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John play: Hero for hire



“Strange animals.” Comments Avireal as she pats the horse.

“magebred horses….. created for distance riding.” Replies Play as he leads his mount out from the stable entrance outside of Wroat.

They packed and arrived in Wroat late yesterday evening by Electric Rail. Now they will take horses to the Orcbone Fort near Eldeen. It will take days to reach there.

The first hour or two the drow is challenged by riding the horse. She has not ever ridden an animal like it before. But her affinity for animals of any sort prevails and soon she rides comfortably. That is until the next day.

Saddle soars.

Play planned ahead and bought Jorasco salves and ointments to help with the discomfort of long rides.

The Orien roads are well kept and thus they make good time and have few issues. As most Orien roads are, it is patrolled either directly or close by so unwanted encounters are very limited.

ZARANTYR 23, 998
After leaving Ardev where they slept in beds once more, they have a brief encounter. A Silver Flame Knight. Nothing overly dramatic but it was clear he did not approve of a drow being on the road. Play nods and they pass without incident.

ZARANTYR 28, 998
They clear the worst of the Graywall Mountains to the north. Though she could not see them clearly, Play shows her where the “Six Kings” stand. Huge stone carvings from long ago that are visible from miles away.

The land is still rough and hilly but not overly mountainous. In the distance- their destination- Orcbone.

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ZARANTYR 28, 998

“John Play, Lantern. I wish to speak to your commander in charge.” Says Play to the guards of Orcbone.

“What for?” asks the overweight ½ orc.

“That is between me and the commander.”

“No one just comes to this place and asks to see the commander.” Adds the female elf whom is looking at Avireal closely.

“It is Lantern business.”

“Doubtful says me.” Says the ½ orc.

“May I speak to someone else about this?” offers Play.

“No. Go away and take your…. Companion with you.” Suggests the elf.

“I was…” Avireal begins.

“Not funny anymore.” Play says as he cuts her off. “One last time…. This is Lantern business. I am…”

“Leaving.” Says a human male dressed in armor. Behind him are five other armored soldiers.

Play looks them over and figures he could take them but would that help. “Very well. The commander will hear about this.”

“I am the commander” growls the human leader.

Play looks him up and down. With a harsh laugh Play shakes his head. “Doubtful.” And he turns away.

Once the two of them are far enough away to not be overheard Play suggests they sneak in that night.

ORALUNE 1, 998

Switching back to her original leather and furs, Avireal surveys the walls. Without looking at the wall Play suggests the Southern wall. It has thick vines. The vines have magical properties to them to act in defense but he knows how to get around them.

After midnight, Play and the drow sneak to the wall and look about. Searching for vines without flowers, Play begins to climb up. The drow follows him. At the top, they listen for guards on the wall. Hearing none, Play climbs not to the top but to the highest window. Carefully avoiding the flowers, he inspects the window frame. He sees the wards and carefully disrupts the glyphs thus breaking the magical effects. Then he pulls out some tools and works first on the bars. Simple but strong acid removes these. Then with a special tool he cuts the glass. From here he can reach into the window and free the lock. Smiling, he motions for the drow to enter.

Whispering, the drow asks- “How do you know about this?”

“Not my first time sneaking into here.” He answers with a wink.

Carefully they sneak without a sound through a hallway and again Play disables a simple alarm built into a suit of armor displayed in the hallway.

“This is the commander’s room.” Play says quietly outside a closed door. “Looks like he is up late…. There is light inside.”

Searching for traps or alarms, Play carefully pushes open the door. There is a human male standing before a table with a 3-D map on it. His back is too them.

They come in and just as Play is about to slam the door shut to startle him he startles him instead.

“John Play. I had hoped to never see you again.”

“Hello Commander Daniels.”

“You are getting sloppy in your age. You missed the new alarm I set up on the floor near the window. I felt I needed to install it after the last time.”

“Yeah- well your goons you call guards are a pain in the butt.”

“Others would say that of you also. Perhaps my guest would agree.” He slowly turns and motions into the shadow covered corner where someone sits on a cushioned chair.

“Aw crap.” Mutters Play.

“Is that….” Begins Avireal.

Dressed in black leather that is form fitting and wearing a black leather knee length jacket, the woman steps out of the shadows into the light. Her eyes flitter in the light.

“Hello John. I have been waiting for you.” Says Nadia, the second in command of the Sharn Dark Lanterns.


ORALUNE 1, 998

“Agent Nadia….. what a surprise.” Says Play… honestly surprised.

“It was obvious after our last conversation, you were going to resolve this however you could. I knew it was just a matter of time before you came to Orcbone to look around.”

“Play, ever a wild card…” greets the Commander with little enthusiasm or happiness.

“I hope you are not here to stop me from learning what happened to my mother. That is a conflict I would rather avoid.” Says Play as he walks in and sits in a chair near the table layout of the valley Orcbone overlooks.

