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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Lathir charges Greenmuggella, and sticks her in the right thigh with his spear!

13+9 = 22 (Hit)
Damage: 12 pts.

Greeny wails in pain, and screams out to Snoggrella: "Oh, Annem! Yardım etsin!"

[sblock=If you speak Giant]"Oh, Momma! Help me!"[/sblock]

Snoggrella turns to her wounded daughter, about to say something, but her speech is cut short; Sylvar launches an arrow at her, which hits her high; he was aiming for the center of her chest, but instead, the arrow catches her in the throat, dropping her like a sack of flour. She clutches at her throat with real panic in her eyes as she goes down, and her world fades to black.

Attack #1: (20) Hit; 8 Damage.
[Snoggrella goes down! -7, Dying]

Attack #2: (31) Hit; 3 Damage.
Attack #3: (32) Hit; 12 Damage.

Sylvar does not hesitate to target the second Giantess; his last two arrows strike her with devastating results! The first arrow thuds into the same thigh that Lathir pierced, while the second arrow sinks to the shaft in her abdomen! Greeny wails in pain once more!

Greeny screams out to Sylvar: "Lanet olsun, lahana yiyen! Bu serseri sırıtışını pis yüzünden sileceğim!"

[sblock=If you speak Giant]"Damn you, cabbage eater! I'll wipe that smug grin right off your puny face!"[/sblock]

Vulka moves to the doorway of her bedroom as this is happening, and swings the door open wider, growling in anger!

Vulka moves 10 ft., and moves the door out of her way as part of that move action.

All three nearby combatants (Respen, Vale, and Kleborn) have stoked the fires of Vulka's anger during the last 48 seconds (the entire length of this battle so far; and of those, she is most angry at (59%) Respen, for delivering the killing blow to her husband.)

Vulka casts defensively, so as not to provoke an Attack of Opportunity from Kleborn: (32) = Success (vs. DC 19.)

Vulka casts Unholy Blight. She centers it on Respen.

Vale & Kleborn: Chaotic Good
Respen: Chaotic Neutral
Vulka has the EVIL domain, and casts as 1 level higher (8th); thus, her spell damage is 4d8.

Kleborn, Vale, and Respen need to make Will saves, DC 17.

Kleborn and Vale: If you fail, you will each take 23 pts. of damage. That is enough to put Vale at -8!!!
Those that fail are sickened for 1 round.
If you make your save, you will take 11 pts. of damage. (Which means Vale will have taken a total of 60 damage! Of his current total of 63!)
Those that make their saves are not sickened.

Respen: If you fail your save, you will take 11 pts. of damage. If you make your save, you will take 5 pts. of damage.
In any event, you are not sickened.

Respen: Saved (5 pts.)
Vale: Failed (23 pts.) Vale is at -9, and dying.
Kleborn: (15) Failed (23 pts.)

Vulka roars in anger, as she eyes Respen: "Вмираєш, ти брудний капустник!"

[sblock=If you speak Giant]"Die, you filthy cabbage eater!"[/sblock]

Vulka raises her hand, pointing at Respen, releasing a cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness, which envelopes him and his friends, sucking the life force out of each of them!

Kleborn and Vale take the worst of it; the evil miasma sucks the will to live right out of them. Kleborn feels as if a heavy weight is on his chest, and finds it difficult to breathe. His head feels as if it were on fire, as he experiences ten times the pain of the worst migraine that he had ever previously endured!

GM: Kleborn is Sickened.

Still reeling from the Lightning Bolt, the black, sinister fog is too much for Vale; he collapses in a heap on the ground, his life-force swiftly ebbing away!


Duncan and Co: It's your turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

8th Round:

Respen: 25 [14 Damage]
Nelvandra: 21a

Hill Giant Prince (Kraven): 21b
The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [30 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [5 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [8 Damage]

Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b

Thallok: 16c [2 Damage]

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (12,15): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

"Collin" The Gold Dragon: 16h

Kleborn: 15b [23 Damage]

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3): 13

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b [-8, Dying!]

Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2): 9
Orc Servants: 7
Giantess Maid #1 (Snoggy): 5
Giantess Maid #2 (Greeny): 4
Remaining Hill Giant Guards (4 & 6) [#6 is Bleeding Out]: 0 (DEAD LAST)

"Collin" The Gold Dragon = Severely Wounded / Bloodied (108) Not visible

Prince Kraven = Moderately Wounded (67)
Snoggrella (M1)= Dying (-7)
Greenmuggella (M2)= Severely Wounded (73)
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Moderately Wounded (34) + (9 Non-Lethal = 43 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Dead
Vulka =Severely Wounded (192) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-7)
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 = Dying (-8)
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-6)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Orc Servants, Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: "Collin" The Gold Dragon, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Prince Kraven

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 8 (8 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 6 (14 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.

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:: Surrounding The Giantess ::

Duncan, Ebony, Travis & Leonard
:: Surrounding The Giantess ::

Battle AD G.png

After making eye contact with the she-Dwarf to reinforce that they are indeed standing with her, Ebony addresses the twins in her sing song tone.

"Travis make a hole, but be wary your footing." ( Switches her secondary aura from granting a bonus vs Attacks Of Opportunity to granting a bonus to reflex saves. ) "There's oil on the ground in the place that I'm looking."

She then coils into a slight crouch ready to step forward and attack as soon as Travis makes way.

The twins take advantage of Thallok's flanking position and unleash a mad flurry of chops and shield bashes to wail on the remaining maid.

Travis then takes a cautious step to the northeast to try and clear a space for Ebony. He encounters the left over grease spell. causing him to step lightly before coming to a stop.

Ebony seizes the moment, stepping in to fill the gap in the shield wall. She launches a series of shorts stabs at the giantess.

With all of that Done, Sir Duncan moves in around Lenny's flank, vaulting over the grease covered floor. The Giantess takes a swipe at him with her rolling pin as he does so, but he is too quick, and she misses. Sticking the landing he repeats Ebony's stabbing attack pattern.

GM: Since you thought the Giantess was prone, and I didn't want to make you have to come back and edit, I'm giving you the missed AoO as a freebie. :) Also: I rolled just for giggles; she would have hit ya. Next time, please do not assume something critical like the prone position of an enemy. Double check with me via LINE chat first. :)

The foursome have now put their shield wall back together with everyone engaged on target. All without disrupting the attacks of the Dwarven lass.

During his attack pattern Duncan addresses Thallok and Lathir.

"Your companions are scattered, & the way out is clear.

Are we going in for the rescue or making our exit here?"

Duncan grinned at having made the Ryhme and keeping their chant going.

(( Note: If the giantess goes down before all the attacks can be resolved, they'd have spent any remaining attack actions on the giants anyway to make sure they stayed down. ))
[sblock=Order of actions in game terms]
Ebony, switcher her aura, then readied for 5 foot step from L24 to M23 till after Lenny moved out of the way. After he moved she stepped in and attacked the giant with her sword.
Sword 1d20+16 11(27) Damage 1d8+6 4(10)

Lenny used a full attack action Axe+Shield then 5-foot stepped from M23 to N24.
Shield 1d20+11 15(26) Damage 1d4+4 3(7)
Axe 1d20+11 13(24) Damage 1d8+4 1(5)
Balance Check For Grease: 11+1=(11)
Reflex Save vs Grease: 17+6(23)

Travis used a full attack acton Sword+Shield
Shield 1d20+11 2(13) Damage 1d4+4 3(6)
Axe 1d20+11 9(20) Damage 2d4+4 5(9)

Duncan moved from M25 to O24. Then attacked with sword.
Sword 1d20+17 9(26) Damage 1d8+7 2(9)
Balance Check For Grease: 12-1=(11)
Reflex Save vs Grease: 3+13(16)

