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WotBS Game balance and experience with potential adjustments


[sblock]Yeah - players are not rational that way. I am not sure if my players will investigate another burned down house in Seaquen, it did happen a lot already in that town :). And if they don't - well I don't see why anyone at Lyceum would bring it up, they have no clue Paradim is involved, so it could turn out to be a nice surprise for the players that they face an enemy they didn't know was an enemy and also someone they forgot existed.

I did consider it, and am still considering it, but the 1 level cleric does not add much, if anything to her. I do hope/think that my build will last a bit longer than yours - 5 rounds is a real anticlimax. Since you are past that point in the story I am sure details about my build for her are not that interesting for you - but anyone else reading this is welcome to get them as well. One feat I gave her in my build, which I wouldn't have in normal circumstances was deflect arrows feat - the party has a very deadly archer, so it makes her a bit more longlived with that feat.

Anyway, it will be a little while before they get to this point. Next session is sunday, and I expect them to finish chapter 4 and perhaps arriving at Eresh, but I do not expect them to do more than scrath the surface at this time [/sblock]

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[sblock]Well, I gave Caela plenty more than 1 cleric level, she had plenty in Mystic Theurge. But perhaps it's better to not go that way. Then the party can figure out how insanely high level she is and (despite her build being incredibly terrible leading to much lower CR than the sheer number of class levels would indicate), and is more likely to be fearful of confronting her boss.

5 rounds was a disappointment for what I wanted to be a long-running battle across the complex, but decent compared to other boss fights, sadly. They just...shred through foes. Usually they get their asses kicked the first round or two due to not knowing what to expect and bad luck on die rolls. Then it all comes together and the battle rapidly swings from catastrophe to total rout for the party in just 1-2 more rounds before ending or being blatantly on the way to being over. No matter what I do or who the foes are...it's almost uncanny. They'll waste the inquisitor on round 1 (a problem we've both had) then the grunts will nearly kill half of them before they make the comeback.

That's amazing you expect to get so far in a single session. My game drags and has only a few hours to play a week, we'll get in like one combat. Chapter 4 boss battle was a session. Ch. 5 exposition to Yen Ching teleport was one. The trip to Eresh was like 3 sessions (I did add combats on the way). You'll be further along than me in like a month or two at this rate. :)

Looking forward to hearing how Ch. 4 ends for you, and if you make use of my plans for Ch. 5's ending. Chapter 4 is definitely my favorite chapter thus far, it was just so perfect. It reminded me of a Suikoden game's plot so much.... The bickering politics, the plotting and backstabbing, the party being unceremoniously chased out of town and nearly captured/killed, then win a decisive army battle, and showing mercy to the defeated and ultimately forging an alliance with them. Ch. 5 and 6 are...not bad, but 4 was amazing and I'm now just patiently waiting for Ch. 7, which might be my favorite chapter in the campaign. Though it's also probably the toughest one to DM well, I think. For a lot of reasons...[/sblock]


We have the luxory of being able to play about every three weeks, and then having most of the day for it - usually we hit the 12-hour mark. That alone is a feat worth mentioning at our ages :)

[sblock] I made Caela a Monk 2 /sorcerer 4 / Enlightened fist 9. I also boosted her stats a bit. I am actually quite worried if I made her too tough. She has a SR of 21 and an AC of 27 without spells - hopefully they will find a way through her anyway :)

I am planning to use your idea if they do pick a fight with him - would be fun to see their reactions :) [/sblock]

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