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Let's Make Some New Vestiges (Edge_of_Oblivion)


First Post
Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

Alright, PEACH time.

Lich Touch (Su): A successful touch attack may deal 1d8+5 points of negative energy damage that harms the living and heals undead. A Will save halves the damage.
Looks fine. Just a note, you don't need to list (Su)... ALL Binder abilities are considered Supernatural. It's unnecessary to list them. ;)

Paralysis (Su): You may make a touch attack that causes paralysis for 2d4 rounds. A Fort save negates. Once used, this cannot be used again for 5 rounds. You may not use this ability with the Lich Touch ability.
This is basically the same thing as Acererak, you may want to change or delete this to avoid overlap.

Dispelling Blast (Su): As the spell dispel magic, greater, but the range is 60 feet and it dispels everything within a 20 foot radius. This cannot be targeted on a single individual. Once used, this cannot be used again for 5 rounds.
This is fine.

Resistant Body (Su): Gain DR 5/magic, Fast Healing 3 and Spell Resistance equal to 10 + Binder level.
Also not bad.

Sign: The lower half of your face takes on a construct appearance
This is a bit vague... what exactly do you mean?

Maker’s Knowledge (Su): You gain a +5 bonus to all knowledge (architecture and engineering) checks. You also gain a +5 bonus to knowledge (arcana) checks when used for anything related to constructs. You may use these skills untrained. You are able to score critical hits on Constructs, and may negate any fortification on living constructs. (This does not negate fortification armour being worn by living constructs or any other creatures)
Nice. I don't think any current Vestige lets you crit Constructs - Kas lets you crit Undead, and I think that's it.

Maker’s Manifesto (Su): You may take control of any number of constructs or living constructs with total hit dice equal to 2 + your binder level. Living Constructs may have a will save to negate, normal constructs automatically fail. You automatically know if a construct may be affected by this ability before you use it. This ability works like command except that the targets don’t need to comprehend your language in order to comply. Once used, this cannot be used for the next 5 rounds
Not bad. The requirement for Construct only and the lack of a save for nonintelligent Constructs keeps it from simply overriding Naberious's Command.

Channel the Artificer (Su): You are able to make fast repairs to constructs. At will you may cast repair moderate damage. You may also cast cause moderate damage, which passes through any spell resistance and the target isn’t allowed a saving throw, though once used, it cannot be used for 5 rounds. Caster level = Binder level.
Not bad.

Angelic Skin (Su): Immune to petrification and gain resistance: Electricity 5, Fire 5

Angelic Protection (Su): Gain +2 AC vs attacks from evil creatures and +2 resistance bonus to all saves vs evil creatures

Solar Sight (Su): May use Detect Evil at will and See Invisibility once every 5 rounds. Also gain Darkvision for 60 feet
Not bad here.

Dark Taint (Su): Gains a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. If the creature already has a bite attack, increase it by 1 step. Only applies if you have manifested the sign.

Demonic Skin (Su): Gain DR 5/Magic
Also not bad, but this altogether seems very weak for a 4th-level Vestige... might want to consider pushing her down to 3rd.

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

[EDIT]This is Orchomenos, I wrote it from the computer of my friend, but forgot to log in!

I think you're missing my point. Binding is neither good nor evil. Tenebrous, Geryon, and Acererak (among others) did much, much worse things to the Multiverse than she did, and a good character can still bind with them and use their powers without penalty. So you can't just say "Well you're binding with her, you must be willing to do some evil for it" because Binding her is not evil.

That said, I still want you to explain to me how you would go about getting a woman to give you a drop of blood if you were playing a Good-aligned Binder. Remember, most people know very little about Binders and will assume you are some kind of mage or cleric (depending on how you're dressed). The lower-level Knowledge checks to learn what a Binder is refer to them as cultists and traffickers with "Strange Spirits", which most commoners and adventurers will associate with "Evil Outsiders". Asking someone for a drop of blood is like guaranteeing them that they'll be geased or cursed somehow, selling their soul to a demon or devil in exchange for power for yourself or something equally dastardly.
Hmm... Why would a Good character choose to become a binder if they are commonly associated with evil outsiders?

In fact, you're giving the answer in your question. "Binding is not evil. Yes, the Bloody Lady was evil when she was alive, but now, her mind is so altered that she's beyound good and evil; she's now a vestige. I can use her power to convince the evil Duke McMahon to drop his incredible taxes, and instead of investing in his army for the 5th year in a row, perhaps investing in agronomy, to help the peasans produce more weath and wealth. All she need is a drop of the blood from a maiden. Would you be the one that will save the whole population?"
That being said while presenting the small crystal cup with a little needle. And since a binder's charisma need to be high, the binder will have much less difficulties than myself to explain that! :p

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

[EDIT]This is Orchomenos, I wrote it from the computer of my friend, but forgot to log in!

Hmm... Why would a Good character choose to become a binder if they are commonly associated with evil outsiders?
In the case of my character, he was an Illumian paladin sent to investigate Pact Magic and find out if it was a threat to his people, and given the natural curiosity of Illumians the best way he found to test the danger of the process was to try it himself. There are a lot of reasons why a class normally viewed as "evil" by outsiders would be taken by a Good-aligned character who knows more about the class than the standard Commoner.

That said, refer to my above post, where I pointed out that I had been notified that it wouldn't be necessary to explain to a woman why I needed her blood, as mage shops sell vials of virgin's blood as spell components. I could just slide up to the shopkeeper and buy one and that would probably last me most of the rest of the campaign if all I needed was one drop per Binding. ;)

I believe this arguement is done. *stamp, shut, lock*

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

Come to think of it, you should revamped the whole "energy" concept. If your vestige is associated to light, why not give its binder a ray attack similar to searing light, except that the damage is equal to 1/2 the binder's level without limits ?
That's not a bad idea. Consider it used.

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

This power also allows the Binder to manifest the Lord of Light's mastery of energies as a ray of burning light, which is treated as the Searing Light spell, with Effective Binder Level used rather than caster level and without the damage limits. Once used it may not be used again for 5 rounds.
Now we're talking. Great job !

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

Okay, Orcho - I have one more complaint to point out about the Lady. The problem is the CHA Bonus. As is, it's untyped, meaning it stacks with everything, effectively raising the check on every ability the Binder uses by 2 points. The only other Vestige that boosts Binder abilities that way is Ipos, who only boosts them by 1 and is a 6th level Vestige. As that's Ipos's main ability, boosting CHA this way rather shoves him aside, which we've tried to avoid if at all possible. The only Vestiges who grant a +4 Bonus to any stat is +4 STR from Eligor (7th) and +4 DEX from Paimon (also a 3rd level, but no other Binder ability gets a bonus from a DEX boost).

There are several ways to fix this. First is to give the CHA bonus a type. If it's an Enhancement bonus, then it's a nice big +4 CHA, but it doesn't stack with the Cloak of Charisma or anything that the Binder probably owns. Second, instead of a straight bonus to CHA, it could instead be a bonus to CHA-based skills and checks. So your Bluff, Diplomacy, Binding checks, etc etc etc would still get a nice +2 boost, but you wouldn't be some ridiculous 'teh uber blaster'. Thirdly, the number could be reduced, or put on a scale - +2 now, +4 at a higher level. Or, lastly, the +4 bonus could be on the traditional 5-round timer, activated for a duration of one round as a free action or so, so you get a nice DC boost every now and then but, again, you aren't 'teh uber blaster'.

Just a few suggestions to finish this one up... the only other option I could think of would be to raise her level, but given the other abilities that doesn't really seem viable.

Originally posted by journeyman777:

I'll be playtesting these guys when I get the chance, but navigating this whole thread to explore my options is proving difficult. Do any of you have the skills to make an index for this?

BTW, is anyone considering making PrCs for the new vestiges (ala Scion of Dantalion)? I would love to see PrCs for a KH or FF themed binder.

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

I'm personally putting together a 5-level PrC for Binders using Schala and Lavos, it just needs a name and some flavor. :D

I can start working on an Index though, but I'll have to point out on some of the earlier-posted Vestiges some errors as I do. ;)

PS: Great new sig JM

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

How about Tiamat's sister and rival who was killed by Tiamat and spawned the Purple, Orange, and Yellow chormatic dragons? I think she might be an interestig vestige.
Someone suggested a Vestige be done of the sister of Tiamat, creator of the three other Chromatic Dragons (Orange, Yellow, Purple) from Dragon Compendium... that suggestion in conjunction with the Compendium and Races of Dragon allow me to bring you....

