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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Tuck merely nods to Mother Superior, feeling no need to remind her that their group consists of more than just Tim and Akos. Instead the kobold is grateful that she is helping out people in need, as is his own goal in life.

"Let's move on quickly before more spiders show up," he says, urging his companions to get this over with.

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World of Kulan DM
"I am he." Akos nods.
"That was a great miracle you just did, Mother. We can add the Street of Sorrows to our list of places to check. If you can spare anyone, Master Sylemis went to investigate Jade Thicket and might have use for a healer."

Akos is interested in moving the young noble out so they are out of that detestable obligation.
"I will go to Old City and check on him myself," she replies. "It has been too long since I checked in with the citizens of that district."

Tuck merely nods to Mother Superior, feeling no need to remind her that their group consists of more than just Tim and Akos. Instead the kobold is grateful that she is helping out people in need, as is his own goal in life.

"Let's move on quickly before more spiders show up," he says, urging his companions to get this over with.
Custodio senses the others desire to move on. No sense risking more spiders. "Time to go."

The Mother Superior heads back into the Temple District to gather the aid she will need to safely travel to Old City. The guards move to clean up the dead spiders that they and the PCs killed.

You all move down the road to where the carriage is supposed to be waiting for you. Hopefully, it didn't come under attack from spiders. You reach the spot and the carriage is not where it is supposed to be. Tuck easily finds signs that the horse-drawn coach rushed away down the road, but he finds no sign of more spiders. But, looking back towards the Temple District, it becomes clear that the driver likely saw the spider attack and didn't want to risk his horses.

Tuck notes not only the driver's footprints, but also the footprints of someone much smaller. The boots are oddly-shaped, so not a human foot, but the two are together and there is no sign of a struggle. Tuck's scales do not itch. Farther down the roader, Tuck finds an arrow drawn into the dirt road, which leads the Exemplars to a short path up onto a small hill. At the top is a makeshift fort made of spiked, wooden logs dug into the earth that point out and up.

You can see the carriage and the horses in the center of the small fort, which is no more that three dozen feet across. The driver is trying to calm the horses down. They obviously smelled the spiders. Several Elites and Bluffside Mountain Rangers guard the hilltop fort and one of them waves to you as you come up the hill.

"Glad to see the spiders didn't get you," the guard says. "Your driver had to get his horses away from those blasted things and brought them here. Did the spiders get anyone."

"One man perished, but the Mother Superior brought him back. Several others were poisoned but they'll live. We encountered more spiders on the road, so keep a sharp eye out," Custodio replies.

The guard nods.

"Get those horses under control," Nathaniel barks at the driver. "We need to go. Now!"

"I'm tryin', sir, but they are frightful," the man replies. "Those beasties scared them nearly to death."

"Let me try," Custodio offers. The Vanquisher cleric moves to the two horses and takes the reins from the driver. He uses a firm hand without being cruel. He pats the horses on the the side of their heads and speaks quietly to them in hushed tones. "It's all right. You're safe now."

The horses settle and the driver thanks Custodio.

Young Mr. Aceron doesn't wait for the others. He snaps his fingers and orders the driver to open the carriage door. The man startles and nods. He bows to Nathaniel and does as the nobleman insists. The young miscreant is falling back into his normal habits.

"Miles, is it safe to come down now?" A feminine voice rasps from on top of the carriage.

"Yes, get down here," the driver says. "This is your job."

A head pops up from on top of the covered coach and peers down at Miles and the gathered Exemplars. Her eyes settle on Tuck and Mutt and a toothy grin pops onto her face. "Unca Tuck Tuck!"

Tuck knows that face. It is a young kobold lass named Sobla that grew up in the Undercity. She is a dozen years younger than the urban ranger and isn't truly his 'niece', as humans would say. She is one of the clan, however. It seems she's found a profession.

The kobold girl bounds down from the top of the carriage and gives Tuck a big hug. She's grown since the last time Tuck saw her. Sobla is big for her age and some in the clan think her father might have been one of the lizardfolk living near the city. Mutt barks happily at her and she gives the big dog a hug.

"Sobla!" The driver snaps. "Worky first, catch up later!"

Sobla gives the man a pouty glare but nods. She helps Akos and the others into the carriage. There isn't room for Big Tim or Mutt and even Tuck won't fit inside the carriage once the others are inside.

"You can ride on top with me," Sobla whispers to Tuck. "Or ride on Mutt here. He should be able to keep. Right boy?"

