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D&D General Heroes of Myth and Legend

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The PCs were intending to spend a while at the lodge and rest. As they were out back doing some camp-type activities Nairni
heard someone riding up, and not being visible from the area where the trail from downhill approaches, she decided to quietly
approach and observe. The ranger was conversing with a boar rider who had approached and dismounted. The rider was asking him
if he'd seen the PCs, describing them as a female dwarf rider with a bear and a 'human dressed like a fairy'. He explained they
were wanted for questioning. The ranger seemed a bit noncommital, but at that moment Alec chose to reveal his presence, and
Nairni followed suite.

The rider informed them that they were supposed to accompany him. As it was clear he was not going to be able to literally force
anyone to do so on his own, an argument developed, as the rider seemed rather uninterested in explaining anything beyond the
characters being wanted for questioning regarding some incident at Forest Berg. (As an aside, police do NOT generally explain
anything to anyone unless they need to know, it is much easier to fill someone in later vs realizing that giving a suspect any
information could complicate further proceedings). Alec and the rider did /EM not EM/ get off well, with the dwarf seeming to
harbor a prejudice for 'fairies' and generally just being stubborn and demanding.

At that moment, rather than have a fight of some sort develop on his front porch, the ranger invited them all to come in and
have some refreshment and discuss things in a civilized fashion. All parties agreed and adjourned to the lodge where they were
served bread and cheese, along with some ale. Nairni and Alec attempted to come up with a plan to get the dwarf drunk or
otherwise disable him in a reasonably non-violent fashion, but it proved impossible.

Meanwhile the discussion revealed that the ranger, who seems to revere Otillis, didn't seem too happy with the designation of
his lodge as a King's Lodge. He seemed fairly sympathetic to the PCs, and Nairni was able to slip out as he kept the dwarf
engaged. She incited Honey, her bear, to chase off the rider's boar! The PCs then stated flatly they weren't going to come along
and that was that. The dwarf then went to ride off, but found he was now on foot! He headed back the way he had come and
the PCs decided to finish resting up, rather than leave immediately while they were still a bit less than fully rested.

The PCs then proceeded to climb up the path designated by the ranger as leading to some sort of location that he believed might be
tied to the ancient bear knights, though he wasn't sure exactly what they would find, just some ruins. As they came to the highest
point they ran into Ofer Genga again! Ofer Genga offered Alec a cloak, which he accepted.


How's everyone doing? I'll plan to run tomorrow. Feeling like doing some experiments with alternate Challenge formats :)
I hope you got my message - I got like 2 hours sleep Friday night and was a zombie all day. Not much better today, honestly. I hope we can figure out the problem soon...

In the last session Alec and Nairni found themselves on the North side of the mountain, where they came upon a hollow just below the treeline where they observed a sheer stone face in which an archway was constructed, although the keystone was missing and the arch doesn't open on anything, simply being more of the surrounding stone. Alec believes this is similar to the doorway he dreamed of, which was open, freestanding, and had a keystone. An ancient altar was found nearby, upon which were written various runes and charms. The symbology seems to invoke the Summer Moon, Kor, and its submoon Nomok (War).

At this point a grizzled dwarf appeared out of the trees, after some strange snorts and other sounds were heard, which upset Honey. The dwarf made various imprecations and informed them that the Boar Knights would once again put down the abomination of the Bear Warriors, as they had done before, etc.

Further reading of the altar seemed to indicate that some kind of ritual should be performed here at midsummer, which is about 10 weeks hence. Nairni and Alec then decided they should proceed north, as there were signs of more people being on their trail. They know there is a sect of druids who might be helpful who tend the Great Hedge on the borders of Theldune, and they have a presence in the one town in that region.

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