Walker of the Wheel

Vestige Level: 5th

Binding DC: 27

Special Requirement: Yes

Legend: Back when the Great Wheel had only finished his creation, Io the Nine-Fold Dragon took it upon himself to create the perfect being. His creation was a beloved young child who exemplified draconic perfection and beauty - a daughter he called Vorel, the Draconic word for "beautiful". However, as Io's focus has been on perfecting her physically, he unfortunately left her mind behind, leaving her with the intellect of a child. Although he loved and cherished Vorel, Io understood that her limited intelligence prevented her from ever becoming the perfect creature he wanted, and instead decided the most successful path would be to create two creatures diametrically opposed to one another and breed them to produce a child - offspring which would embody the perfection Io desired. Thus were Vorel's siblings born - her younger brother, Bahamut, and his twin, Tiamat.

Due to their differing personalities, Tiamat and Bahamut became rivals, competing in everything, but most of all competed for Io's favor. Meanwhile, Vorel remained ever loyal and ever loving, oblivious to the strife and hatred between her brother and sister. It was that loving, oblivious nature that sealed her doom, as cunning and cruel Tiamat saw in Vorel the very tool she needed to earn her father's respect and defeat her rival brother.

Tiamat tricked Vorel into destroying some of Bahamut's belongings, then lied to Io and told him the Platinum Dragon had been utterly enraged by the innocent little dragon's actions. Then, during the time the other dragons slept, Tiamat murdered Vorel and smeared her blood over Bahamut, his belongings, and his dwellings, expecting that her death would end in Bahamut's banishment or, better, his death. Instead, Io took the time to investigate and discovered the truth behind Tiamat's deception, and banished her instead. Enraged, Tiamat set about creating her own children of evil, and Bahamut - compelled to continue to oppose his evil rival - began to create children of good to oppose her. Left alone with two of his children beginning a neverending war and one brutally slain, Io was forced to wait patiently until Tiamat and Bahamut, somehow, produced the perfect offspring he desired.

Vorel, however, was not all gone. At the moment of her death and her betrayal at the claws of her sister, Vorel's blood and flesh was scattered to the earth below, much like that of the murdered Titan Chronos. A drop of her blood landed in a forest river, and there was born the first Orange Wyrmlings, male and female, the first of Vorel's unbidden children. A single scale was buried in the scorching desert sands, and from them emerged the first Yellow Wyrmlings, male and female, Vorel's second children; and a single claw fell through the sky for almost forever before coming to land on the ground as the first Purple Wyrmlings, male and female, her final children left on this world. Twisted by bitterness at the death of their "mother" and hunted by the chromatic children of Tiamat, Vorel's children turned to darkness and evil to ruthlessly survive, and thus earned equal enmity with their metallic cousins.

As for Vorel herself, the daughter and sister of gods but with a soul of innocence, she could not understand what had just happened. She did not understand the pain her body was going through. She did not understand why Tiamat, her beloved sister, was causing her suffering. She did not understand why the world around her was becoming dark and quiet as the pain grew greater and greater. As her soul departed from her shattered body, her confusion only grew greater. She tried to make her way around the world, following Bahamut and Tiamat silently and unseen as they left Io's presence and began giving life to children of their own. She saw the birth and formation of her own children, never understanding what they were or why they were so angry at their cousins. Confused, dead, and without direction, Vorel's soul wandered the world and the planes looking for an answer, and eventually got lost and strayed beyond known reality.

Manifestation: A large egg, the size of a human, appears within the seal. Strange, interesting patterns of purple, orange, and yellow swirl across its surface, constantly shifting and changing, forming a kaleidescope of color dancing across the egg's shell. Suddenly the shifting colors freeze in place, and the shell is riddled with cracks from top to bottom. From the top of the egg, black smoke like nighttime clouds begins to seep out of the cracks; from the middle sand begins to pour through them; and from the bottom water leaks out. The smoke rises up into the sky and dissipates, while the water and sand mix in the seal below. Eventually the egg cracks and begins breaking apart as the creature within hatches. Soon it has pulled itself free, revealing a small wyrmling-like creature, although unlike any known dragon. Vorel's scales are made from sand, and her wings from black smoke; and flowing beneath the sand, inside her "body", is water, which shows through best in her eyeless sockets and toungeless, toothless mouth. She blinks a few times before giggling softly, and addresses the Binder with the voice of a young girl, brightly and happily introducing herself and requesting their name. Vorel does not seem angry or bitter about becoming a Vestige; on the contrary, she seems quite happy and often remarks of how "it hurt once but now it doesn't hurt anymore".

Special Requirement: The Binder must have an ally who is a Dragon or a creature with the [Dragonblood] subtype. An ally is defined as any PC or NPC with an attitude of Helpful or better toward the Binder. Summoned Creatures do not count, nor do creatures under the effects of Charm, Dominate, or Intimidate. Or, as an alternative, Vorel will answer the call of a Binder learned in historical lore, as long as he has at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (History).

Sign: Parts of your body change color to match the fallen body of Vorel which spawned her children. Your fingernails or claws turn purple, the skin over your temples turns yellow, and your blood becomes orange.

Influence: You greatly value the company of others, particularly of your own race or of Draconic origin. You dislike being alone, and if forced to do so will seek out others.

Granted Abilities: Despite her friendly demeanor and gentle Influence, Vorel's granted powers reflect the strengths she unwillingly granted to her Draconic children. She gives the Binder the powers and strengths of Orange, Purple, and Yellow Dragons.

Vicious Frenzy: The Binder gains the Ferocity ability.

Aerial Superiority: Vorel grants the Binders with the ability to take to the skies in flight improved speed and manuverability. You gain the feats Improved Flight and Rapid Flight (from Races of Faerun), as well as the feat Wingover (from Monster Manual) for the duration of the time you are bound to her. Vorel does not grant the Binder flight - he or she must find another way to gain the ability to fly.

Precognitive Cunning: Once every five rounds, the Binder may take his normal action for the round at a different time than his Initiative, as per the psionic power Anticipatory Strike (from Complete Psionic). In subsequent rounds, their place in the Initiative order does not change - they change the time you act for the round in which they activate this power only. The Binder can take a standard action and a move action, just as they could if they were taking their action at their normal place in the Initiative order. This power cannot be activated if the Binder is flat-footed.

Explosive Slime: The Binder may conjure a ball of sticky, slimy semiliquid material and throw it at opponents. If the Ranged Touch Attack hits, the target becomes soaked in the sticky compound. Two rounds later, the mixture explodes in a blast of flame, damaging the soaked victim as well as those nearby. The explosion deals 4d10 damage to the soaked victim (no save) and to all creatures within 5 feet of him (Reflex save for Half). For every 3 levels of Binder, this attack deals an extra 1d10 damage and reaches an extra 5 feet with the burst. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for five rounds.

Salt Breath: The Binder may breathe a cone of salt that binds to creatures within its area. A Reflex save allows affected creatures to avoid being covered by the salt. Creatures affected by the breath weapon take 4d6 bludgeoning damage per blast, plus 1d6 for every 3 levels of Binder, plus cumulative penalties based on how many saves they have failed against the breath weapon before. For every failed save, a creature takes a -2 penalty on attacks, AC, Reflex saves, and Strength-, Dexterity-, and Constitution-based skill checks, as well as a -10 penalty on speed; a creature reduced to speed 0 cannot move, and flying creatures at speed 0 fall to the ground. After 10 minutes, the effects wear off as the salt falls from the victim's body; in addition, the salt can be removed by applying a gallon of water (or water-based liquid) per failed save versus the breath weapon to wash the salt off.

Violet Bane: Once every five rounds, the Binder may either summon a deadly blade of energy or create a burst of blinding power. If the blade option is chosen, the Binder releases an energy blade from their dominant hand that glows dark violet and crackles loudly with energy. Any weapons or items the Binder was holding in this hand are dropped when the blade is created. The blade deals 2d10 points of damage, but the Binder may not add their Strength bonus to the damage because the blade is made of energy. The blade ignores all physical barriers, allowing the Binder to make touch attacks to strike its foes. The blade dissipates at the end of the Binder's action. If the burst option is chosen, the Binder chooses a point within Short range (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) from which the burst eminates; from that point a blinding blast of purple energy explodes, damaging all creatures within 10 feet of the origin of the blast. All creatures within range take 4d10 points of damage and must make a Fortitude save or be blinded for 10 rounds. For every 3 levels of Binder, both the blade and the burst deal an extra 1d10 damage, and the range on the burst is increased by 5 feet.

