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[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)


"I will be there tomorrow."

Winter has her doubts as to whether Lords Tommilson plans will match their own. But for now she is just pleased that something is happening. Whatever it is. Unless it is stupid. In which case she will be less pleased.

Humans can be very stupid at times.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Noticing Anna is interested in trying new foods, Brother Pelegon senses an opportunity.

" 'Ere, try this. Brewed by the best lizardfolk shaman from the camp where the decent ones live. Strong stuff, but I reckon you'll like it," he says as he offers her a crude jug filled with a strong and disgusting smelling grog. His eyes - which she can now see are pure white without visible pupils - cannot hide his misschievous glee.

The party breaks up slowly as the sun sets. Brother Pelegon walks Tifi back to her uncle's house where demonstrates her moves to her uncle. He thanks Bro P for looking after her.

Morning comes a bit overcast. Looks like it'll rain by noon. As you arrive at the Tommilson estate on Governor's Island, you variously mention Everett's name and are shown into a sitting room off the foyer. Some of the long time party members see Zadolix and Keth are here as are more recent PCs such as Valdral. Introductions are made

After some time, an elven woman in fine clothes enters the room. "Hello, I'm Lady Riaata. Thank you for coming at such short notice. If you would follow me."

She leads you out of the sitting room to a larger room with a long table with chairs. Breakfast is laid out on the table. She stands next to the chair to the right of the head chair. "Father will be here shortly. Please sit." A servant attempts to help her with her chair but she waves him off.

GM: small talk with Riaata is possible before someone comes sit at the head of the table. Be nice to know if Anna has a hangover from last night. And whatever else people may have done on the way here this morning.


Swithun was very happy to see his old friend Valdral. He spent most of his time speaking with him, finding out what he'd been up to. He nodded to Lady Riaata and was patient while the servants moved two chairs and a small end-table so that he could stand at the main table. It was a bit of an awkward fit, but he found a way to make it work.


Surina makes her way to Keth and Zadolix. To Zadolix she says, "Good to see you, my height-challenged friend! Are you keeping out of trouble?" To Keth "Well met, brother-in-faith. How have you served The Family since I last saw you?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Brother Pelegon feels a bit awkward in this fancy mansion, sitting in a comfortable chair eating fine breakfast.

"No scarcity here," the monk mutters, but thinks better of making a scene. Perhaps his mood is better now that the familiar morning headache is strangly absent, but the aasimar is actually in good spirits and he hums a little tune under his breath as he enjoys his meal, listening to the conversations around him.

Instinctively gravitating more to the common people than the nobility, Brother Pelegon leans over as a servant refills his glass of water, and says to him, "I'm Pelegon, nice to meet you. Didn't I see you last week at the tavern? Quite a singing voice you have, if I remember correctly."


Anna shows up with dark glasses and a pale expression. Eleanor ribbits supportively and she slowly turns her head, and whispers, "don't do that."

She makes her way to a seat, and quietly and motions for water, downing a glass in one gulp and then getting another. She carefully speaks to Brother Pelegon. "What... exactly, was the recommended dosage of that... whatever it was."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Pelegon smiles broadly at Anna before replying.

”More’n you had, girl! There’s a fine line between drinking too much and drinking just enough to forget your troubles, and it looks like you were just a drink or two shy of that point...”

The monk laughs heartily, then continues more softly, ”Water helps. So does a good meal.”

He refills her water as soon as she empties her glass, then suggests the heartiest food on the table.

Voidrunner's Codex

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