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'Feint Whispers Chapter 1: The Burning Plague' PC stats and OOC

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Jericho Ibn Al-Sufaed
Fighter 1
Experience: 0
CR: 1
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR 16
DEX 14
CON 16
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10
Hit Dice: 1d10+3
Hit Points: 13
Speed: 20 Feet
Initiative: +6
Armor Class: 18 (+2 DEX, +4 Armor, +2 Shield)
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Saving Throws: FORT +5; REF +2; WILL +0
Attack: +5 Bastard Sword (1d10+3 19-20/x2), +3 Shortbow (1d6 x3), +4 Dagger (1d4+3 19-20/x2), +4 Scimitar (1d6+3 18-20/x2)
Special Qualities: 1 extra skill point per level
Skills: Ride (4) +6, Jump (4) +7/+1, Climb (4) +7/+1
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Improved Initiative
Equipment: Bastard Sword, Shortbow (20 arrows), Dagger, Scimitar, Scale Mail, Large Steel Shield, Backpack (Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Flint & Steel, Grappling Hook, 50 feet Hemp Rope, 5 days Rations, Hooded Lantern), 71 GP
Description: Jericho is a tall human from the D’or Caliphate, he has blonde almost white hair, and has weathered skin that makes him look much older then he truly is. He is just approaching his mid-twenties, and was a conscripted soldier before leaving the army, after his term and seeking his own fortunes. He never truly fit in the military lifestyle, but excelled in the physical arts and uses his skills for his own benefit.

Jericho makes it his business to help others, he hates to watch others suffer, and despite his gruff exterior he goes out of his way to help others. He makes it a point to fight the good fight, and stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. He tends to run afoul of the authorities, simply because he does not get along with them.


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Whitney DellNoir: Female Human Wiz1; Medium Humanoid ; HD 1d4+1 (Wizard) ; hp 5; Init + 2; Spd 30; AC 12; Atk -1 base melee, + 2 base ranged; +2( 1d8, Crossbow, light ); -1 ( 1d4-1, Dagger ); -1 ( 1d6-1, Quarterstaff ); -5 ( 1d3-1, Unarmed ); AL NG; SV Fort + 1, Ref + 2, Will + 2; STR 9, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 17, WIS 10, CHA 14.

Money: 7 gp 7 sp 3 cp
Weapons: Crossbow, light; Bolts, crossbow (20); Dagger; Quarterstaff.

Goods: Backpack; Bedroll; Case, scroll (x2); Flint and steel; Ink (2 vials ); Lantern, hooded; Ink (vial), colored; Inkpen (2); Oil (3 pints); Sack; Sealing wax; Signet ring; Tent; Waterskin (2); Whetstone; Pouch, belt; Pouch, belt; Rations, trail (per day); Rations, trail (per day); Rations, trail (per day); Donkey; Feed (3 days); Saddle, pack; Bit and bridle.

Alchemy + 2/5, Concentration + 4/5, Disguise + 2/4, Knowledge (arcana) + 4/7, Listen + 0/2, Perform + 2/4, Scry + 2/5, Spellcraft + 4/7, Spot + 0/2.

Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Scribe Scroll .

Spells Known (Wiz 3/2): 0 - Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance; 1st - Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Sleep, True Strike.

Spells Prepared (Wiz 3/2): 0 - Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic; 1st - Mage Armor, Magic Missile.

Animal, Cat: None Animal, Cat ; CR 1/4; Tiny Animal ; HD 1/2d8 (Animal) ; hp 2; Init + 2; Spd 30, 30; AC 15; Atk --2 base melee, +4 base ranged; +4/-1 ( 1d2-4, 2 Claws;1d3-4, Bite ); AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1; STR 3, DEX 15, CON 10, INT 1, WIS 12, CHA 7.