PEACH, as always. :D

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

Index of Custom Vestiges

Level 1

Athelas - Prince of Hope
Bartleby - The Scrivener
Belias - The Gigas
Botis - The Maker Unmade
Charn - The Hare
Chinua - The Wolf
Felistrius - Walking Nightmare
Hanasa - Butterfly in the Willows
Junlee - The Champion
Kurou - The Once and Future Magius
Nemu - The Charcoal Feather
Nephenee - Seed of Wrath
Pevak - The Stone Worm
Quasimodo - The Bellringer
Ral - The Flower of Peace
Sol - The Blue Redeemer
Ultros - Squid Supreme
Winifred - Sacrifice of Curiosity
Xaxox - What Lies Beyond
Zepar - The Time Mummy

Level 2
Alcohol - Bearer of Ambrosia
Amidamaru - The Bloody Blade
Anagravia - The All-Encompassing Hand
Ara-Mar - The Flitcher in the Necropolis
BazRorInSi - The Four who became One
Chessurra - The Godless Lord
Davi - The Trickster
Dorun - The Mountain
Eltharud - The Avenging Familiar
Furtur - The Thunder and the Storm
Gantifax - The Master Maker
Guison - The Man Who Knew
Hale - Master Healer
Larstun - Consumed Vermin Master
Link - Hero of Time
Linnel - The Accordion Player
Lokesh - The Blind Seer
Nahum - The Last of Color Touched
Nekone - Unlucky Catgirl
Nevharath - Last Thought
Octopi - The Cocky
Remarro - The Candid Canvas
Rimpit - The Frog
Schala - Zeal's Heart
Sindalla - The Cat Queen
Sitri - Prince of the Restless
Solovem - The Honorable Apprentice
Shiyumi - Failure in Darkness
The Knights Who Say Ni - Keepers of The Sacred Words
Vaestum - Brother of Vision
Vulnan - The Smith
Yorinaga - The Black Wave
??? - The Fool
??? - The Emperess

Level 3
Agnescott - The Black Annis
Apollyon - The Proud Brought Low
Armant - The Martyr's Martyr
Bandelaros - The Soul Thief
Beldinas - The Forsaken Priest
Countess Elizabeth - The Bloody Lady
Data - The Eternal Student
Decarabia - Rapacious Spy
Dormin - Shadow of the Colossus
EbonAspect - Misplaced Faith
Ethane - Evermore
Frigere - The Darkness Within
Flux - Lord of Shapechangers
Fujiko - Skydaughter
Gamigin - The Inexorable
Hacim - King of Backstabbers
Hessesselen - Lord of Steam
Hyde - The Alter-Ego
Iyachtu Xvim - The Godson Discarded
Jhondrol Var - Spirit of Elemental Wonder
Kalak - The Fallen King
Khellias - The Painbound
Kyuss - The Wormgod
Leisor - The Lifefont
Maanzecorian - Keeper of Secrets
Myung - The Bright Sohei
Nathos - Grandmaster Technician
Neryssys, - Last Quintessential Mistresses
Quivlain - Singer of the Dead
Raistlin - Master of Past and Present
Saamneel - The Arrogant Totem
Scyllea - All-Mother
Seklas - The Lost
Signum - The Cloud Knight
Sirrius and Achenar - The Bookbound Brothers
Starscream - The Ever Spark
Sussurus - Speaker of the Silence
Thran - Leader of the Pack
Vector Prime - Preserver of Time
Vexus - Cursed Existance
Void - The Forgotten Race
Watashiwa - Cross of Existence
WolfStar - The False Prophet
Yrosfayo - King of the Wild
????? - The Unnamed Efreet

Level 4
Aeon - Guardian of Time
Aoskar - The Flayed God
Ashlyn - Leech in the Lifestream
Bhrigus - The Storm that Walks
Blaine - The Terror Train
Celinia - Fallen Angel
Cheel - Aussir Vorastrix
Chitnaz - The Brood Queen
Domblast - The Storm behind the Veil
Eid - Winter's Life
Furtur - The Scoundrel
Gazaeodos - The Caller of Chaos
Goetia - The Vestige's Seal
Hedorah - Divine Vengeance
Homsar - The Human Wedgie
Ifrit - The Infernal Esper
Kolomaq - Beast of the Snows
Janilso - The Relentless
Jershio - Brother of Seals
Kolomaq - Beast of the Snows
K'yorl - Dark Betrayer
Leirus - Heritor of the Deathstalker
Makoma - The Greater
Mana - The Dark Magician Girl
Marbas - The Plague
Masamune - The Dream in Steel
Medivh - The Last Guardian
Midna - The Twilight Princess
Mortaske - Caller in the Bleak
Nexnemus - Warped Nature
Nicholas - Saint of Generosity
Nicomas - The Undying
Nodens - Lord of the Great Abyss
Ordion - The Ever-Dying
Oriphal - Last of the First
Ose- The Madman
Recanne - The Hollowed Puppetteer
Samara - The Unwanted Child
Sitri (V2) - The Padishah of Passion
Soth - Knight of the Black Rose
Van Gorp - Lord of Flies
Vapula - The All-Competent Duke
Vassago - The Weak Strand
Vast-Ra'Hul - Progenitor of a Warrior Race
Vepar - Dutchess of Waves
Xuchilbara - The Red Pyramid
Yorrish - The Tragic
Zelda - The Devoted Ruler
????? - The Scarred Lovers

Level 5
Ahrenitep - Keeper of the Sanctum
Alexiel - The Organic Angel
Alinys and Gracediana - Ashes of Magic
Alocer - The Grounded Titan
Anrakki - Shattered Soul
Aribeth - The Unjudged
Awrous - The Black Cauldron
Balor - The Evil Eye
Baron Sami - Lord of the Spirit Island
Battleplate - Remains of Construct
Calibur - Sword of the God-King
Cayfell - The Caring Guardian
Chiurses - The Writhing Womb
Cthulhu - High Priest of the Old Ones
CyberController - The Perfectly Inhuman
Czernobog - The Tide of Woe
Daeriel - The Dauntless Body
Despair - Of the Endless
Dorian Grey - The Portrait of Youth
Elphaba - The Wicked Witch
Faint - The Thief of Knowledge
Flansburgh - The Guitarist
Gofuin - Prisoner of the Four and None
Gearfried - The Iron Knight Swordmaster
Ignus - The Smoldering Corpse
Ithaqua - The Wind Walker
Ixashyz - Chaos Unbound

Labac - Scion of the Flame
Leto - The God-Emperor
Namine - Memory Stealer
Necronomicon - Book of Dead Names
Nemo - The Dream Master
Nybbas - Prince of Information
Mahasamatman - The Lord of Light
Mirot - The Silted One
Moander - The Darkbringer
Myrocherakyro - The Lost Creation
Ossein - Revenant of the Core
Pangloss - The Perfected Philosopher
Prat - Craven Companion
Pyrrhus - Victor's Price
Rahovart - Guide to Hell
Ranag - The Deciever
Shub-Niggurath - Black Goat of the Woods
Siren - The Esper Songstress
Skarn - The Child Enigma
Valmar - The Incomplete Archdevil
Vorel - Walker of the Wheel
Wazuki - Penumbra of Predestination
Wymitanuk - Beast in the Wind
?????? - The Foolish Druid

Level 6
Alacritus - The Speed of Light
Alastor - The Speed in the Sword
Amaros - The Betrayed Lord
Astaroth - The Mighty Duke
Axel - Flurry of Dancing Flames
Bathin - The Doctor Without Borders
Black Host
Bulwark - The Lord of Blades
Elrich - He Who Glimpsed Truth
Erzham - Brother of Destruction
ExDeath - Envoy of Oblivion
Demyx - The Melodious Nocturne
Furfur - The Voice in The Storm
Gaap - The Starved
Ganon - The King of Evil
Ghidorah - The Zero King
Gilgamesh - The Tyrant
Glycon - The Miracle Monger
Hastur - The Unspeakable One
Ilthyeo - Child of the Flower

Jadis - The White Witch
Kathron - The Sacrifice of Duty
Kil'nadan-Gorth - Inevitably Immortal
Larxene - The Savage Nymph
Lexaeus - The Silent Hero
Luxord - The Gambler of Fate
Mahad - The Dark Magician
Malagarde - The Hag Countess
Marluxia - The Graceful Assassin
Naphia - The Forlorn Lady
Nelinn Zodo - The Cosmic Politan
Nyarlathotep - The Crawling Chaos
Ourar - Mother Ocean
Reshar - The Ninefold Prince of Blades
Reya - Scion of the Jade Phoenix
RX66Y - Entropy's Exile
Samael - The Poison of God
Second Circle - Equinox of the Twelve
Shiva - The Frozen Esper
The Spirit of Vengance - Avenger of the Innocent
Tulzscha - The Green Flame
Vexen - The Chilly Academic
Xaldin - The Whirlwind Lancer
Xigbar - The Freeshooter
Zeromus - The Hatred Made Flesh
Zexion - The Cloaked Schemer

