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House Rules for my Campaign

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Allowed Feats

Core Feats, including Psionic Feats and the Feats from Divine SRD.

Feats from non-core sources allowed:

Alluring, Animal Control, Animal Defense, Arterial Strike, Arcane Defense, Arcane Preparation, Chain Spell, Charlatan, Clever Wrestling, Cooperative Spell, Dash, Death Blow, Destructive Rage, Delay Spell, Dirty Fighting, Divine Cleansing, Divine Resistance, Divine Shield, Dual Strike, Eagle Claw Attack, Empower Turning, Energy Admixture, Extended Rage, Extra Favored Enemy, Extra Slot, Extra Smiting, Extra Spell, Extra Stunning, Favored Critical, Feign Weakness, Fists of Iron, Flick of the Wrist, Greater Resiliency, Green Ear, Hamstring, Heighten Turning, Improved Swimming, Improved Toughness, Innate Spell, Instantaneous Rage, Intimidating Rage, Lightning Fists, Lingering Song, Monkey Grip, Multicultural, Obscure Lore, Off-Hand Parry, Pain Touch, Pin Shield, Power Lunge, Prone Attack, Pyro, Quicken Turning, Quicker Than the Eye, Reach Spell, Requiem, Resist Disease, Resist Poison, Resistance to Energy, Sacred Spell, Sanctum Spell, Scent, Scupt Spell, Shadow, Shield Charge, Shield Expert, Snatch Weapon, Speaking Wild Shape, Spell Specialization, Split Ray, Subsonics, Supernatural Blow, Throw Anything, Trustworthy, Twin Spell, Zen Archery.
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Human gods

God of the sun, LG
Domains: Good, Law, Sun, Time
Weapon: Mace

Goddess of the earth, NG
Domains: Earth, Good, Plant
Weapon: Quarterstaff

Goddess of nature and the moon, N
Domains: Animal, Plant, Time
Weapon: Sickle

Goddess of white magic, LG
Domains: Good, Law, Magic, Protection
Weapon: Quarterstaff

(note: Melora and Arista were orignally the other goddess in my homebrew, but I swapped them to avoid confusion from 4e players.)

God of justice, LG
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection
Weapon: Longsword

God of War, CN
Domains: Chaos, Strength, Storm, War
Weapon: Warhammer

God of magic and knowledge, N
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Rune
Weapon: Dagger

Goddess of black magic, CE
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Magic, Trickery
Weapon: Dagger

Goddess of love, CG
Domains: Charm, Good, Healing, Protection
Weapon: Net

Goddess of the sea, CG
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Good, Water
Weapon: Trident

God of winds and trade, CG
Domains: Air, Chaos, Good, Travel
Weapon: Quarterstaff

Goddess of Healing, NG
Domains: Good, Healing, Protection, Renewal
Weapon: Quarterstaff

God of the forge, LN
Domains: Fire, Law, Earth
Weapon: Light hammer

Goddess of luck, CN
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Trickery
Weapon: Dagger

Evil gods (not allowed for PC clerics):

God of death

God of tyranny

Goddess of disease

Non-human gods use the standard D&D pantheon. Use this document for information on domains, weapons, etc.


Consult with the DM before choosing a domain that does not appear in the SRD.
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All starting spells should be from the core rules only.

Identifying items

Identify has the 3.5 casting time and such, but does not fully identify items. Instead identify reveals an item's abilities depending on the item type:

  • Armor and shields: enhancement bonus plus 1 additional power.
  • Weapons: enhancement bonus plus 1 additional power.
  • Potions and Oils: full identification.
  • Rings: reveals 1 power.
  • Rods: reveals 1 power and number of remaining charges if any, if power revealed requires them.
  • Scrolls: full identification.
  • Staffs: reveals lowest-level spell stored, chrages required for spell, and number of remaining charges.
  • Wands: full identification and number of charges remaining.
  • Wondrous Items: varies; generally full identification for single or limited use items, and reveals 1 power for other items. Reveals any charges remaining in item.

Reveal 1 power generally reveals the weakest or lowest-level power in the item. If there are more than 1 power that would count as the weakest, then the power revealed is randomly determined. Multiple castings of identify can reveal multiple powers in this case.

