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D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor


First Post
Garret turned slowly towards the woman who spoke up, a frown marking his face. He placed his hand on the hilt of his scimitar. "I'm here for a job, so i'll forgive you just this once. If you want to keep your head, never insult a halfling's family. Especially not mine."

Garret continued to stare, hand still on his scimitar, waiting for a response.

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Charwoman Gene

Coriana spreads her open hands.

"Relax, I'm sure your grandma is a lovely person. I'm actually here for similar reasons. Mysterious summons, letter, old crone..."


First Post
Garret tenses slightly, and then relaxes. He takes his hand off the hilt of his scimitar, and passes over his letter. "I guess this one's the same as yours? If you're on the same job, I'd be glad to have someone watching my back."

Lord Twig

Mindra suppresses a start at the mention of an old crone by the Halfling. She wants to know more, but it is too soon to reveal her own interest just yet. Her patience is paid off when the Helveki woman speaks up. When she and the Halfling mention the card it is all but certain. Someone has brought them all here on this day. But for what reason?

"Not just the two of you it seems," Mindra says loudly enough to cut into the conversation and holds up her own card. "Me as well... And maybe more?" She looks at the blind man and his companion, then the old man by the fire, and finally the young couple in the corner.


Bartender, older man, young man, and young woman
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:02 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain

Well, tonight was looking to be a busy night! Though what all these strangers in town meant, the bartender didn’t know. Another young man came in from the rain, tapping his cane around. He was with an attractive young woman of around twenty with honey blonde hair lightened by the sun and soft doe eyes, tanned from the sun. She wore good, sturdy boots, breeches, and a bright yellow peasant blouse beneath her cloak that flattered her figure. She had a crown of white daisies in her hair as she pushed back her hood. The rapier at her side when she pushed aside her cloak would make one think twice about accosting such a woman, however.

The man was much less imposing. He was pale skinned and had the white hair marking him as one of the god-touched. Likely from Arideen, then. He wore a broad-brimmed hat, slouched and dripping with rainwater over his eyes. He tapped the floorboards with a black obsidian cane that looked quite expensive. He wore leather armor and had a pair of handaxes and a pair of daggers at his belt. What did a blind man expect to do with those?

“Whiskey, please,” the man spoke in an Arideen accent as he and his female companion settled at a table. The young woman sat at the table rather close to the young man, but her eyes went to the man by the fire reading his papers.

The bartender hurried on over with a glass and bottle. “Both of yeh?” he asked, eying the woman skeptically.

Alemei gave out a light laugh. “Make mine a double, Torban,” she said with a glint in her eye.

Torban, the bartender, looked a bit taken aback, but he nodded. “Yes, miss,” he said, filling both glasses -- Alemei’s a double. “Fifteen copper,” Torban said.

Alemei laughed. “Fifteen? Torban, you greedy bastard. Here’s twelve, and we both know that’s what it’s worth,” she pointed out, dropping the coins into his hand.

“Wot? I would never cheat my customers!” Torban blustered. “But yeh seem like a nice girl, so I’ll give yeh a discount!”

[sblock=Liam Inisght]
Insight: 1D20 = [11] = 11

Yes, Liam can tell he was totally upcharging them.

Torban hurried back to the bar just as a small figure hopped up onto one of the stools and demanded an ale, placing a heavy money pouch on the bar. All these travelers with heavy purses! Today was a good day!

“Ale, comin’ right up,” Torban said. Then he started as he saw the halfling’s face beneath the hood of his cloak, the blue tattoos painted over it. “Oh, by the Dawn!” he said. “Yer ain’t no halflin’ like I ever seen!”

"This is the Sawtooth Inn, right? Have you seen an old crone near here?" the halfling asked.

Torban eyed the card as he filled the ale. “Old crone? Afraid yeh might need to be a bit more specific...er, citizen,” he said, placing the ale in front of the halfling. “Seven copper,” he said. “Plenty of old folk around. I think Prelate Tinroth might be the oldest woman, at least in Bredon here. Might not want to call her a crone, though,” he said with a laugh.