Mutt barks.

She looks at Miles. "Can I ride with Tuck Tuck?"

"Yes, yes, let's go," Miles relents. "There isn't room for anyone else." He turns to Tim. "I hope you can keep up sir. My horses are quite fast."

"Move!" Nathaniel shouts from within the carriag. "Now!"

"Hey, you need to back off and let them do their work!" Custodio snaps at the young nobleman.

"Servants must know their place," Mr. Aceron replies coldly.

"Maybe you'd prefer to ride on... or in a spider," Falen mocks the young noble.

Nathaniel goes quiet.

Miles climbs up on the carriage and snaps the reins to set the horses in motion. Tuck and Sobla get onto Mutt while Tim prepares to run beside the coach. Falen is forced to get up and sit next to the driver, as there isn't enough room in the carriage and he doesn't want to be crowded in with Nathaniel.

The group is soon on its way down the other side of the hill. One of the Bluffside Mountain Rangers, a woman named Romi, rides as escort for half a mile until you are well out of sight of the chasm. She leaves you to continue on your way and nods to Tim as she returns to her post. The carriage stops so Tim and Mutt can catch their breaths.

"I'm too heavy" Sobla says.

The big kobold girl climbs onto the top of the carriage in her usual spot and hangs on as the driver sets the horses moving again. Mutt has an easier time of it without her weight. Miles drives the horses as fast as he can and Tim is forced to run well beyond what is normal. Only when the other Exemplars insist that the driver stops to let Tim and Mutt rest, does the man relent. It takes several hours of stopping and starting to reach the countryside estate of the Aceron Family.

Everyone is glad when the journey is over. The road was nearly empty the whole way to the estate. All there was were farmers and a small patrol of Elites that stopped them to ask their business.

The estate is nearly twice the size of Stormgrove Manor. The Acerons, it seems, have a significant amount of money. However, there are only a handful of servants there to great you as you arrive. A tall, distinguished pale man moves to the carriage to open the door after it stops.

"Master Nathaniel, it is good to see you're safe," the man says politely with a graceful bow. "We'd heard that you might have been killed or abducted."

"Evered," Nathaniel says mockingly. "I'm sure father is beside himself with worry."

"Lord Aceron is in Ambris," Evered replies.

"Of course he is," Nathaniel says. "Still seeing that... woman... behind my mother's back."

"Not at all," Evered says uncomfortably. "He is there on business. You should not speak ill of him."

"If I want you opinion, Evered, I'll tell you what it should be," Nathaniel snaps. "Now have the servants unload my things!"

"Yes sir, I will have them taken to your rooms," the man bows and waves the young noble forward. "I will inform Lady Aceron that you have arrived safely."

Nathaniel marches off towards the estate without another word.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Evered asks the Exemplars. He holds open the door of the carriage.

"Does anyone else have a bad feeling about this?" Custodio whispers to the others in the carriage.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
After the first stop Akos talks quietly to the Aceron young.
"Master Aceron, you need to slow down your driver. I understand he wants to get you to safety, but your safety is largely with us and leaving the biggest protector around behind is not a good move. And please, treat your servants as people, they know their place and denigrating people without which your life would be much harder makes no sense. They do their work, you don't do yours and that's fine. But let them do it well, they don't need extra hardship. Remember how it was at that tavern where we found you...hiding alone. We agreed to keep you safe, but you need to work for it too and not run our knight ragged."

Diplomacy: 1D20+25 = [8]+25 = 33 - not great :(


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Tuck feels... naked... exposed... outside the City. Sure, he's looked at the countryside from the outskirts, but it still surprises him how few of anything but open space there is.

He is glad Mutt is there with him, and his big little niece, too! The urban ranger tries to get his mind off things by talking to Sobla about what she's been up to, what her job entails and if she enjoys it, and perhaps find out if she knows anything about recent goings-on, mostly avoiding the subject of the insurrection in the City.

Nevertheless, Tuck cannot help but notice the way Nathaniel treats his staff. He says nothing of it, but decides to approach both the driver and the servant later if the opportunity presents itself.


Breva shakes his head as the young noble leaves them on the doorstep. He responds in a whisper to Custodio. "Nathaniel tries both my patience and my oaths. I do not feel I am doing the Purifier any honor by associating with this young man." He blows out a breath and takes in a deep one seeking calm. Once he has feels his anger subside he turns to the serving man. "Yes Evered, I believe we were offered the hospitality of this house for escorting Nathaniel home safely if it would not be too much trouble?"