“Mutual. It would be most unpleasant for you and awkward for us.”

“Does Viorr know you are here?”

With a coy smile Nadia answers- “He believes I am looking up rumors of new Venom activity.”

“Could be accurate,” adds the Commander. “Gnolls have been active lately. Spoke to Gnarsh about it and he swears on the three sisters that Venom is no longer active but I doubt the accuracy of this.”

“I see where this is going already Daniels, I scratch your back you scratch mine.” Adds Play.

“Perhaps an agreement can be made.” Says the frowning Commander of Orcbones. “What is required on my part?”

“I have to believe my mother, Jocasta Play, is still alive. It was reported she died here in 991 battling gnoll and ogre forces.”

“Yes- she collapsed the bridge. She fell to her death when it collapsed.” Says the commander with a slight smirk. Play is uncertain if it is the commander’s cruel nature or if he meant to do it to irritate him. It has. “We never found her body but creatures in the river gorge had been…. Having their way with the bodies before any of the fort’s forces could reach the bottom.

“I want to go to the bottom and look around.”

The commander frowns. It is obvious he considers it a waste of his time but doesn’t want to irritate the Lanterns. Well, at least Nadia.
“Very well, but FIRST, first we investigate the rumors of the gnolls reforming Venom.”

Plays agrees but looks to Nadia. She nods her approval.

“Then give us a few hours to arrange mounts and other such considerations.”

The commander leaves. Nadia looks to them. “This means a great deal to you. I respect that.”

“Thankyou.” Replies Play.

“What is Venom?” asks the drow.

“They began even before the three sisters took control of the lands of Droaam. Mainly made of gnoll rangers, rogues and assassins, Venom was a group looking to strike at Breland. They took the name of Venom as most of them uses poisons with their weapons.”

“They attacked the western edge of Breland and near the end of the war, as the sisters called for their disbanding, they began to attack Sharn.”

“During one of the attacks, Augustus Play died saving the king from a Venom arrow.”

“By 995 we had thought them crushed and officially disbanded. But there is new activity in the mountains and hills near here where Breland and Eldeen meet the border of Droaam. Agent Thorn has learned little of rumors.”

“So here we are.” Finishes Play.

That afternoon, The three of them are requested to appear in the courtyard and gate area. Avireal curses in drow as she sees four very large boney bears…. Dire Bears…. In the courtyard.

“It’s okay.” Says Nadia. “In these mountains, horses are ill footed to climb through the rough rocks and thick woods. Near the end of the war, we asked House Vadalis to aid us with this problem. Their answer- Magebred Dire Bears.”

“Uh….. Don’t like Dire Bears much…..” Play comments as he recalls his last encounter with a Dire Bear in Eldeen. (See Segment 009)

“It’s this or you walk.”

“Sigh…. This is just another way Daniels has his way with me.”


ORALUNE 1, 998
The four of them slowly make their way down a steep hillside near the fort. The large bears’ weight and strength keep them from falling down the steep trail into the deep gorge below them. Avireal takes it all in as she enjoys the country side. Play remains nervous.

=John- May I mind-speak with you?= asks Nadia within his mind.

=Not sure if I have a choice.= thinks Play.

=I do not understand the distrust and hatred between Viorr and yourself. Can you tell me anything about?=

=Competed with Augustus for the king’s approval. I don’t make things easy for him….. did you want the short list or the entire truth?=

=He has a lot on his mind. Many responsibilities. He is in charge of Sharn’s Dark Lanterns and as such- overseer of the Swords, Shields and Wands also. What you believe between your father and him I can see=

=Not my father=

=Who raised you then?=

=You know what I mean=

=Did he know? Did he know you were not his biological father?=

=Does it matter?=

=If you insist on being bitter towards him- then yes=

=Can we go back to Viorr?=

=John…. Would you ever consider returning full time to the Citadel?=


=Then what will you do?=

=Find my mother. Learn what and why she hide my true father. It is clear she knew. She caste spells onto me to hide the mark.=

=Perhaps because of her work for Breland=

= What do you mean?=

=We have seen you grow up. You are exceptionally fast and strong. It is the results we hoped for from her soldier project.=

=Don’t go there. I am not a lab experiment= Play pushes for his bear to quicken its pace. It does with snorts and grunts.


=Those kinds of experiments are illegal=

=yes they are. But you of all people know all the Five Nations are doing illegal research so to have an advantage when the war restarts=

=So you think the war will restart again also?=

=Do not change the subject but yes. I believe the war never ended. It merely changed tactics.=

=Do you know what caused the Mourning?=

=No one should know=

=Should or doesn’t?=

=Both. No one knows and thus they cannot repeat the mistake=

=Not on purpose anyway=

=John…. About the Lanterns….=

“NO. Enough! Stay out of my head.” Play snarls out loud which has the other riders look up at him startled.

