• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"You are mad if you think we serve Teraphim. We have just arrived from outside and all we are doing is defending from various undead things that attack without question. They are the only ones one can talk to. That doesn't mean we're the servants." Thulwar tries to explain
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Harfik found is focus split in too many directions between the escape route the creature was planning on taking, watching for struggle, and digesting it's words.

He considers briefly admitting that he cares little for what side he allies with in this god forsaken place but decides to keep that to himself for now.

"I serve forces from outside this hellscape that you cannot understand. You chose me as an enemy, not the other way around."

Harfik thinks through his Teraphim memories trying to figure out anything they know about these scarabs and these creatures.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aanzu growls, anger coming to the surface. This worthless creature is mocking him, and more importantly, mocking the spirit of the great Blue Dragon!

The dragonborn does not bother listening further. Letting go of the prisoner so he can grab his mighty sword with both hands, Aanzu lashes out with the blade, once, twice.

”No bugs shall speak of the Great Dragon that way,” he states with conviction.

OOC: Releasing grapple as free action, then taking the Attack action to swing the sword twice (Extra Attack): [roll0] for [roll1] damage, [roll2] for [roll3] damage.

Perception: [roll4]

Archon Basileus

First Post

The undead is let loose, only to be slaughtered by Aanzu's mighty strikes before everyone's eyes! Both swings cross the corpse at the waist, splitting him in two before he could protest!

Too late, though, Harfik realizes the ruse: the creature wanted to be killed! Scavenging through memories that are not his own, he's brought to understand the nature of the amberilans a bit more. By the time the Teraphim defeated the human invaders, a delicate decision had to be made: the city of Amberilan still held many diplomats, bound to frown upon Teraphim actions. As soon as they knew of the sacrilege within the Teraphim temple - and the death of their mortal comrades - the denizens of Amberilan fell divided. Some took the side of the Teraphim, while others condemned their actions. Conflict ensued, and in the end the Teraphim allies were taken from Amberilan to new settlements, below and beyond, while the treacherous rebels were submitted by force.

As punishment, they became the object of Teraphim experiments. Through necrotic technology and old rituals, their souls were bound into their bodies - no doubt an attempt to achieve immortality. The experiment failed, nonetheless: their bodies decayed, while their souls remained. Condemned thus, they became a stagnant society, living in the ruins of their ancient city and struggling to remain sane. Their hate for the Teraphim only grew as the years passed.

Why would the creature want to die, one might ask? To be rid of this mockery of life? No... Even after the body breaks, the soul lingers! It might even find a new host, either through possession or through necromantic rituals - should they know them, of course...

Lyllie and Ajax approach the group, glancing at the unfortunate body, eaten away by the bugs. The small creatures have taken a symbiotic bond with the undead - a painful, yet useful, relationship. The small scarabs are said to have been brought up from the lower layers of Mount Amberilan. No one knows how they were tamed, though...

The room's still thrown in darkness. Only the small passage, which the undead planned to use, is visible from here. Nonetheless, dark vision reveals another passage, fifteen feet to the right. This second way out seems to be a gallery that leads to another room. Beyond, only silence.

[Ok, you have the small passage and a gallery to another room. Remember that most of this room is thrown in darkness. More might be revealed, if you are inclined to explore.]

[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855102]Greenmtn[/MENTION]


Harfik Human Monk

Harfik looks incredulously at the Teraphim with him for a moment before his face returns to his calm, political facade.

"How do your people look back on the crimes of your ancestors?" Harfik seems to collected his words carefully chosen.

"Prince, which way would you like to go next? We can't stay here. The destruction of that body freed the spirit within. Those that we just destroyed are free to return and warn others still. In future confrontations with them we should try to be more diplomatic, or somehow capture them so they cannot inform others of our actions. I see 2 apparent exits at this point here, and there." Harfik points in the directions of the two exits after scanning the room.

"Any other ideas?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aanzu growls, but only softly.

"This one will not be diplomatic to insects," he says, but with less conviction than expected. The prince has grown to appreciate Harfik and his insight, and Aanzu is careful not to dismiss the monk's advice outright.

Then the dragonborn turns his mind to the question of where to go next. The current mission is to find a way towards Nova Palatine, and his personal goal is to destroy a totem somewhere in that direction, in order to get to Ella Ravenblade, who seems to be hiding somewhere in the mysterious Waterworks. So what direction seems like the best bet?

"Where does that lead?" Aanzu points towards the passage to the right that through a gallery leads to another room.

OOC: Does the Eagle totem feature ("See up to 1 mile away with no difficulty, discern fine details as if no more than 100 feet away. Dim light does not impose disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.") mean I get to see in the dark just fine with darkvision?

Regardless, Aanzu is curious what's in the next room.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Same question for darkvision here

"Let me check first few yards of the small passage. I'm interested if that was just quick escape route because of your size or it is a walk-around path so they don't have to pass through the big hall. Remember those ghosts at the start."

Voidrunner's Codex

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