• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Flight of the Resistance


[SECTION]Campaign Trailer
Out of Character
Rogues Gallery (Character Sheets)
Character Connections Map[/SECTION]



Arsinoë Anjuliz - The Ingenue
Weeks became months, and the rescue that Arsinoë once believed was being organized by her family was still nowhere in sight. It was a miracle that she and the little R3-X20 unit survived the crash on Kabal. The crash still haunted her dreams sometimes, flashing green thunderclouds and g-forces pressing her back to the wall as the fuselage of the slave-barge made planetfall. If it wasn’t for the R3 unit – who she’d come to dub “Rex” – breaking ranks from the krish pirates and emergency ejecting the last remaining engine to stabilize their descent, her story would have ended crashed on the rainforest shoreline along with dozens of older wrecks.

The first human face she saw on the new world was a scrapper named Garrett who helped pull her from the charred metal of the wreckage. He was naive, didn’t realize how imporant her family was, but Garrett helped her get her bearings in the settlement of Spirepoint, taught her not to look a houk in the eye, and found her and her R3 work at Fasteh Winjem cantina. It was supposed to just be serving tables, something to tide her over till she could get help…until she met the mysterious woman. Dark hair, a baby face whose 40-some years were revealed in her wise eyes, and a cybernetic brace around her left leg. The woman never gave her name, only quietly informed Arsinoë that she knew all about the Hutt who was after her and if she wanted to get off this backwater she’d be the woman’s eyes and ears. Blackmail, pure and simple.

Despite the jungles they had in common, Kabal was a far cry from Corellia. Countless alien species Arsinoë had never seen much the less knew existed were eager to watch the young human strut about in tawdry outfits, mulling over the pound of flesh or credits “owed” to them over synthahol. Castor Felix, the slick cantina proprietor, was quick to put Arsinoë’s dancing talents to good use entertaining his customers. Each day he promised to help Arsinoë reconnect with her family and each day he manipulated her further. Something had to give.


Garrett Jinsalon - The Scrapper
Some of the old-timers still regarded the lightstorms as an omen bringing strange visitors from the skies. Superstitions and taboos ran as deep as the ocean in the blood of the Kabalian people. Garrett knew better. The girl and her astromech he’d pulled from the wreckage captivated his imagination, already overflowing with star system maps and hyperdrive models. Scrappers called it the “Starship Coast”; tide, wind currents, and gravity conspired to lead starships there once the electromagnetic pulses of the lightstorms disabled them. It was his first time seeing a ship crash, an Aurore-class freighter carying slaves, its fuselage shearing away from the cockpit in the upper atmosphere. The cockpit fell out at sea. And the fuselage was picked clean by squibs in the past months.

His only tangible evidence that it wasn’t all one of his daydreams was a charred data cylinder Garrett retrieved from the wreckage that resisted all attempts to read it. Still, its unfamiliar markings made it a great source of pride showing off to other scrappers. Even if Garrett didn’t believe in omens, there was a shift that only he could sense. “Don’t be too eager for change, my son,” his ailing mother Afeera would gently tell him.

Word was that stormtroopers were searching Spirepoint for a data cylinder. It couldn’t be a coincidence. The Houk Barcad still had his uncle’s old freighter impounded as collateral toward his family’s debt, so he couldn’t get offworld with his mother. His best chance was to slip out of Spirepoint and go after The Big Score, a legend among scrappers, a ruin in the rainforest with vines growing over a Lambda-class shuttle crashed into its walls. All the scrappers who tried were found decomposing in the rainforest weeks later. But the clock was ticking. It was the only way to get enough credits fast to pay off the houks. The stormtroopers would have picked him up were it not for Arsinoë’s quick-thinking pretending to be a noblewoman employing Garrett as her porter; the ruse lasted long enough to get outside the settlement gate. Distracted by arguing houks, by the time the stormtroopers realized what had happened, their speeders wouldn't even start.


