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D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Triboar


Koldan's bolt to the knee takes the giant out of commission. It falls to one side crashing into the fence and crushing it.

OOC: All your NPCs are belong to me now!

Darathra walks up and investigates the giant for only a few seconds, then yells to her subordinates. "Rally the town, put out these fires, find any wounded and bring them to the tower if possible. You! Tell me what you saw on the outskirts. You and you! Rally the rest of the militia, we will need to be prepared in case this was only a start to something. You. Tend to Jacobi and Trad. I'll prepare to inform their families..."

After her primary instructions are given out she turns to address the remaining strangers. Good job there. I'm not sure we would have been able to hold the line without all of you. Odd that fire giants would make it this far into the Dessarin Valley without my receiving some kind of warning. I want to make sure the rest of the valley and my fellow Harpers are aware of the gravity of the situation."

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~ Koldan stared darkly at the fallen Giant, wanting badly to load one more bolt into his crossbow and silence it with finality. Sighing, he instead slung it over his shoulder, checking himself over first before meeting Darathra's gaze when she addressed the group.

What a motley collection they were, too: hunters and swordsmen and spellcasters. How fortunate for Triboar that they all just happened to be grouped here to help in the defense of the city, with the skills and talents to actually make a difference. It felt ... Odd. They had worked together swimmingly, for the most part: the swordsman in particular, Koldan felt, had been able to work alongside his methodical fire, while the magical users provided much needed support, relief, and whatever else it was that such strange powers granted. While the ranger of the North was able to tap into something similar, he knew he was far outclassed by the displays he had witnessed.

Guards rushed off to tend to the wounded and the damage, leaving Koldan feeling as though they had at least stopped the entire devastation of this city. He regarded Darathra.

" Harpers?" he asked in a measured tone, the smooth scrape of slate against slate. That collection of benevolent bards, adventurers, and vagabonds also had a prominent Captain of The Twelve in Triboar, eh? Intriguing.

" If you point me in the right direction, I could reach your fellow agents," Koldan offered, finally feeling a bit of the damage his body had suffered but pushing it back from his mind: his skin burned, but that was nothing new. His skin had burned since he was a teen.

" If they were bold enough to strike Triboar, they might have gone after neighboring towns as well. Though ... this ring, this 'Vonindod' ..."

He turned to face the group and Darathra all, knowing that they surely had knowledge he didn't.

" Does anyone know the meaning of this? What this ring is, why a Fire Giant Duke would even want something like that ..?" ~


Darathra responds to Koldan's offer by presenting a small platinum badge bearing the Triboar insignia of three boars charging forward, "Bring the badge to Dorkath the Orkath in Waterdeep. He's in the dock ward. His food is very popular with the locals, it should be easy enough to find. Tell him what happened here and he may be able to help... you may want to take one of the giants teeth with you."

"The fire giants have dukes. The frost giants have jarls. They both serve as lords under a king. That much I know from childhood fables."


Othovir approaches Gul quietly and tries to draw his attention. He talks to him in a hushed whisper if possible.

[sblock=Gul]"Thanks for the help out there. If you're going to investigate these giants, I may know where something that can help may be. There is a cache of magical equipment currently in possession of the Margaster family that is locked away for emergencies. They have a three-story tower in Silverymoon that has a detached carriage house on the property. There's an arcane lock protecting a sliding wooden door and an alarm spell. The items are under the passenger seat inside the carriage.[/sblock]


Narth Tezrin, after coming down from the tower, comes up to Koldan.

"You really are quick with that weapon, eh? I'm from Yartar, and there is an annual competition of both archery and craftsmanship. You could easily win over most people I've seen there. As for the craftsmen, there was the strangest thing this last year. A damned Kobold showed up to compete! Thing is, this little trapper had engineered some incredible weapons, but the merchants guild disqualified him for completely foolish reasons. They valued the business and the 'sponsors' over the actual craftsmanship. He seemed to be called 'Lightwalker' as I recall. Hopefully he wasn't picked off by some town watchman too quick with his bow."



Gul listens attentively to Othovir, "Thanks for that Othovir, I'll bear it in mind if we are near Silverymoon at some point. For the moment though, if you'll excuse me, I'm very curious about that thing that they dug up from the ground."

He goes over to the object and starts to examine it carefully, "Is this what he meant by the Vonindod, perhaps? Fascinating..I wonder how long it has been buried?"


Dorkath the Orkath?! Really?

Arcana check on the object:

At some later point, when he is in a private room, he will also examine the staff that he picked up from the giant.

Edit: Wow!!

[sblock=status]Gul hp 25/30 Temp.hp 0
Str +0 Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +0(+3 Saves), Cha +2(+5 Saves)
Arcana +6, Religion +6, Investigation +6, Stealth +5 (disadvantage), Survival +3, Concentration +1
AC 18
Inspiration no

Spells/day: 1/4 1/2
Pact Magic(1st): 1/2
HD: 3d6+2d8/3d6+2d8


OOC: Dorkath the Orkath?! Really?
OOC: Just you wait.

OOC: Arcana check on the object:

At some later point, when he is in a private room, he will also examine the staff that he picked up from the giant.

Edit: Wow!!

[sblock=Gul]The large ring is just a part of something much larger. It's a remnant of a construct, one of fire and earth and power.

The staff is like a divining rod for pieces of said construct.[/sblock]


~ Koldan took the badge, looking it over a bit. Fancy craftsmanship, especially with platinum. The practical part of his mind noted that this would fetch a pretty bit of silver, though he also knew that Darathra was giving him something personal: a symbol of her city, her people. He pocketed it, nodding.

" Thank you, Captain. I've never been to Waterdeep, but I'll make sure this gets into your fellow's hands."

He paused for a moment. Sighed.

" I'm sorry about your men. I wasn't quick enough."

The apology was heavy, as if he, personally, had failed The Twelve. There was a memory of another he had failed, but he didn't want to consider that. An elven woman with silvery hair, and running blood on the floor of a templ-

No. Not here.

" I swear I will find a way to protect Triboar from a repeat of this. These Giants wanted that ... ring, thing: hopefully your Harpers know a bit more about it."

He clenched his fist over his breast, giving Darathra a salute worthy of a soldier as Narth approached. Koldan smiled tightly at the praise, nodding a bit along to the dark-haired man's explanation of the contests and the intriguing competitor that they had attracted.

" I learned to shoot from a Ranger of The North," Koldan explained, " A moon elf who could pick off a rabbit with his eyes closed. I'm a child with a toy compared to him; he was a true hunter of The Dale,"

He recalled Toross fondly, knowing he wouldn't be alive today were it not for the Elf's lessons.

" I'll have to make my way to Yartar after I return from Waterdeep, see this Kobold there: sounds like my kinda reptile. Is that where you learned to shoot, then?" ~


"We learned a little bit of everything there. Yartar can get fairly dangerous at times, good to be able to defend yourself if necessary."


~ " So noted. Thanks for the warning, friend," Koldan said, although he had the sinking feeling that Yartar was nothing compared to what had just happened. Although, what if it had happened in Yartar? What if this was not some isolated incident ..?

The Ranger turned to Darathra, stroking the stubble on his chin.

" Has anything like this happened before? Giant attacks, Orc riders? This all seems too strange, yeah?" he asked of her, " Especially whatever this Ring is. The 'Vonindod', maybe?"

He turned to look at the fallen Fire Giant, the one he had left breathing. Scowling Koldan formed a gloved fist.

" Maybe that thing can tell us if nobody else knows why Fire Giants are digging up ancient, iron rings in the middle of a village." ~

Voidrunner's Codex

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