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[IC] Horror High - Freshman Year


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Francis frowned slightly, or rather tried to, before the merest snicker launched an ambush on her face and took control. Not like she'd talked about this at school before. How was she supposed to know the cool words to use? "Fine. Now I'm self-conscious."

She shrugged toward the law enforcement. "It's not a game, though. You know who they're here for."

"Anyway, no, this isn't my job. It's a special case," Francis added, glancing at the younger cop. "I never joined, they just claimed me. Don't know what it takes to get in. But...." She lowered her voice, shrugging, looking around the room like someone with nothing to say, "it's probably violent.

"That's not my business. For the other stuff, having a partner helps. I can't get out of all this, so don't worry about bringing me in. That's all."

Francis studied the crowd, a begrudgingly dissolving knot around that girl. "Wonder if that's 'at risk.'"
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Juno glanced over at the commotion and shrugged. "At risk of passing out, looks like." She shook her head.

"So what's next is what I mean though. Where do I go from here? Who tells me...all that stuff? You?"


Janice approaches the fallen student and bends down on one knee. "You okay, kid?" she asks with genuine concern. "We should get you to the nurses' station, get you checked out. If you need help walking, I can assist you."

Looking up at Juno, she says matter-of-factly, "Hell of a first day so far, huh?"
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Juno gave Janice a defiant look and shrugged. "I dunno, seems fine to me. Some police thing pulled everyone out of class, costing us valuable education at the taxpayer's expense so, that was cool. And you got to play hero again, so that's good for you. Everyone wins. Win win. All the win."


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[sblock= OOC] as noted over in the OOC thread, this response assumes that Herobizkit meant Tasha, not Francis- and as noted, if Janice was in fact referring to Francis for some reason, it simply makes Tasha look even MORE confused and spacy...

Tasha shook her head again- for just a moment her eyes retained a glazed, unfocused look, but once she blinked some clarity seemed to return. With help, she managed to struggle to her feet. "I'm okay. Just a blood sugar issue- it ought to be in my file and stuff. First day of school and all- I think I might have forgotten to eat breakfast." Her voice seemed to grow steadier as she spoke, though it sounded a bit odd- she had a faint trace of an accent, and it wasn't the usual 'Boston accent' most of the other kids had to one degree or another. As if to belie her words, she seemed to stumble just a bit, like she was dizzy- and she blushed in embarrassment. "Maybe the nurse isn't a bad idea..." If nothing else, it would get her out of sight of all the other kids staring at her...

[sblock= OOC 2] Her 'blood sugar' claim is a Bluff, 1d20+6= 21; roll http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=115029 [/sblock]


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Francis' eyes lit up in the direction of the approaching officer, then quickly refocused themselves on nothing in particular off in the distance. She probably wouldn't be recognized; still, something about police was radioactive, like overexposure would cause everything she'd done to swell up and break through her skin. Not that she didn't seem nice, but uranium that hugs only kills you faster.

"I have some ideas. I'll see you." She nodded to Juno, gave the slightest of acknowledging nods to her sister, and headed for the door.

So...this was happening. Francis wasn't even sure if there were any contacts at this school yet. Nor had she once asked anyone "hey, any crimes I can commit?" She barely knew the hierarchy, she wished she could keep out of it by just not knowing who to talk to. But, she did make a promise. They'd have to spend a couple days outlining territories and houses after school. Someone would need something done. They'd better, or this crazy "pass high school" plan might hit another road block. Just had to find the time to explain this to Juno; the hard part didn't seem to be doing the work, but talking about it clearly.

[sblock="OOC"]Depending on how time flows, feel free to skip to where this conversation already happened. I don't have a ton of expertise on the inner workings of gangs and kinda wishing I had thought of something better to talk about instead of blanking :p [/sblock]


"That's the spirit!" she smiles at Juno. "I always knew you were a team player."

To Tasha: "Very well. I'll escort you to the nurse. Is it still Ms. Beazley?"

Looking at Juno, she adds,
"Did that old sourpuss ever find a husband?"


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"Hell if I know," Juno replied tartly. "Or care."

She looked around, but Francis had already slipped away. Damnit!

"Alright, well, have fun on your epic quest to the school nurse." She nodded at Tasha. "Good luck with that walking thing."

"I think I'm gonna, just, take the shortest route back to class. Yep. Class."

And with that Juno headed for the door she thought Francis had gone out. Maybe she hadn't gone far?


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A little later:

(Belmont High School- Nurse's Office)

Tasha sat on the edge of the padded table in the infirmary/exam room behind the nurse’s office- she was trying not to fidget as the nurse, Lina Moretti, shone a penlight in her eyes, making one last check. It was hard to flinch when the nurse was holding her chin in a vise-tight grip…

I think you’re going to be okay.” The nurse clicked off the light and let go of Tasha’s chin- which she promptly ducked into her chest, so that she was looking at the floor. “Really, with 300 kids in the gym on a nice hot August morning, it could have gone worse.” She turned away, letting Tasha slide off the exam table. “Especially in this place,” she muttered, just loud enough for Tasha to hear.

