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Feint Whispers Chapter #3: Unearthing the Past party stats and ooc


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Ok, I want everyone in the party, now including mirthcard, to post their character's stat blocks. There are to be no conversational posts until all five are posted.....
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Ardoss T’Rok

Medium-sized Male Half Orc Rogue 1/Barbarian 1; HD 1d12+1d6+4; hp 17; Init +3 (+3 dex); Speed 40 ft; AC 17 (+3 dex, +4 armor), Flat-footed 14, touch 13; Attack +4 (+1 BAB, +3 Str, +3 Dex), Dmg 1d6+3 (rapier) 1d4+3 (dagger) 1d8 (lt. crossbow) 2d6+4 (19-20 x 2 greatsword); XP: 1950

Save Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1; AL Neutral;

Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7

Languages: Common, Orc

Feats: Power Attack

Skills: Disable Device 4(+6)/ Hide 5(+8)/ Jump 2(+5)/ Listen 5(+6)/ Move Silent 5(+8)/ Open Lock 2(+7)/ Search 4/ Spot 5(+6)/ Tumble 4(+7)

Special Abilities: Darkvision 60, Sneak Attack +1d6, Orc Blood, Light & Medium Armor Proficiency, Simple & Martial Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Rage 1/day, Fast Movement

Weapons: Rapier, MW Greatsword, Dagger, Lt Crossbow +20 Bolts

Armor: Chain Shirt

Other Items carried: 50 hemp rope, grappling hook, dagger, Backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, MW thieves’ tools, waterskin, 7 days trail rations, rapier, light crossbow, 20 bolts, MW Greatsword, Chain Shirt, Cure Light Wounds potions (5)

971 gold
4 silver

Ardoss T’Rok was the child of war. His human mother cared for him but the rest of the community shunned him and forced him to leave as soon as he could walk. The only place Ardoss found acceptance was with a group of bandits. After growing into manhood, Ardoss left to find his own fortune in the world.

Having been shunned for his race, Ardoss is distrustful of most people. He respects warriors and recently found a bastard sword and taught himself how to use it.

Ardoss is tall and strong with heavy half-orc features. His skin has a grey hue, eyes are blood red, his hair is jet black and pulled back. He dresses much like a barbarian, having lived most of his life in the wild.
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The Priest

Bhartus Tharden; M Dwarf Cleric 3; Size:M; hp 24; Init +1; Spd Walk 20'ft. ; AC 17 (+6 Armor, +1 Dex); BAB +2; Atk = +5 (+2 BAB/+2 Str/+1 MW) melee, +4 (+2 BAB/+1 Dex/+1 MW) ranged; SA: Stonecunning, save +2 vs. poison, save +2 vs spells, +4 dodge vs giants, +2 on Appraise of stone/metal items, +2 on stone/metal Craft check, Turn Undead; AL:NG; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +6
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Height 4' 0 inches, Weight 151 pounds
Skills: Heal +6, Diplomacy +2, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +3, Listen +3, Search +1, Turn Undead
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Combat Casting
Armor: Chain Mail and Large Steel Shield
Weapon: Masterwork Heavy Mace (1d8 +2/x2), Masterwork Light Crossbow with 40 bolts (1d8/19-20x2/80ft), Hand Axe (1d6 +2/x2)
Possessions: Backpack, Bell, Candle, Trail Rations (10), Sack, 2 Flasks of Oi, Holy Water (x2), Scroll of Invisibility to Undead, Sanctuary, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x2), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (x2)
Treasure: 2565 gp
XP: 5026

Deity: Moradin Domains: Good,Earth Granted Powers: Cast good spells at +1 caster level.,Turn or destroy air creatures as a good cleric and rebuke or command earth creatures as an evil cleric. 3 attempts per day.

0 level: Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
1: Bless, Summon Monster I, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil (domain)
2: Aid (domain), Hold Person, Sound Burst

Brother Bhartus is a jovial fellow with a hearty, robust laugh, who loves a good ale. He's gone adventuring in order to defeat evil doers, which he considers his holy purpose, and earn enough for a few rounds of drinks. He hopes to run his own church in an emerging dwarven outpost someday.
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Tarowyn Coldoak "shooting" for Order of the Bow...