Rex (R3-X20) - The Astromech
Life as a cantina server droid wasn’t the first time Rex had to adopt a cover. Sarn Doree once had the R3 painted with an Imperial color scheme down to the hologram decals. Used to being around smugglers and scoundrels, Rex’s computational protocols estimates there was a 67.8% chance that someone would betray him or Arsinoë. Looking out for the young ingenue was almost a full-time job in and of itself! Though the crash and his friendship with Arsinoë were unexpected, it was no accident Rex had been aboard the krish pirate vessel. The krish had captured an old shuttle belonging to the First Order, and the shuttle’s data cylinder could be invaluable to the Resistance. Transponder codes, hyperspace coordinates, pilot protocols. Rex had been so close when everything went sideways or, more precisely, down. Native lifeforms made short work of stripping the wreck; if the cylinder survived the crash it was likely trading hands in the markets of Kabal.

Where Arsinoë went, Rex followed, even sneaking past the First Order patrol. They weren’t looking for the droid, not yet at least, so he could still blend into the tangle of old battered droids on the streets of Spirepoint. With Arsinoë’s debt to her scrapper friend paid off, the ingenue had no reason to stay out in the rainforest…until Rex received the Resistance signal. It was faint and distant, but it was unmistakable. Someone was broadcasting on the upsilon subspace transceiver frequency. Only a few key individuals in the Resistance knew that frequency, including Lieutenant Mason. Irresistibly it called to Rex, drawing the curious droid deeper into the rainforest, and where Rex went Arsinoë was sure to follow.

First, the encoded Resistance frequency and the white noise of comms in Spirepoint. Then 2 kilometers from the frequency, unusual garbled communications. During the trek, animal life forms floated in and out of Rex's sensors, and intermittently "phantom images" of humanoids floating at the far edge of the droid's sensor. 1.5 kilometers from the ruined temple 9 humanoids intermittently jumped north on his sensors, a sign that the humanoids were moving beyond the range his sensors picked up movement. The rainforest's interference didn't help the signal any. 500m from the frequency and the ruined temple it was transmitting from, Rex could detect 8 humanoids milling about one who appeared stationary.


Kospirian Cowl - The Resistance Agent
Trust no one. It was a spy’s byline, and doubly true in the so-called “Smuggler’s Cross” that included the constellation of outworlds forming a rough cross on astrogation maps. Slave-trading, spice-dealing, arms-running, nova crystal-smuggling. The “Smuggler’s Cross” had it all, and Kabal was at the center. Chartering passage on the freighter Jaat III packed with alien refugees, outcasts, and criminals, Kospirian could easily be mistaken for one of that desperate lot trickling into Kabal from outlying systems at a steady rate. As much as it left a bitter taste in his mouth – a criminal culture was exactly why he left Chryya – Kospirian was the best mirialan for the job. While he’d never spoken with General Leia, his handler Lieutenant Mason told him this mission came from the top. Bring the informant codenamed SKYLARK to Spirepoint and await extraction by Resistance pilots. Where the limited datafile he’d been given left off, it was up to Kospirian to fill in the details.

The First Order already had boots on the ground. Ferukh Qann was detained by stormtroopers shortly after divulging what he knew about SKYLARK to Kospirian in backalley whispers. Ferukh owed Kospirian a debt for saving the quarren from a life of slavery, true, but in the years they’d remained in contact Ferukh had proven himself a kindred spirit. The quarren saw a dark-haired human woman with a cybernetic leg brace showing tell-tale craftsmanship from the Anoat Sector; she was communicating with several others including a young dancer at Fasteh Winjem cantina before she leased a speeder and went into the rainforest west of Spirepoint. There were too many stormtroopers to help Ferukh now, but without a First Order base on Kabal and popular sentiment against both the old Empire and the New Republic, it was unlikely they’d seriously harm or imprison him. For now, the mission came first.

That’s when Kospirian saw them. The nephew of Sarn Doree – Garrett – along with the droid Rex and a young woman slipping past the gate patrol. A cohort of houks harassed the stormtroopers doing a cursory scan, the distraction enough for the unlikely trio to be waved past. It wouldn’t last for long, however. A sergeant – identified by his shoulder pip – was coming over to the gate patrol. Soon enough their cover would be blown, and then they’d be overtaken by speeders. A few judicious slices to the fuel lines of the speeders with his vibroknife, however, and by the time the stormtroopers realized they’d been duped, the trio (and Kospirian) would be lost in the rainforest. Sometimes guardian angels were green.