Level 7
Alhazred - The Mad Arab
Asteroth - The Unyielding
Attis - the Undying Defender
Barbatos - Nascent Nobility
Bokonon - The Liar
Cinder - Fallen Spirit of Fire
Cybele - Nature's Maiden
Duruth - The Shunted Sanity
Efnisien - The Bastard Prince of Shadows
Jo Pistachio - The Digital Lich
Karr - Clarion Commander
Kisara - The Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Kurosaki - The Warrior Divided
Lews-Therin - Lord of the Morning
Lina - The Dragon Spooker
Lucky Dime - My Number One
Millennia Antares - Celestial Saint
The Nameless One
Prester-John - The Distant Savior
Pyramid Head - Harvester of Souls
Qalael - The Flightless Archangel
Ranet - The Embers of a Goddess
Rook - The Face in the Flesh
Sephiroth - The One-Winged Angel
Sin-Eater - Vessel of Corruption
Spinal Tap - The Shark Sandwich
Ungaran - The Mountain with a Heart of Fire
Valefor - The Unwritten Word
Villacroix - Lord of Vengeance
Xemnas - The Superior
Zarall - Infuser of All

Level 8
Aegaea - Our Maiden Who Slumbers
Ainmo - The Small Gods
Amon - The Light Rekindled
Anima - The Suffering That Binds
Aura - The Will of the World
Chaos - Father of All and Nothing
Dalek - Su-preme Ru-ler of the Un-i-verse
Dark Seraphim - Slayer of Gods
D’Arr Kayne - The Spellfire Paragon
Dyr - Heart of Ice
Erekosë - The Champion Eternal
Exodia - The Forbidden One
First Circle - Dawn of the Twelve
Glasya Labolas - The Blood Shame
Helios - The Grand Star
Ion - Guardian of the Universe
Jedi - One with the Force
Jexrul - The Soul of Hell
Kaldar - Tainted Master
Kefka - He Who Was Three
Lavos - The Falling Flame
Lum - The Mad
Lobo - The Main Man
Los - The Crimson King
Lydia - The Dark Princess
Marbas - The Warper and Weaver
Mercuralex - The Alchemistic Adept
Mordevous - Undead Unraveled
Morpheus - Lord of the Dreaming
Mulhoon - The Tides of Time
Omni - The Seventh and Tenth
Phistalamis - The Aerial Battlemaster
Rufo - Spurned Vessel of Chaos
Sauron - The Burning Eye
Ta-Ammet the Forbidden - Shadow of the End
Talos - The Bronze Giant
Thallos - The Rogue Lord
Tharizdun - He of Eternal Darkness
The Tenth - Who Never Was
Third Circle - Dusk of the Twelve
Torvec - The Force that Moves
Vader - The Dark Side
Vontavius - The Doomed One
Yurla - Mother Moon
Zero - The Revolution
??? - The Herald

Unleveled Vestiges
Yonar - The River
Lorranyn - Bringer of Feathered Death
Jamie - The Empty Child
TWiTCHY - Lord of All Things Caffiene
Abturia - City of Walls
Airutera - Island of Lands

Shixal - Oblivion's Judge
Jude - The Apostle
Francis - The Poor
Luffy - King of the Pirates
Megatron - Supreme Leader
Mentok - The Mind-Taker
Kotnem - The Thought-Guardian

Level X (AKA Joke Vestiges or Alternate Vestige Systems)
Pun-Pun - Lord of the Powergamers
X-Men Vestiges
ASCII - Written Lord of Language
Golden Sun Vestige System
Banjo - Avatar of Puppets
Chuck Norris. 'Nuff Said.
Kang and Kodos - The Twins
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Vestiges
Elemental Heroes
Sebastian Deathbane - Vampire of the Hourglass (Epic)
PrC: The Gigantic Bard
Template: Servant of the Black Host

Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

Muns, the Sin-Eater (link in title)

Level: 7

Binding DC 29

Special Requirement: Yes

Legend: The Sin-Eater was a man who performed rituals to absolve the dead of their sins. He would eat food that was laid upon the dead and so symbolically take the sins of the deceased upon himself. The religions of the time condemned this practice and forced it to be done in secret.

In time, the Sin-Eater took unto himself great wickedness. He came to reflect the sins he consumed, both in his appearance and his deeds. When he died he faced the god who judged the dead and was cast away for his presumption. Now he is a vestige who grants binders the power of the evil he absorbed.

Special Requirements: The binder must place six silver coins and something edible in the Sin-Eater’s seal. The food is consumed but the coins remain. In addition, the Sin-eater will not answer the call of a binder who has levels in a divine spellcasting class.

Manifestation: The Sin-Eater appears as a disheveled man covered with scabs and open sores. He eats the food and pockets the coins left in his seal while the binder makes the pact. Usually he says nothing. On occasion he will tell the binder about the sins of others, even the binder’s own sins. Sometimes he speaks truly about the sins of others, sometimes not. He always tells the truth about the binder’s sins.

Sign: The binder is covered with scabs and open sores. He looks disheveled no matter what he wears.

Influence: The binder believes that everyone is a sinner. The binder resents clerics and paladins. He will not aid them unless it would endanger him to not do so.

Granted Abilities: The Sin-Eater gives a binder some of the evil he absorbed from the souls of the damned. He can also inflict the weight of these sins on others.

Wrath: The binder can add the Violate Spell feat to any one power granted by any vestige he is bound to. Alternately, the binder can choose to have any melee damage he inflicts with one specific weapon be treated as vile damage. The binder must choose which version to use when he binds the Sin-Eater and cannot change it later.

Pride: After a binder succeeds in an attack, saving throw or skill check he is filled with pride. This grants him a +1 morale bonus to all subsequent checks for the time this vestige is bound. All three types of rolls can be affected this way.

Envy: The binder is extremely jealous of what others have and what they can do. He can use the feats of any humanoid he sees even if he does not meet the prerequisites for it. He can only duplicate one feat at a time. If he decides to change a copied feat he immediately loses the one he is mimicking and must wait five rounds to copy another.

Sloth: Ray of Exhaustion, once per five rounds.

Greed: The binder gains 10 ranks in Appraise and Sleight of Hand.

Gluttony: The binder gains the Scavenging Gullet feat. Also, any taint that the binder aquires while showing the Sin-Eater's sign is removed when the pact ends.

Charm Person at will. This can only be used in a non-hostile situation. Someone who makes the saving throw cannot be affected by subsequent attempts for 24 hours.


Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

This one is based on Papa-Doc Duvalierof Haiti, who claimed to wield the power of the Loa.

Sami, Father of the Spirit Island

Level: 5

Binding DC: 24

Legend: Sami ruled an island nation that was famous for the spirits that dwelt among its people. His subjects referred to him as "father" or "Papa-Doc" in their native language. Sami wielded great power, both temporal and spiritual. He reigned longer than a normal man could live, thanks to his command of magic.

Sami protected his nation from its more powerful neighbors. He entered alliances with foreign kings and played his enemies against eachother. He made himself rich this way. His people did not benefit from his wealth or from his power.

Ultimately the spirits abandoned Sami and he died. Some say he tried to live on through his young son. But the son never displayed any of the power that his father commanded. This lead many to believe that Baron Sami had failed in his attempt to pass his soul into his son. They say that is why he is now a vestige.

Special Requirements: The binder must pour a pinto alcohol and place burning tobacco onto Sami's seal.

Manifestation: Sami appears as a finely dressed man with dark skin and white hair. Drums play in the background as he appears. When Sami speaks smoke comes from his mouth.

Sign: Smoke issues from the binder's nose and mouth at all times, as if he is smoking a cigar. The smell of the smoke remains in an area for one hour after he leaves it. Creatures with the scent ability gain a +8 bounus to track the binder if they know of the connection between the binder and the smell.

Influence: Sami's cunning makes the binder very secretive and sef-protective. The binder is cannot volunteer information about himself and must evade direct questions or lie. In addition, the binder will not reveal the extent of his powers unless he has to.

Granted Abilities: Sami gives binders powers of necromany and charms.

Animate Dead:The binder can cast Animate Dead once for every four effective binder levels. The undead last as long as Sami is bound. They crumble to dust afterward. The binder can do this once every five rounds. The binder must show Sami's sign to use this power.

Remember Nothing: The binder can cast the Forget spell at will.

Father Wills it: Suggestion, as the spell, once per five rounds.

Father Endures:Sami grants +2 to saving throws against necromancy and charm effects.

Papa's Displeasure: If the binder knows the name of the victim or has a possession from the victim he can cast Bestow Curse from one mile away. Blood, skin and hair count as possessions of the victim and impose a -1penalty on the save. If The binder does not know the victim's name or have a possession he can only bestow a curse as a touch attack. This can be done once per five rounds. The binder must show Sami's sign to use this power.

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

PEACH as requested.

The Sin-Eater is great, although I would suggest giving him a name, and making "The Sin-Eater" his title. There's just one problem - the Wrath ability. As Binders are supposed to not have any alignment requirements, their abilities should not cause them to change alignments. Casting an [Evil] Spell is an Evil act, which results in an alignment shift.

Alright, onto the Baron. His Speak With Dead power overrides that of Acererak, who is also a level 5 Vestige, and grants Speak With Dead once every 5 rounds. It needs to be removed or changed to prevent overlap with Acererak.

What is Forget? Please explain. I'm not familiar with a spell by that name.

