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[GG] {ATTN! Calling MDAddict, jemal and TFO} A Game of Gods OOC


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Here it is:

A Game of Gods!

A game of Gods, is a game where the players are chosen by the gods. Some Gods have decided that Cyric (Prince of lies) is becoming too big a thread. They have decided too teach him a lesson.

Setting: Forgotten Realms (FR)
Character Creation: Level 10 (with ECL races and region-feats) All characters have to have a good connection to a God (do not have to be a cleric or palla). This God (no matter which) has to have a reason to hate, be afraid of or to have another reason for teaching Cyric a lesson. You can come up with a reason why your gods wants to do that, or use a reason given in Faiths and Pantheons (F&P).

Stats: 35 Point buy, you are extraordinairy characters.
Allowed Books: PHB, DMG, FRCS, F&P. Everything that comes out of this book is ok. Just don't min/max your character just because you want to be powerful. Make a character suited for roleplaying.
Equipment: as per the DM for your level (49K GP)
Warning: I am new to PbP, but not to DND PnP. This game will probarly start somewhere in the first week of the new year.

If you still have questions, just ask.

I'm thinking that I'll allow 7 players, first come first serve.
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I'm in for a Dwarven Cleric of a battle diety. I'll take a look at the FRCS and F&P and see what I can come up with.


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garyh said:
I'm in for a Dwarven Cleric of a battle diety. I'll take a look at the FRCS and F&P and see what I can come up with.

hehehe, hope you have nothing against dwarven jokes.

Hey quit biting My Ankles!


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Leopold said:
IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN!!! I have a spot for me ME ME!!!!

Lizardman Fi/Blackguard half green dragon!!


Sorry, no monstrous characters or templates. By Core books I ment PHB and DMG because I believe the MM is for dm's alone.


Here's my Character:

Human Female Sorc 10

STR: 10 (2 Points)
DEX: 14 (6 Points)
CON: 12 (4 Points)
INT: 14 (6 Points)
WIS: 13 (4 Points, +1 lvl)
CHA: 22 (13 Points, +1 Lvl, +4 Magic)

HP: 41 AC: 12
Saves: FORT: +4 REF: +5 WILL: +8

Attacks: Ranged +7
Melee + 5

Spells Known: 9/5/4/3/2/1

LVL 0 : Daze, Ray of Frost, Detect Magic, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Arcane Mark
LVL 1 : Magic Missile, Comprehend Languages, Expeditious Retreat, Message, Charm Person
LVL 2 : Invisibility, Flaming Sphere, Resist Elements, Rope Trick
LVL 3 : Haste, Suggestion, Lightning Bolt
LVL 4 : Shadow Conjuration, Polymorph Self
LVL 5 : Dominate Person

Spells/day: 6/8/8/8/7/4
Spell DCs: 16/17/18/19/20/21
Enchant/Conjur DCs: 18/19/20/21/22/23

Skills: Scry(+15/13), Spellcraft(+15/13), Concentration(+15/13), Knowledge Arcana(+15/13), Diplomacy(+10/6.5)

Feats: Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Spell Focus(Enchant), Skill focus(Conjuration), Energy Substitution(Cold)

Cloak of Charisma +4
Ring of Sustenance
Wand of Dispel Magic(20 charges)
Necklace of Fireballs VII(10d6, 9d6, 9d6, 7d6, 7d6, 5d6, 5d6, 3d6, 3d6)
Bracelet of Friends(7 charms unkeyed)
Boots, Winged
2X Spell component Pouch
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds(1d8+1)
50' of Silk rope (Cut into 2 pieces: 30' and 20')
2 Tanglefoot Bangs
2 smokesticks
1 scroll of Mount
1 scroll of Tensers Floating Disk(Lvl 4 caster)
(all scrolls are in labelled Cases)
Small Steel mirror
1 GP

History/Background: Coming Soon
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Timothy said:

Sorry, no monstrous characters or templates. By Core books I ment PHB and DMG because I believe the MM is for dm's alone.

damnitt you said ECL's i thought we could play with them...curses...perhaps if i had a good story line for wanting to piss off cyric??


