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D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Goldenfields

Steve Gorak

OOC: Does it appear they can juggle? This might confuse the giants ;-)

Is there a keep, or any fortified building inside Goldenfields

After having rung the bell, Davaros runs down the stairs, sweating profusely, and asks the acolyte who is in charge. The man pointed to where Ellardin Davorik sleeps, and Davaros stops in front of his door and says loudly but politely "Sir Ellardin Davorik, I am Davaros Silverfist, and I am he who rang the bell. My companions and I battled Goldenfield invaders to this abbey to warn the entire town. Goldenfield is under attack, and marauders are within its walls. Two giants are also coming this way, do you know what they could be after?"

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There are a number of towers along the walls, food is typically stored below them and they tend to be the better defended part of town.

The priest steps outside, he seems a calm small man.

"Don't tell Zi, she will be furious, always so focused on fighting..."

He tries to think and then mutters... "Oh no idea... they came before I think. We drove them off. I entrusted things to our more military minded. Hold on... I may have something that can help..."

The older man procures four cure wounds potions and offers them to you.

The bears continue to investigate the party smelling around their bags and trying to rub their noses into and under your hands.

Steve Gorak

Davaros thanks the priest, and drinks two potions on the spot. As some of his wounds heal, he inquires about who and where this Zi is located. He also asks about the location of the city guards' stronghold.

Once informed, Davaros will go to his companions and relay the information.

OOC: I am assuming these are four potions of healing. HP recovered: first potion [roll0], second potion [roll1]

I will also stop posting here for today, to let the others catch up.

Steve Gorak

OOC: Davaros was at 25/44 hp, with the 11, he's at 36/44, so he will drink another potion [roll0].

Also, would the potion of heroism still be active (drank at the inn, duration 1h)


The potion would still be active.

"Oh, Zi is just... a bit militant for one of the faithful. She was... overly concerned that we should get involved in the towns defensive affairs. She felt our support... inadequate..."

Euon eyed the bear nosing his palm. Its wet nose snuffled. Euon stood stock still, utterly afraid to move. He'd heard never to run from bears or wolves, but was rethinking the soundness of that advice. At length, he managed to rasp out, "Bears. There are bears here. Someone please remove them from me?" He dared do nothing else until the bears ceased their perusal.

OOC: I'd intended to heal Davaros, but with my being at a work conference the thread seems to have jumped quickly forward. I could have Euon cast cure wounds, if that would be helpful. Let me know where you're at with needing healing, [MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION] (perhaps you want to save some of the potions Davaros just downed and use Euon's healing instead? And if anyone else is injured, I could also use twin spell on that cure wounds.

Steve Gorak

OOC: I'd intended to heal Davaros, but with my being at a work conference the thread seems to have jumped quickly forward. I could have Euon cast cure wounds, if that would be helpful. Let me know where you're at with needing healing, [MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION] (perhaps you want to save some of the potions Davaros just downed and use Euon's healing instead? And if anyone else is injured, I could also use twin spell on that cure wounds.

OOC: No worries CB! Davaros has healed himself over 45 hp already (temp hp, lay on hands + 3 healing potions), and I am sure we will need those spells to battle the giants. Davaros already blew threw most of his spells, so he will definitely need backup since he's a front-liner, and therefore will within reach of the giants. The way I see it, when resources (healing and spells) are tights such as now, you're always better to use up the least flexible resource first, so you have options later. At least, it's my tactical opinion ;-)

Steve Gorak

The potion would still be active.

"Oh, Zi is just... a bit militant for one of the faithful. She was... overly concerned that we should get involved in the towns defensive affairs. She felt our support... inadequate..."

Davaros is laconic, as time is pressing. "Thank you for your help. You should prepare for the attack. Can you tell me where I can find Zi?"

After the answer, Davaros nods to the man, and heads to his companions. "We will be facing another battle. I need your opinions: shall we stay here, or fight in the open?"


Bears continue to favor Euon and nudge him in various ways.

"She often patrols the walls at night. She thinks I do not know, but sometimes we must turn a blind eye and allow youth to find their own mistakes. I don't know what kind of rumpus you expect, but please, away from the temple if you can."

Euon edged slowly away from the bears. They seemed nice enough, but one never could tell with bears. Or was that bees? Euon frowned, trying to remember. When the priest spoke, Euon listened carefully. He nodded. "They will have relics here, or holy texts, or do not wish their place of worship to be disturbed. If we can take the fight from your halls, we will, Monsignor." Having nothing else to add and there seeming to be little to do other than quit the temple and look for a more advantageous place to fight, Euon stood by the door while the others readied themselves.

Voidrunner's Codex

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