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Q: So my fights are judged. Who are these judges?
A: A judge is a fellow YB! player. When you are in need of a judge, you post a request into the "Judge Request" thread.

Q: Can just anyone judge?
A: Yes. Although you need some knowledge of the rules before advancing the players at the end of the fight, the actual judging in the fight is not too hard.
Anybody who'd like to try can judge; although the fighters have the right to vote against aspecific judge, this rarely happens.

Q: What about advancement, then?
A: Well, advancement is what happens to each fighter after a fight. Do they get a new belt, new powers? Or do they lose some?
At the end of a fight, the judge posts the changes to each fighter and gives them their new powers, if applicable. Normally, some flavor text is given, too, but it is not a must.
In order to advance fighters correctly, you need to know what happens to the fighters, of course. So at the beginning, this could be difficult. But it's possible to ask other players for the correct advancement, so even if you have no clue about it, you can still judge.

Q: So, how exactly do I judge two random combat moves?
A: Excellent question. The nature of the generator makes the moves very hard to compare. There is no "power chart" that gives points for specific styles or combinations. The judge himself needs to find out which move he likes best; only if he doesn't have a clear favorite, he can look at certain specifics. The judging method is as follows:
  1. Judge insults. There is no guideline here... just judge which insult you like better. Don't look at how the insult is used in the flavor text, just judge the insults themselves.
  2. Set the match. You must set the fight to a sepcific location, time, and day. In order to do this, go to the generator site, and press the "Masters" button once. Then post the generated message in the fight thread.
    Now, the fight commences in earnest. The most important part for you is judging the different attacks. How? Here's how:
    1. Judge the moves. Just look at the moves. If there's one move that you like better, that's the winner. Perhaps the combinations seems to be a very strong attack, or a good defense. Or one move is so funny that the other move pales in comparison. Either way, if you like one move better, that's all you need.
      If there is a winner now, declare it. Otherwise, proceed to step 2.
    2. The condistions, or setting of the fight. Look at the setting you provided at the beginning of the fight. If there is a move that equals (or is similar) to the day, give themove some positive credit. If it is the total opposite, reduce the power. Next, do the same with the place of the fight, and finally with the time of day.
      Note that, however, matching the day is more powerful than matching the place, and that is better than matching the time of day.
      If there is a winner now, declare it. Otherwise, proceed to step 3.
    3. Compare the standings of the fighter. If one fighter is of higher rank than the other, she is the winner. If the fighters are equal, or equivalent, then there is no clear winner. Two fighters from different paths can be equivalent; for example, a Dirty Bastard 0 is equivalent to a Yellow Belt 0.
      If there is a winner now, declare it. Otherwise, proceed to step 4.
    4. Compare the fighters' record. Substract the number of losses from the number of wins. The higher result wins. However, the number cannot be below 0. If both fighters have more losses than wins, compare the total number of fights they have fought in. The fighter with the higher number is the winner. If the number is equal, the fighter with more wins is also the winner of this round. If all is equal, then there is no clear winner.
      If there is a winner now, declare it. Otherwise, proceed to step 5.
    5. Judge the moves. We're back at step 1. Take another look at the moves, and decide which is better. Perhaps one move defends against the other's style? Either way, you must find a winner now.
      There must be a winner now; there can be no draw. Declare the winner.
      Note that normally, step 1 should be all you need to judge.
      After having declared the winner, move the flags. Put one flag to the winner's side, or if her opponent had some flags on her side, put one back into neutral position. Also note the number of rounds you are in.

      Now you know the basics of judging a fight. In the next installment, we will take a look at advanced options and tricky situations.
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Advanced Questions

Q: How long does the average fight last?
A: That's difficult to say in real time. A two-flag match normally lasts about ten rounds, and a three flag match for about fifteen to twenty rounds - though there have been much shorter and longer fights.
The rest depends on the posting frequency of the fighters. Sometimes, three or four rounds are resolved in one hour, other times, there is one round each day. If you can post but once a day, or want to have a quick fight, you should say so from the start, so other people don't get annoyed.
Generally, though, it is possible to have two to three fights per week.

Q: What if my opponent doesn't show up?
A: If your opponent doesn't show up, he can be forced to forfeit the fight. If 24 hours have passed since his last posting, you can ask the judge to declare the forfeit. If insults have been exchanged already, the fight is resolved as if the no-show lost the match, and both fighters are advanced.
It is entirely possible, of course, to form an agreement to wait should one opponent be unable to post for a short period of time.