World of Kulan DM
After the first stop Akos talks quietly to the Aceron young.
"Master Aceron, you need to slow down your driver. I understand he wants to get you to safety, but your safety is largely with us and leaving the biggest protector around behind is not a good move. And please, treat your servants as people, they know their place and denigrating people without which your life would be much harder makes no sense. They do their work, you don't do yours and that's fine. But let them do it well, they don't need extra hardship. Remember how it was at that tavern where we found you...hiding alone. We agreed to keep you safe, but you need to work for it too and not run our knight ragged."

Diplomacy: 1D20+25 = [8]+25 = 33 - not great :(
Nathaniel listens thoughtfully to Loremaster. He smiles at Akos and agrees to have the driver not run the horses or Tim so fast. "We wouldn't want to run your friend ragged." He seems less interested in Akos other suggestion to treat the servants better but relents nonetheless. "I will consider their well being, but they must know their place in society. We all must. You and I have a higher standing than simple underlings... but I will try to make their burden lighter, for now."

Akos isn't sure if the young noble is being genuine or simply tell the Loremaster what he wants to hear. Nathaniel does insist to the driver to slow down the carriage and he doesn't snap at the driver or Sobla, but by the time you all reaches his home, the young noble quickly falls back into his bad behavior.

Tuck feels... naked... exposed... outside the City. Sure, he's looked at the countryside from the outskirts, but it still surprises him how few of anything but open space there is.

He is glad Mutt is there with him, and his big little niece, too! The urban ranger tries to get his mind off things by talking to Sobla about what she's been up to, what her job entails and if she enjoys it, and perhaps find out if she knows anything about recent goings-on, mostly avoiding the subject of the insurrection in the City.
"Miles hired me as his assistant," Sobla tells Tuck. "Well, I guess I'm more like his apprentice. He has this carriage and two others, as well as a horse and tackle shop in New City. The Acerons are his patrons, but he can hire out his services to almost anyone."

She pats down the horses during one of the stopovers. "I'm responsible for the baggage and feeding the horses. They seem to like me well enough." She glares at Nathaniel while Akos has the man districted. "I don't like him. He can be more than just mean. He can be cruel. If it wasn't for his mother, Lady Talitha, Miles would have sought another patron years ago."

Breva shakes his head as the young noble leaves them on the doorstep. He responds in a whisper to Custodio. "Nathaniel tries both my patience and my oaths. I do not feel I am doing the Purifier any honor by associating with this young man." He blows out a breath and takes in a deep one seeking calm.
"I agree completely," Custodio agrees. "Let's hope he's better behaved around his mother."

Nevertheless, Tuck cannot help but notice the way Nathaniel treats his staff. He says nothing of it, but decides to approach both the driver and the servant later if the opportunity presents itself.
Tuck watches as the young noble walks away from the carriage in a huff. He seems to care not about the servant who greets them or grunt work left to Miles and Sobla.

Tucks' 'niece' notices the look on Tuck's face as she is forced to push Mutt away from her while she unloads the baggage. "He's always been this way," she says. "His mother... what is the word you used Miles?"

Miles waits until Nathaniel is out of earshot. "Dotes... it means she spoils him."

"You should not be spreading gossip, Mr. Drake," Evered insists to the driver. "Do not forget that Lord Aceron is your employer."

"It is Lady Aceron who is my patron," Miles retorts. "I am not one of your staff, Evered. You cannot order me to be silent about that man's many failings. He is vicious and you should worry about when he becomes your lord." Miles shakes his head. "On that day, I will have to find a different patron. I doubt Lady Talitha will be in a position to do so."

It becomes clear that the conversation is making Evered uncomfortable.

Miles turns to Tuck. "I will stable the horses and ready the carriage for your return to Bluffside. They will need time to recover, but I can get them ready before nightfall... depending on how long you stay here." He glances at Evered. "You can find Sobla and I either at the stables or my workshop on the far side of the estate."

Scotley said:
Once he has feels his anger subside he turns to the serving man. "Yes Evered, I believe we were offered the hospitality of this house for escorting Nathaniel home safely if it would not be too much trouble?"
The butler turns to bow to Sir Breva. "You are indeed most welcome. Follow me."

