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Greyhawk: The Golden Era CY 963: EPIC CAMPAIGN - Campaign Logs + RESTORED CAMPAIGN THREAD

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Jynx faces Dengar with a very puzzled look on his face, "Are you alright, Old man? You seem to have drifted into a coma in the middle of your spell."

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Jynx faces Dengar with a very puzzled look on his face, "Are you alright, Old man? You seem to have drifted into a coma in the middle of your spell."

Sphynx walks over and looks at Dengar and waves his hand in front of his face.
I think he may have accidentally cast temporal stasis on himself.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
A Demon Lord's Ultimatum!

Dengar suddenly snaps out of his reverie. "My friends, something is wrong. I felt an outside force end my spell, with sudden and deliberate finality. Someone knows we are here, and isn't happy about it. I believe that we should make haste to rescue the remaining giant, reset the plane, and leave with extreme haste!"

Almost at the exact moment that the words leave Dengar's mouth, a demonic figure appears before you! The figure standing before you is darkly handsome, an ebon-skinned man standing nearly 9 feet tall. His slightly pointed ears, yellow fangs, and six-fingered hands mark him for the demon he is. In a quick-draw rig on his back, is a huge greatsword, i.e., a greatsword made for a nine foot tall being. The figure wears a headband-style crown, made entirely of ruby, which glows with an eerie light as small, bright white shapes dart around inside the crown. No doubt, these are the souls of his unfortunate enemies. Of the heroes gathered here, only Delbin and Sphynx's eyes twinkle with recognition. Both have faced him in combat before. Both are still here to tell the tale. The fact of which the figure seems to be keenly aware of.

However, everyone in the party can tell, quite readily, that the demonic figure isn't really here. This is a projected image, a personal message, meant only for yourselves. The figure smiles and bows, and begins to speak.

"My, my, my. So many of my enemies together in the same place! Jynx, Louis, Dengar... we've never met in person, but you've destroyed so many of my minions, and foiled so many of my well-laid plans, that you're almost like family to me. You know, those cousins that you love to hate, but only see once every 5 years at family reunions? As for you two," he says, indicating Delbin and Sphynx, "Being in your presence always thrills me. Delbin, I see you still have your little toy following you around. I must say, I'm not sure if you're extremely clever, or hopelessly insane, carrying around that god-killer, the way carpenters might carry their tools with them." The figure chuckles evilly. "If you ever lose it, I'd like to have a re-match. I think your little toy gives you an unfair advantage."

The last person that the figure addresses is Sphynx. "Ah, yes, my old friend from days long gone. I'd almost given you up for dead. But you're too clever for that, aren't you? You're like a bad copper penny, you always turn up somewhere. I heard that you once considered taking over a layer of the Nine Hells to call your own. I would really have loved to see that. But I guess the climate wasn't to your liking? Tell me, where are your friends? The big ox, and the know-it-all? Hmmm? I hope nothing has happened to them," he says, his words dripping with sarcasm. "But oh, it's only been about a hundred years since I last heard tell of them, so I guess that might a bit much to hope for. I guess that being a divine lackey keeps a person busy. But I do wish they'd at least send me a card."

The figure pauses a moment, as if considering something, then continues: "I guess I should get to the point, shouldn't I? None of you seemed pleased by my attempts at humor. I was wondering what was taking my minions so long to report. I guess you didn't play nicely with them, did you? My warning to you is this: I know that you are all powerful, and that you think that you can come and go as you wish, but I am here to tell you that your days are numbered! I am going to enjoy watching you squirm, as you find yourselves helpless to keep my prophecy from coming true. You will all be swimming in my crown by the time this is all over. This little demi-plane means nothing to me, but your knack for continually stumbling into my affairs has finally landed you in trouble that you can't get out of! I have powerful allies, and all of us are working to carefully craft the means of your doom. A few of my allies have a personal score of their own to settle with you, and so much the better. I took the destruction of my minions as a declaration of war; and I am here to tell you, that this is a war that you cannot win! Farewell, old chums, I hope that you die well!"