Rico - The Jedi
Planet after planet, and still Rico was no closer to the last words of Master Uvell since they were separated during Kyrton’s trap on Corellia: “Seek the Children of the Force.” On Clak’dor he’d witnessed the devastation caused by civil war among the bith; within their domed refugees sheltering from irradiated swamps, there was no sign of Jedi nor Force-users. Was this a madman’s mission? Was there anything but war and its devastation to find in the galaxy? On Triton the oceans had dried up long ago leaving endless desert; there was scarcely any sign of life save for one of its moons where the insectile tritonites spoke of enlightenment, yet seemed to have not a single Force-user among them. Was this a futile dream of the last survivors of the Jedi? The more he searched, the more Rico put himself at risk of discovery by the Knights of Ren. The criminal backwater Kabal seemed even less likely to hold whatever Uvell had sent him to find. Yet as soon as he’d made planetfall, Rico could feel it under his feet. The planet was alive with the Force. His long search had finally ended and it had just begun.

The elders in Spirepoint spoke of old temples once maintained by the Kabalian priesthood – the enigmatic Kahjeer in their scarlet and coral colored robes. One of these temples lay in the rainforest to the west. They called it the Temple of the Starfish. Legends were the oceans receeded millenia ago, and the rainforests visible today were all once underwater, including the temple. Its draw was magnetic to Rico. After several hours hard trekking, at last he emerged cutting through the thick overgrowth, vibrosword in hand, to see the five-armed ruined temple. Vines of the indigenous arboray trees crawled over the old stone and dead coral, keeping the walls from collapsing in on themselves, though any roof had long since crumbled and been devoured by the rainforest.

Dusk was an hour away. As Rico’s senses attuned to the subtle sounds of the rainforest temple, there were two sounds rising above the cacophony of bird calls. Soft voices coming from the south, wry banter about who was responsible for getting them out of Spirepoint and for cutting the speeders’ fuel lines. When he listened without his ears, however, Rico would feel the pull of the Force. This was why he was here. After all his transmigrating, after all his doubts, Master Uvell had sent him here with a purpose.


To the north, a garbled transmission followed by faint movement amidst the vines. Glimpses of white armor emerging from camouflage-patterend sarapes. Rico couldn’t have been the only one who heard that or saw the flashes of white helmets. Stormtroopers! The First Order was here!

GM: Arsinoë, Garrett, and Rex got out of Spirepoint together. Soon thereafter, they linked up with Kospirian and have been trekking through the rainforest for several hours. Rico has been independently trekking through the rainforest for several hours. It’s roughly 5:45pm Kabal time, with sunset at 6:45pm. You’re on the south side of the rainforest temple complex. The stormtroopers are on the north side – where the signal that Rex has been following is coming from – and haven’t noticed you yet.

Let's have everyone roll a Force Die (1eF on www.orokos.com) and post the bbcode of their result along with their first post here. This will build the Destiny Pool and make sure everyone knows how to use the dice roller OK.

[MENTION=6788545]xynthoros[/MENTION] You can try to decipher the unusual garbled comms with a Difficulty 2 Computers check (with two Setback dice).
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GM: Rex made a Computers check to decode garbled comms, with net result: 2 successes, 2 threats. [MENTION=6788545]xynthoros[/MENTION]

The closer Rex got to the Resistance frequency, he was able to clean up the garbled comm chatter more. It was an advanced encryption program, the kind Rex had cracked before when commandeering that First Order freighter...

<<"This is Sergeant GO-216 reporting 9 clicks west of Spirepoint in the Green Zone. We have the target acquired. She's a feisty one. We are holding in the Green Zone and establishing a perimeter. Awaiting further instructions. Over.">>

<<"Copy Geo. You have positive ID on the target?">>

<<"That's an affirmative. Not many Kabalians walking around with cybernetics. Hey, you two keep a close eye on her. Sorry, sir, yes it's the Resistance informant. We haven't found the data cylinder on her, but it's only a matter of time before she cracks.">>

A new voice came over the comms. It was Officer Glys! <<"You and your men are not to engage the target in coercion of any kind, is that understood, Sergeant? I want her in good condition when I arrive. Do well by me, Sergeant, and there's a promotion in it for you and your men.">>