Q: What if a judge doesn't show up?
A: You can always ask for a new judge. It is suggested, though, that you keep one judge in a match, so unless the missing judge told you to look for a new one, or 24 hours have passed since his last judgement, try and wait for her.

Q: What if a fight lasts too long?
A: A judge has the right to declare a match Sudden Death. That means, the winner of the next round is the winner of the fight - no matter how the actual standings were.
The fighters can ask the judge for making it Sudden Death, or the judge can ask the fighters if they object, but the judge has the final say in this matter.

How can I determine the experience of a judge?
A: We have introduced ranks for the judges. Any player can be a judge. When a judge has done a good job judging and advancing a fight, he can be promoted to Journeyman Judge by one of the Master Judges.
When a Journeyman Judge has shown his excellence with the rules, by solving a very difficult problem or by correcting a Master Judge, he can be proposed to become a Master Judge, himself. With two Master Judges agreeing on that matter, the judge in question is promoted.

Q: The fights are too random for me. Is there a different method for fighting?
A: At the moment, there are three different fights. Normally, the kind of fight is declared in the challenge.
  • Standard Match: this is the standard way of posting moves and being judged.
  • Strategy Match: in this type of fight, both combatants start by generating a hand of five moves and posting them. From these five moves, the fighters can then choose their attacks. In a strategy match, both fighters post alternatingly.
    After three combat rounds, each fighter generates a new hand. With the possibility of dumping two moves, this match type brings a more strategical aspect to the game.
  • Style Match: in this fight, the actually generated moves are but the basis for the flavor text. Judgement is by judging the flavor text alone. Did the fighter manage to describe the generated move in a imaginative way? Did the description make you laugh, or tremble with excitement? This is a rare variant of fighting, but it can be very rewarding.
Technically, the winner of the insult round can declare the type of match, though this is usually done only with regards to standard / strategy match, as some fighters are uncomfortable with the notion of a style match.

Q: Can I do a death match?
A: Yes, you can. Just post it as a stipulation in your Challenge: "I challenge anybody to a Death match". When someone accepts your challenge, he is not obligated to kill you should he win, but he is aware of the fact that losing to you would mean dying (for his character). You can also demand that the winner of the fight must kill the loser, so you wouldn't take any chances.

Q: What other stipulations can I demand?
A: Anything others would agree to, unless it breaks the standard rules. For example, you can ask for a specific judge, or a specific rank of judges (Journeyman, Master).
You can also challenge a specific fighter, or only specific ranks / paths. You can demand a certain number of flags, or style of match. You can have the match take place on a certain day, or even choose the entire setting for a fight.
You can demand the losing fighter joining the winners dojo (if possible), or anything else that comes to your mind.
You cannot, however, demand that a win would count for three wins, or anything else that breaks the rules.
Naturally, the more stipulations you have, the less probable is a fighter that accepts your challenge.

Q: Can I make training fights?
A: Yes. These are called unofficial fights. In an unofficial fight, you can test new combat modes, or just fight without the match counting. Both fighters should be aware of the unofficial status of the match, however.

Q: What if I suspect that my opponent, or one of the fighters in a fight I judge, is cheating?
A: That is a tricky situation. If you are really sure something is amiss, tell the fighter in question via e-mail, or private message, or in a private chatroom. Just ask him first.
If that doesn't help, and you still are really sure that the fighter is cheating, then call him out officially. The fighter should have a good explanation then. Otherwise, he will be shunned by the rest of the participants.

Q: Can I fight in Chat mode?
A: Yes, you can. You can find the chat here: http://www.d20reviews.com/chat.htm
Just enter the chat room #yb, and you are set to go. Of course, you need at least one opponent and one judge who are in said chat room, too.
We even have a Meowthbot that generates YB moves for you, so you don't need to go to the generator site.
" mb! ybmove " will generate a public attack. Privately, just ybmove will generate a move for you.
At the moment, there is only the move generator, so the insults and the setting must still be accessed by the generator site.

Now, you are informed better than most. Still need information?
Well, there's only the different powers of the fighters to explain...
as we are restructuring at the moment, this could take a while...
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It looks pretty good berandor - only one quibble I think that if both fighters are of equal rank we decided that the next thing to be compared was record (as you say)

However record is compared first by subtracting wins from losses with the understanding that your record can't be worse than 0.

If both fighters have more losses than wins you next compare the total number of fights.

If this is equal then you go on.

Voidrunner's Codex

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