And with that, the figure vanishes, as quickly as he came!

Everyone: What do you do?


First Post
Jynx states, plainly "That thing just monologued for so long, I nearly fell asleep. He's in love with himself and hearing himself. Disgusting. So, Sphynx, I suggest we do as Dengar says and get this going. How about you?" Jynx chuckles a bit, then gets a disappointed look on his face, as if he were excited at a possible challenge that simply ran away.
~basically just ignoring the fiend, since if it really meant anything it said, it wouldn't have told its whole plan to us, and it just would have attacked us. It had the advantage of surprise and chose to just talk, like it were afraid of us~
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sphynx -
For those of you who do not know him, that was an apparition of Graz'zt. He does indeed love to hear himself speak. He's more prone to posturing than even Asmodeus. All that hot air aside, let's get this going.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Pondren says, "Graz'zt, eh? Well then, we'd best be cautious. From what I've read of him, he's fond of misdirection. If he says he plans to kill us, then he might be after someone or something else entirely. Therefore, we need to keep an open mind as to what his true intentions are..."

Pondren thinks on this for a moment, and then continues: "The way I see it, there should be three groups. Group one, we already know: Sphynx and Jynx. Sphynx stays behind to re-cast the spell, and Jynx stays with him as a bodyguard. Group two is the rescue team. I shall volunteer to lead the rescue! Who's with me? Out of Luis, Delbin, and Dengar, I would think that I only need one of you. And then, whomever is not on one of the two action teams, should go ahead and portal back to the Prime Material plane; the less people we have to worry about evacuating from here, the easier it will be. I don't think that Sphynx should actually start on the spell until my team makes it back with the remaining Stone Giant villager. What say all of you?"
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Finalizing Plans

Pondren thinks on this for a moment, and then continues: "The way I see it, there should be three groups. Group one, we already know: Sphynx and Jynx. Sphynx stays behind to re-cast the spell, and Jynx stays with him as a bodyguard. Group two is the rescue team. I shall volunteer to lead the rescue! Who's with me? Out of Luis, Delbin, and Dengar, I would think that I only need one of you. And then, whomever is not on one of the two action teams, should go ahead and portal back to the Prime Material plane; the less people we have to worry about evacuating from here, the easier it will be. I don't think that Sphynx should actually start on the spell until my team makes it back with the remaining Stone Giant villager. What say all of you?"
I am good with that. Let's get moving. I have everything ready to go. I simply need to begin reading.


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"If anything tries to stop Sphynx, without a good reason, they'll wish they stayed in bed this morning"

Aust Thale

Dengar: "I'm in. Let's go get the Stone Giant. Sphynx, we need to empty this tower when we finally leave. The lab, the library. All of it. Too much to carry. Can we fit it into a portable hole that won't collapse during inter-planar travel? And apologies for my fading. I don't know what came over me. Sometimes it seems as if I live multiple lives, some on this plane, and some on others. :heh:"

Praying quietly to Rudd: "Protection for us, oh Rudd, and foresight against this evil beings' schemes."

Once a portable hole is folded up, it's good to go. It's like a piece of cloth (e.g., a handkerchief) that you just stick in your belt pouch. You can then travel normally with it through portals or using teleport and/or plane shift spells, without interference. The only time it would be a problem is when you try to transport with it still partially open. That could get hairy really quickly.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
A Plan of Action!

Pondren Luckbrother 001a.jpg
Pondren Luckbrother

Pondren says,
"Ok, so Sphynx and Jynx are the spell team. Myself and one other are the rescue team. Who shall be my ---Oh, Ok, Dengar, you and I together. Good! Luis and Delbin can gather whatever is useful from this lab, and then use the mirror next to me to quickly return to the Prime."

So that I'm not leading the party by the hand, I'm going to let you take the lead on this one, Dengar. Go ahead and state your intentions / cast your spells.
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