The halfling took his drink to the far corner, and Torban could breathe a little easier. One heard stories about those crazy halflings out on the plains beyond the mountains, but to see one here in Essess! They say they ate people!

"Old Crone, little man? Have you lost your grandmother?" one of the strangers asks the halfling with a laugh.

Torban shook his head. Don’t go poking the raptor! He hoped a fight didn’t start, not in his bar! He glanced nervously at the man beside the fire.

"I'm here for a job, so i'll forgive you just this once. If you want to keep your head, never insult a halfling's family. Especially not mine," Garrett warned.

Torban cleared his throat. “If yer wanna fight, take it outside in the rain,” he announced.

"Relax, I'm sure your grandma is a lovely person. I'm actually here for similar reasons. Mysterious summons, letter, old crone..." Coriana said.

Torban relaxes a little as the two appear to collaborate and goes back to his business behind the bar.

"Not just the two of you it seems," Mindra says loudly enough to cut into the conversation and holds up her own card. "Me as well... And maybe more?"

"Do you think he's looking for...her?" Liam asked Alemei softly. "Are we meeting people here?"

Alemei smiled and squeezed Liam’s arm. “It would not surprise me if The Crone was setting up some help for you, hon,” she said. She gave a soft, resigned sigh.

“Liam, this is where I must leave you,” Alemei told him. “I promised my grandmother I would get you here safely, and help with your training, but now my responsibilities call me. Things are moving in Essess, and if I do not want my mother running interference, I need to get back to work.” She gave a sad smile and leaned in, giving Liam a kiss to remember her by.

“May Avandra’s blessings be upon you, Liam,” she said. “I may not like it, but The Mother and the The Crone might be right, and He needs to return.” Liam felt her make a sign of three wavy lines on his forehead. He felt a warmth in his blood that wasn’t from the kiss.

Alemei tossed back her whiskey and stood up, gathered her things, and walked out of the inn and into the misty rain and dark.

Liam gets Blessing of Avandra: This works as the Lucky feat, except you have only 1 Luck point.
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Liam felt a moment of panic at her words, but only a moment. He'd grown used to her company, and her help with his...handicap. But, he knew he didn't need help, not anymore. He was perfectly capable of being on his own.

Stil, she was fun to have around.

"Don't be a stranger, Darlin'," he said with a grin, as if her leaving were the most natural thing to him.

Once she was gone, he knocked his rod on the floor loudly a few times, to get the bar's attention. "If anyone here's lookin' for an old Crone, may as well come on over to my booth. Might be a good idea to compare notes."

Lord Twig

Mindra stood and walked over to stand next to Liam's table leaving her gear and food at her original table. "Unless you have more information than the rest of us, this will be a short conversation. All the information I have has already been stated. An 'old crone' left a note to be here at the Sawtooth Inn on 29 Mother. Along with some coin for encouragement. Do you have anything to add?"
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Charwoman Gene

Coriana looks at the motley assortment of faces. Different backgrounds and accents. Wait, the "old crone" didn't say she'd meet us here, just to be here.

Coriana spoke, "Heh. Be here at this date and time. Same old crone, wildly different places. No mention of meeting us. It'd serve me right if this was just a trap, and something very bad was about to happen."

Steve Gorak

So many days of travelling, reveling, and discovering the pleasures of mind and flesh! Theremin had enjoyed the weeks after his graduation from The Academy, and made his way to Essess. He was finally here, in front of the Sawtooth Inn, with a sense of melancholy. He somehow knew that things would change, but had no idea how. Why worry, this is an inn, and there is fun to have! he thought to himself, and he entered.

With a smile on his face, and the air of someone that was at home in this kind of environment, he took a moment get a sense of the patrons inside the inn.

OOC: perception [roll0]
insight [roll1]


First Post
Garret rose from his seat, and walked over to Liam's table, taking his ale with him. He waved his letter at the others as he spoke.

"All I know is my boss got this from an old crone. I guessed it was a job. If it's a trap, whoever set it is as good as dead. I say we wait a bit, see if they turn up. If not, we go out and find them."

Voidrunner's Codex

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