Then the cadet's voice was back on the comms, <<"Wait a minute Geo, do you have one of your men on this channel? I'm getting a foreign feedback signature coming less than a click south of your position.">>

Glys hissed over the comms, <<"You have uninvited guests, Sergeant. Deal with it. Disconnect from their comms––">>
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First Post
Rex wasn't desinged for the jungle, he was designed for the flat corridors of starships and starports. The jungle was killing his treads and slowing him down. His sensors could hardly keep up with all the life-forms around him in the jungle, every so often he picked up humanoids on the edge of his sensors before they faded away, the jungle was making his job difficult. What would other humans be doing out this far? Perhaps salvagers? Bandits? Or maybe they were looking for them. Then he started picking up on their comms... they weren't looking for him (emphasis on weren't), they were looking for a kabalian with cybernetics, no-one familiar to the droid. He played the signal for the group as he was decoding it, not everyone understood binary and they would understand the situation much more quickly if they heard it firsthand.

Yes, first-order agents, and his nemesis, Officer Glys. Glys couldn't find out Rex was on the planet, Rex immediately began jamming comms in the area before explaining what he knew to the rest of the party in his shrill whistles and beeps, "First Order technicians have detected R3-X20 on comms network, R3 unit has adjusted to continue intercepting communications. R3 unit calculates low probability of survival if we engage First Order unit, however resistance signal is coming from the same direction as First Order communications. We are at present 2 kilometers from signal origin, how should we proceed?"

OOC: As Requested: Opening post force dice: 1eF 1 Dark Side
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Kabal/Rainforest outside Spirepoint/Jedi Temple
5:45 PM/Hour from sunset

Force pool: 1eF 1 Dark Side

“Ow!” Arsinoë whimpered as she stubbed her toe on a log, stumbling forward, catching herself on a tree. Clearly a rainforest was not her native environment. She wasn’t supposed to have gone this far out! She was just supposed to get Garrett out of the city, in payment for his having rescued her. But then Rex chirped wildly and started spinning around. She only vaguely got an understanding of the Binary the droid chattered. He’d heard something? Well, she didn’t hear anything except the birds and the occasional scream of a primate. She really hoped it wasn’t one of those man-eating pack monkeys.

At least she had been able to change out of her costume and into some more rugged clothes for this endeavor. She couldn’t believe it had worked, bluffing her way past those stormtroopers at the gate. Now, after several hours trooping through the jungle, she paused, pushing a lank tendril of brown hair out of her face, wiping away the sweat. “Humidity,” she muttered.

Now they stood before an imposing, ancient edifice covered in vines with a Lambda shuttle embedded in the wall. Arsinoë was familiar with such ships, having ridden in them with her father. Then Rex started acting up and she looked to the droid.

“What is it, Rex?” She only got the basics. Something about the First Order on the comms. Then we should be somewhere else than here,” Arsinoë said. She pulled out her stun baton from her belt and the pocket blaster pistol. Of course, a stormtrooper had greater range than her weapons. And, you know, the simple fact that they were trained soldiers, the best in the galaxy! “Two kilometer head start? Then let’s go.”

Garrett moves through the thick underbrush of the jungle with ease. He had been exploring these jungles since he was a little boy. He tried to help the R3 droid and Arsinoë but it seemed to be of little use. Neither was native to Kabal's dense rainforests and no amount of help could increase their pace significantly. Garrett lead them as best he could taking directions from Rex as the droid followed the signal it detected just outside of Spirepoint. If he was alone he would have been to their destination by now but it had taken hours longer to get the little droid and his companions through the forest to the temple. He looked at the shuttle jutting from the side of the temple. He had found it legend said that great treasure was hidden inside. From the bodies hung in the vines it looks like they would need to be careful or end up like those poor scavengers. That feeling he got when he was about to find something he wanted was singing in his mind.

Garrett smiles as he thinks of getting at whatever is inside the temple and using it to pay off his families debt. He would have a ship and then he and his mother could get off this rock. Maybe find an Core World doc who can cure her. As he scans the temple the little R3 begins to broadcast the signal it had been following. Garrett stops dead in his tracks. The Stormtoopers were here and they still sought the data cylinder. Garrett's hand unconsciously moved to the pocket which held the data cylinder he had found. Now it sounded like the Resistance and the First Order are after the cylinder. And now they know that someone was in the area and would be looking for us. Garrett scans the area looking for any good places to hide and use as cover if the First Order troops find them.