Tarowyn Coldoak
Ranger 1 / Fighter 2 (XP: 3035)
Male Elf
Size: M
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height/Weight: 5 ft. 6 in./97 lbs.
Abilities: STR 14, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 8
HP: 25
AC: 19 (Armor +4, Bracers +1, Dex +4)
Init: 4 (Dex +4)
Speed: 30
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Melee Attack Bonus: +5 (BAB +3, Str +2)
Ranged Attack Bonus: +7 (BAB +3, Dex +4)
---Masterwork Rapier (+1 Attack) 1D6+2
---(Str +2) Mighty Composite Longbow (+1 Attack) 1D8+2
---Silvered Dagger 1D4+2
Special Qualities: Immune to Sleep, Low-Light Vision, Favored Enemy [Shapechangers]
---Point Blank Shot
---Precise Shot
---Rapid Shot
---Two-Weapon Fighting
---Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow)
---Balance +7 (Dex +4, Rank +1, Synergy +2)
---Hide +8 (Dex +4, Rank +4)
---Knowledge (Religion) (Int +2, Rank +2)
---Listen +7 (Dex +4, Rank +1, Racial +2)
---Move Silently +8 (Dex +4, Rank +4)
---Ride +8 (Dex +4, Rank +4)
---Search +8 (Int +2, Rank +4, Racial +2)
---Spot +7 (Wis +1, Rank +4, Racial +2)
---Tumble +7 (Dex +4, Rank +1, Synergy +2)
Treasure: CP 7 / SP 3 / GP 459
---Masterwork Chain Shirt (AC +4, Check Penalty -1)
---Bracers of Armor +1
---Explorer's Outfit
---3 day's trail rations
---Flint & Steel
---3 Torches
---Arrows (15)
---Arrows, Silvered (5)
---3 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Languages: Southern Common, Elven

Description: Tarowyn is tall and thin, almost gaunt, with bronze skin and short, red hair. His mood is withdrawn and serious. He has a job to do and he gets the job done.

Background: Tarowyn Coldoak's father, Elwyn, was a renowned fletcher and craftsman known for the magnificent bows that he created from the fallen branches of elder sylvan Oaks in the Northern forests. Unfortuantely, Tarowyn never knew his mother for she died in childbirth. His father's many years of mourning were finally broken when he fell in love with a young human woman, Jesela, the daughter of Girosi Denaar, a travelling merchant who bought bows & arrows from Tarowyn's father to sell in the lands to the South. Girosi, who was extremely protective of his daughter, did not approve of the marriage and, for that matter, neither did the small isolated elven community where the Coldoaks lived. Regardless, Elwyn and Jesela eloped, leaving the merchant caravan behind in the elven village and taking young Tarowyn along with them. Tarowyn at first balked at their relationship as well, but quickly came to love his new mother, for she filled a aching gap in his heart.

The couple and child ended up in a small, remote, mixed community in the southern part of the kingdom of Horator, where there presence was welcomed and where they could live a simple life, hopefully unnoticed by Girosi. Elwyn and Jesela were married in a small church of the Southern Som faith, a religion which all of the family soon converted to. The priest, Father Norris, became a close family friend and mentor to young Tarowyn. Elwyn, unable to find a hardwood that had the same properties as his trees back home, gave up his craft and instead made a living repairing farm implements and doing carpentry work for the village. Anonymously, Elwyn also made beautiful wooden holy symbols that Father Norris discretely distributed to other chruches of the Southern Som faith, many of which can still be found displayed prominently in those remaining churches today. Soon, a fourth member was added to the Coldoak family, when Jesela gave birth to a daughter named Lorah. Tarowyn finally had the sibling he had always wanted and it seemed as though life couldn't get any better.

