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[IC] Star Wars - Interlude IV: The Detritus of Destiny


Krallatan, Wookiee Mechanic / Pilot

Krallatan takes a step back to get out of the splash zone while the game of 'grab-a$$' is going on, and motions for the others to precede him in following the droid. When Noe hesitates again, he leaves ahead of her, nodding his thanks for the bubbles.
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Arsinoe Anjuliz

Coyn/Ah’Kra/Duty Free shop

Arsinoe headed into the duty free shop and looked around. Lots of local alcohol and other intoxicants. Clothing items were limited and divided into mostly two categories: fringer wear and expensive items. She headed for the racks and perused through the selection, finding a few things in her size. She grabbed a pair of boots, a couple tops and heavy pants, and a jacket, then found some packs of basic feminine undergarments. Then she spotted some nice, expensive silken sets and drooled over them a bit before splurging and throwing them on the pile. A girl liked to have something nice once in awhile. Finally she grabbed one of the more modestly priced but attractive dresses and some less than sensible shoes. Finally, she grabbed a small makeup kit.

“Hi,” Arsinoe smiled at the Chevan behind the counter. “Put these on Rumko Wun’s tab.” She set the pile on the counter. Call it an...advance. “Is there a place I can change?” she asked.

“Over there,” the Chevan grunted, holding out the datapad for her thumbprint. She pressed it and said, “Thanks,” as she gathered up her bags and headed to the changing rooms.

Noe emerged a few moments later feeling much better. Her clothes were fitted to her lithe, lean body, making her look a lot more like a woman than a little girl in too-big men’s clothes. She could move easier, too. And it felt great to have makeup on again! She’d show Mack! And just wait until she could try that dress.

Someone whistled as Arsinoe walked by and she tossed him a wink, feeling like she could conquer the galaxy now!


Mack Granger


Mack frowned as he wiped the brandy off his face after the hussy tossed it in his face. What he had said certainly had not warranted the drenching. He stayed at the table muttering to himself, “Mawkin' high maintenance... and a waste of alcohol.”

After some consideration Mack figured he got the drink in the face because Noe was miffed once she realized he was not interested in charging up her loading ramp. With the slight buzz he had going, he was actually considering bending her over and giving her the wish.

After finishing that second whiskey, he ordered another one.

Forged Fury

First Post
Session 1/Scene 1: Ah'Kra Spaceport

G8R and Krallatan left the bar and headed in the direction of the docking bay in which the Sarlacc was currently parked. After navigating several hallways, the duo reached the repulsorlift that would take them down to the docking bay area and entered it.

After she had dashed her "Corellian" brandy in Mack's face, Arsinoe took her leave of the bar, heading toward the duty-free shop. She enjoyed the stroll, stopping to window shop when she saw something that caught her eye. Checking a directory, the young woman quickly located the shop she was searching for and entered. After pawing through the clothes available for sale, she made her purchase. The chevin behind the counter cocked his massive head/body questioningly when Arsinoe mentioned that the purchase was to be put on someone named Rumko Wun's account, but said nothing of it when the print reader registered her thumb print as a valid purchaser.

Barely a minute after Arsinoe had walked out the door of the bar, Mack was already nursing his third whiskey. In mid-quaff, he noticed that the group of rodians had cleared their table and were heading out the door with what looked like a purpose. As the passed by, the Rebel soldier noticed that they were all carrying blasters.


Arsinoe Anjuliz

Arsinoe Anjuliz
Coyn/Ah’Kra/Duty Free shop

Arsinoe took her time on the shop level as she slowly headed toward the repulsorlift down to the docks. She’d spent about what she figured she could afford on the clothes and shouldn’t spend anything else. Window shopping with no credits was aggravating! She wasn’t used to not having money to buy whatever she fancied. She stopped outside of a chocolatier and admired the expensive candy, mouth watering a bit.


Krallatan, Wookiee Mechanic / Pilot

When he arrived back at the Secondhand Sarlacc, he first took another very quick look over the engine, the hyperdrive, and grav generators. Then he checked the fuel levels and the weapon systems. Then he wishes to check the O2 supply and make sure the galley is well-stocked with plenty of serviceable, if not particularly tasty, grub and plenty of water. If he has time after all that, he will get the Sarlacc into the departure queue and get a clearance from the spaceport.
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Mack Granger


Mack was going to stay in the cantina, but something about the Rodian's departure was nagging at his paranoia. It was the timing. They had a look of being potential bounty hunters and they did have blasters. But, that could be coincidence. And the Rodians had not tried to come after him either.

But their purposeful departure after Noe left all alone gave him an apprehensive feeling that cut through the buzz of the whiskey.

"Aw grap," he muttered. The soldier make a hand gesture to cut off the preparation of his fourth whiskey as he rose to his feet. He left some credits for a tip and made to follow out the door after the Rodians.

He keyed the mic on his hands free commlink and contacted Arsnioe.

Mack's voice was all business when she answered, "Where are you right this minute?"

"I want you to go inside to keep out of sight from anyone passing by. I will be there soon too explain."



Boarding the ship, LE-G8R-VO wastes no time in going directly to the hyperspace transceiver and receiving the message from master Rumko.


Arsinoe Anjuliz

Coyn/Ah’Kra/Duty Free shop

Arsinoe’s commlink chirped as she was about to stop torturing herself with expensive chocolates she couldn’t have, so she dug it out and pressed the button.


"Where are you right this minute?" Mack’s voice demanded.

Noe frowned. What did he care?

“The duty-free promenade, like I said. Outside the chocolatier,” she told Mack. “Why?”

"I want you to go inside to keep out of sight from anyone passing by. I will be there soon too explain."

Arsinoe blinked. “Are you drunk already?” she asked Mack, but she was already making her way into the chocolate shop. She scanned the crowd on the promenade, but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, no one looking at her. She knew Mack was prone to paranoia, but there was something serious in his tone.

Arsinoe headed to the back of the store. Now she wished she had changed clothes after she bought them. Trying to keep a narrow profile to the shop window yet still be able to scan the walkway outside the shop for Mack or for trouble. She reached down to lightly undo the clasp of her blaster holster and check the knife was clear in its sheath, just in case.


Mack Granger


Mack was surprisingly adept at shadowing the Rodians and it soon became apparent that they were hardly paying any attention. Unfortunately he noticed they were heading in the same direction that Arsinoe went.

He whispered into his hands free comlink his tone a curt hiss, “No, I am not mawkin’ drunk. Do NOT let anyone see you from outside. I will be there in a moment to explain.”

If the woman had been one of his team in the unit, he would have explained over the comms, but Mack did not trust the lady to not look out the shop to see what was going on if he told her.

If the others were there, he would be less worried. But at the moment, their effective combat strength was halved and he did not like those odds. Before making his play for entering the shop as well, he called the other two.

“Kralla, Gater, we have a situation. Gear up and be ready to either come to my location, or to receive armed visitors. I am not sure yet which.”

[sblock=Actions]Before entering the shop and using the results from the Shadowing rolls, making Perception Check to look for something that would make a good diversion.
Dice Pool = 1A & 1P[/sblock]

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