:: Just In Case Rolls ::
In case they are attacked by the archer. Both Ebony and Duncan can swat an arrow that would hit them down with their swords for free without a roll.
If a second arrow hits them they can roll Reflex vs DC 20+ the enchantment modifier on the attacking weapon, to deflect it with their shields.
Ebony Rolls: 14+10= 10(20)
Duncan Rolls: 16+14= 10(24)

Active Effects:
Bless Morale Bonus ( 6 Rounds +1 Attack +1 vs Fear ) ( Currently Over Written By Sylvar's +2 Bard Song )
Aura Of Courage (10 Feet): +4 Morale Save vs Fear
Marshal Auras ( Circumstance Bonuses Ongoing )
Within 60 Feet of Duncan: +1 Attack, +4 Will Saves
Within 60 Feet of Ebony: +1 Armor Class, +3 To Reflex Saves

Shield Users adjacent to either Duncan or Ebony receive an additional +2 Shield Bonus to AC and +1 Shield Bonus to Reflex Saves due to the shield wall effect.
[sblock=Stat Blocks - Current Bonuses Applied]
Duncan: ( Shield Wall Active )
Hit Points: 51 / 51
Fort: 13, Ref: 11, Will: 15
AC: 23(25), Touch: 12(14), Flat: 19(21)
Passive Spot: 11, Listen: 11, Sense Motive: 17
Battle Rap/Perform Urban: 20
Perform Break Dance: 14

Ebony: ( Shield Wall Active )
Hit Points: 34 / 34
Fort: 6, Ref: 7, Will: 11
AC: 23(25), Touch: 12(14), Flat: 19(21)
Passive Spot: 10, Listen: 10, Sense Motive: 13
Battle Rap/Perform Urban: 20
Perform Break Dance: 15

Travis: ( Shield Wall Active )
Hit Points: 38 / 38
Fort: 7, Ref: 6, Will: 7
AC: 21(23), Touch: 13(15), Flat: 19(21)
Masterwork Broad Sword + Shield Bash = +9 / +9; Damage: 2d4+4 (20: x3: 6d4+12) / 1d4+4 (20: x2: 2d4+6)
Masterwork Broad Sword +11; Damage: 2d4+4 (20: x3: 6d4+12)
Passive Spot: 11, Listen: 11,
Perform Break Dance: 12

Leonard: ( Shield Wall Active )
Hit Points: 38 / 38
Fort: 7, Ref: 6, Will: 7
AC: 21(23), Touch: 13(15), Flat: 19(21)
Masterwork Battle Axe + Shield Bash = +9 / +9; Damage: 1d8+4 (20: x3: 3d8+12) / 1d4+4 (20: x2: 2d4+6)
Masterwork Battle Axe +11; Damage: 1d8+4 (20: x3: 3d8+12)
Passive Spot: 11, Listen: 11,
Perform Break Dance: 11
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Giantess Maids Breathe Their Last!

Duncan, Ebony, Lenny, and Travis are a whirlwind of cooperative combat, creating the perfect storm of slashes, stabs, feints, and bashes, raining death down upon the out-matched kitchen maid.

Reflex Save DC for Grease spell: 14.
Balance check: DC 10.
Ebony: (26) Hit; 10 damage.
Lenny: (26,24) Hit, Hit; 12 damage.
Lenny made his Balance check and Reflex save.
Travis: (13, 20) Miss, Hit: 9 damage.
Duncan: (26) Hit; 9 damage.
Duncan made his Balance check and Reflex save.
DAMAGE TOTAL: 10+12+9+9 = 40 pts. damage.

Greeny has taken a total of 113 pts. of damage. Greeny goes down!
[-11, Dead.]

It is Travis' axe blow that puts her under, a high, sideways slash that hits her lower abdomen, slicing open her belly, causing her to gush blood and guts all over her attacker. As she collapses to the ground, Duncan stabs her in the throat, making sure that she will not recover!

