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I'm thinking of starting a game.


It's been a while since I've DMed a game, and I'm kind of itching to get behind the screen again. Well, metaphorically speaking of course.

Rules will be 3.5. It's the system I'm most familiar with and comfortable running. The only other rule set that I'd be solid with using is 2e, and I'd rather not run that, 3.5 has more flexibility, and my world is set up with 3.x in mind. I don't have a huge 3.x library though, just a few stuff from 3.0, so it'll be core plus a limited amount of additional material. No 3PP stuff. I don't like allowing stuff that I can't reference on my own.

My gaming style tends to be fairly heavy towards power gaming, and action-heavy games. I also enjoy a bit of simulationism and occassionally humorous or just plain bizarre stuff. I'm less of a role-player, and I'm not really into method acting. So the type of game I'm interested in running will probably have a good deal of combat and action. I also want to run a sort of game where the PCs become major players in the world; if not rulers then at least have a campaign where things happen in reaction to the party's actions.

The campaign will take place in a homebrewed world. I have three different scenarios where I'm interested in starting off the campaign. I'll go with the one that the most people are interested in:

  1. Generic Medival European Fantasy #47. Yeah, it's so trite I don't even have a good name for it. Maybe the easiest one for me to get up and running, but the idea of this kind of bores even me.
  2. Intrigues in Zazirabe. Set in the capital of a decadent and formerly great empire, this will be a more or less urban campaign with some degree of focus on political intrigue. The empire is fighting a war with a kingdom of religious zealots who think they're immoral. The generals running the war want to see the empire reclaim its former glory, but the emperor and most of his court are corrupt, selfish and depraved. This might be the most difficult campaign for me to run, at least I feel it will be somewhat difficult for me.
  3. Pirates of the Broken Sea. You start out as part of a pirate crew raiding the Broken Sea between the two main continents. The first few levels will have the PCs going ashore and stuff for the pirate captain, and somewhere around level 3-5 I'll give the party their own ship and the players can raid as they wish.

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Aldern Foxglove

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A well expressed set of expectations and preferences there, and pretty darn similar to my own. I tend to think that RP does fairly well by default in PBP so I'm all for oodles of action.

Of the three options presented I like number 3 the most, pirate adventure is always fun. Number 2 seems like it might require a great deal of discussing options, which takes forever in PBP, it would probably be my choice if this were a RL game, but since it isn't...

So what were you thinking of mechanically Orius? Ability generation method, starting level, starting wealth, deities, etc.


Oooh, people are interested in the pirate game. That's good because I'm feeling kind of pumped for that.

So what were you thinking of mechanically Orius? Ability generation method, starting level, starting wealth, deities, etc.

Haven't fully decided. Ability generation will either be standard 4d6 or a point buy. I favor the 4d6, and I try to keep things more or less fair so I'm not worried too much about uneven scores. However, I'm not opposed to point buy to keep everything equal. We will start at level 1, I seldom start the campaigns higher. Starting wealth will be normal.

Deities go by race. Human characters will need to choose from the homebrew pantheon; humanoid characters go by the standard D&D gods for their races. Race will largely be core; campaigns 2 and 3 might get some non-core races as well, stuff like goblins, orcs, etc.

I will put up a list of allowed feats, prestige classes and the like if I get enough interest here, and when I start the recruiting thread. I will list these individually rather than allowed books, because I usually don't allow everything from optional sources. I don't really restrict core much, but naturally I won't be allowing paladins if we do the pirate campaign. In any case, I don't really mind too much what players make as long as they don't go overboard too much with charop cheese. Also I will list the house rules, mostly I go BTB, but there's a small number of things I do a bit differently.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
I am also VERY interested in a Pirate Themed game. I have never played one, so it would be a great way to get into this. I am very familiar with 3.5, and own most of the books published for it.

So, if you are putting down a list of people, count me in please!

Voidrunner's Codex

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