

Snatch fires, his Hunt’s End (Daily)- his arrow smashes through the carapace of the last remaining kruthik and the creature sags and sinks to the floor—unmoving (would you believe it, another critical for 36 damage).

Gargemel is quickly to Chiggers, the dragonborn is saved.

Bad Guys 1037 XP Level 5 Encounter
Decrepit Skeleton Level 1 Minion x7
Deathlock Wight Level 4 Controller
Boneshard Skeleton Level 5 Brute
Zombie Kruthik Young Level 2 Brute x2
Zombie Kruthik Adult Level 4 Brute
Zombie Kruthik Hatchling Level 2 Minion x2

The chamber is searched, the remainder of the missing treasures are found- the ceremonial platinum longsword, the three shields with Bloody Hand insignia and the heraldic battle standard.

All of the prisoners (save Kartenix) have been rescued, the treasures likewise recovered- success.

But that’s not all, there’s a bunch of gold and a pair of magic items, identified by Gargemel- a +1 Flaming Longbow, which Snatch takes; and a +1 Staff of the War Mage, which Gargemel snaffles.

Nice bow!

And staff!​

Miss Teri, alas, is still unwell- they need to get her back to Fallcrest, and so after a short rest the adventurers head back the way they came, back home.

Comment: Nice combat, certainly the hardest fight in the dungeon, if it hadn’t been for the two big critical hits from the PCs.

Just a note to say the PCs are a whisker away from third level, which is why- oh see the next encounter.


Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

Session 4.

Encounter #21 Bear Fight!

[sblock=The Map]

The Kruthik encounter map was used for this encounter.​


The adventurers are leading their gaggle of extras home to Fallcrest, Miss Teri is also not well- infected by Filth Fever the shadar-kai shakes and shivers, at times it falls on Thug to carry her just to keep up the pace.

Therefore it’s slightly annoying when an enraged bear rushes out of the undergrowth, the guys must have wandered in to the creature’s territory, the creature flails at Thug- the bugbear is caught by surprise but still manages to fend the great beast off.

Bad Guys 500 XP Level 1 Encounter
Cave Bear Level 6 Elite Brute

[sblock=The Monster Manual]


Miss Teri flings out a shuriken which slices the frenzied ursine, however the shadar-kai retreats a good distance, she’s not well enough for melee. Snatch hits with one arrow from his Twin Strike, otherwise his aim is off.

Thug is clawed; the bear is in frenzy, although again the bugbear does well to deflect much of the creature’s fury.

The adventurers are settled now, the artillery fire, and the cave bear suffers- the beast is hit with a shuriken, two arrows and an Acid Orb- it roars its disapproval. Then Chiggers and Thug smash in to the creature- the bear is very quickly bloodied, almost done for, and left dazed by the flurry of attacks.

The bear attempts to gnaw on Thug- it’s a futile attempt- too little too late; the artillery come again- two more arrows hit and another Acid Orb. Thug and Chiggers finish it off.

500 XP Level 1 Encounter
Cave Bear Level 6 Elite Brute

And so the adventurers head home, as heroes- with a new hearth rug, and now with enough XP to level up- that’s 3rd level- woo-hoo.


Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

The Book of the Dead.

PCs killed by Monsters & Traps etc.-


Monsters killed & Traps bested etc. by the PCs-

25 XP each
Skeleton Decrepit Level 1 Minion x7

31 XP each
Zombie Kruthik Hatchling Level 2 Minion x2

38 XP each
Hobgoblin Grunt Level 3 Minion x22

100 XP each
Goblin Blackblade Level 1 Lurker x2
Rat Dire Level 1 Brute x3
Skill Challenge Save Mirtala Level 1 Complexity 1

125 XP each
Drake Guard Level 2 Brute
Drake Needlefang Swarm Level 2 Soldier x2
Gnome Skulk Level 2 Lurker x5
Goblin Sharpshooter Level 2 Artillery x4
Zombie Level 2 Brute x2
Zombie Kruthik Young Level 2 Brute x2

150 XP each
Drake Spitting Level 3 Artillery x2
Goblin Hexer Level 3 Controller
Hobgoblin Archer Level 3 Artillery x3
Hobgoblin Soldier Level 3 Soldier x4
Trap Glowing Runes Puzzle Level 3 Hazard
Wererat Level 3 Skirmisher x2