In truth, Tasha had been feeling better ever since they left the gym, especially once they were away from the Principal and those cops- there was just something vaguely unsettling about them, even more than her natural distrust of authorities... “So I can go, back to class?” she asked meekly, already taking one step towards the door of the nurse’s office.

Ms. Moretti turned away, putting her implements back in their places. “Yeah, go ahead. I’ll let the office know you got checked out.” After a moment’s pause, she added. “There’s a fridge out by the office door- grab yourself a fruit juice or something. If you start feeling woozy again, just let your teacher know. But really, I hope I don’t need to see you back here again.

Um, well, thanks,” Tasha murmured as she slipped out of the infirmary to the office proper, headed for the hall. The door clicked closed behind her, leaving Lina alone in the exam room. After a moment she sighed and got to her feet, walking over to the front window and pulling the blinds open.

Lina stared out onto the brightly sunlit front lawn of the school- the harsh August sun glittered on Claypit Pond, on the other side of the parking lots. ‘Wow, the year is starting off with a bang,’ she thought. She had known this job was going to be a little crazy- everyone in town had heard the rumors, after all. But after some of the stuff she had seen, both in Iraq and on the streets of downtown Boston, she hadn’t thought it was be this weird- this girl had had some kind of seizure, but wasn’t showing the symptoms Lina would have expected, and there was that other guy who had cut himself so badly, before classes even started this morning, insisting he had cut himself on his locker door, of all things. Probably carrying a cheap switchblade to ‘protect himself’, Lina mused, and had ditched it after his little accident. She looked out the window for a few more minutes, then closed the blinds and went out into the office- there was paperwork to fill out, after all. There was ALWAYS paperwork- and here at good old Belmont High, that meant ACTUAL paper, or forms on the hardwired clunky desktop computer; the wi-fi network was notoriously unreliable, no matter what they did, and was “Unsuitable for official business purposes”. It was like they were back in the Dark Ages, Lina thought (again)- probably the same reason the security cameras tended to fuzz out, and the so-called Safety Phones ran to static more often than not…

Meanwhile, Tasha passed through the nurse’s office, without stopping at the fridge. She opened the door and peered out into the hallway. The administrative wing of the school was quiet now, with most of the doors along the hallway closed. There was the counselor’s office- Tasha had the sinking feeling she would be in there a lot. The side-by-side doors for the two assistant principals and the frosted glass door of the actual principal’s office were lined up along the other side of the hallway. To the left, tantalizingly close, was the front entrance and the promise of freedom- blocked only by the open counter of the front office; while Tasha didn’t SEE anybody there, she heard the soft buzz of voices from the staff (or someone’s television). Instead Tasha turned right, making sure to close the door quietly behind her. The heels of her boots made a muted clicking on the tiles as she walked past the (thankfully empty) office for the so-called Resource Officer- that was one place Tasha REALLY wanted to stay out of. At the end of the hall she took a half-dozen wide steps down, then turned into the central part of the school, where all the classrooms were. After a moment’s thought, she kept walking around the corner into the main hallway, ignoring the stairs that led up to the second floor. Classes were in session now, so the hallways were all but deserted. As she turned the corner, Tasha saw one other student, way down at the other end of the hall- another girl, with long dark hair and a dark-colored, almost shapeless dress; she was looking intently up at one of the wall-mounted video displays which showed the class schedules, current weather, and so on. Tasha looked down, fishing her phone out of her bag- when she looked back up the other girl was gone…

Tasha didn’t have any time to wonder where she might have gone- even as she was waking up her phone, she felt an all-too familiar prickly sensation at the back of her neck. Almost reflexively, she took a quick step sideways, towards the nearest bank of lockers- just as the classroom door nearest her banged open and two students burst out, nearly running. If she had stayed where she was, she would have been trampled. A second later, there was a sharp buzz from the speakers lining the hallway, and other classroom doors began to open- it was pass time between class modules. Sheltered a bit from the heaviest traffic, Tasha swiped her phone screen over to the CLASSTIME app- it looked like math was next, in her case, Honors level geometry. ‘Onward into the breech of public school education’, she thought sarcastically- then headed for her own locker to get her books.
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And On The First Day... (Vignettes, part 1)

*Elsewhere at Belmont High:

>(Ishaq Farid, Tyler McKinnon, Bobby Campbell, etc.): Math Class (Honors Algebra II)

The teacher had just launched into his introductory spiel, and Ishaq was already tuning him out. Like about half of the class, he had an open laptop on his desk instead of a textbook- though in his case it was his school-issued computer, not his personal one. This one was loaded with textbooks and all kinds of school-approved ‘study material’- his own was a bit more specialized, but he didn’t want to play with it here; the WiFi network was really buggy and weird… As the teacher droned on, Ishaq looked over the syllabus and some of the early lessons, but it wasn’t really enough to hold all of his attention- math had always been easy for him, just like science and technology. So right now he had popped open another window and he was looking ahead to History class- that was going to require some work. He was well into looking over the suggested textbook list for World History I when somebody gently nudged his desk. He snapped back to the present, to the sound of snickering not-quite laughter from some of the less-serious students at the back of the room. The teacher, whatever his name was, must have noticed how little attention Ishaq was paying, and he had asked a question…

