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Friends and Foes of the Freedomverse


“Bulldog” Maddicks
Freedom STAR Squad commander “Bulldog” Maddicks is a man with a reputation for knowing his business. Maddicks came to police work from the U.S. Marines with a desire to do some good and a lot of talent in the areas of combat and tactics. He quickly worked his way up to the SWAT division in New York City, eventually commanding his own SWAT team there. It was his record that earned him the job of STAR commander in Freedom. Maddicks applied as soon as he heard about the opportunity. He’s worked since to make his STAR unit the best anywhere. Maddicks gets along well enough with Commissioner Kane, once she made it clear she wasn’t going to tolerate any insubordination. He respects the commissioner’s strength of will and character. Unfortunately, Capt. Maddicks doesn’t get along nearly so well with anyone else. His men respect him, and he has the commissioner’s confidence, but Maddicks has gotten into public disputes with Director Powers and AEGIS field agents, Captain Thunder and members of the Freedom League, and local and state authorities over matters of jurisdiction and how to handle certain situations involving super-criminals. Bulldog earned his nickname for his tenacity; he wants STAR to be number one and will not settle for anything less.

Bulldog Maddicks is an imposing man, 6’3” with broad shoulders and a barrel-chested frame. He’s 38 years old, ice blue eyes, and a square jaw. He maintains a fondness for dressing like he was in the cast of "Barney Miller".

Bulldog often commands and leads the Bulldog Unit of FCPD Super Max Armor

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Some people prefer their heroes a little more down to earth, instead of whizzing through the air and tossing cars around. In Freedom City, the most admired of these heroes are the police, the fire department, and the local HAZMAT details, and the most respected of these are the police. The ones that most commonly see action against supervillains are the Freedom City STAR (Superhuman Tactics and Regulation) Squad.

Today, STAR Squad is on the front lines against supervillains in Freedom City. While the press sometimes characterizes them as loose cannons, most appreciate the important role they play in that most dangerous of jobs, safeguarding the city, and no one wants to go back to the bad old days of POF-SWAT.

STAR Squad can be hard to deal with. Their official motto is “We bow to the law, not to men or supermen,” a saying that concludes every daily briefing. The only authorities they respect are those in their direct chain of command. They are, despite their reputation, humble around the people they serve; it’s only when you try to order them around that their now-legendary contrary streak comes out. It has won them grudging respect

STAR Squad is an official branch of the Freedom City Police Department and is based in the 14th Precinct of Freedom City (attached to FCPD headquarters). There are twenty-three people in STAR Squad, divided into three squads (code-named Ripper, Mad Dog, and Crusher) of six troopers and five full-time support personnel. In addition to this force, five squads from the 12th, 14th, and 18th Precinct have been designated as reserve support to bolster STAR Squad in a major crisis (usually to carry and operate heavy weapons in a support capacity). STAR Squad also employs civilian advisors for technical support and a few office workers.




White Knight is a twisted and sociopathic personality who considers everyone his inferior, particularly anyone who isn’t white, male, heterosexual, and doesn’t fit his extremely narrow view of a “good” Protestant Christian.
He’s a classic bully—overbearing and threatening towards those weaker than him, but outwardly subservient to those more powerful while secretly plotting revenge against them too. Dan dropped out of high school “since they weren’t teaching me anything I needed to know,” but considers himself very intelligent although he’s woefully ignorant or misinformed on many issues. He’s a complete fanatic about his cause, and considers all efforts to sway him from it trickery and deception.
White Knight has control of fire and is super strong and resistant to damage.
He is very dangerous to civilians when engaging him always be aware of innocent bystanders.




Johnny Reb is a white supremacist who formed an organization known as the Incorruptible Society and was responsible for a series of Church bombings during the 1990's.
Johnny claims to be demonic in nature and has displayed the ability to, upon death, "possess" others and transform them into his appearance.
He wields an antique Civil War era cavalry saber that he channels "Hellfire" through. He has displayed super-strength, the levels of which are unknown and superhuman resistance to pain and injury.
Lastly, Johnny Reb seems to have persuasive skills that border on the metahuman. He has displayed the ability to instill fear in others or sway similarly minded individuals to do his bidding.

