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D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich


Dusty Dragon
Kalorn listened to the banter between Zander and Primus with interest. So four had send the one to fix things? Definitely a sorcerer or something. He then turned as Imani arrived. A half-elf! So may elves in this... well, time for some nonsense flower-quest... but no. The cult of the dragon? Oh those were people who needed killing.

His eyes narrowed as Imani spoke further. Once silence fell, he cleared his throat and spoke in a raspy voice

"So... few questions. Now assuming that this Maccath the Crimson doesn't betray us or some nonsense... any idea what she wants? Either her quest stinks, or she stinks, or else she would have got some locals to do it for her.

Second, how do we get there? Half this lot is on foot, and while I'm no geographer, I'm pretty sure Luskan is pretty freaking far. It's what, a thousand miles to the coast?

Third, are we sure this horn can summon the dragon we want, and no some random drake? And is that gold dragon still alive?

Last, how are we getting paid?"

The sell-sword crossed his arms as he asked the last question.
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"We are heroes and heroes are not getting paid to save the world. Fame and glory are our prizes. You get paid with scars and burns, if you're lucky. Didn't you get the memo?", said a voice ironically from the back of the room.

Mister shiny sword was too serious, Lorenn couldn't help himself but soften the atmosphere.
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After chuckling about Lorenn's answer, Imani replied, "No, no... of course you will be paid. As far as travel goes, I will get you some of the way - my old friend Sir Isteval of Cormyr now lives in the town of Daggerford. I have a teleportation circle at his house that I use when I have business on the Sword Coast. I will send you to him, and then Loklafd will take you from there."

Hearing his cue, Loklafd stood up from where he was resting his prosthetic leg and said, "I have kayaks stored on the banks of the Shining River. We will take them downriver where we will meet my cousin Lerustah and his longship, the Frostskimmr, which will take us north to Luskan."

Imani added, "When you return to Daggerford, I will meet you at Isteval's house and he and I will reward you with a thousand gold pieces each and our gratitude."


Whispering to a strange masked adventurer next to him, "Said like that it seems almost too easy... Don't you think? Such a team of badass for a horn delivery... I don't have a good felling about this. You don't talk much, do you? Oh, you're the quiet style guy. Is the mask still a thing around here? I mean, you're a gang or something? Wait, you make me doubt now. Should we have come undercover? Was it in the message? Hmm, I think you came at the wrong party, man. I'm Lorenn by the way. Bladedancer, yup. This? Oh, it's nothing. Just a Lightblade I won on some dice game. Yeah, it's nice... Ho, stop it, you. What? Oh, I see you coming, it was fair and square, ok? Yeah yeah, I can see your little eyes you know -- Wait, wait -- Sorry, don't want to be rude but I've got to cut the chitchat, they talking about gold now."
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Dusty Dragon
Kalorn glanced sideways at Lorenn. Ah, the joker. There was always one, wasn't there? But that was ok. Couldn't be helped, might still be competent too. We'll see.

He then nodded at the elven archer. Liked the answer better.

He turned back towards Imani. "A thousand gold? You're lucky that I owe Malbung a favor." Pointing to the back of the room he added "But I will gladly take his share and let him keep the scars. Seems fair"

See, he too, could joke. Ha. The smile faded.

"But that is two questions out of four, Wizard".
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"Ah yes, to your other questions: No, I do not know what the Arcane Brotherhood has in mind. In fact, I suspect that it is not yet decided. Moreover, I have not agreed (on your behalf) to a no-questions-asked type mission. A negotiation is expected, I believe. One in which I trust, you will argue for your own favourable terms." Imani replied, suggesting that he trusted the group to be able to speak for themselves. "Lastly: I will not use the Draakhorn without due diligence. You are correct in assuming that it is a very dangerous artefact in the wrong hands. Hence, why I have asked for a group such as this. My hands, I hope you will agree, are not the wrong hands."


Dusty Dragon
A thousand gold... Kalorn did his best to keep his face neutral. It *was* better than the 7 silvers a day he was paid last summer guarding a caravan. Probably more interesting too. Yeah, this could be done. Still, Luskan! That was far. Way far. He had thought that perhaps Malbung had recommended him because of his knowledge of the area... then again, maybe Malbung didn't know the details either. He thought about pressing for more money - to cover expenses and the like.

He raised an eyebrow at the "wrong hands" comment . How was he supposed to know that? He looked at the others to see how they reacted.


“Everybody believes their hands are the right hands,” Primus said, readjusting his wide brimmed hat. “There’s a road in the Hells That is paved with the good intentions of those who wind up there. I know, I’ve walked it.”

Prickly Pear

Sesto walked in and spotted Zander a bit further in the room. He walked up to Zander and slapped him on the arm as way of a greeting. Good to see you again. I'm glad you have been summoned too. I was hoping that some of the gang would turn up again. Sesto smiled at the stranger that had been in a conversation with Zander when Sesto interrupted. Pleased to meet you. I am Sesto.

Sesto then glanced around the room and caught eye with Lorenn and waved. A bit to the side stood Mord, Sesto nodding a greeting. Sesto had always felt a bit uncomfortable around Mord -- it was something about his demeanour... and his eyes.

Sesto looked up the stairs as Imani made his entrance, pompous as the other time. As Imani spoke, Sesto looked around the room at the other people. There was the pin-legged Reghedman Loklafd, Imani's old friend and ally who helped the gang across the river last time. Then there was a tall man and an elf archer. And, of course, the man that was next to Zander. They all looked like competent fighters, although the tall man didn't seem to be using any weapons.

Sesto listened to Imani and Loklafd, and them answering the questions that they were all thinking. Thousand gold pieces! That should come to good use when I return to the temple in Neverwinter.

Suddenly Sesto noticed the three quiet masked strangers in the back of the room, not far from Mord. They were so motionless that Sesto hadn't noticed them first. What in Lathander's name are those... things? And now I can smell it too... a faint smell but still that smell... the sweet musky smell of death! Nobody else seemed to have noticed them. They must have been summoned by someone... maybe Mord? It is possible something he would do. I will need to talk to him soon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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