Ishaq smiled- with a single click he flipped his screen back to the Algebra II material. Then he looked up to where the teacher was standing at the whiteboard, pointing impatiently to an equation. ‘Too easy,’ he thought before reciting the correct answer. The teacher scowled just a bit, and the snickering at the back of the room stopped- not quite fast enough…

Well, Robert, since you thought this was funny,” the teacher said coolly as he began to write out another equation. Ishaq turned around a bit in his chair to look- sure enough the next victim was a handsome boy seated in the back row. He was squirming slightly as he watched the equation go up- which gave Ishaq a moment to scan the rest of the room, something he hadn’t taken the time to do before. It looked like a reasonable mix of students- some of them freshmen he remembered from this morning’s assembly, others slightly older looking; at least there weren’t any of the clueless-looking ‘scholar-athletes’ he had seen in some of his other classes- this was an Honors class after all, no slackers need apply. As he looked, Ishaq saw the skinny boy seated behind him, one of the other freshman, give him a smile and a quick wink- at least he knew who had tapped him awake; he gave a brief nod in return.

At the back of the room, Bobby Campbell (definitely NOT Robert) looked over the finalized equation and thought it through. He was smart enough to be in the Honors class- his grades weren’t what got him kicked out of Belmont Hill, but math wasn’t his specialty. For a moment, the equation seemed to blur, the symbols shifting into things he didn’t recognize (was that Japanese?)- he blinked, trying to focus, and the equation suddenly snapped back to normal. In that instant, Bobby KNEW the answer, and a confident smirk spread across his lips as he responded.

The teacher gave a tight smile of his own, and began to write out another equation. “This is an Honors level course, and I’m not going to make things easy for you,” he said as he continued to scrawl out a lengthy formula. “You are going to have to work in my class, but the skills you learn here will be quite valuable to you in the future.” He finished with a flourish, and turned back, looking over the class with a critical eye. “This sort of equation is the kind of thing you will have mastered by the end of this course- I don’t expect you to be able to solve it now, but by next spring you will know how to handle it.” His gaze swept across the room. “Anyone want to give it a try now? I’ll help walk you through it. Perhaps you, Tyler?” he asked, gesturing to the boy sitting behind Ishaq. “No? Emily, then?,” he pointed to a girl seated in the back row. Finally, Ishaq slowly raised his hand…

>(Billie Kendall, Taylor Kendall, Haley Sanders, etc.): Free mod (Outside/senior court)

Taylor Kendall sat alone at one of the picnic tables scattered around the so-called ‘Senior Courtyard’, along the north side of the walkway that connected the Main Building and the East Wing. While the courtyard on the south side was open for all students, this one was, by fiercely-enforced tradition, only for Seniors (and occasional ‘guests’). Taylor spent a lot of his free time out here, as often as the weather allowed- there were less people here, usually, and that made it easier to focus on stuff- like this ‘practice essay’ the guidance counselor had assigned him as part of the ramp-up to college application season. He had never been much of a writer, never needed to be when he was one of the biggest, most athletic kids in the school. And this was important- he knew that he had little chance of an athletic scholarship to a real first-tier college (especially since he was likely to be sidelined most of the year, instead of All-State again), and even less chance of a real career as a pro athlete after college; he had to have something else for a real future. But damn, it was hard to get the right words in the right order, to start the essay off with a bang that would keep the admissions people interested. Maybe…

Hey Ox, where are you parked?” His sister Billie’s voice was bright, cheerful- and pretty much the last thing he wanted to hear right now.

Varsity lot, duh! And what the heck are you doing over here? You’re supposed to be over on the other side.” He didn’t even look up from the essay at first- maybe she would just go away…

Oh, yeah, I’m really worried about the big mean seniors,” Billie said with a bright, feral smile as she climbed up and sat on the top of the battered picnic table next to him. “They know you would kick their butts if they mess with your precious little sister. And besides, I’m like the second-most badass girl in the school right now, since Laila graduated. Well, maybe third-most, if those rumors about that Reyes girl are true…” She paused, and pointed to another girl, who was lying down on one of the other picnic tables across the courtyard. “And if Haley can be over on this side, I can too.

You still shouldn’t be over here,” Taylor said, trying to sound tough. “Last thing we need, last thing I need, is to stir up trouble.” He shook his head, and gave a glance at the girl Billie had pointed out. “She‘s only over here ‘cause she’s screwing around with Drew- getting kicked off the cheer squad hasn’t slowed down her, umm, fixation with the captain of the football team. I don’t think you want to earn your access privileges that way…” He turned back to his sister. “So tell me what you want, and then scamper back to safety, okay?

Just wanted to know where you’re parked, like I asked you,” Billie snarled as she scanned the few other students scattered around the courtyard, her hard gaze almost daring any of them to complain about her presence on their sacred turf. She seemed disappointed when none of them- it was almost as if they didn’t care… “I’m going for a run around Fresh Pond after school, so I figured I’d throw my bag in your junk-mobile. No sense in carrying it, and I don’t want to have to come back here after the run- place is still freaky after hours, no matter what the new boss has to say about it…
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