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Archon Basileus

First Post

Both Yttrian and Lyllie lose themselves to their studies. Yttrian makes useful, albeit rustic, notes about the upper sectors of the sanctuary. He realizes that the path leading to it will force them through an old sanctuary that links Caer Vallen to the Sanctum. On the other hand, lower strata of the mountains might allow for a quicker way into the Teraphim sanctuary, but it seems that these areas are only reachable through the ruins of an old settlement, excavated within the mountains. Before Yttrian can commit any of these discoveries to paper, the sage offers the maps for him to take away, advising caution, since they’re quite old, and things might have changed.

[Yttrian is now in possession of three maps. The first one depicts the sanctuary behind Caer Vallen. His research shows that the place is still working, but under the influence of potentially hostile forces. The second one depicts the lower strata, where a subterranean community once thrived. Entries about these regions are few, but the map is complete, despite being quite old, from the days the place still served as a monastery and ascetic community. The third one portrays the upper areas of the Sanctuary. It is small and incomplete, holding solely the general outlines of a few rooms – a hall of sacrifices, a hall of heroes, a conference room and a guest sector – but no more. Descriptions speak of secret contraptions that made doors move on their own, as well as several other strange mechanisms, not always fully understood by the author of the writings. Observations of all sorts depict the hall of heroes as the entrance area, the zone where the massacre happened, so long ago, accompanied by all sorts of cautionary symbols and notes.]

As for Lyllie, after some effort she uncovers part of the history of the Teraphim, as well as the areas surrounding their lair. After the disaster that befell their world, many a man tried to look for redemption by journeying towards the Sanctum. While some wished for an explanation, or even a cure – much like Conrad, nowadays – others sought to harness the power of the Teraphim, employing it for their own agendas. Some of these even made their lairs around the ruins of the Sanctum. Rumor has it that some even managed to emulate the arcane magic of the messengers, using their powerful thunder and their many divinatory instruments in their favor.
The sage sees how Lyllie goes about her research. Moved by the gnome’s effort, he adds a few observations to those she managed to locate within the books. He says, in a very contrived and embarrassed way, that many were physically affected by the disaster. Some, though, suffered deep, dramatic transformations, to the point that they decided to leave the gaze of the sun and reach for the complexes around the Sanctum. Many of the halls are now inhabited by the Touched, as they’re popularly known, and the mutations they suffered made them fierce and unpredictable enemies, the likes of which no one had ever seen up until then. Entire generations might have made that place their home, he says, and they have been known for their extreme physical prowess and for their hunting instincts, much like those of feral beasts. When allied to the profane usurping mage lords, these beasts are most dangerous, reaching untold degrees of depravity and violence.

[After her research, Lyllie discovers that the magic yielded by the Teraphim won’t be affected by counter magic, but it might be fended off by the right spells, as if the Teraphim bent forces of nature to work in their favor. Also, she discovers that a cast of mages has mixed up traditional magic and Teraphim arcane knowledge, building fortresses around the Sanctum. They have eyes everywhere and probably know everything that transpires around their lairs. Lastly, the Touched, comprised of many human and humanoid nations, have now turned into something else, completely distinct, and roam the old ruins.]


I appreciate your honesty. I am a slave where I come from and understand servitude... You are to do what ever we ask, and give us what we want yes?" Harfik chooses a simple straight stick that could easily be mistaken for a broom handle to fight with while waiting for the servant to answer his question. In a whisper, "After this we eat, you as well, you work hard and deserve to be treated right. Does he treat you right?"

The servant seems startled by the direct questions that Harfik poses. It seems that the slave’s manners throw him off-balance, making him uncomfortable. He barely risks an answer, repeating mechanically what so many servants have been trained to say over generations of dominion. “If you request anything of me, you shall have it, of course.” – a gentle smile completes the façade he wishes to build. “I am treated with fairness, if that is what you mean, my lord.” – his intonation leaves plenty of room for doubt, almost as if he rehearsed those lines over and over, being able to repeat them even under torture.

