• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Sale [Legendary Games] 5E Friday, SWADE Saturday, and Legendary Planet 5-star sale!


There's something for everyone coming your way from Legendary Games! Today we are excited to release Curses! our latest exciting supplement for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE)! You'll find an awesome array of cursed locations, cursed objects, and sinister curses to unleash on your SWADE heroes from bloodletting skinscription to kinslayer and cannibal compulsion, plus new backgrounds, edges, and powers for heroes and villains alike. This is an ideal companion volume to last month's incredible Ancient Tombs accessory to make the burial grounds of the elder civilizations even more deadly and dangerous! Grab your copy of Curses! today in PDF, print, or bundle at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, or DrivethruRPG!

We've also got terrific horror-themed supplements coming your way for 5th Edition campaigns, beginning with last week's wondrously weird adventure into the depths of depravity and cosmic creepiness in Whisper House (5E), a 60-page adventure for 8th-level characters chock full of mutation and madness! You can grab this awesome adventure at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, DrivethruRPG, and soon at Amazon! Speaking of madness, the Tome of Madness by Mike Shel is our next 5E supplement, and it is just about ready for layout! This exhaustive tome covers all aspects of madness and how to use it in your campaign to enrich roleplaying opportunities and not just make characters totally incapacitated. This book covers an encyclopedic array of insanity and its implications, with options for players and GMs alike. Don't worry, you're not paranoid, this book really is COMING TO GET YOU NEXT MONTH!!!

Last but not least, fans of 5th Edition, Pathfinder, and Starfinder can rejoice as we celebrate the awesome reviews of Endzeitgeist and our unbroken string of 5-star reviews for the Legendary Planet Adventure Path! His review for Confederates of the Shattered Zone by Richard Pett just dropped in all of its dark and sinister glory. The fact that this was his least favorite of the series and it still rated 5 stars is high praise indeed, and we can't wait to hear his thoughts on the final three installments of this truly epic adventure saga. We are very proud of the unique world-building and the scope and sweep of star-spanning adventure that we created, and in celebration of his reviews we have cut the price on the PDFs for each one of these massive adventures nearly in half, to just $9.99! Each awesome installment is 100+ pages crammed full of incredible adventure, new monsters, magical and technological treasures, new class options and rules expansions, gazetteers of alien worlds, and an ongoing fiction saga by award-winning author Chris A. Jackson! Grab the 5E/Pathfinder prequel adventure The Assimilation Strain (1st-2nd), To Worlds Unknown (2nd to 5th level - Starfinder version starts at 1st level), The Scavenged Codex (5th-8th), Dead Vault Descent (8th-10th), and Confederates of the Shattered Zone (11th-14th) right now for just $9.99 at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG! (print versions also available on Amazon)

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