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Fort Knocks - knight otu judging


Boddynock said:
"Ah, my friend, I am ready now, as, I am sure, are you. We simply wait on the others."

Then, looking with interest at the entry of the newcomers - noting with pleasure the upright stance of the woman with beads in her hair, and smiling quietly at the discomfort of the young man fending off Cirus' habitual attentions - he says, "Of course, we may yet have things to do here."
"These others?" Rurik turns his head to indicate the hospice's newest guests.

As Rurik waits for Brother Eusebius to explain further, Rurik watches the Hoar Sons a little more, paying close attention to any visible weaponry; in case he sees a weapon he's not familiar with, he will make a mental note to talk to that person and learn about that person's 'exotic' weapon at a more convenient time.

Rurik's eyes also linger on the Barav Kree woman; despite himself, he cannot help but note that the woman is beautiful in a strong and deadly sort of way. Vision obscured by the Hoar Suns at the moment, Rurik is convinced that she must wield a foreign and interesting weapon, and wonders silently what thoughts she might have to offer on Brother Eusebius' concept of a spiked chain.

After he has observed all he can of the mercenary company, Rurik passes the time by fishing into his backpack for a whetstone, dipping the whetstone in his 'juice', and sharpening the twin waraxes that hang from his belt.

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dpdx said:
"These others?" Rurik turns his head to indicate the hospice's newest guests.
"The woman has the look of someone marked by fate - it's just a feeling, but I would not be surprised if she were destined for great things. And have our paths not crossed? And are we not on the verge of greatness ourselves?" Eusebius winks at his dwarven friend, and quaffs the remainder of his drink.


"You like using big words" says Nodis, standing up and walking through all the room. After sitting looking at the fire for a long time, he seems impatient to start his first adventure. "Come on, when are we leaving? Those zombies are not going to kill themselves."


First Post
Someone said:
"Come on, when are we leaving? Those zombies are not going to kill themselves."
"Alas, no, young Nodis. That is one of the attributes of evil that these mindless undead rarely exhibit. Instead, it is up to us to do the cleansing of this world."

"The thing to remember about zombies is that they are slow. They can move, or they can attack, but it is rare that they can do both - unless you allow yourself to be caught in close range to them. But they do pack a punch - and I speak as an expert in punching!"

"It occurs to me that we who are travelling together would be well served by developing some tactics against these abominations. For example, as I've said, zombies are slow. In the time that I could move 30 feet and attack, they can only move 15 feet, if they want to attack as well. So the key to combating them is to stay out of their reach. My longspear is useful against such as these. By the time they have moved past it, and come to grips with me, I can launch two or three attacks against them. But my attacks would likely be not enough to drop them, so I have to be careful to attack, and move, and then attack again. Otherwise, I risk serious hurt from these lumbering brutes."

"Your razor edged crystals, flung against them, can slice deep into their corrupt flesh."

"Skeletons, on the other hand, are much more lively. Not only can they move as fast as I, but they strike twice, with foul, corrupted claws. I can do the same, but in that time you might launch only a single attack. Edged attacks have but little effect on them, for the bones of their structure are not vulnerable to slicing damage, whereas our frail flesh is all too open to the ravages of their foul touch."

"Against such as these, look for other, blunter weapons - shatter their bones and they fall into dust."
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"Dude, I barely understand you" says Nodis. "Hearing you, it´s like if time suffered warps every six seconds. Is that some monkish thing?"

"But anyway, bash the bony ones, slice the stinky slow guys with flesh. Sounds easy."

[OOC: Regarding damage reduction and Crystal shard, there was some discussion in the rules forum about if the power suffered damage reduction or not, and the most prevalent opinion was that since Crystal shard is a power (specifically, is treated as a spell-like ability) it ignores damage reduction of all kinds. Though it deals piercing damage, and is underestandable that the DM would rule that its damage is lowered by DR X/bludgeoning or X/slashing. I´ll accept either, but I´d like to know the DM´s point of view]

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Dexerion said:
"Absolutely fascinating. I have always been intriqued by mounts other than the traditional horse. I must say though, I don't think there is more fit an animal for riding than a horse. Especially mine, this one here," Skeeter says as he unties Mystics ropes and starts to lead her to the stables with Kirin. "Unfortunately I can't let her run about and tackle every newcommer like you dog does."

