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Pathfinder 2E [Legendary Games] Boricubos: Latin American Monsters and Adventures KS is LIVE for PF1 & PF2 and over 500% funded already!


This morning we launched our fantastic Boricubos: Latin American Monsters and Adventures Kickstarter and the response has been truly spectacular, as we have already exceeded 5 times our funding goal in just over 7 hours, unlocking four sensational stretch goals!

This amazing project runs for 30 days, ending Thursday, September 16, and features TWO terrific tomes (the Latin American Monsters bestiary of creatures from Central and South America and the Caribbean and Boricubos: The Lost Isles, a killer campaign setting inspired by the Taino and Arawak cultures of the Caribbean) for Pathfinder RPG and Pathfinder Second Edition (and also available for DnD 5E). Spearheaded by Miguel Colon, our terrific team of authors and artists includes nearly 20 Latinx contributors with roots in 10 countries from Puerto Rico to Paraguay, Chile to Colombia, Mexico to Brazil, and more, bringing the fabulous lore of their home cultures to life! You'll find well over 100 archetypes, feats, spells, magic items, and more, alongside 7 fully detailed player races/ancestries, adventures and adventure hooks, culture and religion, and of course a plethora of marvelous monsters from gentle fey like the alux and madremonte to apocalyptic threats like the tzitzimitl, boiuna, and xipe totec! To whet your appetite, we've created a set of FREE preview PDFs so you can see what's coming your way.

Boricubos: The Lost Isles Free Preview PDF (Pathfinder RPG)

Boricubos: The Lost Isles Free Preview PDF (DnD 5E)

Latin American Monsters Free Preview PDF (DnD 5E)



We are already moving right along in layout, with two books already complete and two more already in production, so we should be ready to provide PDFs to backers right after the Kickstarter finishes! With our Add-On Pledges, you can also get additional bestiaries, VTT support, multiple versions (if you like to play Pathfinder and 5E), a Deluxe Hardcover Omnibus Edition, and more! We hope you're excited by this fantastic project to bring fascinating new lands and creatures and characters into your campaign and enrich your favorite RPG regardless of system!

It all ends September 16, so pledge today and Make Your Game Legendary!

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In case you wondered "why this project," we were touched by this comment from one of our backers, shared with permission:


I just wanted to let you guys know that I am really happy you are making this.

My wife is Boricua, and is also often our DM. I read her the short description of the campaign and her response was, "Why don't I already have this in my hand?" I almost wish I hadn't told her about it so that it could be a surprise.

Anyway, I am backing this for both of us. Keep on rockin' on.


Thanks to the terrific support, we are nearly at 900% funding, unlocking the first set of iconic characters for the Boricubos: The Lost Isles campaign setting, showing off exciting NPCs drawn from the unique races/ancestries of Boricubos for you to easily drop into your campaign! Our stretch goals have already pushed the monster count in Latin American Monsters over 100, with more monster add-ons yet to come like Andean Monsters from Chile, Bolivia, and Peru coming up at $50,000!

That said, if you'd like to know more about this project we'd like to bring your attention to the INTERVIEWS part of our Kickstarter page and invite you to check out some of our conversations. We sat in with the Nord Games crew to talk about monster design and implementation in general, with several side trips through Latin American Monsters and Boricubos, and followed up with a short solo interview with Ben Barsh from Nord focusing exclusively on this project, including the story of how it came about. You can check out the longer Nord panel discussion on our page or our chat with Ben right here!


In addition, on Saturday morning August 21 at 8 AM PT/11 AM ET, Lead Designer Miguel Colon and LG CEO Jason Nelson will be talking with Roberto Micheri and AJ Delgado from the Dungeons and Dragons Puerto Rico Facebook group about this project and what it means to Boricua gamers and creatives. We look forward to sharing time with them and will post the interview link here so you can check it out!

We will post additional interviews as we have them! We welcome talking with any gamers interested in awesome stuff for D&D and Pathfinder, about Latinx representation in gaming, real-world mythology and RPGs, or any other subjects; if you have a podcast or show you'd like to share with us, by all means let us know!

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