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D&D 5E (IC) Vault of the Dracolich (Ensemble)


"Come on Valindra, this is getting serious!" Zander yells indicating the hole in the ceiling and the piles of bones floating in the water.

"You sure your pay is worth all this risk? The rewards The Beast might let you keep, you think they are as valuable as your life?"

Knowing his words might not be enough Zander keeps his shield held as his waste ready to deflect any oncoming arrows.

OOC: Man I deserve to still be in NPC mode, this build is so bad. No mace, no range weapons, opps my bad.
Action: Dodge
Persuasion: 1d20+1 [roll0]

AC: 19 (dodging attackers have disadvantage)
HP: 54/54
Speed: 30'
Saves: STR +5, DEX +2, CON +4, INT -1, WIS +0, CHA +1
Features: Second Wind (10+5)-unused, Action Surge-unused
-longsword +6 1d8+3, crit 19-20
-handaxe(m) +6 1d6+3, crit 19-20
-handaxe(r) +6 1d6+3, crit 19-20, rng 20/60

Pitons(10), Rations(6), Torches(8)
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Torbin & Zander
That's fluff. Her AC is higher than 15. I assume Torbin has some way to shoot past cover?

OOC: Not really. No feats taken at all. Although I did forget to announce his casting Hunter' s Mark on her. But that's just the extra d6 damage I rolled on his attacks.

Torbin continued the assault, hoping to make a dent through sheer weight of fire combined with Udits.

Longbow:: 1D20+8 = [17]+8 = 25
1D8+3+1D6 = [6]+3+[3] = 12
1D20+8 = [3]+8 = 11
1D8+3+1D6 = [3]+3+[4] = 10

Squirrels are evil!
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Prickly Pear

Come on, Zanders. We can't stand here like dummies for practice shooting, says SnorLoska, looking like a pin cushion, and indicates to move north along the shore. Then he sets off along the shore towards the narrow bit where they could cross over. We are going to take them on where they don't expect us!

OOC: move: 40 feet northeast (is he outside the lanterns light? Dim light?)
Action: Dodge
Obviously, SnorLoska will stop and attack if he can see more enemies up there (60 feet darkvision).


Udit and Torbin

Udit and Torbin sent arrows at Valindra, the archer, but her vast experience with arrows showed her how to take their very well-placed arrows in such a way as to allow her to take a minimal amount of actual physical damage - she took one on her shoulder-pad, another through her sleeve. A third arrow, she side-stepped, and she returned fire.

She could not see Udit, or tell where he was firing from. But she could find Torbin, down the tunnel, in the dim light of Dunmire's lantern, hidden behind the stalagmite teeth, waist-deep in water. A near-impossible shot, but she made it. Her well-placed arrow found it's way past all obstacles and struck Torbin in the shoulder. Her second arrow, on the other hand, meant for Udit, hit a wall ten feet away from his position.

GM: [Sblock=Rolls]
Attack: 1D20+6+1D10 = [15]+6+[2] = 23
1D8+4 = [6]+4 = 10
Attack: 1D20+6 = [2]+6 = 8
1D8+4 = [5]+4 = 9

Gone: (PCs) Torbin, Udit; (BGs) Archer
Damage Taken: Torbin 10, Archer 19 & 12


Kurzon, Mord, & Sesto

Kurzon fought toe-to-toe with the Skeleton that had once been Bob. He had only met the big barbarian briefly, yesterday (was it only yesterday? It seemed so much longer) but he had respect for the man, and this was a terrible way to go. He slammed his sword into the skeleton (bone was so hard to cut!) and the skeleton swung it's axe and hammer back at him, but Kurzon was an expert with his shield, blocking with perfect timing.

Mord was far up the tunnel, still disguised as a lizardman. He sent blasts of energy at the skeleton, which rolled with the force, chattering it's teeth in mock-laughter that angered Sesto, who had fought beside the big man in life. Sesto sent Lathander's light at the mockery, but it was as if it knew it was coming, and it moved in time to avoid the radiant sear.

The other remaining skeleton took advantage of everyone being so focused on - and repulsed by - Bob's skeleton, that it sneaked it's sword past Kurzon's defences, scratching the half-orc on his shield-arm.

