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IA: A Teacher for Laynie

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Returning to Elektra's room, Truman is waiting for them, and Laynie is reading.*

"Okay, so I talked to Alden. He said he was told that Tammy was gone and a scry attempt failed because she willed it to fail. He didn't know much beyond that, but he said she's probably couldn't have made it very far, since she's never been particularly good with traveling or directions."

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The man with the probe
"Well, that puts us back at the possibility that she was the first, but realy, doesn't tell us much," Vanitri says with a sigh. "Guess we'll just have to keep out eyes open."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Well, we do know she is probably not still on the grounds, since they tried some shorter-range detection. So she's either somewhere far from the centre of the grounds or she went to Medibaria proper for some reason. We know she's alive, since corpses can't be targeted by spells that only target creatures. Oh, sorry about the corpse remark Truman."

"Oh, that's okay Lex. For some reason, I don't care as much as I used to, but I still hope we find her."

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Okey dokey)

*Things do indeed get calmer, as Vanitri had hoped. Cherise, while obviously not chipper after the two suicides, at least continues along just fine, and there are no more students who disappear during the remaining two weeks of break before classes. When classes do start, Vanitri begins to discover just how difficult the coursework here at the Academy really is. Even these introductory classes are difficult, and if it wasn't for his necklace, Vanitri would probably be left behind and need to have additional tutoring like Gaark did. As it is, he can manage, though he suspects things would go much more easily if he asked Lex for help on some of the tougher assignments.*

*At the end of the first week of class, Truman drops by, a grim look on his face.*

"Guys, it seems that our peaceful days may have been the result of a cover-up to keep morale up. It seems as if someone of the janitors, groundskeepers, and other staff have gone missing now, and I don't see Anvar, though the official story is that he decided to return to his clan without graduating. But Anvar was a dwarf, and they're nothing if not stubborn--there's no way he would have given up and returned in shame like that, don't you think?"


The man with the probe
Vanitri will include Laynie when he can in his classes, as long as she behaves. He'll occasionaly ask Lex for help, or study with her in the room so he can ask her questions as needed.

OOC: How's Vanitri's room now that he has one?

"Yeah, that seems strange. Groundskeepers disapearing makes me thing they stumbled onto something. You know of anything interesting and perhaps fobidden on the grounds?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Vanitri's new room isn't as good as most of the others he's seen--apparently the newcomers get last choice, so he is stuck with one of the smaller rooms. He has a new roommate named Dolder Vreemont who snores loudly and stays in the room a lot, so Elektra's room is still the best room for meeting.*

*Laynie always behaves in class, and she even asks for copies of the homework so she can work along. However, after completing assignments that take Vanitri hours almost immediately (albeit written in simple childish sentences rather than complex grammar), she gets bored and tries to get Elektra, Truman, and others to let her go to the 'fun' classes.*

"Supposedly there isn't anything forbidden on campus, but we know better, Truman and I. Somehow every year we wind up finding some random mysterious thing we hadn't heard about before, although usually it isn't really a problem. Like the time with Truman's insane uncle we told you about."

"The trouble is that it's always hard to figure out exactly what we're looking for ahead of time, although it all always makes sense afterwards, like the time the corrupt teacher helped me win those contests because he was betting large amounts of cash on me."

"I think we need to look for a pattern. But Anvar isn't connected to the others in any way at all. He's not even in the same house as Gaark or Lara, although he is a Mordrue like Cherise."


The man with the probe
"Laynie, sometimes you need to sit through the boring stuff to get to the fun stuff."

"Well, maybe we should see if Cherise knew him, though I recomend we do it without asking her. She could be involved in this somehow."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"But it's boring and everybody already knows this stuff, right? You're just paying attention to be nice to the teachers, right?"


"I didn't think of that. But I guess it's possible. Although I never thought Cherise was into Gaark, it's true that sometimes girls get jealous and do crazy things because of boys. Of course, I would never do something like that, so I didn't even think of that," Elektra ponders.

*Truman raises an eyebrow and opens his mouth, but he wisely decides to stop before he gets himself in trouble.*

"If Cherise is the one who was doing this, it's even possible Anvar was a distractor to make sure nobody thought it unusual that she wasn't targeted when the other two were. What do you think?"

"I think Dolder Vreemont is fat and loud. I liked when Mister Vanitri was living with you better, Lex," Laynie offers, before going back to her book.


The man with the probe
"No Laynie, not everyone knows as much as you do about magic, that's why they teach the classes."


"That could be, or perhaps he simply irked her in some way. Though if it was her, one of us could be next if we get too nosey."

"And while I agree Laynie, it's rude to say such things."

Voidrunner's Codex

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