Mr Amazing - PL 10

Strength 13, Stamina 11, Agility 4, Dexterity 4, Fighting 7, Intellect 0, Awareness 4, Presence 0

Accurate Attack, Attractive 2, Benefit, Wealth (well-off), Connected, Fast Grab, Improved Critical: Unarmed, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3

Persuasion 10 (+10)

Brick Tricks - Array
. . Basic Strength: Enhanced Strength 13 (+13 STR)
. . Penetrating Punch: Enhanced Strength Attack 8 (+8 STR, DC 23; Accurate 2: +4, Attack: Parry, Penetrating 8)
. . Shock Wave: Cone Area Nullify 10 (Counters: Flight, DC 20; Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 20)
. . Thunder Clap: Cone Area Affliction 10 (sound, 1st degree: Vulnerable, Impaired, 2nd degree: Defenseless, Disabled, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 20, Extra Condition; Limited Degree)
Flight - Array
. . Flight: Flight 7 (Speed: 250 miles/hour, 0.5 miles/round)
. . Super Flight
. . . . Flight: Flight 16 (Linked; Speed: 125000 miles/hour, 250 miles/round; Concentration, Distracting)
. . . . Senses: Senses 6 (Linked; Extended: Sight 6: x1m)
Kiss of Bliss: Affliction 12 (1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Defenseless, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Will, DC 22; Grab-based, Notes: 3rd degree is a Bliss effect)
Life Support: Immunity 10 (Life Support)
Protection: Protection 2 (+2 Toughness)

Initiative +8
Grab, +7 (DC Spec 23)
Kiss of Bliss: Affliction 12, +7 (DC Will 22)
Penetrating Punch: Enhanced Strength Attack 8, +11 (DC Parry 23)
Shock Wave: Cone Area Nullify 10 (DC Will 20)
Throw, +7 (DC 28)
Thunder Clap: Cone Area Affliction 10 (DC Fort 20)
Unarmed, +7 (DC 28)

Motivation: Recognition: He has a PR agent making sure he's in the super tabloids, all the time.
Phobia: He fears harming others. Tends to start with Accurate Attack to avoid doing real damage. Reserves Power Attack for truly dangerous foes and machines
Relationship: He's in love with his PR agent, Leslie Moore. But she's expressed no intereste and finds his self-promotion and "amazing kiss" chauvanistic.
Reputation: He is known as a womanizer and that puts off some people. On the other hand, there are fans who seek him out and want to experience his kiss of bliss. They usually show up when he's on a date.


Dodge 7, Parry 7, Fortitude 11, Toughness 13, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 60 + Powers 62 + Advantages 15 + Skills 5 (10 ranks) + Defenses 8 = 150

Brad Seyass was an obnoxious womanizer. His kiss creates an ecstasy effect, that those willing to kiss and tell say is amazing. Not that he needs it. He is classically handsome: square jawed, with blond locks that manage to wave in still air; wealthy; and single. As a child, Brad was playing in a remote location when he encountered something. He has no idea what nor did he change immediately. In mid-high school he went from a normal looking teen to an Adonis superbeing. At first he downplayed it. But when he no longer enjoyed eating, drinking or dreaming, he needed something to stimulate him. That something at first was sex. But eventually that seemed too easy. So he turned to crime fighting. That was a challenge. To say he regrets his past would be false. To say he regrets the reputation that past created would be accurate.

Not to say he's a model hero, now. He's still full of himself and a little chauvanistic. He has PR agent who keeps his name in the papers. Ironically, he finds her attractive and she finds him repulsive. But he pays well. So he pines for her and she wants nothing to do with him. His romantic overtures to her always turn into blunders.

His hero uniform is bright red, with blue trim, including lightning bolt shapes on the limbs. No mask. His eyes, steel blue, do not look unusual but he often has a faraway look that can be unsettling.

Voidrunner's Codex

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