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D&D 5E Into the Dragon's Maw (OOC)


Into the Dragon’s Maw
A short one-shot adventure for D&D 5E

Your band of heroes treks through the trackless jungle seeking the Dragon’s Maw Waterfall. At the base of the falls, behind a massive curtain of water, is rumored to be the cavern lair of a great wyrm. The local Xulmec tribesmen say the great dragon has not been seen in nearly 100 years, so perhaps its hoard lies unguarded and ready for plunder. But what role do the heroes play in a blind shaman’s prophecy foretold a century ago?

[SBLOCK=Basic Character Info]
Level: 12
Ability Scores: Standard 27-point buy or array
Alignment: This goes for personality as well, but I would ask for your character to be heroic. They can be selfish or conceited, but when the chips are down, they need to want to do the right thing. With that in mind, please no evil characters.
Hit Points: take the average for your class given in the PHB for each level.

[SBLOCK=Character Sheet] You are free to use whatever format you like that is understandable. I do ask that you show a bit of your work somewhere (maybe in a SBLOCK at the end) for decision points at your levels. For instance, if you multiclass, I need to know which class you began in. When a wizard levels up, he learns two new spells of levels that he can cast. If you have a choice like that at a level, let me know you made it in some way.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Starting Gear] You’re level 12 that means you get some nice stuff. Go ahead and give yourself your starting equipment, but in terms of mundane weapons and armor, feel free to select the items you feel your character would have by this point. Don’t go crazy and say you have a golf bag with every weapon sticking out of it, but it’s reasonable, to me, for a 12th level hero to have full plate for instance. [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Magical Items]You will be able to start with several magical items. For your character, simply proceed through the tiers and follow the instructions. Nonconsumable means no scrolls, potions, or anything else that disappears after a single use. Battle capability means directly impacts your effectiveness in battle. Pay attention to attunement. You may only be attuned to three items at a time.

If you choose ammunition for a tier, use this formula: Very Rare: 5 items; Rare: 10 items; Uncommon: 20 items. So for example, if you select +3 arrows as your tier one choice, you would have 5 +3 arrows to use. One exception, if you use your tier one choice to select an arrow/bolt/ammo of dragon slaying, you may have only one arrow/bolt/ammo of that kind.

If you choose an item that directly effects dragons (such as Dragonslayer), consider it one level of rarity above what it is listed as in the DMG. For example, Dragonslayer would be considered Very Rare for this purpose. This does not impact Arrows of Dragon Slaying (see above for that).

Tier One Magical Item Choice: You may select one nonconsumable magical item that directly impacts your battle capability of Very Rare or less rarity.

Tier Two Magical Item Choice: You may select two nonconsumable magical items that directly impact your battle capability of Rare or less rarity.

Tier Three Magical Item Choice: You may select one magical item of your choice of Uncommon or less rarity.

Tier Four Magical Item Choice: You may select one consumable magical item of your choice of Rare or less rarity.

Tier Five Magical Item Choice: You may select two consumable magical items of your choice of Uncommon or less rarity.

[SBLOCK=For Wizards] One of the things that would happen if a wizard adventured to 12th level is that he would have gathered extra spells for his book. Whatever your highest spell level is you may assume that you have one additional spell of your choice in your spellbook at that level. In descending order from your highest spell level, give yourself one additional spell in your book for each spell level down. For instance, a pure level 12 wizard can cast 6th level spells. You would be allowed one bonus 6th level spell in your book, two bonus 5th level, three bonus 4th level, four bonus 3rd level, five bonus 2nd level, and six bonus 1st spells. This does not impact your ability to prepare spells. It just the contents of your spellbook.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=For Other Classes] If you feel like another class has a situation similar to the wizard that warrants attention, please let me know and we’ll figure it out together. [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Allowed Sources] You may freely use the PHB and SCAG (including things labeled optional). You may also use the EEPC options with the exception of the Aaracockra. I am open to allowing other options (including homebrew or 3pp), but I will need to evaluate it first. When you ask about an option, please include a link to where the option is found. If it's from a 3PP, please PM a copy of the pertinent option to me (not the whole pdf, just the pages that impact your choice) along with the link to storefront that sells it. You may select magical items from any WOTC published product, but please make a note where it’s located on your sheet so I can look it up. [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Setting Information] Since this is a one shot concerning one small area, make whatever assumptions you would like about the setting information that makes your vision work. If you want to serve a god from the Greek pantheon, do it. If someone else wants to serve a god from the Forgotten Realms, then this world has a pantheon that includes both of those deities. If your character comes from a magocracy, then one exists in the world. [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Closing Details] I’ll probably leave this open for recruiting for a week or so. If at that point, we have more than six people that want to play, I will have to choose players. Here’s how I’ll weigh that if it comes to it. Somewhere on your character submission, I want you to tell me how many games on ENworld that you are playing in and how many you are DMing in. It’s the honor system here. I don’t have any desire to check up on anyone. You’ll get one point for every game you’re playing in and subtract one point for every game you’re DMing. Lower numbers will get priority. If a game hasn’t updated in more than a month, don’t worry about including it in your total.

