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Heroes #4--I Am Become Death/Oct 2008

-Used The Haitian nullify powers (after all the haitain used it on him how many times no?)
This at least is explainable and sensible. The nullification trumps the possible absorbtion of the ability to nullify. If your absorbtion abiility is nullified then you can't absorb the ability TO nullify.

But yeah, he could have done any of a dozen other things, so...

I continue to watch because I like the characters, but I'm starting to think that the success of season 1 was just a fluke. The creators/writers simply don't have the skills/imagination needed to actually write good episodes and story arcs for the characters they've created. Every week they scramble for the cheap, instant fix of whatever might be wrong with the show and only make the problem worse.
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First Post
Or, there are people like me who see absolutely nothing wrong with the writing or the characters and think both are great. It's still the best show on TV, period.

Sure, didn't mean to say no one should like it. I just don't see the response of "well, sure the writing is bad, but comic books also have bad writing, so it's an homage to the genre!" as unworthy of reply. :)

Plenty of folks like Heroes, even as the ratings slide it's still higher rated than many other shows. I just think a lot of folks that were drawn in by the premise and promise of season 1 have left in frustration.


Well we're the hard core; the audience that will keep on watching until it all ends cause we're genre freaks. I guess we're watching because the series has so much potential, and there are a few things in each episode that it gets right. Like I really liked the idea of a super villain team but they got snuffed in ep 3, while for ep 4 Martha Stewart Sylar was also interesting, but that went kablooie. It seems to be throwing out beats like a heavy metal drummer, when a more measured pace would really help the character development of the series, besides the LONG TERM purging of the cast. Some of the characters also need a power downgrade, obviously, and when you use time travel so frequently... well people are gonna be blasting plotholes left, right and center.

I won't call it the best thing on television. Dexter is still my current fave.

I think that this season they actually mentioned they weren't going to try lingering on plot points too long, and pick up the pacing in many places.

Hand of Evil

Kind of surprised no one has connected future Sylar to Bennett, horn rimmed glasses, in the house where Claire grew up, the dog and the son named Noah...

Brown Jenkin

First Post
Kind of surprised no one has connected future Sylar to Bennett, horn rimmed glasses, in the house where Claire grew up, the dog and the son named Noah...

I picked up on it but I really didn't care. The future timeline means nothing to me as the who point of the season is to change the future. Unless Peter is supposed to be picking up clues in the future they need to get him out of the future, if he is supposed to be getting clues give them to him and get him out of the future.

The whole Peter in the future is fast becoming Hiro in the past and Tim Kring said it was a mistake keeping him there as long as they did. I don't give a rats :):):) about the future.

Edit: Yes I know Peter went back to the present at the end of the episode, but it doesn't feel like they are truely done there. I really truely hope they are.
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First Post
Bringing Adam back just seemed... dull. Once again, the writers can't just let the dead stay dead. It seemed a sign of pure desperation.
I think most people never wrote Adam off as 'dead', since he can't die. As for my circle of friends we have been speculating on how/when he would be back ever since Hiro stuck him in the ground. Earthquake, long slow process of clawing his way out, whatever. We knew it would be something, but Hiro digging him up was certainly not an option we considered.

Kind of surprised no one has connected future Sylar to Bennett, horn rimmed glasses, in the house where Claire grew up, the dog and the son named Noah...

I think Noah (HRG) might have influenced Sylar, and after his death (I bet he's dead), Syler/Gabriel kept him in good memory, and when he had a child, named it after him. Quite obvious so, right?

Maybe Sylars future self shows us that there is no need to be controlled by the hunger of his ability. It reminds me of a Doctor House episode where they figure out that a death candidate was only so agressive and killed several people because of a disease - Foreman thinks that changes everything and things the guy deserves another hearing of his case and offers his help. House mentions that there are people with the same problem who did NOT kill people and still lived normal lives.

Maybe Sylar has this hunger - but that doesn't excuse his actions. The future self can show us that there had been an alternative. And the end of Sylar shows us that there is a destructive trait in him, a personality flaw, and it he who is abusing the power, not some disease. He fails his chance for redemption.

Dog Moon

I think most people never wrote Adam off as 'dead', since he can't die. As for my circle of friends we have been speculating on how/when he would be back ever since Hiro stuck him in the ground. Earthquake, long slow process of clawing his way out, whatever. We knew it would be something, but Hiro digging him up was certainly not an option we considered.

I had a very similar thought. I was like, worst case scenario, eventually the coffin would deteriorate and he would get free. I wasn't even sure he'd be back this season, but then it was mentioned that Claire was super special and wondered about Adam and was like 'well, he'll probably come back later on in this season' but I didn't expect episode 4, let alone by Hiro's hand!

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