"We can't just run. What about hiding? I think we can find some concealment in the trees."

OOC: Force Die Roll: 1eF 2 Dark Side

Hopefully I built this correctly. Also not sure if I get any Boost dice since I'm a native.

Survival Check: 1eA+1eP+2eD 0 successes, 2 threat

And my Luck is still crappy when it comes to dice rolls. Well let's see how this plays out.


First Post
Kospirian did not really mind the jungles or the wilds. He was certainly far more comfortable on a ship in space or in a city but this place had a natural beauty that he found fascinating. But he wasn't going to try and kid himself, without Garrett out here he and the others would probably be lost by now.

As the approached the Temple, Kospirian was pretty exciting, just thinking that the Jedi once trained and worked here. Then when informed about the First Order already being here and on the way.

"Hiding might not be out of order if they are coming our way." says as he starts scanning the forest for a good place to hide the group...

OOC: Going to look around for a good place to hide... (assuming Average Difficulty, if more can roll more)
Perception roll: 1eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 0 successes

Stealth: 2eA+1eP+2eD 0 successes, 1 advantage

Wow great start ;)


Rico stood at the edge of the temple trying to make heads or tails of the faint conversation in the distance. "Speeders? Whoever they are, they're well equipped. Well better see what's found its way here." He said to himself as he looked upward for a scalable route to a vantage point.

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GM: Man oh man! No concealment and lots of Dark Side dice! :eek: Yes, [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION] I think it's fair for being native to give you a Boost die. You can roll "1eB" and I'll add it to the result of your Survival check to find concealment to hide.

Also [MENTION=6801242]GreenKarl[/MENTION] could you roll a Force die for the Destiny Pool? It's "1eF".

I'll hold off on responding until [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] has a chance to post.


GM: So [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] you can climb the rock spire with a Difficulty 2 Athletics (Brawn) check, and that will give you a better view above the canopy.

Between the arboray tree overhangs and tangles of vine spanning the temple's perimeter, there were ample hiding places. As you leaned against the trees, ears perked for any signs that the stormtroopers were moving in your direction, you could hear faint sounds of an angry man's voice followed by a woman's indignant reply, but you're still too far to make sense of the exchange. Then a loud mechanical whine of speeder engines starting up echo through the rainforest. A quick glance exchanged between you confirms your fears. The ground trembled ever so slightly, then bolder still, something large moving through the rainforest with a whirring echoing step that quaked the rainforest floor.

Rex rapidly decoded more of the encoded comms, not from the ground to ship, but between the stormtroopers themselves:

[SECTION]<<"Alright boys, we've got company 2 clicks south. Looks like this little rust warrior has brought friends. Heavy and ST, keep watch on the target. If she moves, stun her. You two, get to the speeders. And you two charge up the walker and move to flank them; I want your sensor readings patched through to our helmets. The rest of you with me. Keep the formation tight and quiet.">>

<<"But Sergeant, we've got a shuttle inbound. In a minute their position won't matter.">>

<<"Cut the chatter, ST. Officer Glys expects results and I don't intend to be stuck on duty on this backwater outworld. Let's move!">>[/SECTION]

If the stormtroopers' sensors were functioning in the rainforest, then no amount of plant life would be able to hide your group from them. They were coming, and in no small numbers. As the gravity of the situation sunk in, suddenly the old temple stones that Garrett had been standing on rumble with the approach of the walker, and then break away, sending Garrett tumbling down a muddy root-covered hole leading some 20 feet below the surface. At last his scrambling fall breaks on flagstone made from coral somewhere in the temple complex.

GM: OK, [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION] make a Difficulty 2 Cool (Presence) check to avoid taking strain from the unexpected fall.

Though the vegetation would provide no concealment from sensors, Kospirian still was able to find a thick arboray tree and a few ruined stone markers that could serve as cover in a firefight. As his dark eyes scanned the area, he noted two corpses caught up in the vines that might be used as a decoy if propped up on the opposite side of the natural arch that he and Arsinoë were behind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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