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D&D 5E [IC] Egon's Lost Mine of Phandelver


Keira stares at the crumbling wall blankly.

"I think one ill-advised climb for me is enough today. Let's push on along the stream. It may indeed be trapped, but so far we have been able to avoid or disable all of their traps, alarms and sentries. Do not let success blind us, but we cannot live our lives controlled by fear of what may be ahead."

She will carry, or help others stow the dead goblin in the western passage, and then rifle through her pack. She extracts and lights a torch, and then nods to Ana.

"Proceed in darkness, and then we will follow."

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Forged Fury

First Post
"Good points," Ana replied to the monk. She started off down the path next to the stream, moving as silently as possible and keeping her eyes and ears peeled.

[sblock=Game Mechanics]
OOC: Stealth = [roll0]
Perception w/Disadvantage (I think since she's effectively in dim lighting due to darkvision) = [roll1], [roll2]


Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Endurance is pleased he is not expected to scramble up the loose-earth wall, but stays by the bridge until the signal comes to proceed.


First Post
Ana moves ahead quickly and quietly, disappearing in the dark around a corner to the east. The water is a bit deeper here, and even the path seems to now have become part of where the stream is actually flowing. After 10 or maybe 15 feet, she comes to what looks to be another set of natural stone steps that lead up and to the south; they ascend to a point where you can't see beyond them.

Directly to the east of these natural steps you can see (and follow) the stream to what looks to be a makeshift fieldstone wall that is some 10 feet high in most places. Water is slowly trickling out of cracks in the wall, and there are some spots where the wall is low enough to allow you to see over the top of it should you stand on your tip-toes. On the other side of the wall is a large pool of water, at least as deep as the wall is high at its lowest point, with a large rocky outcropping in the center of it. Straining your eyes, you can see another makeshift fieldstone wall on the far eastern side of the pool; your guess is that it may be holding more water as it is higher than this one, and you can see water leaking from that one as well.


Forged Fury

First Post
Ana felt out of her element. She wasn't the strongest climber or swimmer and eyed the fieldstone walls warily. She decided to head back to the rest of the team and report her findings.

In a low voice, she reported, "There's a set of natural stairs further on, but I didn't check them yet, I'd rather have a few more swords at my back before I take a look. There's also some strange walls that look as if they're holding water. Maybe some kind of reservoir?"


Keira looks puzzled for a moment.

A reservoir? I didn't think goblins went in much for advanced construction. In any event, if there aren't any surprises lurking just ahead, we can push on. Standard order?"

Keira takes up her place at the back of the group, holding her torch up to cast light for Endurance in the front.


Rebecca followed along, trying her best not to get in the way.


[roll1] << to investigate "resiviour" when they get there.



Gnash moves up to the front, shield at the ready. He winks at Endurance as he passes by. "Let's go, my friend. Goblins are waiting."

Forged Fury

First Post
Ana took point and moved back to the natural stairs she discovered earlier.

[sblock=Game Mechanics]
Stealth = [roll0]
Perception w/Dis = [roll1], [roll2]


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