Nadia purses her lips. She knows something but seems she will not or cannot speak it.

Near the bottom of the gorge the water has swollen into a small pond. The collapse of the bridge has created a small dam that has closed the waterway until it rose and finally overflows from the bridge’s remains.

“Here we are. Look around then we go back up and look for some gnolls.” Declares Commander Daniels.

“It has been a long time since the collapse. What do you hope to find?” asks Avireal as she kneels next to Play.

“Not really sure. I hope to recognize it when I see it.” He pulls off his pack and takes out a pair of gloves from the side pocket.


“Yes. They help me see into an item’s past. Not sure if it will work for something so big as a bridge however.” Play picks up a six inch round piece of worked stone and concentrates.

Stretching…. Like a cat in the sun. Stretching from one wall to the other over the gorge. Flex muscles to hold up people. Holding still for years.

“Nothing of use there.” He tumbles the piece down the embankment and tumbles into the water.

“Hello…..” He kneels over and picks up the metal worked arrow head. Gnoll….. male…. Low rank…..

“The weapon should tell you much.” Suggests Avireal.

Though she hung back out of respect, Nadia speaks up. “He may learn about the warrior whom last used that arrow head but he may learn nothing of his mother this way.”

Play chokes the arrow head into the water. “Have to keep looking….. Something has to be here….”


ORALUNE 1, 998

“How much longer do you suppose he will keep this up?” asks Commander Daniels with a great deal of impatience.

“He will keep his promise, Commander.” Suggests Avireal.

Nadia stares down the Commander. He frowns and becomes quiet.

Play finds another weapon. This one was hidden under some river dispersed debris. It may not even belong to the battle that involved his mother. The short sword shows no sign of age or rust. Play handles it carefully and closes his eyes in concentration.

He expected it to be a gnoll or some other monstrous humanoid. It is not. It belonged to an elf. A young elf. Play blocks out the Commander’s comments and concentrates again. The elf is of questionable morality. She was a member of the Wands….. the sword…… a magical sword. It was given to her….. by…. The enemy?!?

“It was a set up?!?” Play quietly and in disbelief mumbles.

Avireal walks over to him. “What have you learned?”

Holding onto the sword, Play passes on how there was an elf that set up the Wands.

“And this helps how?” asks the Commander.

Play looks at the man then turns his back to him. “It is another piece of the puzzle is all.”

John Play finds nothing in the next hour. Disappointed, he returns to the three waiting for him near the base of the bridge. “Let us look for your threat now.”

Still on their Bears, the four of them climb out of the ravine and onto the rocks. From here it is a short time before they reach the edge of the forest that is shared by both Breland and Droaam.

“Quiet.” Comments the drow barbarian.

“Meaning?” asks the commander.

“There are birds and insects but no animals otherwise. Forests are usually very active….. at least there are in Xen’drik.”

“She’s right.” Adds Play as he dismounts. Something has caught his eye in the brush. A feathered stick…. Aka an arrow. New. Using his gloves again he tries to read it. “Gnolls….. hunting rabbits….. recently”

“As foretold…. They are stalking us.”

“Hold on Commander. The border is close. They may have wandered into Breland land by accident. Let’s not start a war just yet.” Nadia calmly warns the alarmed and slightly paranoid Fort Commander.

“We have always been at war Agent. You just were not here to see that.”


ORALUNE 1, 998

“Looks quiet.” suggests Nadia to the Commander.

“Agent, I know these lands. There are caverns and many hidden passage ways through these woods and rocks. We could be fifty feet away from a dozen gnolls and not know it.”

Play hears them but is still lost in thought. He came here to learn more about his mother’s disappearance….. not spy on a foreign neighbor. “What do you see Avireal?”

The barbarian has been looking at the ground for tracks. “Little. Once in a while I see scratches by the stones. May be nothing or the creatures you seek are walking on the stones to avoid leaving tracks.”

“At least she is not blind.” The commander says while still not looking in direction. It is becoming more clear he doesn’t trust the black skinned elf.

They climb higher to a shielded view point that looks into Droaam.

“Uh-oh.” Says Play.

As they reach the top they can see a small encampment of tents and cooking fires. Looking closer they see gnolls and large ogres within the camp.

“See.” Says the commander.

“How long has this been here?” asks the Dark Lantern psion.

“Two weeks ago was the last time our scouts came this close. He did not report anything about this camp. He only had suspicions that gnolls were in the area but lacked the proof you desire. Now- there is your proof.”

“We are on Breland land, they are on Droaamish lands. Do not make this into an incident. We do need to investigate however.”

Shortly, the four of them sneak closer without their mounts. They are careful to stay within their borders.

“Can you reach their minds from here?” asks Play.