Evered leads the Exemplars towards Aceron Manor. When Tuck tries to bring Mutt inside with him, Evered shakes his head. "Absolutely not! You cannot bring that wolfdog into this house. There is an old kennel where he can rest but please keep him away from milady and rest of the family. She is not fond of dogs... her youngest, Lord Jadon, is 'sensitive' to such animals."

Sobla grabs a hold of Mutt. "I'll watch him," she says to Tuck.

Once the kobold urban ranger relents, the Exemplars enter the manor house. It is splendiferous. The Acerons have considerable wealth, it seems. The décor is baroque and there is excess on every wall and in every room. Custodio looks at the gaudy display and shakes his head. There is a look of disgust on his face that he hides only from Evered.

"This place is very overdone," he whispers to Breva.

Falen looks at the wealth on display and tries very hard not to look at anything intently. There is a fortune to be made in this home to a truly canny thief. Of course, he's not much for filching items off tables or walls, so it isn't hard for him to resist taking anything. In a home like this, a truly valuable piece probably would be missed right away.

Evered leads the way into the guest wing of the manor. The decorations aren't as resplendent but are just as gaudy. He leads them into a wide hallway with multiple doors on both sides. Two footmen stands at attention at the end of the hall. "Granville and Ivor will attend to you all while you are here," Evered says. "Unfortunately, Lord Azel Aceron took a large retinue with him to Ambris, so I cannot offer each of you your own manservant. I am terribly sorry, but we were not expecting guests."

Evered bows, apologetically. "I will makes sure to tell Lady Aceron of my lack of hindsight."

He motions to the various doors. "There are enough rooms for each of you with all that you may need. Please refresh yourselves before supper begins. I must insist on a bath for each of you to clean the smell of the road off. Your garments will be cleaned and our seamstress will repair them. Do not wear any armor carry any weapons on you while attending dinner."

The butler bows again. "If you need anything else, Granville or Ivor will help you. I must go speak to Lady Talitha and then the cook."

Evered leaves you to select rooms and clean yourselves. The footmen wait to be called upon, but they do watch you all intently while you are in the hallway.

The group has several hours to prepare themselves for the evening supper at the manor. This place is very posh and there is a lot of stuffiness to the servants and the 'feel' of the place. Evered does his job very well and it doesn't take long to realize that he keeps firm control over his staff (without being cruel).

If any of you want your PCs to secretly carry a concealable weapon (such as a dagger) to the dinner with the Acerons, it will require a Sleight of Hand check. The staff will only be casually be watching for weapons, so the DC will only be 14. Basically, Take 10 (+4, as per p. 117 of the Rules Compendium).

What possessions do your PCs have with them? What possessions were left behind in Stormgrove?

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos nods
"Thank you, Evered. We'll leave you to your duties and we won't task your manservants too much. Assure your lady we will be clean and ready."

Once he goes away he pulls everyone inside one of the rooms.
"Let's mend the clothes first, give your best clothes to the servants to wash, they can wash traveling clothes later. I will dress as a priest."

OOC: casting a series of mending spells until everyone's cuts, holes, and other little shabbiness disappear.

"I know you know how to behave with nobility, but I will go through a bit of local history and rules so you can adapt to Bluffside elite."

OOC: aid with Nobility +8 and local history +11 so that everyone can adjust their expectations - in effect, I'm hoping to prevent penalties for foreign knights, paladins, spies, etc...to various skill checks.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Tuck is ill at ease in the enormous mansion. Both the opulent luxury and the large, open rooms make the kobold urban ranger anxious, and he misses Mutt by his side.

Instead of taking a room to stay in, Tuck asks for a place among the servants, such as a kitchen niche or a broom closet. He undresses quickly, hands his rags to a servant for washing despite Akos' magical mending and cleansing, then still naked packs as much of his belongings as possible into his magical haversack. He places his weapons in the corner of his small place, then takes a lock and key to seal off his personal space later. After several moments of hesitation, the kobold takes out a vial of acid from his haversack, unstops the cork, then balances it carefully over the door.

Before closing the door behind him, he looks at his handiwork. His pack can function as a pillow, his weapons are far away from the door to be just outside easy reach, and a trap is set above the door. Satisfied, he places the lock on the door and takes the key with him.

Now wearing nothing but that key on a ring on his finger, Tuck makes his way to the bath. He seems oblivious that being naked is not usual for the other races, until he sees the servants' upset looks. Apologizing, the kobold quickly takes a towel and wraps it around himself; the size of the towel meaning that only his head and the tips of his clawed toes are uncovered by the soft white sheet.

