• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Heh, THAC0

So, it’s 7:16 AM EST, and I’m killing time by cruising through the site, catching up on posts made from our friends across the Atlantic. D&D is, of course on my mind. I’m tired and my left foot is numb, due to a back injury sustained 13 years ago when powerlifting and subsequent degenerative disk disease (yay).

My wonderful wife brings me a cup of coffee, and I, being sick of hurting, pull up the weather app on my phone to see if it’s going to storm today, as my back is an excellent weather vane. Nope, not due until tomorrow. Digging further, I scroll down to check out the barometric pressure, which is 29.90. I tell my wife that it’s gone lower, which means higher barometric pressure. I stop. “It’s high, which means it’s lower.” I burst out in laughter and she looks at me funny as she walks back to the living room.

Barometric pressure is the THAC0 of weather measurements.

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