175 XP each
Ettercap Fang Guard Level 4 Soldier x2
Magma Claw Level 4 Brute x2
Spectre Level 4 Lurker x2
Wight Deathlock Level 4 Controller
Zombie Kruthik Adult Level 4 Brute

200 XP each
Drake Rage Level 5 Brute x2
Ettercap Webspinner Level 5 Controller
Ghoul Level 5 Soldier x2
Skeleton Boneshard Level 5 Brute
Skill Challenge Interrogating Morrik Level 1 Complexity 2
Skill Challenge Meeting Eoffram Level 1 Complexity 2

250 XP each
Demon Carnage Level 6 Brute

300 XP each
Ochre Jelly Level 3 Elite Brute
Skill Challenge Tracking the Goblins Level 1 Complexity 3

350 XP each
Ogre Savage Level 8 Brute

500 XP each
Bear Cave Level 6 Elite Brute

625 XP each
Goblin Chieftain- Sinruth Level 2 Solo Soldier
Last edited:


Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

The End.

The scenario started with a rocket, the players loved the opening- not knowing each other, the bar (and the city of Fallcrest) being attacked by Hob/goblins- the guys were straight in to the action and it played like a dream.

This is particularly the case because Fallcrest has been the starting point to lots of the games we’ve played, and the home town for our campaign, the guys are therefore invested. It was thus easy for them to think of their PCs as residents of the city, they’ve played so many games in Fallcrest they know dozens of people by their first names- they like the place.

It therefore followed that the Skill Challenges were easy to play, Eoffram Troyas the patron for this scenario is someone I’ve used before in the main campaign and in other one off scenarios. Again the players were already invested, and comfortable.

The game went a little flat in the dungeon complex, if I could play it again (actually I have played this scenario again- and the following is what I did) then I would make the environment more dynamic. By which I mean do the Goodman Games thing and get encounters ganging up on the PCs, monsters fleeing to tell/bring the next threat in. But also dynamic in that I needed to invest some of the bad guys with a bit more oomph and character. The next time I played this scenario the gnomes were one faction within the complex, they were fretful- unhappy about working with goblins, and generally looking for a way out. I also connected them back to Fallcrest by making them a known criminal gang lead by the extremely short but incredibly lascivious “Big Tony”. Big Tony tried to ‘cop-off’ with all of the female adventurers, he was the Godfather gnome- with appropriate voice.

I also made the wererats in to a separate faction within the complex, they’d bitten a few gnomes also and therefore had some spies in the gnome camp, which only made it more complicated (and intriguing). The third faction- the goblins were lead, actively, by Sinruth; the goblins were played much more tactically, particularly the hobgoblins. I had them retreat much more readily, and then regroup to come back after the PCs- en masse, which played out incredibly well with the PCs being chased at one point.

Lastly the fourth faction were the undead- the Lords of Rivenroar, while these guys didn’t make much of a faction I combined the two undead encounters in the original scenario and packed the audience chamber for the grand finale. I tried to do this of course in this run, adding in an undead version of the Kruthik encounter to try and beef things up.

In this run however I had decided that the scenario should be played RAW, the encounters therefore proved for the most part to be easy, although it has to be said that many of them played out really quickly and felt really swingy. At no point did it ever feel like a grind- things went much too quickly for that, unlike the Goodman Games scenarios there didn’t seem to be many titanic battles. In the whole scenario there was never a moment when I thought a TPK would be possible- to be honest I prefer to game a little closer to the wire.

Mitigating for the above is the fact that the PCs loved rescuing the Fallcrest citizens, this added impetus and also the all-important feeling for the players that they were doing something good, or else in game terms- winning.

It obviously didn’t help matters that in the encounter before the finale in the dungeon complex- the Lords of Rivenroar audience chamber, Miss Teri was reduced to something like 6 hit points and with no Healing Surges left. The other guys had likewise taken a beating, they had to take an extended rest, or else I should have taken matters in to my own hands and used my imagination to have something cool happen that would leave them okay (just) for the final fight.

This is a good opening scenario with a nice lead in- the DM does however have to do some work in the middle and end section, to construct a climax, I guess you just need to think about a little ahead of time, to make it a little more complex- and interesting. Wouldn’t you know it a WOTC scenario with a lightweight storyline.



Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

The Characters at Level 3- Scenario End.