After some smalltalk, Tuck tries to engage the bath servants in conversation about their lives and troubles. He is particularly watching their comings and goings, hoping to locate the inevitable hidden passages that servants everywhere tend to use.

If he spots such a passage, Tuck will later explore it before evening supper, where he intends to be present with only his simple attire, the key to his little corner of the house, and a dagger hidden in the leg of his trousers.

OOC: Alright, let's see if Tuck manages to find any hidden passages. First by observing the servants:
Spot: 1D20+7 = [13]+7 = 20
Then by searching himself:
Search: 1D20+17 = [9]+17 = 26
And finally, see if he manages to conceal a dagger (+2 on Sleight of Hand):
Sleight of hand: 1D20+6 = [13]+6 = 19 (success)

Also, he set a simple trap for anyone trying to enter his room (or whatever he found where he keeps his stuff):
Craft (trapmaking) with masterwork tools (+2): 1D20+8+2 = [2]+8+2 = 12
The lock on the door is of average quality, meaning it has a DC 25 to open.


World of Kulan DM
Akos nods
"Thank you, Evered. We'll leave you to your duties and we won't task your manservants too much. Assure your lady we will be clean and ready."

Once he goes away he pulls everyone inside one of the rooms.
"Let's mend the clothes first, give your best clothes to the servants to wash, they can wash traveling clothes later. I will dress as a priest."

OOC: casting a series of mending spells until everyone's cuts, holes, and other little shabbiness disappear.
Evered acknowledges Akos with a final bow before leaving to attend to the rest of the manor house.

While it takes some time, the Loremaster is able to mend the clothes of the rest of the Exemplars. Once Akos finishes with one of his ally's clothes, they head off to choose a room and clean themselves and prepare for the evening meal. The two footmen help the Exemplars with any request.

Big Tim finds the room he chooses to be lavish and large enough for him to feel comfortable without it being excessively spacious. Except for the gaudy décor, the room reminds him of his personal quarters back on his home world. He strips down and goes to see if there is a bathtub large enough for him. Instead, he finds that the manor has an expansive room dedicated to bathing in several deep pools. The baths are attended to by three washing matrons and a young lad who works vigorously to keep the room clean. The walls of the room are covered in frescoes that go all the way up to the ceiling.

Falen asks Akos to fix his garments after Tim's. Once the Loremaster is done, Falen is glad to get into his own room and strip off his grimy clothing. The smell of dead spiders and the temporal dungeon still clings to him and his clothing. He heads off for the baths after securing his items in his handy haversack, which he hides in the room by disguising it from casual observation.

He finds Big Tim already in the baths being scrubbed down by two of the matrons.

While the unseen seer is loathe to go to dinner without his armor and weapons, he has little in the way of legerdemain to conceal his meteoric knife on his person. Instead, he dresses in his scholarly clothes, jams the lock leading into his room, and gathers with Akos and the others after bathing.

@Aust Thale:
Falen uses the Disguise skill to make his handy haversack blend into the background of the room. This comes from pp. 106-107 of the Rules Compendium under Disguising Objects. In order for anyone to find Falen's haversack in his room, they must make a successful Search check.
Falen - Disguise check (to disguise his handy haversack in his room):
1D20+2 = [14]+2 = 16
(I've added one rank to Disguise for Falen for level 7. He still has 9 other ranks that haven't been assigned yet.)
Since Falen doesn't have any ranks in Sleight of Hand, he will not attempt to hide his meteoric knife or his spell component pouch on himself.

He also jams the lock to his room...
Falen - Disable Device (Jam a Lock) (DC 10):
1D20+10 = [12]+10 = 22

Tuck is ill at ease in the enormous mansion. Both the opulent luxury and the large, open rooms make the kobold urban ranger anxious, and he misses Mutt by his side.

Instead of taking a room to stay in, Tuck asks for a place among the servants, such as a kitchen niche or a broom closet. He undresses quickly, hands his rags to a servant for washing despite Akos' magical mending and cleansing, then still naked packs as much of his belongings as possible into his magical haversack. He places his weapons in the corner of his small place, then takes a lock and key to seal off his personal space later. After several moments of hesitation, the kobold takes out a vial of acid from his haversack, unstops the cork, then balances it carefully over the door.