His bonus against Necromancy and Charm needs a name.

Lastly, he needs a title, as Vestiges must be called by name and title in the presence of their seal.

Otherwise, I'll add your two Vestiges to the directory.

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

Yet another... this one posted on behalf of Journeyman, as he hates to do his own typing. ;) Also this gets rid of yet another of the Goetia demons from our list. :D

Prince of the Restless


Vestige Level: 2nd

Binding DC: 20

Special Requirement: Yes

Legend: Sitri, long ago, was an elven wizard much like any other. He was a curious sort, especially in the realm of the workings of magic. During his research, he encountered wizards of other races, most notably humans. From them, Sitri learned of a magical realm known as the Dreamscape, the Realm of Slumber.

As an elf, Sitri did not sleep nor dream. His human colleagues' descriptions of the Dreamscape, of the way magic operated differently there, of how it could be traversed, these all enthralled him, and fueled the wizard's curiosity. Sitri vowed to find a way to explore the Dreamscape himself, and sought for years to find a way to reach that strange place. Eventually he found a way, and cursed himself for not seeing such an obvious answer immediately - he used his magic to transform himself into a human, albeit all too temporarily.

As a human, Sitri allowed himself to drift to sleep for the first time in his long life. There he entered the Dreamscape. This magnificent place of fantasies and nightmares invigorated him, and he explored every one of its twisting paths he could find. While he lost track of time, the spell on Sitri's sleeping body ended, returning him to elven form. No longer capable of sleep, his body awoke, but without Sitri's dreaming self.

Now unable to return to the world of the waking, Sitri could do nothing but continue to wander the endless realm of the Dreamscape. Soon his beloved dream world became one of Nightmares, horrors that only lived within the mind became all too real for the trapped elf. He continued to stray, wandering deeper and deeper into the lands of slumber... until he became as unreal as the dream land he inhabited.

Manifestation: A large, white ball, approximately five feet in diameter, descends from the sky above the seal. The ball rotates a bit in place once it reaches the seal, then a line across its center appears. The ball opens, much like an eye opening, revealing inside what appears to be a sleeping young male elf. His hair and clothing are disheveled and he even seems to be snoring slightly. After a few moments he sits up, although his eyes do not open and his chest continues to slowly rise and fall with the even breathing of slumber. "Have you come to wake me," he asks without opening his eyes, "or to join me?" Throughout the Binding, Sitri's eyes never open, nor does his breathing ever quicken, although he moves from a sleeping position to sitting in the center of the ball, facing the Binder.

Special Requirement: The Binder must not have slept within the last 24 hours before calling Sitri. Furthermore, he will not answer the call of a Binder who is bound to TWiTCHY, nor will he allow a Binder bound to him to call TWiTCHY.

Sign: Your breathing becomes deep and regular, as if you were sleeping comfortably. This sign shows despite your race.

Influence: You become averse to physical exertion, disliking any form of physical activity that takes longer than a few minutes. You prefer leisurely activities that involve little to no physical activity at all. If given a choice to rest or to continue whatever you were doing before, you always choose the former.

Granted Abilities: Sitri's powers allow the Binder control over sleep and the ability to enter the Dreamscape.

Called to Slumber: The Binder emits a constant Aura that reaches 5 feet per Binder level. All creatures within this Aura (including the Binder) are made vulnerable to Sleep effects, regardless of race or Hit Die. The only exception to this rule is creatures with the [Mindless] trait. For example, an elf within the Aura would lose his racial immunity to Sleep effects, but a Zombie or an Insect would still be immune.

Hypnos's Touch: With a touch, the Binder can cause a creature to drift into a peaceful slumber. As a standard action, the Binder may make a Melee Touch Attack against any target, which must then succeed on a Will save or fall asleep for a number of rounds equal to your EBL. Also, every five rounds the Binder may choose instead to emit the touch as an Area of Effect, forcing all creatures within his Aura (see above) to make a Will save or fall asleep; this includes the Binder himself.

Restless Slumber: The Binder retains some awareness of his surroundings while sleeping, and may make move actions while asleep. He is also not considered helpless while sleeping, and retains his full DEX bonus to AC unless it would otherwise be denied him.

Enter the Dreamscape: While sleeping, the Binder may freely enter and exit his own Dreamscape. Furthermore, he may enter a special type of combat with a sleeping enemy while he himself is asleep. The Binder selects a single sleeping opponent, and the two enter the Dreamscape together. Inside the Dreamscape, the two are able to continue combat as if they were awake. If either combatant is awakened or dies, both exit the Dreamscape, although the other combatant remains asleep if they still are so until awakened or the sleep effect ends. All damage dealt in the Dreamscape (both to the Binder and to his opponent) is converted non-lethal damage at the point where the two opponents leave the Dreamscape. The Dream Selves of both the Binder and his opponent retain their equipment, but no ongoing magical effects.

Mastery of Dreams: While bound to Sitri, the Binder gains the Dreamtelling feat, as well as the ability to successfully target offensive abilities at a target's Dream Self rather than their physical form, transforming all damage from such attacks into nonlethal damage. This effect only functions on creatures that both sleep and dream. Only effects that target a single creature or a certain number of creatures can benefit from this effect. You cannot apply this to effects that target an Area.

Originally posted by lord_yy:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present my latest vestige, from the annals of Planescape!

Aoskar: The Flayed God
Vestige Level: 4
Binding DC: 26
Special Requirement: No

Legend: Aoskar was once the God of Portals, and the second-most well known
resident of Sigil, the City of Doors. Aoskar's divine portfolio allowed him
to gain unparalleled respect within Sigil, and many of its residents held him
in regard above Sigil's protector, the Lady of Pain. The Lady herself paid no
mind to the Portal God, until one day when one of her followers, a Dabus known
as Fell, turned his back on the Lady and took up the mantle of the priesthood
under Aoskar. What happened next is unprecedented, as the Lady instantly flayed
Aoskar and banished all of his followers to her Mazes. What little remained of
Aoskar's body floated on the Astral Plane, and everyone presumed that the god
had been killed. The truth is worse. Within the Mazes they had been banished to,
the followers of Aoskar prayed for the portal that would lead them to freedom,
their prayers keeping the Portal God from slipping into oblivion. Stripped of
his powers and unable to do anything to help, Aoskar could do nothing but
behold as his followers gradually turned away from him, one by one, until he
only existed as a Vestige, an example of what happens to those who cross the
Lady of Pain.

Manifestation: Upon finishing the summoning, the area within the seal is
filled with glittering, glinting blades, the sound of flesh being cut and
scraped away unpleasantly audiable, along with the sounds of agonized
screaming. As quickly as they appear, the blades vanish, leaving the form of
Aoskar, barely recognizable as anything he was depicted as, standing in a pile
of flayed patches of his own flesh. Only then does he speak, his voice that of
a depressed, broken man, occasionally punctuated with a sob or agonized groan
as another blade materializes and cuts away another chunk of flesh.

Sign: Numerous small patches of scar tissue appear on your body, as if chunks
of your skin had been flayed off and allowed to heal.

Influence: When bound to Aoskar, you gain an aversion to blades used to cut
flesh. When given a choice between a weapon that deals Slashing damage or
any other sort of damage, you must pick the one that deals non-slashing

Granted Abilities: Aoskar grants you powers related to what originally
attracted his mortal followers to him in the first place, giving you power
over portals both magic and mundane.

Portalsense: You instantly become aware of any magical portals or secret doors
within 30 feet of your location. You are capable of instantly pinpointing the
location of the door or portal, and once you have detected anything with this
sense, you retain knowledge of its location as long as you are within one mile
of it. There is no limit to the amount of portals and doors you can be aware
of simultaneously using Portalsense.

Mastery of Doors: You may use Hold Portal, Open/Close, Knock, and Arcane
Lock, as the spells, at will. Caster level is equal to your EBL.

Analyze Portal: You may use Analyze Portal, as the spell, once every five
rounds. Caster Level is equal to your EBL.

Instant Portal: Once per day, you may use the power of Aoskar to create a
portal to somewhere in the multiverse. Doing so takes one minute, and the
binder must start over if he is interrupted. The portal is subject to failure
in the same way as the Teleport spell, but the Binder is unaware of wether
the portal leads where he wants it to or not until he steps through it.
Initially, the portal may only lead to an area within 500 miles of the Binder,
but at level 13, it may lead to anywhere on the same plane, and to anywhere
on any plane at level 18. The portal lasts for one round per two Binder levels,
or until the Binder decides to close it.
P.E.A.C.H plz.

On another note, has anyone else thought of "Borrowing" one of the Goetic
Seals for their vestige? At this point we probably have enough vestiges to
take up all the seals several times over, but unless an artist steps forward
willing to create new ones...

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

We could, but I've been saving them for actually making Vestiges from them, myself. If given the time I could make more (like I did for RX66Y) but as you can see from the index, that's a darn lot of Vestiges.