Skills: Balance + 10, Climb + 5, Hide + 17, Listen + 4, Move Silently + 9, Spot + 4.
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Finesse: Bite.
Special: Move Silently Bonus of +2 to Master


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Ardoss T’Rok

Medium-sized Male Half Orc Rogue 1; HD 1d6+2; hp 8; Init +3 (+3 dex); Speed 30 ft; AC 16 (+3 dex, +3 armor), Flat-footed 13, touch 13; Attack +3 (+0 BAB, +3 Str), Dmg 1d10+4 (bastard sword wielded in two hands) 1d6+3 (short sword) 1d4+3 (dagger) 1d8 (lt. crossbow)

Save Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0; AL Neutral;

Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7

Languages: Common, Orc

Feats: Exotic Weapon Bastard Sword

Skills: Disable Device 4/ Hide 4(+7)/ Jump 2(+5)/ Listen 4/ Move Silent 4(+7)/ Open Lock 2(+5)/ Search 4/ Spot 4/ Tumble 4(+7)

Special Abilities: Darkvision 60, Sneak Attack +1d6

Weapons: Bastard Sword. Short Sword, Dagger, Lt Crossbow +20 Bolts

Armor: Studded Leather

Other Items carried: 50 hemp rope w’ grapple, Backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, thieves’ tools, waterskin, 7 days trail rations

51 gold
4 silver

Ardoss T’Rok was the child of war. His human mother cared for him but the rest of the community shunned him and forced him to leave as soon as he could walk. The only place Ardoss found acceptance was with a group of bandits. After growing into manhood, Ardoss left to find his own fortune in the world.

Having been shunned for his race, Ardoss is distrustful of most people. He respects warriors and recently found a bastard sword and taught himself how to use it.

Ardoss is tall and strong with heavy half-orc features. His skin has a grey hue, eyes are blood red, his hair is jet black and pulled back. He dresses much like a barbarian, having lived most of his life in the wild.


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And the good brother...

Bhartus Tharden; M Dwarf Cleric 1; Size:M; hp 10; Init +1; Spd Walk 20'ft. ; AC 17 (+6 Armor, +1 Dex); Atk = +2 melee, +1 ranged; SA: Stonecunning, save +2 vs. poison, save +2 vs spells, +4 dodge vs giants, +2 on Appraise of stone/metal items, +2 on stone/metal Craft check, Turn Undead; AL:NG; SV Fort +2, Ref 0, Will +2
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Height 4' 0 inches, Weight 151 pounds
Skills and Feats: Heal +6, Diplomacy +2, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Spellcraft +2
Feats: Scribe Scroll
Armor: Scale Mail and Large Wooden Shield
Weapon: Heavy Mace (1d8 +2/x2), Light Crossbow with 40 bolts (1d8/19-20x2/80ft), Hand Axe (1d6 +2/x2)
Possessions: Backpack, Bell, Candle, Trail Rations (10), Sack, 2 Flasks of Oil

Deity: Moradin Domains: Good,Earth Granted Powers: Cast good spells at +1 caster level.,Turn or destroy air creatures as a good cleric and rebuke or command earth creatures as an evil cleric. 3 + CHA modifier attempts per day.

0 level: Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
1: Bless, Summon Monster I, Protection from Evil (domain)

Brother Bhartus is a jovial fellow with a hearty, robust laugh, who loves a good ale. He's gone adventuring in order to defeat evil doers, which he considers his holy purpose, and earn enough for a few rounds of drinks. He hopes to run his own church in an emerging dwarven outpost someday.


Feint whispers? Or faint whispers?

Ready to go! Bhartur, start your engines. ;)

Looks like Bastard Swords and Light Crossbows are the weapon of choice.


First Post
Mysterious, no?

Is it a pun that will reveal itself in time, or a simple spelling error?
You decide...

I should have the first post up by tonight...


Sorry Guys

Sorry about that.... I'm on the west coast so I didn't see any posts until I got to work. I put in my post.

Tokiwang... where do you get that great Anime character art that in on your website? Great stuff!

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