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Experience Point: Become a Fit-Beard

I don’t have any clue as to how many fantasy RPG PCs I’ve played over the 30+ years I’ve been gaming. It’s a lot. Easily over a hundred. And they’ve been all over the spectrum in most ways I can think of from naughty to nice, wizards to warriors, stealthy to spectacular. There has been a big variety that has stretched my creativity in all sorts of ways, except when it comes to fitness...

I don’t have any clue as to how many fantasy RPG PCs I’ve played over the 30+ years I’ve been gaming. It’s a lot. Easily over a hundred. And they’ve been all over the spectrum in most ways I can think of from naughty to nice, wizards to warriors, stealthy to spectacular. There has been a big variety that has stretched my creativity in all sorts of ways, except when it comes to fitness. There I seem to be pretty unimaginative and that’s kind of hilarious.

When I’m playing a character who is out there having adventures, delving dungeons, and slaying all manner of bad guys, I more or less think of them as being in fantastic physical shape. And I mean on a certain level it makes a lot of sense. If you spend 50% of your day walking, 25% climbing out of ten foot deep pits, and the remaining 25% swinging a greatsword, you’ve probably got a vanishingly small percentage of body fat and rock-hard abs. Even my wizard type characters aren’t pudgy and out of shape, owing that they mostly hoof it everywhere (until they learn Teleport anyway) and carry everything they own on their back. Spellbooks aren’t weightless you know!

I have had, to the best of my recollection, one (1) PC who was fat and that’s because I rolled it as a disadvantage in Powers & Perils in approximately 1989. It was so notable a feature that the character was named “Chubbs” (I was a little less mature back then). I don’t recall Chubbs ever getting played a whole lot. But then again we rolled up lots of characters who got played little or none back then.

This is a bit of a generalization, but I’d venture to say most D&D characters are pretty fit. It makes sense if you think about it: You have complete freedom over this aspect of your character. Even if the rest of your stats are rolled randomly, you get to choose how you look. Paging through most of the art for fantasy games, you don’t see too many couch potato looking folks in the lineup. If being physically fit is as easy as writing the words, “Six foot two and 185 pounds of rippling muscle” into an “Appearance” blank on your character sheet, hey, why not?

It is, alas, not so easy outside the land of Greyhawk. Here most of us have doctors telling us that we could stand to lose a few pounds and cut down on the salt in our diet. I’m not going to sugar-coat this (says the diabetic): Gamers especially have a reputation for not being in top physical condition. The term “fatbeard” is there because it is frequently earned.

I’m not saying fat people are bad people. Far from it. But we know, especially as we get older, carrying extra pounds and being in poor physical shape leads to a host of other physical problems. Getting some exercise and acting a bit more like our player characters in that regard is a way to prove that Wis is not your dump stat.

I coach people a lot about fitness and I struggle not to feel like a hypocrite. My weight isn’t horrible (I weighed 187 a week ago and I’m six feet tall) but my exercise regimen is often sporadic. I’ve been sick a LOT this winter and that hasn’t helped either. I’m doing my best to get back to regular exercise, which, for me, is mostly running on my treadmill.

This is my chosen form of exercise not because I love running on my treadmill, but because it is the least objectionable form of exercise I’ve been able to find. It allows me to get rid of a lot of the variables, any one of which might push me from “willing to exercise” to “screw that, I’ll play a computer game and eat a bag of chips.” My treadmill is sitting five feet away from where I type this so there is no driving to the gym. And it’s never too hot or too cold or too rainy or too anything in my office such that I can’t get on there and run. Plus, it’s facing my computer screen, which means that I can listen to music or even watch a movie while I’m running if I want. I’ve completely set myself up to succeed. And yet sometimes I STILL don’t!

I’ve built other structures into my life over the last year to help me succeed when it comes to fitness. One of them was joining Fitocracy, which is a really cool website that appeals to the gamer in me. You get experience points for doing workouts, which in turn allows you to level up. You can earn achievements for doing different kinds of workouts. There are even quests you can complete by doing certain combinations of workouts. The Paperboy (where you bike a certain distance and then run as fast as you can for a half mile to simulate being chased by a dog) and Evolve (where you swim, do pullups, and run a mile in a single workout) encourage you to diversify your workouts. I know it sounds silly but those sorts of things motivate me and I generally feel better about them than the achievements I earn playing computer games.

In addition, I’ve started a group on Fitocracy (Scott Moore Coaching) so that some of my friends and I can keep track of each other’s progress, offer encouragement, and have friendly competitions with each other. This too has helped in terms of accountability and encouragement. Both of those are huge motivators in the coaching I do, so why not employ them for my own fitness goals too?

Another thing I’ve noticed for both myself and the clients I’ve worked with on fitness is: how you keep score is pretty important. Lots of folks want to lose weight and that’s a good thing. But tracking pounds lost is invariably a game of diminishing returns. The closer you get to your ideal weight, the smaller the numbers are going to be if you are strictly going by pounds lost. Instead, I encourage people to track the how often and how long they work out or the amount of reps they do or weight they lift. Those numbers will increase and are, to me, more fun to track.

I’d like to encourage any of you who are out there hoping to get into better shape to join our group (it’s mostly gamers in there anyway). If you are just starting out, you’ll fit right in with those of us who struggle to get our butts moving. And if you’ve been successfully working out for years now, join us and pay it forward. We could all use the help!

