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D&D 5E Homebrew Ranger Subclass - feedback please

It occurred to me that the 5e ranger reminded me of the 1st edition AD&D bard. So this subclass is my attempt to emulate the feel of that. It leans into some of the less popular aspects of the 5e ranger.

Storykeeper (Ranger subclass)

As keepers or oral traditions druids acquire a vast store of stories and knowledge. Druids are aware that they have many enemies, so, to avoid the chance that their learning be lost, they sometimes they teach a portion of their knowledge to outsiders who they judge sufficiently worthy. These storykeepers protect or share their knowledge as their wisdom guides them.

Druidic Lore

3rd level Storykeeper feature

You learn one cantrip from the druid list. You learn the Performance skill if you don’t already know it, and one other skill chosen from this list: History, Nature, Religion or Sleight of Hand. You also gain a proficiency in one musical instrument, an learn an extra language. You may select Druidic as your additional language.

Oral History

3rd level Storykeeper feature

You add your wisdom bonus, in addition to any other bonuses, to any skill check you make using History, Nature or Religion.

Druidic Magic

7th level Storykeeper feature

You learn an additional spell from the druid spell list. This spell must be of a level you have spell slots for. You always know this spell, it is a ranger spell to you, and it does not count against the number of spells you know. When you gain a level in this class you may swap it for a different eligible druid spell. You learn another druid spell at 11th and 15th level.

Mystic Recovery

11th level Storykeeper feature

Once per day when you complete a short rest you may choose expended spell slots to recover. The number of slots that may be recovered in this way is equal to half your ranger level, rounded down.

Druidic High Magic

15th level Storykeeper feature

Once per day when you complete a long rest you may choose one to learn one druid spell of 6th level or lower. You may cast this spell once without using a spell slot. When you complete another long rest you may choose the same spell or a different one.

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The features themselves are great. It's not overpowered and the abilities are coherent and flavorful. I really like what you're going for.

I would be inclined to make Oral History into Expertise instead of another bonus, or perhaps allowing the player to substitute Wis instead of Int, but that's just my instinct to stick to existing mechanical patterns. I don't think it's overpowered or broken to do it as you've done.

I might be inclined to add Wizard spells since 1e Bards got some Magic-User spells, too, but I agree Druid spells are more flavorful. Maybe change "Druidic High Magic" to just "High Magic" and let a PC pick either a Druid spell of 6th or lower or a Wizard spell of 4th or lower?

The problem that I see is the same problem that many Ranger subclasses have. With the exception of Hunter's Mark, Fighting Style, and Extra Attack all of the class's combat tricks come from the subclass. That means everything that makes you more effective in martial combat than a Nature Cleric, Druid, or Bard is given up in exchange for... a few Druid spells. If the base Ranger class were better designed then I would say that it would be fine, but as it is I think it's not a very compelling choice for an adventurer who is likely to be involved in daily combat and focus on daily combat. This is why at 3rd level Horizon Walker has Planar Warrior and Hunter has Hunter’s Prey. They both add damage.

The major flaw of the Ranger is that Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer are the most do-nothing abilities that ever didn't do anything. Yes, yes, I'm sure the forums have that one guy whose DM let them be extraordinarily useful every session because their campaign is wildly different than even the official modules, but that's the exception proving the rule. In most campaigns, even when they work they don't do much. If your table is using the alternative class features UA then I think this more interesting, but without that I think most players won't be interested in it.

I would combine Druidic Lore and Oral History into one ability. Then I'd create an ability that, as a bonus action, allows you to add 1d6 damage to one attack each turn, probably with limitations of some kind. Look at the 3rd level abilities for Hunter, Horizon Walker, and Monster Slayer. That's basically what every Ranger subclass needs to remain competitive.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I agree with @Bacon Bits that druidic lore and oral history could be merged as one feature. Also, I'd give the ability to use instrument as a spell focus.

For the other 3rd level focus I'd probably go with a lesser version of Bard Inspiration, such as the Leadership trait from some monsters, or the Helpful feature from the Expert Sidekick.