Note the following have been recreated using D&D Character Builder and so are slightly different to the guys we played in game- themes were not in-game at the time, and I’m sure the PCs hit points were all lower. However for some strange reason I didn’t keep details- or at least complete character sheets for all of the PCs- therefore I’ve had to re-do them.


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Chiggers, level 3
Dragonborn, Cleric (Templar)
Build: Battle Cleric
Cleric Option: Healer's Lore
Dragonborn Racial Power Option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Strength
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning
Born Under a Bad Sign (Born Under a Bad Sign Benefit)
Theme: Ordained Priest

STR 18, CON 12, DEX 11, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 15

STR 16, CON 12, DEX 11, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 13

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Ref: 11 Will: 15
HP: 40 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 11

Diplomacy +8, Heal +8, Insight +8, Religion +6

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +1, Athletics +4, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +1, History +3, Intimidate +5, Nature +3, Perception +3, Stealth +0, Streetwise +3, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Ordained Priest Attack: Smiting Symbol
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Cleric Feature: Divine Fortune
Cleric Feature: Turn Undead
Cleric Utility: Healing Word
Cleric Attack 1: Righteous Brand
Cleric Attack 1: Priest's Shield
Cleric Attack 1: War Priest's Strike
Cleric Attack 1: Avenging Flame
Cleric Utility 2: Shield of Faith
Cleric Attack 3: Sacred Shielding

Level 1: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Bludgeon Expertise
Level 2: Weapon Focus (Mace)

Ritual Book
Comrades' Succor
Unseen Servant
Chainmail x1
Adventurer's Kit
Holy Symbol x1
Potion of Healing
Ironskin Belt (heroic tier) x1
Challenge-Seeking Morningstar +1 x1
====== End ======


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Gargermel, level 3
Dragonborn, Sorcerer
Build: Dragon Sorcerer
Spell Source Option: Dragon Magic
Dragon Soul Option: Dragon Soul Acid
Dragonborn Racial Power Option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Strength
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Fire
Born Under a Bad Sign (Born Under a Bad Sign Benefit)
Theme: Order Adept

STR 15, CON 12, DEX 10, INT 10, WIS 9, CHA 20

STR 13, CON 12, DEX 10, INT 10, WIS 9, CHA 18

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Ref: 12 Will: 19
HP: 42 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 11

Arcana +6, Athletics +8, Bluff +11, Intimidate +13

Acrobatics +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +2, Heal +0, History +3, Insight +0, Nature +0, Perception +0, Religion +1, Stealth +1, Streetwise +6, Thievery +1

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Order Adept Attack: Argent Rain
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Sorcerer Attack 1: Acid Orb
Sorcerer Attack 1: Burning Spray
Sorcerer Attack 1: Tempest Breath
Sorcerer Attack 1: Lightning Breath
Sorcerer Utility 2: Spatial Trip
Sorcerer Attack 3: Ice Dragon's Teeth

Level 1: Staff Expertise
Level 2: Unarmored Agility

Adventurer's Kit
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) x1
Staff of the War Mage +1 x1
Amulet of Protection +1 x1
Bracers of the Perfect Shot (heroic tier) x1
====== End ======

Miss Teri

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Miss Teri, level 3
Shadar-kai, Rogue (Scoundrel)
Build: Shadowy Rogue
Rogue Tactics Option: Cunning Sneak
Rogue Option: Scoundrel Weapon Talent
Born Under a Bad Sign (Born Under a Bad Sign Benefit)
Theme: Scion of Shadow

STR 10, CON 10, DEX 20, INT 16, WIS 9, CHA 10

STR 10, CON 10, DEX 18, INT 14, WIS 9, CHA 10

AC: 18 Fort: 13 Ref: 19 Will: 12
HP: 42 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 10

Acrobatics +13, Bluff +6, Insight +5, Perception +5, Stealth +13, Thievery +11

Arcana +4, Athletics +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +1, Heal +0, History +4, Intimidate +1, Nature +0, Religion +4, Streetwise +1

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Scion of Shadow Utility: Eyes of Night
Shadar-kai Racial Power: Shadow Jaunt
Rogue Attack 1: Gloaming Cut
Rogue Attack 1: Clever Strike
Rogue Attack 1: Acrobat's Blade Trick
Rogue Attack 1: Confounding Attack
Rogue Utility 2: Sneak in the Attack
Rogue Attack 3: Fleeting Spirit Strike