GM: [sblock=Rolls]
Attack: 1D20+6 = [7]+6 = 13
1D8+4 = [4]+4 = 8
1D20+6 = [7]+6 = 13
1D8+4 = [1]+4 = 5
vs Kurzon
Dex Save: 1D20 = [17] = 17
vs Sesto
Attack: 1D20+4 = [16]+4 = 20
1D6+2 = [1]+2 = 3
vs Kurzon
Gone: (PCs) Kurzon, Mord, Sesto; (BGs) Bobskeleton, Skeleton1
Damage Taken: Kurzon 3; Bobskeleton 13+6+7+8(0)=26


SnorLoska and Zander

As SnorLoska leads Zander around the north shore of the lower lake, the guards across the water send crossbow quarrels hurtling toward them. Both turn on the quarrels, hacking them and blocking with their shields, ready for anything. Then the pair slip off beyond the lanterns light and into darkness, Zander holding the half-orc by the shoulder to find his way in the darkness.

GM: SnorLoska loses his rage!
[sblock=rolls]Attack: 1D20+4 = [20]+4 = 24
1D8+2 = [6]+2 = 8
1D20+4 = [17]+4 = 21
1D8+2 = [3]+2 = 5
1D20+4 = [8]+4 = 12
1D8+2 = [1]+2 = 3
vs Zander, 2x SnorLoska
Crit: 1D8 = [8] = 8
vs Zander
Oh wait, you're BOTH dodging! (That's disadvantage on the roll, not some trumped-up AC like you're suggesting, EarlyBird! :p
Disadvantage: 1D20+4 = [2]+4 = 6
1D20+4 = [2]+4 = 6
1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
vs Zander, 2x SnorLoska
That's a whole lotta miss! Turn my beautiful crit into a 6! Grumble frazzim....
Gone: (PCs) SnorLoska, Zander (BGs) Guards
Damage Taken: NONE. >:-(

Prickly Pear

SnorLoska sniggers when he hears the guards across the water swearing at their pathetic attempts to find their marks.

OOC: It's a bummer about the rage but taking damage is an expensive way to keep the rage. The range of the darts are too short to cover the distance to the guards too. Whatever.

Sent from my iPhone using EN World


What a bloody mess! This deafening slurping noise mixed whit the cultists screams echoing in the whole place chilled Lorenn to the bones. Reassured by his mage armor spell, he tried to make his way into this chaos. With some hesitation, he stepped out of the shadows, searching for a target. But he haven't see anything yet when arrows start flying everywhere in the cave and countless undead raised from nowhere! Is it Bob there? But when a blast flashed out, Lorenn had just enough time to raise his arm, protecting his face from the bones shrapnel. Yup, he believes in Lathender from now on. And now it's Zander, Snor, Terrus and Auraia who rush out. Wait guys! What's the plan? Who wants a fog cloud? But when the shït really hit the fan was when Pyrus frowned his eyebrows. Next moment, it was the whole cave who blew up!

He didn't find the courage to hurt Bob, so he opts to take care of this archer pack with one of his favourite spell. It will cut off their retreat and maybe burn them a little bit.

OOC: Movement: 016
Action: Cast Flaming Sphere on AA23 (60 ft) Dex save DC: 13 or take 2D6 = [3, 6] = 9
Bonus Action: Ram into Valindra and stop at AA23
I want make them move north to avoid flames. Now, technically, they could go south because of the spell mechanics (if they don't end their turn in contact with the sphere, no harm.) But, I suppose that you run to the opposite direction when you are chased by a fire ball. [/url]

[...]Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
As a bonus action, you can move the sphere up to 30 feet. If you ram the sphere into a creature, that creature must make the saving throw against the sphere’s damage, and the sphere stops moving this turn. [...]

[sblock=Statblock] HP: 42 HD: 3d6/3d8
AC: 16 (+2 Bladesong) (+5 Shield)
Potions: 2/4
Spell slots:
1st: 3/4
2nd: 2/3
Bladesong: 2/2
Arcane Recovery: 1/1
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Voidrunner's Codex

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