This rule is subject to possible changes in the future, depedning on how it works in the campaign. I feel full identification is too powerful an effect for a 1st-level spell, but recognize that analyze dweomer is potentially acquired to late in a campaign to be an effective substitute. I may also introduce a 3rd or 4th level spell in the future that can fully identify if needed.

Cursed items play havok with identification; identify will not detect the curse, and misidentify the item instead. Analyze dweomer will properly detect all properties of cursed items. Cursed scrolls are particularly dangerous; some have the curse triggered by simply viewing the writing on the scroll.


Just a few Q's about things. Not sure what sources are available to you but there appears to be some (to me) domains missing. There isn't anything domain wise I can see that I feel should not be included.

I'm curious about a couple of choices you have made as well (not bad, it just made me wonder why you went that way)
FRCS = Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
SC = Spell Compendium

Nera: Goddess of the earth, NG (why NG and not N?)
Domains: Carvern (FRCS)
Weapon: Quarterstaff

Melora: Goddess of nature and the moon, N
Domains: Could add Air as a counterpoint to Nera's Earth

Merina: Goddess of the sea, CG (why CG and not N?)
Domains: Ocean

God on magic and knowledge, N
Domains: Spell (FRCS)

Rania:Goddess of black magic, CE
I'm curious that this CE goddess is allowed but the other evil deities are not, what is the reasoning behind this?

Faris: God of winds and trade, CG
Domains: Trade (FRCS), Wealth (SC) Greed? (SC)

Asira: Goddess of Healing, NG
Domains: Purification (SC)

Paran;God of the forge, LN
Domains: Metal, Craft ( both FRCS), Creation (SC)

Kalibet: Goddess of luck, CN
Domains: Illusion?


Just a few Q's about things. Not sure what sources are available to you but there appears to be some (to me) domains missing. There isn't anything domain wise I can see that I feel should not be included.

I'm curious about a couple of choices you have made as well (not bad, it just made me wonder why you went that way)

Don't have Spell Compendium. Some of the FRCS domains you mentioned are on the gods in my notes, but I didn't include them because either some of them have spells in their lists I don't have descriptions for or because of changes in the 3.5 revision. Most of it I think are because of non-SRD domain spells. The information on those domains I have comes from an RPGA document I downloaded back at the beginning of 3e that gave guidelines on converting and creating characters for the Living City campaign, so some of that information may very well not be up to date. It would make little difference in a regular face-to-face game, but with a game run online, I need to keep things more accurate.

The main thing with the gods and domains was to make sure that PCs would be able to chose most of the PHB domains with the exception of a few like Evil, Destruction, Death, etc. I added a few from FRCS for flavor where I felt they were needed.

Nera: Goddess of the earth, NG (why NG and not N?)
Domains: Carvern (FRCS)

Agricultural goddess as opposed to one of the underworld/deep earth. So no Cavern. Kind of a nurturing goddess, so NG. I think I had the Family domain on her.

Melora: Goddess of nature and the moon, N
Domains: Could add Air as a counterpoint to Nera's Earth

Her list looks a bit sparse because there's at least 2 or 3 non-PHB domains on it that weren't included because of the reasons given above. Moon is one of them, that has something like 3 or 4 spells I don't have the descriptions for.

Merina: Goddess of the sea, CG (why CG and not N?)
Domains: Ocean

Chaos to reflect the ever-changing nature of the sea, yet good because she's not a malevolent or uncaring deity. And Ocean is on the list.

Domains: Spell (FRCS)

I'm pretty sure I have Spell and a few other similar domains on the list.

Rania:Goddess of black magic, CE
I'm curious that this CE goddess is allowed but the other evil deities are not, what is the reasoning behind this?

She's not quite as evil as the others, rather vain and selfish, also I thought she'd be good for someone wanting to make a voodoo-like priestess for my pirate campaign. She's more likely to be banned in a more normal comapign.

Faris: God of winds and trade, CG
Domains: Trade (FRCS), Wealth (SC) Greed? (SC)

Trade is one of them.

Paran;God of the forge, LN
Domains: Metal, Craft ( both FRCS), Creation (SC)

He has Metal and I think Craft as well. Creation is in the Divine SRD so possibly that could be added.

So yeah, I did have a bunch of those domains, but didn't include them here because they have spells in the FRCS which I don't have or something. Time was included because I think all the spells are in the PHB, and Charm is in the Divine SRD so there's no problems there as well.
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