Before closing the door behind him, he looks at his handiwork. His pack can function as a pillow, his weapons are far away from the door to be just outside easy reach, and a trap is set above the door. Satisfied, he places the lock on the door and takes the key with him.

Now wearing nothing but that key on a ring on his finger, Tuck makes his way to the bath. He seems oblivious that being naked is not usual for the other races, until he sees the servants' upset looks. Apologizing, the kobold quickly takes a towel and wraps it around himself; the size of the towel meaning that only his head and the tips of his clawed toes are uncovered by the soft white sheet.
Akos fixes Tuck's clothing next before moving on to Sir Breva and then finally Custodio and Vinny. One by one, each of you chooses a room and prepares to bathe. The footmen gather up all of the soiled garments and heave them towards the manor's laundry.

"It will take some time to clean everything," Ivor says to them with a bow. "We will try to finish before supper begins. Take your time in the bath, good sirs."

Tuck finds that only the footmen are put off by his nakedness. The matrons aren't put off by him or any of the other Exemplars who appear in the baths without a towel. It seems they have seen much in their time. They do find themselves quickly outnumbered by the Exemplars and are amused by the 'smell of the road' coming off of them.

"Did you all roll in the muck," one of the matrons laughs. "You all smell like a muddy gully."

"Dead spider guts," Custodio says. The Vanquisher cleric cleans himself in a shallow side pool. "And other things."

Another one of the matrons heads out of the room to bring in reinforcements from the manor's short-staffed servants. She returns with two demure housemaids and an annoyed page boy. They are set to work scrubbing any grime from the room's floors and the edge of the baths, as well as opening a window and a set of double doors to allow fresh air to circulate into the room. The room is connected to a large garden on one side and a open courtyard on the other.

Akos is the last to enter the baths. He finds his companions either washing themselves in one of the side pools or being scrubbed by one of the scantily clad matrons. The baths smell of soap and other heady scents mixed with sweat, grime, and blood. The water of the main pool seems crystal clear even with the castoff from the other Exemplars. Probably a magical effect that purifies the water. The magic does not purify the air, however, and the Loremaster is glad for the open widow into the garden and doors into the courtyard.

JustinCase said:
After some small talk, Tuck tries to engage the bath servants in conversation about their lives and troubles. He is particularly watching their comings and goings, hoping to locate the inevitable hidden passages that servants everywhere tend to use.

If he spots such a passage, Tuck will later explore it before evening supper, where he intends to be present with only his simple attire, the key to his little corner of the house, and a dagger hidden in the leg of his trousers.

OOC: Alright, let's see if Tuck manages to find any hidden passages. First by observing the servants:
Spot: 1D20+7 = [13]+7 = 20
Then by searching himself:
Search: 1D20+17 = [9]+17 = 26
And finally, see if he manages to conceal a dagger (+2 on Sleight of Hand):
Sleight of hand: 1D20+6 = [13]+6 = 19 (success)

Also, he set a simple trap for anyone trying to enter his room (or whatever he found where he keeps his stuff):
Craft (trapmaking) with masterwork tools (+2): 1D20+8+2 = [2]+8+2 = 12
The lock on the door is of average quality, meaning it has a DC 25 to open.
Tuck doesn't note any sign of hidden passages leading out of the baths by the coming and goings of the servants. The matrons are happy to chat up the kobold and anyone else who wishes to converse with them. The other servants keep busy in the background. They are less amiable except for one housemaid, named Orchid, who ends up helping Vinny scrub the dirt and sweat off. She is soon laughing at his jokes.

The matrons confirm to Tuck that the Lord Aceron is, indeed, away in the city of Ambris. "Lord Azel often goes to the City at the Pines for business... and pleasure. He has a mistress there," the youngest matron, Norah, says. "Lady Talitha knows but doesn't seem to care, as long as he comes home after his trysts." She whispers in Tuck's ear. "Milady may have her own lover. None of us know for sure, but we suspect she has had at least one liaison with another noble."

"Life here is good," the middle matron says casually for all to here. (Her name is Bessie.) "Lady Talitha is a fair lady and she never mistreats us. Her sons aren't as kind but she keeps them in check. Lord Nathaniel can say cruel things but his mother doesn't let him get away with being physically cruel. Lord Jadon is lost in his own world of books and spells. He rarely says anything to anyone and doesn't let the chambermaids clean his room. Strangely, Lord Talitha's sons are better behaved without their father around."