In the kitchen, the remaining Dire Wolves silence the last Orc Servant forever! Yips of victory and howls of delight can be heard, as the wolves tear the bodies apart, and begin feeding on their hard-won prize!

Kurok and Kragg both turn their attention to Respen! Kragg says, "Bu gün bizim lahana yiyen yiğitliğimiz adil kadın dilekçemiz!"

[sblock=If you speak Giant]"It is our fair lady's wish that you die this day, cabbage eater!"[/sblock]

Both Giants launch large rocks at Respen, but they severely underestimate the mage's magical protections; both rocks are harmlessly deflected by the invisible shield that emanates from Respen's bow.

GM: 14, 18 = Miss, Miss


THALLOK: It's Your Turn! Your friend is dying! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

8th Round:

Respen: 25 [14 Damage]
Nelvandra: 21a

Hill Giant Prince (Kraven): 21b
The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [30 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [5 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [8 Damage]

Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b

Thallok: 16c [2 Damage]

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (12,15): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

"Collin" The Gold Dragon: 16h

Kleborn: 15b [23 Damage]

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3): 13

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b [-8, Dying!]

Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2): 9
Giantess Maid #1 (Snoggy): 5

Remaining Hill Giant Guards (4 & 6) [#6 is Bleeding Out]: 0 (DEAD LAST)

"Collin" The Gold Dragon = Severely Wounded / Bloodied (108) Not visible

Prince Kraven = Moderately Wounded (67)
Snoggrella (M1)= Dying (-7)
Greenmuggella (M2)= Dead
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Moderately Wounded (34) + (9 Non-Lethal = 43 Total) Half Move 24 Hrs, Not visible
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Dead
Vulka =Severely Wounded (192) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-7)
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 = Dying (-8)
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-6)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: "Collin" The Gold Dragon, Sous Chef Ogre #2, Prince Kraven

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 8 (8 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 6 (14 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.



Thallok sees Vale going down, and remembers what the axe told Vale about healing him. He realizes that he can help out the dwarf. He runs as fast as he can to the doorway next to Kleborn, stands over the axe and sees Vulka. He can't help himself, he decides to get a quick strike on her as he stares directly in her eyes. As he is striking he says to her in giant, "Kızma, yakında değersiz kocanla geri döneceksin."

[sblock=if you speak giant]Don't be angry, you will be back with your worthless husband soon enough.[/sblock]

Thallok will utilize battle leaders charge from an Iron Guards Glare stance.
Attack=33, 15 for crit confirmation failed
Damage=14+10 additional points of damage from the strike

OOC: Edit: forgot to add Smite Enemy and Chaos. Adds +2 to attack, and +7 to damage. 31 total damage.

He then picks up the axe, turns it on its flat side, and drops it on Vale's breast plate.

"There you go my friend"
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Thallok's Grim Charge!

Thallok gets a grim and determined look on his face, as he glares angrily at Vulka, and charges her with all of his fury!

Base move rate: 30'; Move rate w/ Haste: 60'; Therefore, charging distance = 120'.
Distance to Vulka: 85' (well within charging distance.)
Swift Action: Invoke IRON GUARD'S GLARE fighting stance.
Standard Action: Battle Leader's Charge vs. Vulka.
Haste Action: Pick up Vale's axe in the adjacent square. (R6)
Free Action: Turn the axe flat and drop it in the adjacent square (S7) onto Vale's breastplate.

Picking the axe up DOES NOT provoke an Attack of Opportunity from Vulka, because the corner of the door frame is in the way.