I'd move Mystic Recovery at lvl 7.

I dont think there is enough unique spells on the druid list that are not already on the ranger list to make Druidid magic a worthy feature at 11. Maybe poach from any spell list? Or a version of Tome of Shadow from the warlock.

Anyway, a very good idea for a ranger, great job.

I really love the flavor of this subclass. That said, I can immediately see an issue which is caused by the base Ranger being lackluster.

That is, a Storykeeper 5 or 6 / Land Druid X stomps on a Storykeeper X like Godzilla.

Firstly, thank you all for your feedback.

I am aware of the lack of a melee damage boost, and the boost to spellcasting (100% intentional) isn't really enough to make up for that. Originally I couldn't think of a way to boost damage whilst sticking to the theme, however, it has occurred to be that the 1st edition bard must have thief levels first, so it's not unreasonable to give them Sneak Attack (lite). I'm also going to try redistributing the abilities to reflect the 1st edition Fighter -> Thief -> druid-bard transitions.

Storykeeper (Mark Two)

As keepers or oral traditions druids acquire a vast store of stories and knowledge. Druids are aware that they have many enemies, so, to avoid the chance that their learning be lost, they sometimes they teach a portion of their knowledge to outsiders who they judge sufficiently worthy. However, such candidates must first prove themselves as warriors and rogues before being taught the druids’ innermost secrets.

Storykeeper’s Expertise

3rd level Storykeeper feature

You learn one skill from this list: History, Nature, Performance, Religion or Sleight of Hand. You may add double your proficiency bonus when making checks with this skill.

Storykeeper’s Sneak Attack

3rd level Storykeeper feature

Beginning at 3rd level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.

You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

The amount of the extra damage increases to 2d6 at level 5, 3d6 at level 7 and 4d6 at level 9. If you have a Sneak Attack ability from another source, such as being multiclassed, the damage stacks.

Secrets of the Bards

7th level Storykeeper feature

You learn the Performance skill if you don’t already know it. You gain a proficiency in one musical instrument, which you can use as a spellcasting focus. You also learn an extra language. You may select Druidic as your additional language.

Oral Historian

7th level Storykeeper feature

You have learned special techniques for memorising and recalling knowledge. Whenever you make an ability check using Intelligence you can substitute your Wisdom bonus instead.

Druidic Magic

11th level Storykeeper feature

You learn two cantrips from the druid spell list. These spells are ranger spells to you. You have learned to prepare a couple of spells as druids do. Choose a number of druid spells equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). These extra druid spells count as ranger spells to you. You can also change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of spells requires time spent in meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. You may use a druidic focus as a spellcasting focus.

Mystic Recovery

11th level Storykeeper feature

Once per day when you complete a short rest you may choose expanded spell slots to recover. The number of slots that may be recovered in this way is equal to your Wisdom bonus (minimum 1).

Druid High Magic

15th level Storykeeper feature

Once per day when you complete a long rest you may choose one to learn one druid or wizard spell of 6th level or lower. This spell is a ranger spell to you. You may cast this spell once without using a spell slot. If you have a spell slot of a high enough level you may also cast this spell using spell slots. When you complete another long rest you may choose the same spell or a different one.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
For Oral History, I'd word it like the Samurai's Elegant Courtier:

Starting at 7th level, your discipline and attention to detail allow you to excel in social situations. Whenever you make a Charisma (Persuasion) Intelligence (History) check, you gain a bonus to the check equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Your self-control great presence also causes you to gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Intelligence or Charisma saving throws (your choice).

I'd already give free performance + instrument as focus as part of Storykeepers expertise; performance is such a forgotten skill that I dont think it would be op to give it all at 3rd, giving you the opportunity to give a more robust feature at 7th, as shown above.

I have never seen performance use for anything more important than earning a few coins through busking, so I certainly don't think it's overpowered - I moved it simply to follow the 1e idea of the character taking levels of thief before taking levels of bard (the original prestige class). Note that sneak attack damage advances at level 7. It's not an idea I'm completely sold on though.

Voidrunner's Codex

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