I have loved being a player in a game on this board and I’m hopeful that I’ll get to play in another so consider this my small attempt to encourage folks to give DMing a shot like I am so more folks can get a chance to play.[/SBLOCK]

If I missed something or you have any questions, just let me know. Thanks for checking out the game!

[SBLOCK=Original Post]Hey folks, I’ve started playing here (and loving it!) and feel pretty strongly that since I’m contributing to the player population then I need to contribute to the DM population as well. I would like to offer a campaign of some kind. However, I’ve never run a PbP game before and want to try something short to get my feet wet first. I also want to offer something that’s a little different than the other games running so I thought about a higher level one shot.

What I’m looking at is running Into the Dragon’s Maw by Goodman Games for 4-6 players for D&D 5E. Characters would start at 12th level. It’s a short scenario so I wouldn’t be looking for deep character histories. It’ll mostly be about surviving a descent into a dragon’s lair. If you’re successful, your characters will find an enormous hoard and you’ll get to write an epilogue sharing with the rest of us how you spent your money and what happened to your character. My thought is that the module will probably take a month or two to run to completion. Just by the nature of the scenario, there will be a significant amount of combat.

I haven’t seen a lot of short scenarios being run here though so I want to check if there’s any interest before working up some rules for character creation and wealth. So, is there anyone itching to try out a higher level build? Anyone ever wanted to slay a dragon?[/SBLOCK]
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Interest? I think there will be plenty! :)

Level 12 would be something quite novel, as most games tend to start quite small.

Count me in if you get it up and running


[sblock=Bok Ro Dun - Outlander Vengeance Paladin]

This is just a rough 27 point buy concept I generated with DDNext Character Generator. It's incomplete. Will do more later. He's basically a Paladin from a barbarian tribe. He's not particularly well educated and his sheer size and muscle mass make him a little clumsy and a little slow to get going, or maybe that's his wit? Either way, just a good ol'pure Paladin.

By the way, which setting is this in for working out the god I should worship? Whatever is the most
'Crom'ish is what I need.

Bok Ro Dun

Male Human Paladin 12
Lawful Good
Representing Sezarious
Size: Medium
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 250 lb
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond Straight; Average Beard
Diety: Kord
[sblock=Basic Stats]
Strength 18 (+4)
Dexterity 8 (-1)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 20 (+5)

Maximum Hit Points: 100
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 18 = 10 + 8 [plate]
Proficiency bonus: +4
Initiative modifier: -1 = -1 [dexterity]
Attack (handheld / thrown): + 8 = + 4 [strength] + 4 [proficiency]
Attack (missile / finesse): + 3 = -1 [dexterity] + 4 [proficiency]

Strength save: + 9 = + 4 [strength] +5 when conscious
Dexterity save: +4 = -1 [dexterity] +5 when conscious
Constitution save: +7 = + 2 [constitution]+5 when conscious
Intelligence save: +4 = -1 [intelligence]+5 when conscious
Wisdom save: +9 = + 4 [proficiency]+5 when conscious
Charisma save: +14 = + 5 [charisma] + 4 [proficiency]+5 when conscious
[/sblock][sblock=Passive roles]
Insight (passive): 10 (15 with advantage)
Investigation (passive): 9 (14 with advantage)
Perception (passive): 10 (15 with advantage)
Unarmed strike [+8 to hit; 1+4 bludgeoning]

5 Javelins [+3 to hit; 1d6-1 piercing, 4 lb, thrown (range 30/120)]

Halberd [+8 to hit; 1d10+4 slashing, 6 lb, heavy, reach, two-handed]

[sblock=Skills, Languages, Tools]
Acrobatics Dex -1 = -1
Animal Handling Wis 4 = +0 + 4
Arcana Int -1 = -1
Athletics Str 8 = +4 + 4
Deception Cha 5 = +5
History Int -1 = -1
Insight Wis 0 = +0
Intimidation Cha 9 = +5 + 4
Investigation Int -1 = -1
Medicine Wis 0 = +0
Nature Int -1 = -1
Perception Wis 0 = +0
Performance Cha 5 = +5
Persuasion Cha 9 = +5 + 4
Religion Int -1 = -1
Sleight of Hand Dex -1 = -1
Stealth Dex -1 = -1
Survival Wis 4 = +0 + 4

Languages: Abyssal Common Infernal

Tools: Ride a mount

[sblock=Feats and ASI's]
(Human) Sentinel
(4th) +2 Cha (18)
(8th) +2Cha (20)
(12th +2 Str (18)

First-level castings: 4/day
Second-level castings: 3/day
Third-level castings: 3/day

Bok Ro Dun's level and charisma allow him to prepare 11 Paladin spells daily.
These are in addition to Bok Ro Dun's oath spells.