As the battle game ensues, servants all around collect bets in subtle signs, a language not entirely lost in the combatants. Icosa’s arrival is not ignored as well, his presence being far less inconspicuous than the warforged would have desired. A few servants mention his presence in soft, whispered tones, up until one of them comes closer, offering food and beverages, his puzzled face ranging between pleasantness and experimentation.

“Sir?” – he pushes the tray towards Icosa, waiting for an answer as some other servants watch curiously.

[No tests for the battle. I’d request a perception test of each of you, if only to know how you guys uncover each other’s soft and hard spots, so to speak. As for the rest, the description you delivered is far better than I’d have imagined! Also, sorry for the delay, but now I'm back at my normal pacing. Every day here, every two days, tops, a post!]

@industrygothica @Shayuri @Greenmtn @JustinCase @Charwoman Gene [MENTION=8858]hafrogman[/MENTION]

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Retroactive post!

The servant seems startled by the direct questions that Harfik poses. It seems that the slave’s manners throw him off-balance, making him uncomfortable. He barely risks an answer, repeating mechanically what so many servants have been trained to say over generations of dominion. “If you request anything of me, you shall have it, of course.” – a gentle smile completes the façade he wishes to build. “I am treated with fairness, if that is what you mean, my lord.” – his intonation leaves plenty of room for doubt, almost as if he rehearsed those lines over and over, being able to repeat them even under torture.

When referred to as a Lord Harfik ducks and looks quickly over his shoulder much like you would expect a child to react when caught doing something he wasn't supposed to and expecting a backhand. When he realizes no one is there he refocuses on the servant. "I am a slave... if you have been instructed that you MUST address me by a formal title you may call me as 'thrice bound'. Otherwise Harfik is how I am known." With a nod, pained by the words and not wanting to continue the conversation he moves to position to start the sparring match.

Thinking to himself as he waits for the first move Even when I am not thrice bound Lord will never do.


Lyllie takes her information and goes to meet the others in the banquet hall. She pauses for a beat as she enters, the makeshift arena taking her by surprise. She eventually collects herself and finds a seat at the back on one of the tables shoved in a corner.

[B]AC:[/B] 16; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]52[/COLOR]/52
[B]Initiative:[/B] +3
[B]Saves:[/B] INT +7, WIS +5
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 15
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Gnomish, Sylvan, Druidic
[B]Skills:[/B] Arcana +7, Investigation +7, Nature +7, Perception +5
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 8 (-1), Dex 14 (+2) , Con 14 (+2), Int 18 (+4), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 11 (+0)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No

[B]Spell Save DC:[/B] 13/15
[B]Spell Slots:[/B] 4, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Slots Used:[/B] 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Spells Prepared:[/B] (4/8) 
[*]1st Level: 1st Level: Healing Word (D), Entangle (D), Faerie Fire (D), Speak with Animals (D), Ray of Sickness, Color Spray, 
Mage Armor, Witch Bolt, False Life
[*]2nd Level: Blindness/Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement, Misty Step
[/list](D) Druid Spells modified with Wisdom. All others are Wizard spells modified with Intelligence.

Tenser's Floating Disk, Find Familiar, Identify, Gentle Repose


Yttrian finishes up his own research and thanking the sage once again, secures the maps as best he can among his gear, resolving to buy a scroll case or similar before the expedition leaves town. He trails Icosa and Lyllie on their way to the banquet hall and quietly ducks in behind them.

He grabs a few quick bites from what is left of the feast, *You never know when your next good meal will be*, and settles in to watch the tail end of the mock combat.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
As the hall begins to fill with spectators, Aanzu makes a few final moves before taking a few steps back, away from his sparring partners. He holds the stick up once more, gives the smallest of nods, then lowers his weapon.

OOC: Perception: [roll0]


Harfik Human Monk

As Aanzu steps back Harfik swings his staff behind his back and launches it spinning into the air above his head, 2 steps backward, he looks up, a quick step to the side as he adjusts, the staff obviously not coming down exactly where he hoped but he manages to get back under it and catch it.

