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D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor


Shadowfell/Imperial village
Seaday, Emperorweek, 4 Moon, 897 AF/Time 2040
Weather: Chilly, strong wind (disadvantage on ranged attacks, hearing perception), no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

The trip back upstream to the Essian village took a bit longer than the one downstream had. It was chilly, and the strong wind made conversation difficult. Lord Ulfgar and his assistant were put up in the rear cabin out of the wind, with two of his people standing guard there. They didn’t meet any more shadows in the bone forest this time, and the trip upstream was uneventful this time.

It was well past evening meal when they started approaching the village. Crimsyn had them raise a white flag on the mast before they rounded the last bend and came in sight of the palisade.

Ulfgar shuffled out, now in his full, resplendent armor of his paladinhood. The old dwarf moved to the prow to stand in the dim light of the Shadowfell as they approached the dock.

Your boat uses the Keelboat stats and figure in Saltmarsh. It’s 60’ x 20’ with a 20x10 foot cabin aft and a ballista in the prow (+6 to hit; 3d10 piercing damage). There are 8 shadows about 20 feet away from the boat.


@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Combat Map:
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 15 31+8 thp/31 PP 14
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+8 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Owyn (+3) AC 19 27+8 thp/36 PP 14
Theremin (+5) AC 15 26+8 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+8 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image
Beturea (+1) AC 15 13+8 thp/16 HD 1/2d8 PP 12
Alet Caravon (+0) AC 16 24/24 HD 2/3d8 PP 10 Darkvision
Crimsyn Ledet (+3) AC 15 22+8 thp/22 HD 1/3d8 PP 11 Darkvision

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

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Shadowfell/Imperial village
Seaday, Emperorweek, 4 Moon, 897 AF/Time 2050
Weather: Chilly, strong wind (disadvantage on ranged attacks, hearing perception), no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

Nothing seemed amiss to Mindra as the keelboat docked at the village. Some of the younger members -- and there really weren’t a lot of older members of the village, certainly not humans -- scowled at their hated enemies, but the crowd parted as the old elf Salor walked up to Ulfgar.

“Well met, my old enemy,” Salor greeted.

“Enemies nae longer, sae yer folk tell me,” Ulgar returned.

“That is what we are here to discuss,” Salor said. “But you must be tired from your journey. We have a feast prepared for tonight, and a home for you to stay in. Tomorrow we will begin our talks.”

Ulfgar nodded. “Aye. I cuild use an ale,” he said with a smile.

As Crimsyn and Alet led the Imperial delegation to the village hall, Salor came over to the party.

“Thank you for your efforts. I hope you will sit as important guests at the feast as well. This is a great service you have done. Please help us make this peace a reality even here. Would you help put everyone at ease for the evening?” Salor asked Theremin and the others.

Skill Challenge! Write a scene describing your actions in the next night and day to aid in the discussions between the two villages. Then make an appropriate skill check at DC 15. You need 3 successes before 3 failures. If you have a spell you think may be beneficial, you may expend the spell for a success.


@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Combat Map:
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 15 31+8 thp/31 PP 14
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+8 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Owyn (+3) AC 19 36+8 thp/36 PP 14
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+8 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+8 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image
Beturea (+1) AC 15 16+8 thp/16 HD 1/2d8 PP 12
Alet Caravon (+0) AC 16 24/24 HD 2/3d8 PP 10 Darkvision
Crimsyn Ledet (+3) AC 15 22+8 thp/22 HD 1/3d8 PP 11 Darkvision

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Steve Gorak

Theremin disembarks, weary of any attack on the old dwarf. He releases a sigh of relief once he sees that Salor properly received Ulfgar, an no one seemed to be aggressive. He spent the afternoon plucking his lute, and signing uplifting songs, ever attentive to any aggression from the younger, more hot blooded folk. In the afternoon leading to the feast, he overheard a group young men making plans to attack the Dwarf. He readily approached the leader, and suggested using magics to enhance his ability to convince, that peace was the better option. It worked on the leader, but one of the young men wasn't convinced, Fortunately, magics made him reasonable.

During the feast, Theremin readily played upbeat songs, highlighting the beauty of peace, and the prosperity that comes from it. He sang about the armies stranded in the planes, that made peace before triumphantly returning to the prime material plane.