"You'll find Andrew a much better source of information than I, but... well, we are warriors that have left our homes to escape persecution and seek out a new and more rewarding lifestlye. Our guide, Susan, had heard of this hospice and suggested it as a good place to start our adventure. We know that mortalist would embrace us despite our heritage and help us find our way in a world we know little about.

Uh, that one, the one that looks different from the rest of us. She is our trainer. A fine Brava Kree warrior that fate, if you can call it that, brought to us. She has only been with us for a short time, but has already made quiet the impression.

Is this the largest mortalist temple in En?"

"We call it a hospice, not a temple," Kirin corrects absently, "But quite possibly, yes. In most areas Mortalists gather in small meeting houses if at all. They share resources and do what they can, but often don't have the same base of lay followers that religions draw on for support. This was an inn a long time ago, belonging to one of the wealthiest families in the region. As I understand it, the owner granted it and all the surrounding lands to the Mortalists after seeing the work of a pair of Journeyers during a plague. I should really know the story better, there's a copy of the documentation kept over the mantle in the main room, it's quite touching...."

Kirin is observing the Hoar Suns and Rainca with interest. As the two approach Rainca and Andrew, she adds for all their benifit, "Speaking of fate, we may have some at work in your arrival. A group of friends and I were getting ready to begin a mission of mercy to the far side of the Stonepike mountains - there's some undead trouble there at a mine. We need backup, and it would probably be far enough away for a fresh start for your group.... I probable shouldn't overstep my bounds on this, but I imagine Jenrald will be talkign to you about it soon enough."


Rurik raises his eyebrows to Brother Eusebius at Kirin's mention of the mission. "Now 'ats more like it... Canna 'ave enough folks fer summat like this."

Rurik turns to the cleric:

"Er, Kirin? Would it be poss'ble ta trade yer... 'ospice 'ere, me pony 'n some gelt fer a ridin' 'orse proper? M'afraid I might've been taxin' 'im muchly unner such a load... an' I c'n pay! D'ye know with whom I c'd speak?"


First Post
Artax, impatient ranger

I, for one would be very pleased to have as many companions as possible while taking on an unknown number of undead. Finishing his breakfast, Artax continues, Well, I'm as ready to go as I'm likely to be without better outfitting, and it sounds like we have gathered all of the information available.

OOC: Don't take my lack of posting as disinterest, I've been checking the thread daily, just haven't had anything to say untill now.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
(ooc: sorry for the delay, I'm going to push things through at this point partly for the sake of getting going and partly because my brain isn't up to detailed roleplay at the moment.)

Andrew and Susan go with Kirin to discuss the matter further with Jenrald, and return after a while to inform the Hoar Suns of all the salient details and recomend working with the adventurers as it would both give them valuable expereince, get them out of the area and establish a bit of reputation as troubleshooters. Andrew then officially offers the aid of the hoar suns to the others.

While they are meeting, a young gnome in riding clothes comes into the hospice and asks if Kirin is there. He speaks urgently with her for several minutes, and then she comes over to the others.

"Oh boy, good news/bad news situation.... Its good I was here or else he would have had to come all the way to the red dragon, but I hate to do this after you came at my urging.... Thats my cousin, he has news from my uncle's ranch that they need me. With these mercaneries you should be all right, and I'm pretty sure the blind woman has some powers of healing - but I'm going to make sure Jenrald equips you all right. I'm so sorry...." She seems both upset at leaving you and very worried about whatever news she has received.

Rurik - Kirin points youto fang as the current stable boy - he will know which horses are available to trade. (you can exchange your pony and the SRD quoted difference for either a light horse or a heavy horse, but they don't have any war horses on hand. or you can take the loan of a horse and wait on a permenent trade.)

Nodis - my take has always been that if a spell or power creates a physical object that does a specific kind of damage (such as blade barrier, for instance) that it gains no special ability to overcome damage reduction. failing a reference to a set rule, I'll take the compromise path that if its subject to spell resistance (same as psionic resistance under the transparency rules) it overcomes damage reduction, and if it isn't it doesn't. crystal shard is not effected by spell/psi resistance, so it will be effected by damage reduction. A power like concussion blast would automaticly overcome damage reduction, but could be negated by spell/psi resistance. If the judge wants to overrule me on this I'll accpet that, and I'll throw the question out on the general discussion as well.

I'll make another post later today to detail the equiptment the mortalists are able to provide you with.

Voidrunner's Codex

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