Young Tarowyn could never have guessed how bad it could get, however. It all began when Father Norris began to act strangely. He distanced himself from the family and spent much of his time wandering in the woods dotting the foothills around the village. When Tarowyn tried to speak to his mentor about the problem, the priest would mumble about how his faith was being tested and how he needed the solace that his solitary strolls provided him. One night, Tarowyn decided to follow Father Norris and see what these walks were all about. What he saw that night changed his life forever. Under the light of the full moon, Father Norris began transforming before the young elf's eyes. The priest howled in agony as his limbs distended and hair began spreading out all over his body. Tarowyn, frightened but concerned for his friend, rushed to the Father's aid just as he was making his final transformation. Upon seeing the young elf, the Father knocked him aside. Tarowyn's head hit a rock and the last thing he saw as the world faded to black were the slathering jaws and sharp claws of the wolf that was Father Norris as it bounded away towards the village.

When Tarowyn awoke, the previous night's visions returned in a rush, and Tarowyn took off toward the village as fast as his feet would carry him. To this day, the scene that greeted his eyes when he reached his home haunts his every dream. The devastation of the village was complete. The only person whose remains he couldn't find was his half-elven sister Lorah. Of her, all that remained was part of her nightshirt and the small flute that his father had made for her on her birthday, now covered with blood and grime.

It took Tarowyn three days of constant digging to bury all of the dead. He put Lorah's nightshirt in the grave with Elwyn and Jesela's bodies and kept the flute for himself. He freed the few animals that were left alive and took the only remaining mule and rode out of town. It took him two more days to find the closest village. Starved and weary, Tarowyn refused food and healing and instead insisted on telling his story of horror to the local priest. When the priest refused to believe him, Tarowyn broke his nose with a single blow. He stood over the bleeding cleric, renounced his religion and left the town behind to find the man - the beast - who killed his family and cleanse the world of him and his kind.

That was many years ago. Tarowyn never has found Father Norris, although he devoted the majority of those years in training to slay shapechangers like him. Now, the elf hires himself out as a bodyguard and mercenary, but only for causes that he believes in. When Sir Whiteclove, the Sherriff of Duvik's Pass approached him about joining the group that had freed the town from the tyranny of Jakk Tornclaw and the evil Orc's burning plague, Tarowyn finally felt that he had found a place where he was needed and where he belonged.
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Jericho Ibn Al Sufaed

Jericho Ibn Al-Sufaed
Fighter 3
CR: 3
Experience: 3,795
Experience Needed: 6,000
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR 16
DEX 14
CON 16
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10
Hit Dice: 3d10+9
Hit Points: 33
Speed: 20 Feet
Initiative: +6
Armor Class: 19 (+2 DEX, +5 Armor, +2 Shield)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Saving Throws: FORT +6; REF +3; WILL +1
Attack: +8 Bastard Sword +1 (1d10+4 19-20/x2), +8 Masterwork Bastard Sword (1d10+3 19-20/x2), +5 Shortbow (1d6 x3), +6 Dagger (1d4+3 19-20/x2), +6 Scimitar (1d6+3 18-20/x2)
Special Qualities: 1 extra skill point per level
Skills: Ride (5) +7, Jump (5) +8/+2, Climb (5) +8/+2, Battle (3) +3
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Cleave
Equipment: Masterwork Bastard Sword, Shortbow (20 arrows), Dagger, Scimitar, Masterwork Spiked Chainmail, Large Steel Shield, Backpack (Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Flint & Steel, Grappling Hook, 50 feet Hemp Rope, 5 days Rations, Hooded Lantern), 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds, 288 GP, Bastard Sword +1
Description: Jericho is a tall human from the D’or Caliphate, he has blonde almost white hair, and has weathered skin that makes him look much older then he truly is. He is just approaching his mid-twenties, and was a conscripted soldier before leaving the army, after his term and seeking his own fortunes. He never truly fit in the military lifestyle, but excelled in the physical arts and uses his skills for his own benefit.

Jericho makes it his business to help others, he hates to watch others suffer, and despite his gruff exterior he goes out of his way to help others. He makes it a point to fight the good fight, and stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. He tends to run afoul of the authorities, simply because he does not get along with them.