Anyway, PEACH.

The biggest gripe I have is the Create Portal. You get access to 4th level Vestiges at something around 8th level, and there's no way to access a planar portal at that level. I personally would have it scale - start out limited to within 500 miles or so, then scale up to anywhere on the same plane, then extend to some of the closer planes, then finally at something like level 18 or so include the remaining planes.

Good otherwise *thumbs up*

Originally posted by lord_yy:

I think I may have miswriten the description of Create Portal. The idea is that the portal is supposed to send you to a random place in the multiverse, unknown even to the creator of the portal until he steps through it. As for the creating of seals for other vestiges, you don't have to do them for all of them... Maybe just mine? :D

Originally posted by Ryuu_Tenshi:

PEACH as requested.

The Sin-Eater is great, although I would suggest giving him a name, and making "The Sin-Eater" his title. There's just one problem - the Wrath ability. As Binders are supposed to not have any alignment requirements, their abilities should not cause them to change alignments. Casting an [Evil] Spell is an Evil act, which results in an alignment shift.

Alright, onto the Baron. His Speak With Dead power overrides that of Acererak, who is also a level 5 Vestige, and grants Speak With Dead once every 5 rounds. It needs to be removed or changed to prevent overlap with Acererak.

What is Forget? Please explain. I'm not familiar with a spell by that name.

His bonus against Necromancy and Charm needs a name.

Lastly, he needs a title, as Vestiges must be called by name and title in the presence of their seal.

Otherwise, I'll add your two Vestiges to the directory.
I'm -fairly- sure it makes a target lose his next action - "forget" what he was doing. I'm not sure, however, as this was based on the way my wild mage survived being killed by a blackguard in a 2e game (this was on a surge. I got lucky. blackguard was controlling a death knight... forgot to maintain control. death knight attacked him. I fled. >>; )

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

Hmm. If you can find that in a 3.0 or 3.5 book I'd just reference the book, otherwise for ease of those who don't know 2E (like me) I'd write out the description of the effect - does it get a save? Is it a touch? Mind-affecting? Does it scale any?

I think I may have miswriten the description of Create Portal. The idea is that the portal is supposed to send you to a random place in the multiverse, unknown even to the creator of the portal until he steps through it.
No, you got that across fine. However, let's say they combined this Vestige with the Vestige I posted for WolfStar, with Augury once every hour, or had a Cleric friend with lots of incense and lots of memorized Augury. They could just do the following:

1. Create Portal.
2. Activate Augury.
3. Wait an hour and start over if you get a "Woe" or no response, step through portal if you get a "Weal" or "Weal and Woe" response.
4. Repeat as necessary for free successful ride to another plane.

If this is what you intended, then it needs to be longer than 1 round or the Binder will be leaving his party behind. If not, then it needs to be altered some other way to prevent planar travel long before a Wizard would get their hands on it.

Without this trick, what is the point of this Vestige? You're practically guaranteeing to write your Binder out of the campaign with this the majority of the time. If the entire party goes, more likely than not that's going to be the last session of the campaign, as you just dumped your party into an unknown plane that you may not be able to survive on (Elemental Plane of Fire is a tame example) with no way back. Without any way to identify where you're headed, that particular ability of this Vestige would never be used without Augury or some other way to identify its destination, and between Schala and Otiax and a Cleric with Portal Domain to handle Portalsense you can probably cover everything else this Vestige does.

Originally posted by lord_yy:

Okay, you've made your point. I'll rewrite the ability.

Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

I made some of the changes to both vestiges.

I am having difficulty thinking of something to replace the Sin-Eater's Wrath ability. Also, I am not completely sold on the charm power for Lust. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

I will also try to think of something else for Baron Sami.

Thanks for the help.

I will try to post some other vestiges.

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

Hmm. Perhaps instead of granting the benefits of a Metamagic feat (since Binders do not cast spells unless they multiclass Wiz/Sorc and go for Anima Mage or multiclass Cleric/BGuard and go for Tenebrous Apostate), how about granting the Berserker's Deathless Frenzy ability and Frenzy or Rage a few times a day? Makes for great melee capability, and how better to describe "Wrath" than wanton, reckless destruction?

Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

I was thinking of something to reflect the evil that the Sin-Eater had absorbed over his life. Raging might be a good idea for this. I want to include something to augment the spell-like abilities of binder who use this vestige. Perhaps, something like mortal-bane applied to them would be better.

I will decide on this soon.


Originally posted by journeyman777:

Mortalbane looks good. Nice catch.

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

I agree, Mortalbane applied to their other Vestige abilities works for Wrath. Go for it. :D

Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

Last one for today. As always, P.E.A.C.H.

Prester-John, the Distant Savior

Level: 7

Binding DC: 30

Special Requirement: Yes

Legend: Many nations spoke of Prester John, often by different names. He was depicted as a king of a distant land who guarded many powerful relics looked over the entire world with his enchanted mirror.

The legends held that Prester John would lead an army to relieve the righteous nations who were under siege by evil. Most scholars state that the fervent belief of so many people created the vestige of Prester John.

Manifestation: Prester John appears as a regal man of late years sitting on an ornate throne. He is dressed in kingly regalia. A large mirror stands near him.

Prester -John speaks in a booming voice that is clear to all nearby. He asks what the binder intends to do with the power he seeks. Prester-John demands that the binder state the names of his enemies whom he will use these powers against. The binder must speak loudly, clearly and honestly to bind this vestige.

Special Requirement: Prester John will not answer the call of a binder who is now bound to or has bound the following vestiges in the last 24 hours: Amon, Acererak, Geryon, The Sin-Eater or Tenebrous.

Sign: The binder's hair turns white and his voice takes on a booming quality. The binder cannot whisper.

Influence: The binder always makes his presence known. He cannot whisper and will not disguise himself. He will not lie about his identity or intentions so the binder cannot make bluff checks for these purposes. He can, however, exaggerrate the position he is in or the forces he controls if that would serve to defeat an enemy.

Granted Abilities: Prester John gives binders the ability to strengthen his allies, protect sanctuaries and spy upon his enemies.

A Mirror on the World: The binder can cast Scry once per five rounds. A mirror is ncessary for this power.

Strike at Your Enemies:
Spiritual Weapon, at will.

Strength of Conviction:
Heroism, once per five rounds.

Cornucopia: Heroes' Feast, once per day.

King's Redoubt: Forbiddance, once per day.

Cast Them Out: If the binder has the abilty to turn undead or outsiders he gains a +3 insight bonus to those checks.

Blood of the Heavens: Once per day the binder can grant the half-celestial template to one creature. The subject must have fewer hit dice or levels than the binder's effective levels. Outsiders cannot be affected. The duration is ten minutes per effective binder level.

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

One thing on Prester: just needs to be noted that all Special Requirements must be fulfilled BEFORE the Vestige is called - if not, the Vestige simply does not appear. Announcing the names of your enemies as you're drawing the seal might be a better option.

Also, he needs a Cleric (or equivalent other class) level to compare his Turning ability to, such as "As a Cleric of his Binder level".

Other than that, he's a bit weak for an 8th-level Vestige, probably closer to 6th or 7th.

The name is a bit odd - feels too normal-ish, unlike fantasy. Might just be me though.

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

Someone suggested a Vestige be done of the sister of Tiamat, creator of the three other Chromatic Dragons (Orange, Yellow, Purple) from Dragon Compendium... that suggestion in conjunction with the Compendium and Races of Dragon allow me to bring you....

Walker of the Wheel

Vestige Level: 5th

Binding DC: 27

Special Requirement: Yes

Legend: Back when the Great Wheel had only finished his creation, Io the Nine-Fold Dragon took it upon himself to create the perfect being. His creation was a beloved young child who exemplified draconic perfection and beauty - a daughter he called Vorel, the Draconic word for "beautiful". However, as Io's focus has been on perfecting her physically, he unfortunately left her mind behind, leaving her with the intellect of a child. Although he loved and cherished Vorel, Io understood that her limited intelligence prevented her from ever becoming the perfect creature he wanted, and instead decided the most successful path would be to create two creatures diametrically opposed to one another and breed them to produce a child - offspring which would embody the perfection Io desired. Thus were Vorel's siblings born - her younger brother, Bahamut, and his twin, Tiamat.

Due to their differing personalities, Tiamat and Bahamut became rivals, competing in everything, but most of all competed for Io's favor. Meanwhile, Vorel remained ever loyal and ever loving, oblivious to the strife and hatred between her brother and sister. It was that loving, oblivious nature that sealed her doom, as cunning and cruel Tiamat saw in Vorel the very tool she needed to earn her father's respect and defeat her rival brother.