Base Attack: +13
Charging: +2
Haste: +2
Inspire Courage: +2
Interfaith Blessing: +1
Smite Enemy: +2
Total Attack Bonus: +23

Vulka's AC: 28
Plus partial cover: +2
Total AC: 30

Charge Attack: (33) Hits, possible crit; Confirmation = Base Roll 2 + 23 = 25, Not a crit. Sorry, dude. :(

Damage: Base 14 pts.
+2 from Inspire Courage.
Vulka is Neutral Evil, not Chaotic, therefore, Smite Chaos (+7 Damage) does not apply. Sorry, dude. :(
+10 from Battle Leader's Charge
Total Damage: 26 pts. Still a really SOLID hit!

Vulka has taken a total of 218 pts. of damage so far. Vulka is in DIRE STRAITS!

OTTER Core Rules said:
"...If the character is friendly, and is not flat-footed, and has not taken any other Immediate actions yet in the current round, he can take an immediate action to make a one-square adjustment, in order to step out of the way of his charging friend."

A charge attack must be in a perfectly straight line.

Lathir and Kleborn will both have to move out of Thallok's way. Vale is in Thallok's path also, but since he is prone, Thallok can simply step over him as he charges, by making a Balance check, DC 10. (18) = Success.

Lathir is displaced five feet, to Square #Q23

Kleborn is displaced five feet, to Square #R6

Thallok ends up in the square formerly occupied by Kleborn (Square #S6)

[sblock=The Path of Thallok's Charge & Indication of Lathir's & Kleborn's Paths of Displacement]

Lathir and Kleborn both hurriedly step out of Thallok's way, not wanting him to waste an ounce of his momentum!

Thallok rushes toward the towering Giantess, totally devoid of fear, and rather, driven by an intense righteousness, that the untrained eye would probably mistake for simple, uncontrolled anger.

Thallok slices Vulka across her abdomen, making almost the same cut that Travis made against the Giantess Maid, but the exquisite Drow-made mail shirt saves Vulka from a similar fate! However, Thallok still manages to cut through the mesh, drawing blood and ire from the Giantess!

While Vulka is distracted by the attack, Thallok quickly picks up Valoran (the sentient axe) and turns it flat; he then drops it squarely onto Vale's breastplate, knowing that the axe will be able to heal its master, as long as it is able to touch him!

Valoran squawks happily, in the Common tongue: "Thank ye, lad! Ha ha! Never thought I'd be thanking a bleedin' Orc!"


Hill Giants 9, 18, 10, and 13 remain where they are, unmoving, hoping to survive this harrowing ordeal!

Hill Giants 12 & 15 continue to bleed out where they lie.

In the front foyer, Collin brings tooth and claw to bear against the remaining Sous Chef!

Collin continues to call 10 points of Power Attack.
Bite (23); Hit. Damage = 26
Claw (19); Hit. Damage = 22
Claw (31); Hit. Damage = 17
Wing (32); Hit. Damage = 19
Wing (33); Hit. Damage = 17
Tail Slap (16; Natural 1); Miss
Total Damage: 101 pts.
The Sous Chef has taken a total of 135 pts. of damage. The Sous Chef is killed!

The Sous Chef is no match for the angry Dragon! Collin proceeds to tear the Ogre limb from limb, biting, ripping, rending, and smashing, all the while, the Ogre screaming in intense agony! The Ogre is finished before Collin's last two attacks, but the Dragon continues to maul him, in an effort to ensure his complete mortality!

Collin snaps angrily to Kraven, "Deinde te, amans lupum!"

[sblock=If you speak Draconic]"You're next, wolf humper!"[/sblock]

KLEBORN: It's your turn! You're still in melee range with Vulka! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

8th Round:

Respen: 25 [14 Damage]
Nelvandra: 21a

Hill Giant Prince (Kraven): 21b
The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [30 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [5 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [8 Damage]

Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b

Thallok: 16c [2 Damage]

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (12,15): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

"Collin" The Gold Dragon: 16h

Kleborn: 15b [23 Damage]

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3): 13

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b [-8, Dying!]