“Not without possibly alarming them.” Nadia looks distracted just the same. Unknown to Play or the others, her bow is intelligent and dislikes giants and their kin. This includes the ogres.

“I count 30 gnolls and 6 ogres.” Says Play.

“36- six are guarding the pathway in to our right.” Avireal nods and they can just see one leaning on his spear in boredom.

“Leader?” asks Nadia.

“Maybe in the bigger tent. Otherwise I don’t see an identifiable leader.” Adds the Drow barbarian.

“Best to turn back and report. It will be up to the king to send forces or an ambassador.” Says Nadia as she begins to creep back up the hill to their mounts.

When they reach the top they find a sight they did not wish to see. Their bears are on the ground.

Checking them, the Commander nods grimly. “Alive but drugged.”

“shame to use on bear and not youse.” Barks a gnoll nearby. His common is poor but understandable.

Play reaches back to his club but Nadia waves him down.

“We are on Brelish land. You actions on our soil can be construed as malign. Do not make this any worse than it is.” Warns the Dark Lantern.

The gnolls turn to each other giving a hoarse yelping laugh.

“Did I miss something?” asks Play.

“Behind you.” Adds the barbarian.

Play slowly turns around. A large Ogre stands there, one of the biggest he has ever seen. Worse, he sees more gnolls there. They were badges of Venom- the group that killed his father- Augustus Play.

“Down- that’s an order.” Nadia says in hope that Play will not react to the new gnolls.

Found some old photos from when John Play dealt with the Cannith Mill where they processed Treants for magical wood.



ORALUNE 1, 998

“I believe you have wandered onto Breland lands……” begins Nadia. She carefully activates her powers of the mind and targets what she hopes is a weak minded gnoll. “…. By mistake. I ask you return and withdraw your military presence.”

“Our scouts saw you spying on us. You are Breland spies. Droaam’s law- all spies are to be killed.”

=Commander is military leader. Others…. Bothersome adventurers?=

“Breland can say the same of you.”

=black skinned elf…. Cursed?=

The commander fumes in frustration. He wants to lash out but knows to do so may start an international event. One he has long expected to happen at this post. Play understands and knows enough about Nadia that she is using her unique abilities to search for details in the minds of the gnolls. That said- he is ready to strike. Avireal finds the entire confrontation strange. They encroach on Play’s land. Either chase them away or destroy them outright. It was how one protected their land in Xen’drik.

Deciding to try a more friendly method of diplomacy, Nadia tries something different. “I am Nadia of Breland. Who do I speak to?”

=She admits to be of the enemy!= “I am Graylarr- Sgt of the Mountain Howlers of Droaam.”

“Nadia… is this a good idea……” growls in aggravation John. He tightens and adjusts his grip of his clubs over and over.

“Not now Play. I am trying to avoid an international incident…..” She whispers harshly. She notes that the commander is no better.

Suddenly there is a sharp and jarring sound of a bow string. All turn to Avireal holding her crossbow. About thirty feet away is a dead Gnoll. Standing by him are a few dozen angry gnolls and some more Ogres. Their howls and growls of fury are hard not to understand.

“Attack the murderers of our kind!” snarls the lead gnoll.

Avireal drops her crossbow (which to a string stays with her) and pulls out her scimitar. She drops a gnoll with several vicious criss-crossing swings of her blade. Play leaps out and rolls into a series of strikes that drop a gnoll with each successful strike. All that replays in his mind is the death of his father at the hands of a Gnoll …. A member of Venom.

The gnolls fire a volley of arrows. Commander Daniels is struck twice. One arrow is lodged at the base of his neck where the armor stops ( Crit with arrows HURT! ) One arrow glances off Nadia but only bruises her arm. This and the mental cry of agony from Commander Daniels snaps her into action. The intelligent bow she wields demands blood of the ogres. As she moves to grab it she mentally blasts the gnoll before her. It stuns him and knocks him stumbling back and whining.

Avireal follows up her first kill with a slice from right ear to left hip (crit w/scimitar) and as the blood splatters the gnoll beside her, the blade slides in and out of it also. Two more down. Play, with wet eyes from the memories of watching his father taken down saving the King, takes down three more gnolls with vicious strikes.

The gnolls try to recoup. Avireal takes one poke from a dirty and discolored spear (poison which her hardy toughness easily handles) Nadia, using Dazzle, begins to strike down the Ogres that are held up by the gnolls before them. As the arrows strike true, electrical currents run through the giant-kin.

Avireal and Nadia concentrate on the ogres as Play wipes out the gnolls…. Even the fleeing ones.

Nadia is forced to Psionically dominate Play. His emotional rage had him chasing the few survivors back into Droaam.

“I am truly sorry John. I am. They deserve to die for what they have done to you and your family but this may have already begun an international incident. If you were to continue that would be a guarantee. Now…. Calm yourself.”

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