First Post
Leopold said:

damnitt you said ECL's i thought we could play with them...curses...perhaps if i had a good story line for wanting to piss off cyric??

By ECL's I ment the ones form FRCS. The biograohy has to be really good, and explain why your god picked a half lizard/half dragon as his chosen. (A human god wouldn't do that very quick, Bahamut (for example ;)) would. :D


Tiamats chosen has arrived

Tzzarch, Male Lizardfolk Humanoid2 Fighter7 CR 10; Size: M Type Humanoid|DRAGON; HD (2d8)+(7d10)+36; hp 100; Init +4 (+2 Dex, +2 Misc); Spd Walk 20'; AC 31 (flatfooted 29, touch 12), Bite +12 0'/BPS (1d4+9 20/x2 Carried M ) or Claw +17/+17 0'/PS (1d4+9 20/x2 Carried M ) or *Battleaxe +3 (Corrosive) +21/+16 0'/S (1d8+14 20/x3 Equipped M +1d6 acid damage) or ; SA: 30 foot Cone of Gas 1/day (6d6), Immune to Acid, Immune to Paralysis, Immune to Sleep; Vision: Darkvision (60'), Normal AL: LE; Sv: Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +5; Str 28, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16

Skills and Feats: Balance +4, Hide +0, Intimidate +10, Jump +11, Knowledge (Local) +3, Move Silently +1, Search +2, Sense Motive +2, Spot +3, Swim +2, Wilderness Lore +2; Blooded, Bullheaded, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, Leadership, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), Weapon Specialization (Battleaxe)
Possessions: 1 Bite, 1 Breastplate +2 (Armor Spikes), 1 Claw, 1 Battleaxe +3 (Corrosive), 1 Cloak of Resistance +2, 1 Ring of Sustenance, 1 Buckler +2, 1 Potion of Bull's Strength, 1 Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, 3 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, 5 Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 1 Backpack, 5 Rations (Trail/Per Day), 2 Sack, 2 Waterskin, 1 Belt (Potion/Masterwork), Spellbooks

Small bio:

Tzzarch's life was good for as long as he can remember. Power was his, might was his, and the Tiamats on his side, even from the day his father met his mother. Sure on the outside she was a beautiful lizardess, her scales shone, her ridges firml and scaled and all seemed right with her, but we get ahead of ourself here.

His father, T'laseth, the clan chief and shaman was always the strongest one of the lot, he proved time and again toward the humans, orcs, and goblins that encroached on his peoples land were a threat and were to be stamped out and shown that they were not welcome in their world. The power of his Tiamat (there's one in FR that will work i don't have it in front of me at the moment but it ties in) shown through his axe as he clove the heads off of the enemies and mounted them to pikes on the outskirts of his lands. The bodies of those fallen were taken back to the village and roasted on the fie and many nites of praises to the Tiamats by his father while bathing in the blood of the fallen and eating their flesh fueled his might.

One the eve of a battle against a strong force of Purple Dragons who wandered too close (using them can/will be changed) the chanting and fires rose high and that was when he saw her. The way her tail flicked from side to side was mesmerising, her crest gleamed like jade on fire and he knew that she must be his. He strode upon her and beat his chest and caused the fires to rise higher and higher while his people chanted his name over and over. He stalked around her pacing, circling and yet she did nothing but stare at him while his axe clove the head from one of his warriors with a single swing and then crushed it in his hands. Finnally he demanded that she be his for the evening as right of hm being chief and she smiled and agreed. They departed and in the morning while the earth was still and the fire burned into ash she left from his side without saying a word..

Years passed and the T’laseths power waxed and waned like the moon, ever growing sronger and more land and tribes falling under his sway but age is the great equalizer and there were many who challenged his authority but all fell before him by axe and by the power of his Tiamat.