Robina, the oldest of the matron, concentrates on getting all of Tim clean. She tells him about her life and that she's been working for the Acerons for nearly 30 years. "I've seen the best and the worst of them. Lady Rhouth was definitely the best of them. She ran away as soon as she was able to swing a sword and fire a bow. Her mother wishes to find her, but I fear that girl has run off to the east and will never return."

She scrubs Tim's back (and a bit lower), humming to herself. "I wish I could say the Acerons are kind souls. As Bessie has said, they are fair people who do not hold back wages and Lord Azel pays more than some. Of course, that is because the Acerons have more than most of their peers. Not they have the wealth of The Five or other old bloodlines of Old City. Their family wealth isn't due to adamantine. They grow grapes and make excellent wine, which they export to Ambris, High Morria, and the Eastwatch Barony. Sometimes as far as Oakenvale and Vinovia in the north."

The matrons continue to wash the Exemplars and tend to any cuts and bruises. They apply salves to those who are willing and bandage any wounds that have not closed completely. The noise from the baths turns raucous and Evered comes to investigate. He is surprised by what he sees and claps his hands to put the servants in their place. One of the housemaids scurries out of the central bath. She had been scrubbing Vinny down from head to toe. The matrons glare at the butler. It seems he doesn't have complete control of the manor house's servants.

"I would hate to have to tell Ms. Blagg of your behavior when she returns with Lord Aceron from Ambris," Evered chastises loudly. "Now, they are more than clean enough! I have other things for you to do! Move!"

The matrons head out of the room along with the rest of the servants. Evered leaves the Exemplars alone in the baths. He closes the double doors behind him. Tuck notes a wry smile on the man's face just before the doors close.

One by one, you all head back to your rooms and then, once again, gather together in the room that Akos has chosen. It is the cleanest that you all have been since being brought together.

Tuck explores the guest wing more carefully, looking for secret passages and hidden rooms. He finds an old safe built into a wall behind a dusty painting. It doesn't look like it been opened in ages. He also comes across a small hidden cloak room behind a grand piano. It looks to be used for storage, but there isn't anything worth taking -- old garments that have seen better days. He doesn't find any hidden passages out of the small closet.

Tuck finds a hidden passage that goes down on a winding metal staircase. It is in a gaudy games room with a billiard table. The passage is extremely dusty and full of cobwebs. It looks completely unused. As the kobold urban ranger peers down into the darkness, his scales itch.

Neurotic said:
"I know you know how to behave with nobility, but I will go through a bit of local history and rules so you can adapt to Bluffside elite."

OOC: aid with Nobility +8 and local history +11 so that everyone can adjust their expectations - in effect, I'm hoping to prevent penalties for foreign knights, paladins, spies, etc...to various skill checks.
Akos waits until everyone has come to his rooms. (Tuck is the last to arrive.) The Loremaster hopes that Evered will be discreet about just how relaxed the Exemplars became in the baths. Not that anyone did anything truly improper. He goes over what he knows about proper decorum around nobles, although from what the matrons told them, the two young Aceron sons aren't the best behaved themselves. He concentrates on how to greet Lady Talitha and proper table manners for a fine supper in the home of a noble. It is a good refresher on etiquette.

The Loremaster wracks his brain for any historical element that might come up based on the style of the home and what he knows of the region, but there just isn't anything helpful he can think of. The décor is just awful and distracting.

"We should be careful not to say anything that might set off her sons," Custodio adds. "We already know that Lord Nathaniel can be... disagreeable."

"He's an arrogant little pr-," Falen notes.

"Yes! We know..." Vinny quickly cuts the half-hobgoblin off. "Let's keep the insults to ourselves. This place might have ears."

"Yes, we already know that her other son, Lord Jadon, is a wizard," Custodio agrees. "And, I don't like the idea of going to this supper without my armor or my blade."

The afternoon slips into evening and an hour later, Evered returns to escort the Exemplars to dine with the Acerons. You follow him out of the guest quarters into the main part of the house. He leads you up a large winding staircase made of red oak. There is a touch of gothic mixed with the baroque on the second floor. The butler leads you into a grand banquet hall that is adorned from floor to ceiling with the most grotesque carvings and columns you've ever seen. A massive banquet table sits in the center of the room with eight chairs lined up on either side of it.

