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GM's anyone ever have a Female?


I was just outside talking to a unicorn, who just happened to be passing by. When I asked if he had seen any female GMs, lately, he just laughed at me and explained that female GMs don't actually exist. Go figure.

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I was just outside talking to a unicorn, who just happened to be passing by. When I asked if he had seen any female GMs, lately, he just laughed at me and explained that female GMs don't actually exist. Go figure.

That's pretty hypocritical behavior for a unicorn.


A Wicked Kendragon
Alice could not help her lips curling up into a smile as she began: 'Do you know, I always thought Unicorns were fabulous monsters, too! I never saw one alive before!'

'Well, now that we have seen each other,' said the Unicorn, 'if you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you. Is that a bargain?'

'Yes, if you like,' said Alice.


First Post
Alice could not help her lips curling up into a smile as she began: 'Do you know, I always thought Unicorns were fabulous monsters, too! I never saw one alive before!'

'Well, now that we have seen each other,' said the Unicorn, 'if you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you. Is that a bargain?'

'Yes, if you like,' said Alice.

'But does that mean anything you believe in can exist?' Alice asked.

'Heavens, no,' the Unicorn replied. 'Everyone knows there are no such thing as female GMs!'

Zelda Themelin

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I am female and I am quite often GM. Recently I've been bit lazy about it. But I am starting new campaing next weekend. So yeh, nothing particulary mysterious or even unusual for female roleplayers to GM also. On other hand here at Finland we might be seeing last generation of roleplayers. It's kinda fading hobby-intrest. Hobby shops survive by selling lot of manga and figures still seem to be polular, and comics even boardgames. Shelves with actual roleplaying games are growing thinner. Boardgames are gaining new fans.

Most of gaming people are into computer games or on-line poker or online-something java.

I mostly order online but just yesterday I actually visited store, and saw how thin selection of roleplaying games has grown.

Whole dicussion of whatever there are female gm/players is outdated. Soon the unicorn will not know what roleplaying game even means. "Oh that's kinky, you mean when you dress up as nurse or something during sex." Yep that's what "roleplaying" used to mean. I think we go back to that. And yeh there will be female game masters. :p

the Jester

Although they aren't in abundance, female GMs definitely exist.

They run the gamut in skill, too- and in what subskills of dming they are good at.

For instance, the worst DM I've ever played under at a convention was a female. Her rules interpretations were, ahh, suspect to say the least (her take on Spell Mastery in 3e made it hands-down the best feat for wizards, for instance). She was enthusiastic but terrible.

On the other hand, the best Paranoia game I have ever played in was run by a female gm, also at a con (the same one but the next year, in fact). She was great at setting the mood, voices, encouraging inter-party bickering (a HUGE element of Paranoia) etc. So like I said, they run the gamut.

"my daughter is female" is redunant. If she were not female she wouldn't be your daughter.

"My daughter is not a woman" communicates the same thing.

But is an awfully awkward sentence.

I find it interesting that the majority of the time I have heard "Female" used as a noun in conversation regarding women/girls, it has come from one of my female friends.


Voice Over Artist & Author
I've played a few con demos under female GMs, but only once played in anything resembling a full-fledged RPG session under a female GM. She was our regular GM's wife back in my AD&D 2nd ed. days. Her game lasted only about one session, if I recall. I think she ended up liking playing more than GMing.

I certainly wouldn't have a problem playing under a female GM, but I usually prefer to GM myself. And, the female gamers I know all seem to prefer playing to GMing.

It might be an interesting topic to study.


Yes. Played with a few at cons, seen more. There was a woman we gamed with briefly almost 20 years ago that GMed once & had offered to run more. But she moved, alas.


First Post
I started playing D&D in middle school and high school in the '80s, and the only female player I can recall from then was my little sister (who played in my game for a while to spend time with my guy friends). I briefly had a couple female players in my college campaign, who were older then the rest of us (one was a young prof, one a prof's college-grad daughter) and far better role-players than the guys.

But it wasn't until after I moved to Boston ('93) that I began to game with women with any regularity. The local LARP community is pretty evenly split between the sexes, as are the LARP GMs. Between LARP and the SCA, I also acquired several friends at Wellesley (a women's college), including my wife. Between those, and all the other contacts I've made since, nearly every tabletop group I've played with in the past 15 years has been mixed company. Offhand, I can only recall one campaign in that time that never had a female player, and I personally haven't run an all-guy game since moving here--and I'm not sure I'd want to.

Several of the women gamers I know have run their own games, and some of them have been among the best GMs I've ever had. Currently I'm in two regular gaming groups. In one, the two women in the group are the ones who usually GM (they co-ran the long-term game I first joined, and have run most of the other games since then). The other group was formed for one of my games, which just wrapped; after the holidays, my wife and one of the other women will be alternating as GMs for two new games for the same gang.

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