Level 1: Backstabber
Level 2: Improved Initiative

Adventurer's Kit
Leather Armor x1
Dagger x12
Thieves' Tools
Challenge-Seeking Dagger +1 x1
Amulet of Health +1 x1
====== End ======


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snatch, level 3
Razorclaw Shifter, Ranger
Build: Archer Ranger
Fighting Style Option: Archer Fighting Style
Ranger Option: Prime Shot
Born Under a Bad Sign (Born Under a Bad Sign Benefit)
Theme: Hordelands Nomad

STR 14, CON 11, DEX 20, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 8

STR 14, CON 11, DEX 18, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 8

AC: 19 Fort: 15 Ref: 18 Will: 13
HP: 42 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 10

Acrobatics +12, Athletics +7, Dungeoneering +7, Perception +7, Stealth +12

Arcana +1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Endurance +0, Heal +2, History +1, Insight +2, Intimidate +0, Nature +2, Religion +1, Streetwise +0, Thievery +5

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Razorclaw Shifter Racial Power: Razorclaw Shifting
Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry
Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike
Ranger Attack 1: Hunter's Teamwork
Ranger Attack 1: Two-Fanged Strike
Ranger Attack 1: Hunt's End
Ranger Utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Ranger Attack 3: Covering Volley

Mounted Combat
Defensive Mobility
Level 1: Bow Expertise
Level 2: Weapon Focus (Bow)

Adventurer's Kit
Hide Armor x1
Amulet of Protection +1 x1
Flaming Longbow +1 x1
====== End ======


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Thug, level 3
Bugbear, Fighter (Weaponmaster)
Build: Great Weapon Fighter
Fighter Option: Combat Superiority
Fighter Talents Option: Two-handed Weapon Talent
Born Under a Bad Sign (Born Under a Bad Sign Benefit)
Theme: Mercenary

STR 20, CON 14, DEX 12, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 8

STR 18, CON 14, DEX 10, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 8

AC: 18 Fort: 18 Ref: 12 Will: 11
HP: 52 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 13

Athletics +11, Endurance +8, Intimidate +7

Acrobatics +2, Arcana +1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History +1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +1, Stealth +4, Streetwise +0, Thievery +2

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Mercenary Attack: Takedown Strike
Bugbear Racial Power: Predatory Eye
Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge
Fighter Attack 1: Cleave
Fighter Attack 1: Reaping Strike
Fighter Attack 1: Steel Serpent Strike
Fighter Attack 1: Lasting Threat
Fighter Utility 2: Unstoppable
Fighter Attack 3: Sweeping Blow

Level 1: Axe Expertise
Level 2: Toughness

Adventurer's Kit
Scale Armor x1
Crossbow (Large)
Bracers of Mighty Striking (heroic tier) x1
Magic Greataxe (Large) +1 x1
====== End ======


Let's Play #5 Dungeon Magazine Scales of War #1
Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)

The guys head back to Fallcrest and are hailed as heroes, the citizens returned to the city each has a reward for one or more of the fellows- all of these rewards are little things, Mirtala cooks the gang a meal, Adronsius makes a few alchemical items, Zerriksa puts together a potion or two, Jelissa sleeps with Snatch- that kind of thing.

Eoffram, and the officials of Fallcrest are of course glad to have their relics back, they reward the PCs well- money and slaps on the back. The owner of the Nentir Inn also wades in with free board and lodge for a fortnight, the guys are feted in the bar every evening.

They love it.

But the days keep passing, and there are no new offers. Eoffram has a meeting with the guys and explains that he will be on the lookout for a way to employ the guys in other ventures- but nothing much comes of it.

Even after the guys have told the councilman Troyas what they saw through the portal- the shadar-kai, the army in the shadowfell, the vague threats of the Lords of Rivenroar- nothing.

Two months later the euphoria has faded forever, for Thug and Snatch the money has run out- the former goes back to his job on the docks, the later back to hunting in the surrounding wilds for furs and meat to sell to the merchants and buyers.

Chiggers is at pray most days in the temples and streets of the city- making converts, performing ceremonies and generally being a priest. Gargemel goes back to whatever it is that he does, possibly something slightly illegal, definitely something unsavoury, and Miss Teri… Miss Teri just disappears back in to the shadows.

The adventures of the Fallcrest Five, I just made that name up- we don’t have a name for these guys, continues in… [TO BE ADVISED].

See you there.

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