*Sold Bastard Sword (17 GP), Scale Mail (25 GP)
* Added Potions... Added Bastard Sword +1 and updated level
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Revised Whitney DellNoir
Whitney DellNoir: Female Human Wiz3: Medium Humanoid ; HD 3d4+3 (Wizard) ; hp 13; Init + 2; Spd 30; AC 14; Atk + 0 base melee, + 3 base ranged; AL NG; SV Fort + 2/3 ,Ref + 3/4,Will + 3/4; STR 9, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 17, WIS 10, CHA 14 Experience: 4299 xp
Money: 156 gp 11 sp 3 cp
Weapons: Crossbow, light; Bolts, crossbow (20); Dagger; Quarterstaff.
Magic Items: Bracers of Armor +1, Cloak of Resistance +1
Goods: Backpack; Bedroll; Case, scroll (x2); Flint and steel; Ink (2 vials); Lantern, hooded; Ink (vial), colored; Inkpen (2); Oil (3 pints); Sack; Sealing wax; Signet ring; Tent; Waterskin (2); Whetstone; Pouch, belt; Pouch, belt; Rations, trail (per day); Rations, trail (per day); Rations, trail (per day); Donkey; Feed (3 days); Saddle, pack; Bit and bridle, Potions: Cure Light Wounds (x5; id8+1), Scrolls: Magic Missile (x8, 1st Level, x4 3rd level), Lesser Electric Orb (x2, 3rd), Mage Armor (x2, 1st Level), Comp. Language (x1, 1st Level), Identify (x1, 1st Level), Bull’s Strength (x2, 3rd level), Melf’s Acid Arrow (x2, 3rd), Web (x2, 3rd level)

Alchemy + 6/9, Concentration + 6/7, Disguise + 3/5, Knowledge (arcana) + 6/9, Listen + 0/2, Perform +2/ 4, Scry + 2/5, Spellcraft + 6/9, Spot + 0/2.

Feats: Alertness, Craft Wondrous Item, Endurance, Scribe Scroll.

Spells Known (Wiz 3/2): 0 - Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance; 1st - Comprehend Languages, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Sleep, True Strike, Lesser Electric Orb, Shield. 2nd -- Alter Self, Melf's Acid Arrow, Familiar Pocket, Bull’s Strength, Invisibility, Web

Spells Prepared (Wiz 4/3/2): 0 - Daze x2 Ray of Frost x2; 1st - Mage Armor, Magic Missile; 2nd Melf's Acid Arrow, Web

Familiar, “Mist’, CR 1/4; Tiny Animal; HD 1/2d8 (Animal) ; hp 6; Init + 2; Spd 30; AC 16; Atk -1 base melee, + 5 base ranged; +5/+0 ( 1d2-4, 2 Claws; 1d3-4, Bite ); AL N; SV Fort + 2, Ref + 4, Will + 1; STR 3, DEX 15, CON 10, INT 1, WIS 12, CHA 7.

Skills: Balance + 10, Climb + 5, Hide + 17, Listen + 4, Move Silently + 9, Spot + 4.
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Finesse: Bite.
Special: Move Silently Bonus of +2 to Master

Background: Born to the mistress of a high ranking Noble, Whitney grew up in fair luxury with her father's occasional love and mother's strong opinions shaping her view of life. Without a legitimate title and any form of acknowledgement on the behalf of her father, she seemed to be on the same path as her mother.
Her mother's passing when she was 10, and the discovery of a 'dowry' that her mother had kept over the years that included several significant interests in a handful of businesses. Her father took charge off her affairs and discretely sold them off to set up a trust so that she could be taken care of for many years. With the emergence of her skill in magic he paid a large portion of her trust to secure her a position of merit at one of the leading academies of magic.
With luck, he hopes that her sharp intelligence, social bearing, and magic will let her earn a title of her own. He watches from the shadows as she shows promise as an adventurer of some merit.
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First Post
Ok guys....

Give me a default marching order. I would suggest something along the lines of..


If you have a better idea, lets here it... :)


How about this:

- front -
- rear-

So the mage gets protection, the rogue can sneak around and Whitney gets protected from all sides?

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