Tiamat tricked Vorel into destroying some of Bahamut's belongings, then lied to Io and told him the Platinum Dragon had been utterly enraged by the innocent little dragon's actions. Then, during the time the other dragons slept, Tiamat murdered Vorel and smeared her blood over Bahamut, his belongings, and his dwellings, expecting that her death would end in Bahamut's banishment or, better, his death. Instead, Io took the time to investigate and discovered the truth behind Tiamat's deception, and banished her instead. Enraged, Tiamat set about creating her own children of evil, and Bahamut - compelled to continue to oppose his evil rival - began to create children of good to oppose her. Left alone with two of his children beginning a neverending war and one brutally slain, Io was forced to wait patiently until Tiamat and Bahamut, somehow, produced the perfect offspring he desired.

Vorel, however, was not all gone. At the moment of her death and her betrayal at the claws of her sister, Vorel's blood and flesh was scattered to the earth below, much like that of the murdered Titan Chronos. A drop of her blood landed in a forest river, and there was born the first Orange Wyrmlings, male and female, the first of Vorel's unbidden children. A single scale was buried in the scorching desert sands, and from them emerged the first Yellow Wyrmlings, male and female, Vorel's second children; and a single claw fell through the sky for almost forever before coming to land on the ground as the first Purple Wyrmlings, male and female, her final children left on this world. Twisted by bitterness at the death of their "mother" and hunted by the chromatic children of Tiamat, Vorel's children turned to darkness and evil to ruthlessly survive, and thus earned equal enmity with their metallic cousins.

As for Vorel herself, the daughter and sister of gods but with a soul of innocence, she could not understand what had just happened. She did not understand the pain her body was going through. She did not understand why Tiamat, her beloved sister, was causing her suffering. She did not understand why the world around her was becoming dark and quiet as the pain grew greater and greater. As her soul departed from her shattered body, her confusion only grew greater. She tried to make her way around the world, following Bahamut and Tiamat silently and unseen as they left Io's presence and began giving life to children of their own. She saw the birth and formation of her own children, never understanding what they were or why they were so angry at their cousins. Confused, dead, and without direction, Vorel's soul wandered the world and the planes looking for an answer, and eventually got lost and strayed beyond known reality.

Manifestation: A large egg, the size of a human, appears within the seal. Strange, interesting patterns of purple, orange, and yellow swirl across its surface, constantly shifting and changing, forming a kaleidescope of color dancing across the egg's shell. Suddenly the shifting colors freeze in place, and the shell is riddled with cracks from top to bottom. From the top of the egg, black smoke like nighttime clouds begins to seep out of the cracks; from the middle sand begins to pour through them; and from the bottom water leaks out. The smoke rises up into the sky and dissipates, while the water and sand mix in the seal below. Eventually the egg cracks and begins breaking apart as the creature within hatches. Soon it has pulled itself free, revealing a small wyrmling-like creature, although unlike any known dragon. Vorel's scales are made from sand, and her wings from black smoke; and flowing beneath the sand, inside her "body", is water, which shows through best in her eyeless sockets and toungeless, toothless mouth. She blinks a few times before giggling softly, and addresses the Binder with the voice of a young girl, brightly and happily introducing herself and requesting their name. Vorel does not seem angry or bitter about becoming a Vestige; on the contrary, she seems quite happy and often remarks of how "it hurt once but now it doesn't hurt anymore".

Special Requirement: The Binder must have an ally who is a Dragon or a creature with the [Dragonblood] subtype. An ally is defined as any PC or NPC with an attitude of Helpful or better toward the Binder. Summoned Creatures do not count, nor do creatures under the effects of Charm, Dominate, or Intimidate. Or, as an alternative, Vorel will answer the call of a Binder learned in historical lore, as long as he has at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (History).

Sign: Parts of your body change color to match the fallen body of Vorel which spawned her children. Your fingernails or claws turn purple, the skin over your temples turns yellow, and your blood becomes orange.

Influence: You greatly value the company of others, particularly of your own race or of Draconic origin. You dislike being alone, and if forced to do so will seek out others.

Granted Abilities: Despite her friendly demeanor and gentle Influence, Vorel's granted powers reflect the strengths she unwillingly granted to her Draconic children. She gives the Binder the powers and strengths of Orange, Purple, and Yellow Dragons.

Vicious Frenzy: The Binder gains the Ferocity ability.

Aerial Superiority: Vorel grants the Binders with the ability to take to the skies in flight improved speed and manuverability. You gain the feats Improved Flight and Rapid Flight (from Races of Faerun), as well as the feat Wingover (from Monster Manual) for the duration of the time you are bound to her. Vorel does not grant the Binder flight - he or she must find another way to gain the ability to fly.

Precognitive Cunning: Once every five rounds, the Binder may take his normal action for the round at a different time than his Initiative, as per the psionic power Anticipatory Strike (from Complete Psionic). In subsequent rounds, their place in the Initiative order does not change - they change the time you act for the round in which they activate this power only. The Binder can take a standard action and a move action, just as they could if they were taking their action at their normal place in the Initiative order. This power cannot be activated if the Binder is flat-footed.

Explosive Slime: The Binder may conjure a ball of sticky, slimy semiliquid material and throw it at opponents. If the Ranged Touch Attack hits, the target becomes soaked in the sticky compound. Two rounds later, the mixture explodes in a blast of flame, damaging the soaked victim as well as those nearby. The explosion deals 4d10 damage to the soaked victim (no save) and to all creatures within 5 feet of him (Reflex save for Half). For every 3 levels of Binder, this attack deals an extra 1d10 damage and reaches an extra 5 feet with the burst. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for five rounds.

Salt Breath: The Binder may breathe a cone of salt that binds to creatures within its area. A Reflex save allows affected creatures to avoid being covered by the salt. Creatures affected by the breath weapon take 4d6 bludgeoning damage per blast, plus 1d6 for every 3 levels of Binder, plus cumulative penalties based on how many saves they have failed against the breath weapon before. For every failed save, a creature takes a -2 penalty on attacks, AC, Reflex saves, and Strength-, Dexterity-, and Constitution-based skill checks, as well as a -10 penalty on speed; a creature reduced to speed 0 cannot move, and flying creatures at speed 0 fall to the ground. After 10 minutes, the effects wear off as the salt falls from the victim's body; in addition, the salt can be removed by applying a gallon of water (or water-based liquid) per failed save versus the breath weapon to wash the salt off.

Violet Bane: Once every five rounds, the Binder may either summon a deadly blade of energy or create a burst of blinding power. If the blade option is chosen, the Binder releases an energy blade from their dominant hand that glows dark violet and crackles loudly with energy. Any weapons or items the Binder was holding in this hand are dropped when the blade is created. The blade deals 2d10 points of damage, but the Binder may not add their Strength bonus to the damage because the blade is made of energy. The blade ignores all physical barriers, allowing the Binder to make touch attacks to strike its foes. The blade dissipates at the end of the Binder's action. If the burst option is chosen, the Binder chooses a point within Short range (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) from which the burst eminates; from that point a blinding blast of purple energy explodes, damaging all creatures within 10 feet of the origin of the blast. All creatures within range take 4d10 points of damage and must make a Fortitude save or be blinded for 10 rounds. For every 3 levels of Binder, both the blade and the burst deal an extra 1d10 damage, and the range on the burst is increased by 5 feet.
Hell yeah, that was me, like long ago. Awesome job my friend, many thanks for this vestige, i am totally diggin' it. I'll implementing it shortly.

Originally posted by journeyman777:

A note for Baron Sami and Prester John, Vestiges have only one name. A hyphen is fine, but see if you can condense it a bit. Things like "Baron" should be part of the title.

Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

Dorian, the Portrait of Youth


Level: 5

Binding DC: 25

Special Requirement: Yes

Legend: You should have read this in high school. Shame on you if you did not.

Manifestation: Dorian appears as a gold-framed painting of young aristocrat with a bored expression on his face. The picture comes to life and faces the binder. He seems distracted throughout the making of the pact. When the pact finishes the painting frays and crumbles to dust.

Special Requirement: Dorian will only appear to a binder who is clean and richly dressed.

Sign: The binder's skin seems perfectly smooth as if he were wearing thick theatrical make-up. He never shows discoloration, sweat or dirt.

Influence: The binder becomes extremely effete ,frivolous and libertine. He must yield to any temptation that is offered him. His voice is soft; he cannot yell nor can he make Intimidate checks.

Granted Abilities: Dorian gives binders protection from the ravages of age and weakness. In addition he shows a glimpse of his mispent life to others.

Picture of Health: The binder automatically makes any saving throws against ability damage, ability drain, aging, death, energy drain, petrification or polymorph. If the effect does not normally allow a save the binder gains one at DC 10 + spell level + the appropriate attribute modifier. If the binder fails this save, he suffers the full consequences of the effect.

Noble Features: The binder can use Eagle's Splendor, once every five rounds. The binder must show Dorian's sign to use this power.

