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Hell's Invasion Prologue (Evan Tyler) [IC]


[section]Evan pulled to a stop once he realized he'd lost sight of his pursuer. He listened out the window, his heart pounding in his chest, trying to detect any noise from the creature, or worse, it's new victims.

After a moment, he realized he was thinking a little two dimensionally for a chase with a flying monster, and craned his head to look out the window ... and up.[/section]

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Evan was lucky to have looked up. He was just in time to see the black-skinned creature leaping down towards his car from the top of the warehouse beside him. The creatures wings unfurled to slow down his momentum and he was trying to land upon the Charge.

Evan had just time to pull his head back inside and punch the accelerator before the heavy creature landed atop the roof, causing it to dent inwards a few inches. With the engine whining and rear wheels spinning rubber, Evan could see the clawed hands curling around the edges of the front windows' frame as the creature was gripping both sides of the car.

Its ugly horned visage peeked down at him through the windshield and he could have sworn it was sporting an evil grin. But it had so many teeth it was hard to tell.

Then the Dodge's tires finally caught traction.


[section]Evan grits his teeth for a few panicked minutes until he feels the change as his tires bite into the asphalt. A dark humor overtakes him, and he smiles grimly.

"Alright, buddy. You want to ride? Let's go for a ride."

He accelerates sharply, despite the short confines of the roadway, drifting around the next corner and trying to wrack his brain for the lot's layout, and getting back onto a longer straightaway where he can really pick up some speed.[/section]



The creature hung on as the car took off. But the acceleration forced him backwards and he could not peer in through the windshield anymore. He could be heard to growl and snarl in some guttural language that Evan did not understand.

Then a knee bashed into the roof of the Charger. Then again. A dent was forming in the center, a few inches downward at a time. With enough strikes, Evan might find himself short on headroom.

Evan took another corner and the creature lost its kneeling position on the roof and was sprawled on its belly, still hanging on. One more turn and Evan would be at the straightaway.

The creature pulled its knees up again and resumed trying to bash in the roof.

[sblock=OOC]Again, if you want some randomness to help determine an outcome. You can roll Evan's drive of d8 versus demon's Strength of d8, if Evan wins the demon would lose grip.[/sblock]


[section]Evan hunkers down in the driver's seat, feeling the ominous presence above him, and all too wary of the car's roof caving in on him. He shakes off the feeling and concentrates on what he knows, the feel of the engine's hum, and the road beneath his tires. He swerves around the last corner and finds his straightaway. Time to see what this baby can really do. He punches it, and takes off sharply down the clear stretch.

The Charger lives up to its name as Evan pushes the engine's redline and picks up more and more speed. From above comes the protesting scream of metal as the demon's claws pull free of it's hold and scrape backwards, seeking new purchase. There is a pair of loud thuds as the creature falls first onto the trunk, and then rolls onto the asphalt with a deafening roar of anger.[/section]

OOC: drive - [roll0]
grip - [roll1]
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The claws had scraped more paint off the back of the car as they lost purchase. But the damage was all superficial and had no impact on the car's performance.

The creature did not appear to be hurt in its tumble and was soon back to its feet. It had stopped roaring in anger. Evan saw in the rear-view mirror that the winged creature was standing with arms folded over its chest, glaring in the direction of the Dodge charger. It was clear that he could not catch his prey by flying after.

Evan was heading towards the rear area of the studio lot and the exits from the grounds were in the opposite direction. Between him and the streets were the winged creature and the studio where Evan had first seen the massacre starting.


[section]Evan cheers silently to himself as he shakes off the demon, but the creature's reappearance in his rear view mirror saps his enthusiasm. And the quick realization that he's driven himself into a corner makes it a Pyrrhic victory indeed.


Hauling on the wheel, he drifts into a 180 spin and comes to rest at the other end of the straightaway, staring down the demon blocking his path out of the studio grounds. He sits in silence for what seems like an eternity as his heart beats once, twice, three times. Reaching into the seat well beside him, he retrieves his helmet and slides it down over his head. Once again he revs the engine, in a standoff with his foe like a bull and matador, all to aware that the bull never wins.

"Let's dance."

Working the clutch and gear shift he quickly picks up speed again, this time aiming straight for his target. The demon stands still, waiting for his prey to come to him. It seems that the Charger will strike it directly, but then it suddenly moves with surprising speed for creature that size.[/section]

OOC: Going for the hit this time, assuming the same dice rolls as proposed before.

drive - [roll0]
dodge - [roll1]



The winged creature was apparently experienced at the game of chicken and sprang into the air in the nick of time once it realized or reasoned that Evan was not going to swerve this time. With adroit timing it had planted a foot on the hood to push higher to completely clear the car.

Evan swerved and fishtailed as he tried to crane his neck around when he could not see where the creature went in his rear view. So intent on trying to run down the beast he found his speed rather high for the short stretch of street between the studio buildings. Hitting the brakes before reaching the end, he skidded sideways to have the car facing the new direction he wanted to go after reaching the end of the buildings.

Looking out the side window, Evan could see the creature had flew upwards about 3o-40 feet into the air. It was diving down at an angle to pick up speed to fly in pursuit once more. It angled towards the side and snatched up a metal sign pole that was a portable stop sign about 6 feet tall. It was carrying it like a club in its clawed hand.

[sblock=OOC]Aye, same dice as before.
I made a note on your character post for Driving d8.[/sblock]


[section]Seeing the creature leap out of the way, and now coming after him with a makeshift club, Evan shakes his head, talking to himself again.

"Yeah, no. We're done here."

He start up again, more mindful of the close confines now, but still trying to build enough speed to escape his pursuer. Hopefully enough time has elapsed that the studio grounds have been evacuated. He still wasn't sure what on Earth was going on, but it was time to go. Evasion and avoidance were the words of the moment now. He'd been stupid and played at being a hero enough for one day. Time to get out.

More mindful of his direction now he starts off through the buildings and sideroads again, planning a route for the front gates and (hopefully) safety.[/section]



The winged creature followed in pursuit, but Evan lost sight of it after accelerating past the corner. He caught a another glimpse of the creature again after the second turn. The need for zigzagging around the studio buildings and trailers slowed him down, and allowed the creature to regain sight on the Charger.

As Evan approached the area near the exit, he slowed as there were bodies on the ground near and overturned golf cart. He would have to drive carefully unless he wanted to plow through the cart or run over some people that could still be alive.


Then a guy, not a rent-a-cop, slipped around the corner of the studio building be on Evan's side of the overturned cart. He was aiming a pistol and bracing himself on the cart. After a few heartbeats, he pulled the trigger.

Then the man turned away from his target to run towards Evan. The guy also had a shotgun.

Voidrunner's Codex

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