Mark Bok Ro Dun's First Level Paladin spells here:

Bane [oath spell]
Compelled Duel
Cure Wounds*
Detect Evil and Good
Detect Magic
Detect Poison and Disease
Divine Favor
Hunters Mark [oath spell]
Protection from Evil and Good*
Purify Food and Drink
Searing Smite
Shield of Faith*
Thunderous Smite
Wrathful Smite*

Mark Bok Ro Dun's Second Level Paladin spells here:

Branding Smite
Find Steed*
Hold Person [oath spell]
Lesser Restoration*
Locate Object
Magic Weapon
Misty Step [oath spell]
Protection from Poison
Zone of Truth

Mark Bok Ro Dun's Third Level Paladin spells here:

Aura of Vitality
Blinding Smite
Create Food and Water
Crusaders Mantle*
Dispel Magic*
Elemental Weapon
Haste [oath spell]
Magic Circle
Protection from Energy [oath spell]
Remove Curse*

(*=Typically memorised)

[sblock=Racial Traits]


•The variant rule is in effect. Humans add a point only to two abilities, and get an extra skill and an extra feat (Sentinel)

•This Human chose +1 on strength (already included).

•This Human chose +1 on charisma (already included).

•Humans learn one extra language.

[sblock=Class Features]

Paladin Channel Divinity: 1x:
Regain after any short or long rest

•This paladin selected the great weapon fighting style at level 2; reroll 1s and 2s on damage when using a two-handed or versatile weapon.

•The DC to resist your spells is 8 + proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier.

•Divine sense -- use an action to detect holy / unholy things within 60 feet and not behind a complete barrier

•Lay on hands -- pool of hit points equal to 5 x paladin level, to restore hp, cure disease or neutralize poison

•Level 2: Divine smite. Expend a spell slot to do extra radiant / necrotic damage after hitting.

•Level 2: Fighting style

•Level 3: Immune to disease

•Level 3: Oath spells and channel divinity

•Level 5: Extra attack each round if an attack was made this round

•Level 6: Aura of protection. While you are conscious, you and all friendly creatures within ten feet get your charisma bonus (minimum 1) on saving throws

•Level 10: Aura of courage. While you are conscious, you and all friendly creatures within ten feet are immune to fear.

•Level 11: Improved divine smite. All weapon strikes get an extra 1d8 radiant / necrotic damage.

Vengeance Paladin (oath, mostly non-evil paladins)

•Level 3: Channel divinity -- abjure enemy (make frightened), vow of enmity (gain advantage on attacks).

•Level 7: Relentless Avenger -- a hit on opportunity attack lets you move up to half your speed, not provoking opportunity attacks

[sblock=Encumberance and equipment]
Carry: 270 lb maximum

For groups using the optional encumberance rules:
If carrying more than 90 lb, encumbered -- -10 on speed
If carrying more than 180 lb, heavily encumbered -- -20 on speed, disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saves involving strength, constitution, and/or dexterity

Bok Ro Dun's Equipment:

Plate mail [heavy; + 8 AC; max dex + 0; stealth disadvantage; 65 lb.]
5x Javelins
Mess kit
Rations (1 day) x 10
Rope (50', hempen) x 1
Torches x 10
Waterskins x 1
Holy symbol (silver)
Bok Ro Dun's Personality Traits:
Bok Ro Dun's Ideal(s):

Bok Ro Dun's Bond(s):

Bok Ro Dun's Flaw(s):
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It seems like we should be able to get a group together to run the adventure. I'm typing up some character guidelines at the moment to help you build your characters. You will be starting with several magical items so I'm weighing out exactly how to allow that.

One additional note, the adventure has you descending into a dungeon of the dragon's lair. Rests (short or long) will be incredibly difficult if not impossible during the delve. Keep that in mind as you're thinking about your characters. Also, level 12 characters are going to be very tough and have a lot of capabilities, but it will still serve you well to have a balanced team.

Voidrunner's Codex

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