The Dissolute Life: Dorian spent many nights in opium dens. The binder can breathe out a cloud of intoxicating smoke that covers five feet per binder level. All creatures within the cloud must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for one round per two binder levels. Those that make the save are still dazed for one round. This can be used once every five rounds.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.

Originally posted by edge_of_oblivion:

Dorian Grey!! Awesome. Alright, he does need some PEACHing though.

First, he's far too powerful for 3rd level. This guy's closer to a 5th level - you don't get Death Ward until Cleric level 7 at the absolute earliest, later if you're a Druid and even later if you're a Paladin. Other than that, he seems pretty good all around, although you may want to note that effects that normally don't allow a save but Dorian lets you, you aren't automatically immune to, unless you wanted him to, I couldn't quite tell from your wording.

On Disolute Life, is that last sentance a typo and you meant "every five ROUNDS"? Or do you mean "once per every five Binder levels per day"?

Originally posted by lord_yy:

Okay, I have edited-ed Aoskar. I've got an interesting idea though. How about a Vestige that deals with Other Vestiges? Like say, giving a bonus to
Binding Checks, allowing an extra Pact Augmentation, etc?

Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

Edge of Oblivion:

I made some changes to Dorian Gray. Let me know if this cleared things up.

Prester John is a real-world legend. He was purported to be a Christian king who would come to the rescue of Europe when it was besieged by Huns, Mongold, Ottomans etc...

I will probably put up a few more today.

Originally posted by kaldar_the_summoner:

Yeah...I've been spending some time in the hospital(%^&#ing alligators) and I came home to a trogan'd computer, so my Kool-aid work is gone. Here's one I made based off the coolest wizard who ever graced the dragonlance novels. PEACH please.

Master of Past And Present
Vestige Level:
Binding DC: 25
Special Requiremnet: Yes

Wikipedia is your friend

Manifestation: A thin man, clad in robes that shift between black and red, walks into the seal. He carries a staff with a blue diamond on it’s head, and his skin is gold. His pupils are shaped like hourglasses, and when he looks at you, he scowls. He opens his mouth to speak, but instead begins to cough up blood. When he stops, he stares intensely at you and asks why you have summoned him.

Special Requirement: You must be able to prepare spells. Additionally, these spells must be arcane or you must have access to the Magic Domain.

Sign: Your skin turns gold, and your pupils become hourglasses.

Influence: You become cynical and sarcastic. You never have anything positive to say. Raistlin requires that whenever an ally of yours fails at a task, attack, or saving throw, you must insult them.

Granted Abilities: Raistlin gives you a sample of the power over magic he once had.

Spellcasting Prodigy: Your primary spellcasting score is treated as being 2 points higher for the purpose of save DCs and bonus spells.

Magic of Hunger: Each day, you may increase the number of spells you can prepare of a given spell level by one at the cost of 1 point of Constitution damage per level of spell. For example, you may prepare one additional 3rd level spell at the cost of 3 Constitution points. This damage is temporary and is recovered by the next day but cannot otherwise be healed or restored. You cannot use this ability to prepare spells of a level that you do not yet have access to. All effects of lower Constitution are in effect until the points are regained (including lower Fortitude saves, fewer hit points, and impaired Concentration checks).

Magic of Betrayal: Once per day for every 2 effective Binder, cast a spell on yourself with a +1 effective caster level in exchange for dealing 1d6 points of damage per spell level to an ally within 30 ft. The ally is allowed a Fortitude save for half damage.

Research: You gain a bonus to Spellcraft checks when attempting to research new spells, copy spells, and identify items equal to ½ your binder level.

Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

This one was inspired by Frank Herbert's Dune series.

Leto, the God-Emperor

Level: 5

Binding DC: 24

Special Requirements: Yes

Legend: Leto was a demi-god who ruled a vast empire from his desert capital. He was said to possess the racial memories of all men.

Leto was born a man and became a great warrior. As a demi-god he was described as an indestrucible great worm. These are the only consistencies in the legends about this vestige. Most legends claim he was brought low by a treacherous lieutenant.

Manifestation: Leto appears a young man in strange leather armor holding a dagger in his hand. When he sees the binder he transforms into a colossal worm with the face of a man. He appears to stand or crawl across sand no matter where he is summoned.

Special Requirement: Leto cannot be summoned if the binder is within sight of water.

Sign: All of the binder's hair disappears. His skin appears to be covered indentations that completely ring his body, like the skin of a worm. He does not sweat under any circumstances.

Influence: Leto fears water. He will not allow a binder to enter or even cross water.

Granted Abilities: Leto gives binders some of the fighting skill he had as a man and some of the knowledge and indestructibility he had as a god.

Worm-skin: The binder gains damage reduction 5. This increases to DR 10 at 13th level and DR 15 at 18th level. If the binder is submerged in water his damage reduction is reduced by 5 until he exits the water.

Fight Like an Emperor: Leto grants Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Finese and Improved Critical with daggers. The binder does not need to meet the prerequisites for these feats.

The God-Emperor Remembers The binder has perfect recall of the time he is bound to Leto. He remembers anything he says, hears, reads or sees. He cannot be made to forget anything he experienced during this time. Nor can anything alter these memories. The binder must rely on his own recall to remember anything from previous times he bound Leto. *

The God-Emperor Knows Leto grants a +5 insight bonus to any knowledge check the binder makes.

* I am not sure how this would come out in play.


Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

From The Lion the Wich and the Wardrobe


Jadis, the White Witch

Level: 6

Binding DC: 26

Special Requirement: No

Legend: Jadis was a sorceress who ruled a land of eternal winter. It is said that she was half giant and half jinn. She is also said to have destroyed an entire world due to her pride and her spiteful nature.

Jaids was killed by a magical lion in a battle for control of her world. However, legends claim that a being such as the White Witch cannot truly be killed.

Manifestation: Jadis appears as a woman with snow-white skin who stands seven feet tall. Her throat is torn open and blood covers her rich clothes. She carries a bloody sword in each of her hands.

The air becomes very cold around her manifestation.

Sign: The binder's skin becomes as white as snow and is cold to the touch.

Influence: Jadis is haughty and proud. Binders who are bound to her become overconfident in their abilities. Jadis requires binders to wear expensive jewlery, especially a crown.

Granted Abilities: Jadis was a sorceress and a woman of great physical strength. The powers she grants reflect this.

Giant's Blood: The binder receives a +2 enhancement bonus to strength. This increases to +3 at 15th level and +4 at 18th level.

Ice Maiden: The binder gains cold resistance 15.

Ice Queen: The binder can cast Control Weather once per day as a druid of the same level as his effective binder level. This can only be used to make the weather colder.

Queen of Swords: Jadis grants binders proficiency with all swords as well as Improved Two Weapon Fighting with swords. The binder does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat.

Set in Stone: The binder can cast Flesh to Stone once for every five effective binder levels. The binder must wait five rounds to use this power after each use.

Originally posted by journeyman777:

Magic of Betrayal: Once per day for every 2 levels of Binder, cast a spell on yourself with a +1 effective caster level in exchange for dealing 1d6 points of damage per spell level to an ally within 30 ft. The ally is allowed a Fortitude save for half damage.
Interesting choice of abilities for Raistlin. One question, is magic of Betrayal based on actual binder levels or just EBL?

For Leto, add weapon specialization to his "Fight like an Emperor". It just seems fitting if he has all the rest. Level 5 seems pretty appropriate.

For Jadis, a little scaling on the cold resist would be nice, but other than that she seems fine.

Picture of Health: The binder automatically makes any saving throws against ability damage, ability drain, aging, death, energy drain, petrification or polymorph. If the effect does not normally allow a save the binder gains one at DC 10 + spell level. If the binder fails this save, he suffers the full consequences of effect.
Shouldn't that be 10 + spell level + primary stat mod? As it is, you are practically guaranteed to make the save.

I've got an interesting idea though. How about a Vestige that deals with Other Vestiges? Like say, giving a bonus to
Binding Checks, allowing an extra Pact Augmentation, etc?
I've been playing around with that myself. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

Originally posted by kaldar_the_summoner:

I just tweaked Raistlin's Magic of Betrayal. I based his abilities off of some variant Wizard of High Sorcery Spell Secrets (Found here). I thought it would be cool to replicate some of raistlin's Bastardliness with Magic of Betrayal and make his binder's health resemble his with Magic of Hunger, just for a nice twinge of nostalgia. Any suggestions for Level? I'm thinking 4, and I'm gonna make his Binding DC tougher than normal.

Originally posted by bill_lumberg:

Has anyone worked out a vestige for Kyuss? I am working on one but it makes the binder a Spawn of Kyuss for all intents.

Originally posted by journeyman777:

Since you need some multiclassing to get any use at all from Raistlin, a lower level may be appropriate. I'd guess about lv 3, but I'll admit there really isn't a decent way to compare a vestige that doesn't benefit a pure binder at all. Still, the flavor is great.

What's a spawn of Kyuss? Heck, who is Kyuss?

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