At long last he knew that he would need something to keep the younglings from taking his leadership from him. He dreamt of an area in a swamp where in the clearing there lay an axe that would slice through foes and sizzle the flesh off of those that tasted it’s blade. He saw his Tiamat hold the axe to the sky and watch as the fires from heaven baked him in it’s glory and then hand the axe to T’laseth saying “Here my warrior, it is yours come and receive what you so rightly deserve.” The next morning he strode out and slew the next in line for the leadership for the tribe and mounted his head on his hut and made sure all saw what would become of those that would seek to replace him while he was gone. He gathered his closest and long time battle brethren and strode out into the mire. For several nites they strode through the wilderness encountering creatures that would stop them from their quarry. Catobpleas, frogemoths, and willowisps all all in their way but T’laseth would not be stopped. On the 10th day of their journey the clearing was spotted and therein was the axe that had been prophesized. T’laseth approached and was startled to see a lizardwoman there next to the axe now holding it in her scaled hands.

“Who are you! Begone for I seek what you have and it shall be mine as say my Tiamat!”

She smiled “T’laseth? You don’t remember me do you?”

“No I do not remember you? Do you matter? Are you important? GIVE ME WHAT IS MINE!”

She “Tut tut T’laseth, I shall give you what is yours, for it has been a long time coming to you, come receive your gift and so much more.” And with that she tossed the axe behind the hill.

The chief roared and toar up the hill and raced down to it to only be met at the top by a tall figure built like one of his own men but with large scaled wings, shimmering green metal breast plate, muscles that rippled with strenth, and clenched in his hands the axe that he had been searching for.

“Give it to me usuper! Give me what I came for! What is rightlfully mine!” he screamed.

“T’laseth, your time is at an end, you have stayed on far too long and now you will get what is coming to you!” and with that the woman form shimmerd and changed growing larger and larger, her head shaping and changing, body rippling and growing wings springing from her green scaled back and emerging into the shape of a mighty emerald beast the body crushing trees and pushing him and the other tribesmen back. The shape of a green dragon now appeared covering the hill and all the surrounding area. “T’laseth! Meet your son!” the dragon roared and with that the warrior charged T’laseth and struck him in the chest with his axe. T’laseth screamed in pain as the axe dug into his flesh, he tried to rise his axe up but the warrior, lobbed off his arm with one fell swing.

“No this cannot be!” he screamed and with that the new warrior drove the blade of the axe into the skull of the old chief and clove it asunder.

The dragon then turned to the tribesmen and said “Know now your new chief Tzzarch, son of T’laseth and Izzedren! Follow him or taste his axe and feel the wrath of Tiamat!”
The tribesmen fell to their knees in worship and reverence and Tzzarch strode forward with the head of his father in one hand and axe in the other. He had a new tribe to lead, and dominion to rule over, and there was much work to be done…

Yes life, is good, but the feeling of power is so much better…..

Why tiamat sent me:

Cyric's actions on the planes and in the ralms have been causing much distress for drgaons and draconic folk of all typesm, especially the chromatic ones that praise her glorious name. Cyric's temper tantrums and abuse of the chromatic dragons after the time of troubles and during the fall of zhentil keep and the lack of trade and tribute that the old Zhentarium had made to keep things in order and power and gold flowing freely from around the realms to the dragons shows that he is not the right ruler or god for the area. (please note i have no idea what is going on the realms as we speak. the last i read was the ruins of zhentil keep and that has some info in it but heck her knowledge might be a tad outdated so bear with me.)

Henceforth tiamat located a possible (and expendable) solider that she wouldn't mind using in this power upheaval that the gods were having. He was strong, swift, decisve, and had half a brain to boot, what better characteristics to have for one of her minions. If he survived all the better, cyric would fall, the money would flow again, and power would go toward those who so rightfully deserved it. If he failed, nothing was lost and she could always disavow any knowledge of him for he wasn't a TRUE dragon just a half-breed bastard offspring of one of her green dragon minions. There is a greater game at foot and tiamat wants her share in it that she so rightfully deserves.
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