He ends the "show" by laying the staff across the inside of his elbows his hands coming together and bowing deeply in a show of respect.

OOC: Let me know if my passive perception of 19 let me notice anything during the fight if you like. He's not terribly interested in "sizing up" anyone in the group but if you want a perception check for something else.
Perception [roll0]


First Post
Icosa's head makes little ratcheting noises as it swivels to look at the servant with odd blue gleams barely glimpsed through the slit in the smooth metal of his...helmet? Head?

"That will not be necessary. Thank you."

(perception! [roll0])


Yttrian inclines his head at Kethra.

"Indeed. We have gathered what information we can. I think we're prepared to head out. I imagine an early start in the morning?"

Archon Basileus

First Post
As the heroes indulge their tastes and talk through the details of the coming trip, they lay down the details of the trip ahead of them. From this sudden burst of camaraderie, a deeper tactical awareness emerged, allowing for better cooperation in future endeavors.

[coordinated actions lead all characters adjacent to others to receive +1 bonus in attack and defense, applicable only once per character.]

As the adventurers leave, only the servants are left to reorganize the hall. Descend back again in the next morning they are greeted by the servants in an impeccably clean banquet hall, restocked with a fresh meal and ready to answer to all their needs. Prosper, they guide, comes inside to greet them as they break their feast. The middle-aged man bears a stoic face and dresses in furs, as few would nowadays.

“Whenever you are ready, ladies and lords. Horses are at the gates…” – he speaks solidly underneath his thick moustache.

[Any last-minute preparations might be done now.]


By the time the Duke’s envoys reach the gates, the square in front of the Keep is bustling with life. Merchants cries reach out for customers in their errands, children run after small animals, negotiators barter with sinuous glances, guards and cutpurses play their usual game of concealed motions.

The small line of mounts crosses the lively areas of the city after Prosper’s rhythm. In the back, two servants conduct a pack mule with some supplies. The trip towards the sanctum is short. After crossing the walls and venturing through a road surrounded by improvised houses and foreign faces, a single hour separates the travelers from Caer Vallen. They do not cross the ominous stone plaza, nor do they visit the insides of its walls. Since times immemorial, only the High Overseer, the Duke of Wellington, might extend such an honor. There, all dukes were consecrated as such, receiving their initiation rituals and their titles under the auspicious looks of the older gods, those that came before the Teraphim.

The road goes on towards the mountains, and soon enough the steep climb begins. An hour more, and the group finds itself lodged in the high plateau that gives access to the openings leading towards the Sanctum. From this point, all the surrounding area can be seen. Below, ruinous Caer Vallen and the city of Wallis with its high towers, surrounded by refugees and belligerent groups. Up the slopes, the pinnacle of the Teraphim Sanctum shines under the languid mid-morning sun.

Prosper and the servants begin to unpack, clearly intending to build a small camp. Prosper explains that, less than a mile following the trail between the rocks, an old entrance can be found. There, the heroes will find what used to be a sanctuary, now occupied by what the guide defines as “that rabble from the roads”. His tone suggests that bandits and yeomen might be present, a somewhat shy interpretation, considering the details found within the library. He also mentions a second way, through a trail that goes down into the mountains, but can’t bring himself to recommend the trip.

“I’d rather face just some poachers… Down there things are odd, scarce of sanity, people say…” – he scratches his moustache as he unpacks a crossbow, looking around. “Your choice, though…” – he begins to man the weapon as the servants build a small tent, closer to the edge.

[You may help yourselves to the simple supplies brought any time. Torches, oil and some food are available. Water can be found in abundance around, since it runs through many crevices around this area. Other utilities might be found as well. If you want any, mention it on the post and availability will be displayed as we move on].

@industrygothica @Shayuri @Greenmtn @JustinCase @Charwoman Gene @hafrogman

Voidrunner's Codex

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