OOC: two castings of suggestion for 2 successes if allowed. Theremin could cast suggestion another time if allowed to guarantee the win, but I want the others to show off their prowess too ;-)

Charwoman Gene

Coriana, tired of the uselessness of everything, sulks off alone. She is really doing poorly. So much that she winds up casting invisibility on herself and wandering about. She wanders about the camp and runs across a lone angry villager skulking around near the visitors tents weapon in hand. She uses intimidation to scare him away.
Intimidation: 1D20+9 = [12]+9 = 21


Shadowfell/Essian village
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 0910
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

The heroes manage to keep the two sets of villagers on an even keel. There is still tension, but it settles into a low simmer. Talks went well, but the first hurdle that needed to be overcome was finding a way out of the Shadowfell and back to the Prime plane.

OOC: Everyone make a DC 10 Wisdom save for this last period of time in the Shadowfell. Then let me know how you want to proceed.


@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Combat Map:
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 15 31+8 thp/31 PP 14
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+8 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Owyn (+3) AC 19 36+8 thp/36 PP 14
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+8 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+8 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image
Beturea (+1) AC 15 16+8 thp/16 HD 1/2d8 PP 12
Alet Caravon (+0) AC 16 24/24 HD 2/3d8 PP 10 Darkvision
Crimsyn Ledet (+3) AC 15 22+8 thp/22 HD 1/3d8 PP 11 Darkvision

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Steve Gorak

OOC: Wisdom Check: 18, success!

Theremin was weary all evening, not only was the shadowfell getting to him, but he was on his guard for any derailment of the talks during the feast. Sayine know she had to keep an eye out too, and Theremin was glad to have her keen eyes on his side.

As the night progressed, he allowed himself to enjoy the festivities, but was happy to retire, even more so when Crymsin requested to join him.

When he woke, he asked the woman: "Do you want to come with me to the prime? We should gather those that are interested to come, and join us to figure out how to operate the castle"

OOC: I say we head back to the prime! full of glory and stories to tell

Lord Twig

OOC: I am going to include what Mindra did the night before if that is okay. Sorry for the late homework. ;)

Mindra was as uneasy about the truce as the rest of her party. She found herself in doing a different type of scouting that night. She circulated among the villagers trying to read their attitudes and dispositions. She would then engage in conversation anyone that she felt might be thinking of breaking the truce. Mostly she would just try to distract them, but she was not above making up possible benefits based on what she thought the person most wanted.

OOC: Mindra is primarily using Insight to figure out if the villagers are potentially hostile, then figuring out what they really want and then promising that they could get it (Deception) if they didn't break the truce.
Insight check: 1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21

Mindra stayed quiet for most of the talks, but at the end she finally spoke up. "Staying in the Shadowfell is a losing proposition. While there is a tentative peace now eventually it will break down as the oppressive nature of the place force people to extreme acts just so they can feel alive. Our first priority is finding a way back to the Prime. I know that is an obvious statement. Also obvious, in my opinion, is that the first place to start is the tower that brought us here.

"And not just us, I will remind you. A pack of kobolds came with us, but ran from the tower before we could catch them. It is possible that they have the orb we need to work the device that brought us here.

"So that is my suggestion. We head back to the tower, search it thoroughly. Then, if we don't find anything, we track down the kobolds that fled the place."



Shadowfell/Essian village
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 0915
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

The effects of the Shadowfell were still oppressive, but the party mostly managed to fight it off. Theremin’s previous despair eased, with a bit of help from Crimsyn. She considered Theremin when he asked her if she wanted to come to the Prime.

“This is the only home I have known,” the young woman said, trailing her fingers along the fresh nail marks she had made last night along Theremin’s back. “But...the Prime does sound exciting,” she said, giving a little smile. “We could see if Alet has any of his father’s old journals or anything that might give a clue on how to operate the tower. Salor said the key used to bring us here was lost.”

Theremin might recall some names. Crimsyn Ledet and Alet Caravon. Ledet might mean she is somehow related to Sir Ghaves Ledet, the ousted former baron of Bredet, whose daughter Irene you all saved from the goblins. He might remember the name Caravon from the history of the war as Ledet’s mage friend who was in charge of the tower garrison when the Imperials were besieging it.

OOC: No reason to feel like a doofus, Coriana. You haven’t found a way back. You know you came through the tower, but that you are missing the key.


@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Combat Map:
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 15 31+8 thp/31 PP 14
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+8 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Owyn (+3) AC 19 36+8 thp/36 PP 14
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+8 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+8 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image
Beturea (+1) AC 15 16+8 thp/16 HD 1/2d8 PP 12
Alet Caravon (+0) AC 16 24/24 HD 2/3d8 PP 10 Darkvision
Crimsyn Ledet (+3) AC 15 22+8 thp/22 HD 1/3d8 PP 11 Darkvision

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

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