Giantess Maid #1 (Snoggy) (Dying / Bleeding Out): 5

Remaining Hill Giant Guards (4 & 6) [#6 is Bleeding Out]: 0 (DEAD LAST)

"Collin" The Gold Dragon = Severely Wounded / Bloodied (108)

Prince Kraven = Moderately Wounded (67)
Snoggrella (M1)= Dying (-7)
Greenmuggella (M2)= Dead
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Dead
Vulka = Grievously Wounded (218) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-7)
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 = Dying (-9)
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-7)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: "Collin" The Gold Dragon, Prince Kraven

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 8 (8 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 6 (14 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.



After jumping out of the charging Orc's way Kleborn steadies himself and readies for an attack. He feels that this is a good opportunity to finish off the priestess giant. Though he is not feeling well, and hurting a little from the spell, he strikes her with all that he has.

First attack=25 base
Second attack=16
Haste attack=22
damage from first attack=18
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kleborn's Savage Slash!

Kleborn is slightly off his normal pace, after having to dodge Thallok's charge; only one blow connects, but it is a good one! Kleborn rips through the chainmail legging of Vulka's Drow-made armor, slicing her on her right calf, leaving a savage, bloody gash!

GM: Vulka has taken a total of 236 points of damage so far! You are amazed that she is still standing! She is suffering from numerous wounds and burns!

The Hill Giant Commander runs full speed down the hallway, and manages to catch up to his leader, Kraven, thanks to the potion that he imbibed!

Valoran The Axe activates its healing power, and a surge of blue light washes over's Vale's inert form!

Vale coughs and sputters, as his eyes pop open!

GM: Vale is healed for 9 pts. of damage. As per our phone conversation, Vale takes immediate action!

Knowing that the corner of the door frame will give him the momentary cover that he needs, Vale stands up, heals himself, and moves to the corner of the hallway as quickly as he can!

GM: Standing up is a move action; since Vulka is partially covered by the doorway, you do NOT provoke an AoO from her; You sacrifice a third-level spell to cast Cure Serious Wounds: 18 pts. Casting doesn't provoke either, for the same reason. You then use your Haste action to move to the corner of the hallway.

[sblock=Valoran's Mental Message To Its Master]"Don't EVER pull a fool stunt like that again, laddie! NEVER put me down in the middle of a fight! Are ye DAFT?!? Hhrmmpph!"[/sblock]


At the other end of the hallway, Snoggrella continues to bleed out.

In the main Feast Hall, Hill Giant #6 continues to bleed out.

The elite, Hill Giant Honor Guard pulls an identical potion to the one that his commander had from his belt, and imbibes it! He then runs full speed down the hallway, nearly (but not quite) catching up to Kraven and The Commander!

GM: Both Hill Giants (3 & 4) are affected by Haste.


RESPEN: It's Your Turn! Vulka is on her LAST LEGS! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

9th Round:

Respen: 25 [14 Damage]
Nelvandra: 21a

Hill Giant Prince (Kraven): 21b
The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [30 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [5 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [8 Damage]

Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b

Thallok: 16c [2 Damage]

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (12,15): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

"Collin" The Gold Dragon: 16h

Kleborn: 15b [23 Damage]

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3): 13

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b [45 Damage; Severely Wounded!]

Giantess Maid #1 (Snoggy) (Dying / Bleeding Out): 5

Remaining Hill Giant Guards (4 & 6) [#6 is Bleeding Out]: 0 (DEAD LAST)

"Collin" The Gold Dragon = Severely Wounded / Bloodied (108)

Prince Kraven = Moderately Wounded (67)
Snoggrella (M1)= Dying (-8)
Greenmuggella (M2)= Dead
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Dead
Vulka = GRAVELY Wounded (236) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-8)
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 = Dying (-9)
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-7)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=Remaining Durations of The Party's Buff Spells:]
This total is as of the 9th Round of combat:

Dewydd's Buffs:
Abjurant Armor [+8] 10 hours [6,000 Rounds] = 5,974 Rounds Remaining
Alter Self 50 minutes. [500 Rounds] = 474 Rounds Remaining
Shield [+8] 12 minutes. [120 Rounds] = 94 Rounds Remaining
Protection from Evil 10 minutes. [100 Rounds] = 74 Rounds Remaining
Blur 5 minutes. [50 Rounds] = 24 Rounds Remaining
Sheltered Vitality 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 50 Rounds Remaining

Interfaith Blessing (Everyone) 6 minutes. [60 Rounds] = 34 Rounds Remaining

Bull's Strength (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 84 Rounds Remaining
Cat's Grace (Lathir) 11 Minutes. [110 Rounds] = 98 Rounds Remaining

Greater Invisibility (Tam) 11 Rounds. = 1 Rounds Remaining.
Haste (Everyone Except Tam & Lathir) 11 Rounds. = 1 Rounds Remaining

Shield (Nel) 4 Minutes. [40 Rounds] = 30 Rounds Remaining.

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: "Collin" The Gold Dragon, Prince Kraven

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 8 (8 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 6 (14 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.

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Aust Thale

Respen's Smirking Revenge

~ Must put her down. ~

Respen moves quickly 10' to the west along the western wall of the trophy room, still skirmishing the two stone elders and Vulka to make himself a more difficult target.
OOC: Moves to square P8
His shots are tentative because of Kleborn and Thallok's engagement. She's severely wounded, and can be felled in short order.
Suddenly overcome with eagerness, he fires three arrows in a similar manner as his attack on Nosnra. All of them miss, flying into the back wall behind her.

OOC: Rolls 19,22, & 23 for ranged attack.

Respen says nothing, disappointed in his failure. Respen's smirking revenge.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
GM: Posted quickly from my phone, apologies for the crudity.

Nelvandra glides toward the Western wall, and casts her last Magic Missile spell at Vulka. Then she casually flits back to her starting position.

Move Action: Move to Q20.
Standard Action: Magic Missile (2d4+2) = 9 pts. damage.
Haste Action: Move back to starting position.
Vulka has taken a total of 245 pts. of damage so far! She is near to death!

The two bolts of light slam into the Giantess, causing her to bellow from the searing pain! The fact that she is still on her feet is a testiment to her immense endurance!

Kraven’s move is next! Stay tuned!

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kraven Strikes Back!

Kraven drops his bow, drawing his Greatsword as he snarls and charges the Dragon!

Free Action: Kraven drops his bow.
Move Action: Draw his Greatsword as part of his Move Action.
Standard Action: Charge attack. (+2 to hit, -2 to AC)
Kraven calls 10 points of Power Attack.
Attack Roll: (35); Hit. Damage = 47 pts!
Kraven gets his Favored Enemy bonus (+4) vs. Gold Dragons. (51 total.)
This is not quite 60 points (i.e., no need to check for Death By Massive Damage. Large threshold = 60 pts.)
Collin has taken a total of 159 points of damage. Collin is GRIEVOUSLY wounded!

Kraven closes the distance in an instant, bringing his 2-handed sword down the front of the Dragon's chest! The magical blade easily rips through the young Dragon's scales, spilling precious blood, drawing a howl of agony from the young, heroic, over-confident wyrm!

Kraven says, "Postquam enim convertisti me interficere vos capitis animas vestras Im 'iens ut duo fratres, et matrem tuam, quoque! Ante mihi factum est ego autem aureum IV capitibus murus a me!"

[sblock=If you speak Draconic]"After I kill you, I'm going to hunt down your two brothers, and your mother, too! Before I am done, I will have 4 golden heads on my wall!"[/sblock]


The huge Drow does something.

The Troll does something.

The beautiful Giantess does something.

DEWYDD: It's Your Turn! What do you do?

