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D&D General How Was Your Last Session?


My last session was in a sandboxy OSE game. We approached a tower that was once home to a necromancer. An arrow shot out from the tower and dealt 4 damage to the assassin, killing him. We bravely looted the body and ran away. It was a great session.

Assassin player has now rolled up a bard with a mighty d6 hit die, let's hope those 6 hit points keep him alive.
My group consisting of the Cleric, the Necromancer (me), the Bard, and the Thief (now 2nd level after a previous adventure earned him more than enough loot to level) attempted to assault the tower ruins. Using a barn door for cover we approached the tower somewhat protected from the goblin arrows, not so protected from the burning oil. My necromancer failed to throw some oil on top of the tower, dodged it as it fell and exploded in fire, found himself no longer under cover and so pressed himself up against the wall. Sadly, the goblin still got him. Farewell Balthazar the Black, the world never got to see you rise reach the height of power in the dark arts.

The cleric and the thief managed to successfully assault the tower and kill the 3 goblins inside, the thief almost dying reached 1 (out of 8) hit points, the cleric barely scratched as he was stuck outside for most of the fight trying to batter down the door, though he did manage to eventually snuff the life out of one of the three goblins. The bard didn't join in for some reason and so missed out on most of the loot.

The cleric is now level 2, and the thief is level 3. Both have 11 hit points, I feel like that is going to lead to them being overconfident... maybe. When next we return I might be a dwarf, or I might have a replacement for Balthazar (I did roll some stats for the next character, everything pretty average except for a 14 constitution so at least I might be able to survive a single blow).

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Rotten DM
I missed out of free dice. One of the players was rolling with metal dice and getting bad rolls. Because metal does not roll. He switched to plastic dice and then noticed the second player dice. Those cool plastic dice which flash when you roll them and you recharge them by usb cable. The second player gifted the first with the set. Because they were too light.
So the first player is now Goldilocks. Too heavey, too light, and just right dice.

Last session I joined my friends that had been playing some OSE, Dolmenwood. I think they were only a few sessions in.
We have two characters each, level 3. (3 players)

I rolled up a Paladin and a Halfling.

One of the other characters had a cursed tattoo from betraying a group of wood elves in a previous session, (he traded them an invisibility potion that didn't work: otherwise known as a visibility potion), so we went to see a hag in the woods about getting it removed. She pointed us to a temple...

On the way to the temple we got lost and met a random wandering monster, an undead creature made of crows or something, trying to lure away children. In the battle my Paladin got killed, but my Halfling got the finishing blow on the creature with a thrown silver dagger.

It was fun.
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In tonight's "Ghourmand Vale" session, the PCs discovered a fight between a dozen svirfneblin and a dozen drow on a bridge 40 feet above the surface of the water we were traveling on in two folding boats. We took out the drow (mostly in one fell swoop, when our druid cast transmute rock to mud on the section of bridge the drow were standing on), then got attacked by 4 driders on the ceiling. Our archer was taken out almost immediately by a strength-draining spell that made her too weak to even pull back the string on her magic composite longbow, and our shield guardian was useless as the driders stayed on the ceiling, but we took them out mostly without the svirfneblins' help (one of them managed to hit one drider, once, with 12 crossbow bolts attacks each round the whole time we were fighting them - that was it), and after we had risked our lives and limbs killing the driders, all the svirfneblin had to say was, "Nice job on the bridge" in a sarcastic tone of voice. That got my sorcerer's blood boiling, but it's a common reaction from NPCs with this DM - he likes to have just about everybody we meet complain about us or bad-mouth us in some way, which is really getting kind of old. (I'll be discussing this with him tomorrow at work.)


Fine for the group but poorly for me. This was our first session back after 3 months because the person hosting the game had a subdural hematoma. I went down in combat twice and struggled to remember the rules. Everyone else was at 50% of their HP or better.


Last session I joined my friends that had been playing some OSE, Dolmenwood. I think they were only a few sessions in.
We have two characters each, level 3. (3 players)

I rolled up a Paladin and a Halfling.

One of the other characters had a cursed tattoo from betraying a group of wood elves in a previous session, (he traded them an invisibility potion that didn't work: otherwise known as a visibility potion), so we went to see a hag in the woods about getting it removed. She pointed us to a temple...

On the way to the temple we got lost and met a random wandering monster, an undead creature made of crows or something, trying to lure away children. In the battle my Paladin got killed, but my Halfling got the finishing blow on the creature with a thrown silver dagger.

It was fun.

Weird, there are neither Paladins not Halflings in Dolmenwood, accordi g to the books.


In today's "Dreams of Erthe" session, the PCs:
  • Were shopping in the marketplace when the half-orc cleric/paladin was asked by a young man if his name was Wakuren and if so if he'd bless his sword for an upcoming tournament
  • Were then ambushed by a band of four bounty hunters after Wakuren admitted that was his name and after he said a few words over the man's sword
  • Used a black tentacles spell to hold fast the elf ranger sniping from the rooftops, then used calm emotions and greater command spells to get the two human rogues and the human fighter to drop their weapons and quit attacking them
  • Were then accosted by six paladins and two clerics of the half-orc's church, demanding that he surrender to them as he'd been accused of murder of a cleric who had tormented Wakuren during their training, and who had originally been presented the magic shield that Wakuren had been spotted carrying throughout the town
  • Found out there was a 10,000 gp bounty on Wakuren's head
  • Surrendered to the clerics and paladins and went to the church temple, where Wakuren was put on trial for murder (his accusers were the slain cleric's parents)
  • Explained the circumstances (the original shield bearer had been slain by a yellow musk creeper early in the campaign, Wakuren had defeated the yellow musk zombie the cleric had become, and has carried the shield since), only to have the grieving mother object that Wakuren must know a way to get around the zone of truth and detect lies spells being used in the courtroom
  • Watched as the judge (temple head cleric) cast a commune spell and asked questions resulting in a clear finding of not guilty for Wakuren, at which point the mother cast a summon monster VII spell that brought a fiendish girallon in the courtroom trying to kill Wakuren
  • Fought off the fiendish girallon and saved the judge's life after he was almost killed by a cone of cold spell cast by the mother
  • Ended up banishing the girallon and accidentally killing the mother when the chain lightning spell did just a little too much damage
  • Rejoiced as Wakuren was cleared of all charges and a public announcement was made showing he was a cleric and paladin of good standing in the temple (a point that had been up in the air since he had been kicked out before his graduation ceremony)
We're about to have the PCs embark on a voyage across the ocean to another continent (filled with dinosaurs!), so this adventure was a way to tie up the loose end of Wakuren's status in his church before he left his home continent, possibly for good.


Voidrunner's Codex

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