You see Nathaniel standing near the other end of the table near what looks like his father's chair. Standing next to him is a fine looking woman of indeterminate age. His mother, obviously. Standing off to one side of the room is a paper-thin young man who has his head in an old book.

More surprising than the Acerons are other nobles gathered in the room. There are half-a-dozen men and women of equal measure standing around Lady Talitha and each either has a drink in their hand or are nibbling on some sort of amuse-bouche. Servants are tending to the table with care and laying out everything for a fine feast.

"What did we just walk into?" Custodio whispers. "So much for not being prepared for guests."

One of the nobles sees the Exemplars and whispers something to Lady Talitha. he looks up and laughs. She raises her glasses to the adventurers and then goes on conversing with the nobles around her.

"Please sit," Evered insists. "We have set aside these seats for you."

The butler motions to the near side of the table away from Lord Azel ornate chair. The chairs put out for you are just as gaudy as the rest of the house but clearly of lesser station than those placed for the Acerons and other gathered nobles.

Lord Nathaniel grins at you like the cat who is about to swallow a flock of canaries.

One of the nobles glides across the floor towards Tim and introduces herself as "Lady Heather Devereux of Jurral. We have heard very interesting things about you, Sir Tymbeck Valencia... from beyond the the Great Veil. My father will be very interested in you. Yes, I think so."

She glances towards the others with mild interest. "Hmm, intriguing." She notes Custodio and Vinny who are wearing their official uniforms. "Do you work under Lord Nathaniel?"

"No." Custodio says plainly.

"I am a Sectarian Guard," Vinny says with a bow. "I'm not a member of the Elites."

She nods to Vinny and heads back towards the other end of the table. She sits next to a distinguished older man who wears the military uniform of one of the Gardes Rouges of Coeurdî. His insignia notes he is of very high rank. He carries a fine sabre at his side.

"So much for no weapons," Falen whispers to Akos and Breva.

"This feels like a trap," Custodio says to Tuck. "Stay alert."

One by one, the gathered nobles sit at the table. Lady Talitha sits in her husband's chair. No one says anything about it. Even her sons don't seem to care. Her seat next to his is left open. Her sons flank the table next to her although it takes a sharp word from her for Lord Jadon to abandon his book on a side table and take his seat. He looks very uncomfortable being around so many people.

There are just enough seats for the Exemplars to sit after the servants take away two of the chairs and replace it with a sturdy bech seat for Big Tim. The table is full with an empty spot at the other end of the table next to Tuck and Falen.

Lady Talitha stands and raises her cup in toast. "Welcome my friends, I am glad for your noble company. And welcome to the heroes known as the Exemplars who have returned my son to me. I know it was not an easy choice to make to flout the laws of The Five and let my son retreat from their grasping hands. You have my thanks."

Lord Nathaniel begins to look uncomfortable.

"Of course, he will have to be punished in some form, but I hopeful that with enough coin, The Five will allow me to find a suitable punishment for his actions. Perhaps servitude in the Bluffside Mountain Rangers might straighten him out!"

She glares at her son and he looks aghast. Then she laughs. "A joke, my dear. I would never dream of sending you to die in a fight against the hordes of Khogshk." She drinks down her cup as she sits. "But I must cut back your monthly allowance, I think. I can't have you taking bribes in Old City and not have you pay me for the privilege of keeping your head out of a noose."

She claps her hands and the servants begin serving the first course.

Across from Lord Nathaniel, his brother snickers at him.

I'll post more details about the other nobles at the banquet table, later.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Weapons aplenty," Tuck mutters back to his companions, briefly glancing at the cutlery and various plates on the table before them. He shrugs, settling into his chair but not quite finding the right way to sit on the decorative but uncomfortable seat.

Realizing this is not his world, the kobold easily falls back into his racial routine of appearing to be the least important creature in the room. As long as he manages to gain less attention than the others, he will survive.

Then he looks at Akos and the characteristic reptilian smile appears on his face. Tuck's faith in the Loremaster's words is well-earned, and the urban ranger feels himself relax. Akos can handle this.

Instead, Tuck looks around the massive room. Now that he knows there are secret passages, long unused though they may have appeared, he wonders if any of them run parallel to this chamber. Perhaps he can spot little peep holes in the usual places?

OOC: I think that is a Search check, but perhaps it's Spot. I'll roll both:
Search: 1D20+17 = [18]+17 = 35
Spot: 1D20+7 = [19]+7 = 26

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