[sblock=Initiative Order / DM Housekeeping]
Initiative Order:

9th Round:

Respen: 25 [14 Damage]
Nelvandra: 21a

Hill Giant Prince (Kraven): 21b
The Drow: 21c
The Troll: 21d
The Beautiful Giantess: 21e

Dewydd: 20a [30 Damage]
Koralynn Copperstrike (D1 / K): 20b
Tam-Tam: 19a
Lathir: 19b [5 Damage]
Sylvar: 19c [8 Damage]

Priestess Vulka (W): 19d1

Duncan: 17b
Ebony: 17c
Lenny: 17d
Trav: 17e

Dire Wolves: 17f
Elder Kurok (S2): 16a
Elder Kragg (S3): 16b

Thallok: 16c [2 Damage]

Hill Giant Guests (The Two Prone Brothers) (9 and 18): 16d
Hill Giant Guests (Dying / Bleeding Out) (12,15): 16e
Hill Giant Guests (Surrendered) (10,13): 16f

"Collin" The Gold Dragon: 16h

Kleborn: 15b [23 Damage]

Remaining Hill Giant Commander (#3): 13

Valoran The Axe: 10a
Vale: 10b [45 Damage; Severely Wounded!]

Giantess Maid #1 (Snoggy) (Dying / Bleeding Out): 5

Remaining Hill Giant Guards (4 & 6) [#6 is Bleeding Out]: 0 (DEAD LAST)

"Collin" The Gold Dragon = Grievously Wounded / Bloodied (159)

Prince Kraven = Moderately Wounded (67)
Snoggrella (M1)= Dying (-8)
Greenmuggella (M2)= Dead
Ogre Chef (Ogre #1) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (Ogre #2) = Dead
Ogre Sous Chef (#3) = Dead
Ogre #4 = Dead
Ogre #6 = Dead
Ogre #7 = Dead
Ogre #8 = Dead
Tiny = Dead
Tim = Dead
Bison = Dead
The Drider = Dead
Nosnra = Dead
Vulka = GRAVELY Wounded (245) 1 Negative Level Half Move 24 Hrs
Delliak = Dead
Darris = Dead
Elder Kanor (S1)= Dead
Elder Kurok (S2)= Injured (38) 1 Negative Level
Elder Kragg (S3)= Injured (3)
H1 =Dead
H2 = Dead
H3 =Moderately Wounded (59) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H4 =Moderately Wounded (44) Half Move 24 Hrs; Current Move Rate: 45 ft. (Potion)
H5 =Dead
H6 = Dying (-8)
H7 =Dead
H8 = Dead
H9 =Severely Wounded (71) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H10 =Moderately Wounded (46) Half Move 24 Hrs [Surrendered]
H11 =Dead
H12 = Dying (-9)
H13 =Moderately Wounded (67) [Surrendered]
H14 =Dead
H15 = Dying (-7)
H17 =Dead
H18 =Severely Wounded (63) [Surrendered]
H19 =Dead
H20 =Dead
H21 =Dead
H22 =Dead

[sblock=DM Notes To Himself]
Doing Things In Room #17: Dire Wolves

Doing Things In Room #1: "Collin" The Gold Dragon, Prince Kraven

The Dungeon Master said:
(on 12-16-2017, Chapter 4 Thread, pp. 27, reply #270)

For the sake of continuity, I am going to say that the following party members had the following amounts of arrows:

Tam = 2 Quivers
Thallok = 1 Quiver
Kleborn = 1 Quiver

It seems that I messed up; Sylvar shouldn't have the Elven Arrows on him. So I will say that the arrows had been split differently; instead of two quivers, Tam-Tam is only carrying one; that makes sense anyway, since he's a little guy.

Elven Arrows Remaining (Tam): [16] Fired so far: 8 (8 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.
Elven Arrows Remaining (Thallok): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Kleborn): [20] Fired so far: 0
Elven Arrows Remaining (Sylvar): [20] Fired so far: 6 (14 remaining); have not checked for retrieval.

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