How do you find the motivation to get in or stay in shape? Have you found ways to make exercise fun? Or do you just put your head down and power through no matter what?

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You're preaching to the wrong person. I do plenty of exercise and like it just fine. :)

Mostly I was replying to Jhaelen, to whom you were replying. He was saying that he couldn't motivate himself to stay with exercise because it felt like a waste of time. A lot of people have the attitude that exercise is some sort of grim Puritan virtue, and I wanted to suggest a different way of looking at it.
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First Post
From your next collumn:

If you don’t want to exercise or diet, that’s also fine. The Price of Admission to that easy lifestyle is you’re probably going to be overweight and ultimately suffer some health problems. If you’re willing to pay, fine.

Fantastic and very well put.

There's definitely an element of those who play RPGs who really separate their mind from their body, over emphasize the mind and downplay anything to do with the body. Just as there are people who pursue lofty spiritual goals and separate the soul from the flesh.

If such a separation and downplaying of the importance of exercise is something someone wants to do, then they're going to pay the price. If moving the body and eating right is "a waste of time" then that's going to eventually incur a hefty price tag and it's best to consider whether it's really worth paying.


Fantastic and very well put.

There's definitely an element of those who play RPGs who really separate their mind from their body, over emphasize the mind and downplay anything to do with the body.
Of course, the health of the body actually has a massive impact on the functioning of the brain. So even if you only care about your mind, exercise is still very helpful.
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First Post
Of course, the health of the body actually has a massive impact on the functioning of the brain. So even if you only care about your mind, exercise is still very helpful.

It's actually ironic when you think about it. If you prioritize learning and the mind to the point where you see exercise as a waste of time, it actually hurts your mind and your ability to learn. The price to pay is more than just at some far off time in the future when the damage of a sedentary life catches up with you, it's here and now as well.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
There's another aspect which is not really being touched on here. Sure, there's health; but there's also - and I hate to use the word, because it immediately makes it a negative, and it's not - vanity. Not vanity in the sense that you act like a shallow cartoon type charicature from some Hollywood soap, but in the sense that it *is* nice to feel reasonably attractive. Admittedly, few of us (as in humans) are gonna look like movie stars, but it's within most peoples' power to look presentable. And that really does affect one's self-esteem, too.


First Post
If I believed in reincarnation, I'd swear I was a giant, inert blob in a previous life. And unfortunately, there has been some carryover to this life. I'm currently fighting against this, by exercising a little, but I know I need to do more.

One thing I've always wanted to do and am back to working on now, is create a rpg where I do real world activities to "power" my character. It would be a sandbox forum game so that your character actions could impact the world. For example, if a ship infested with disease carrying rats docked then it would be up to the characters to catch the rats or not (in real life we would do squats). The longer it took the characters to catch the rats the higher the chance of a disease spreading throughout the city.

There wouldn't be classes, but you would create your character by training in certain skills and joining guilds. Some skills you could train yourself at anytime, like walking. Walking actually gives your character a kind of bonus. At level 0, for your character to walk 20 miles you would need to walk 20 miles. But if you take the time to level your walking skill you can eventually cut that down to where for your character to travel 20 miles you only need to walk 2. Other skills may require you find someone to train you and may just increase your odds of success in certain actions.

In addition to physical activities, I also want to include some behavior modification or goal setting. For example, you will need to pick some flaws for your character from a list. If you decide to change a habit, you assign that habit to one of your flaws. Each time you "cheat" you have to roleplay that flaw. So you decide to choose Narcolepsy as a flaw and decide to give up soda. Each time you have a soda you increase the chance that next time your character is involved in action that they will fall asleep.

I guess just walking my dog would be easier.


Staff member
Speaking from experience, that depends on the dog(s)...

Why oh why couldn't the world of Larry Niven's Dream Park novels be happening NOW?


David Jose
A handful of stories related to various things that have been said in this thread:

The major turning point for me, health wise, was unfortunately establishing myself in my career. When I was poor, I was in (generally) better health. I might not have eaten healthily, but I ate a lot less, and ate way less plain old garbage. My main mode of transportation was by bike until I started making enough money so that I could afford having a car. When I wanted to use a computer, I'd bike out to the university to use one in the lab. Now, if left to my own devices, I could easily spend a day walking no further than my bed to my computer, with a few short trips to the bathroom or kitchen over the course of the day. Unfortunately, a lot of the bad habits I established as a poor college kid have haunted me ever since, whereas the "good" (or at least better) habits have all, for one reason or another, managed to steal away into the night over the intervening years.

Thankfully a hefty third of my job (doing grip work for films) involves some pretty serious physical labor, so that's managed to keep me in some semblance of physical shape. I've managed to cut back on a lot of the complete garbage I was eating and drinking (I miss you Mountain Dew) over the last year or so. I also installed a pullup bar in the doorway to the kitchen and refuse to let myself in, for any reason, without at least hanging on the bar and tensing my shoulders for 30 seconds. The bikes are up in stationary stands in front of the TV, and I try to do at least a half hour on them while watching a movie or playing a video game.

At the beginning of one summer, my best friend and I discovered that there was a new Heroes of Might and Magic game coming out. Realizing that this ran the risk of dooming us to yet another wasted summer where we did nothing but set ourselves up for a fall of complaining about how out of shape we were, we decided to meld the game with a workout routine involving various numbers of pushups and situps. At the start of each day you did five of your choice, if you wanted to hire more troops you'd do ten pushups. Starting a battle? Losing a battle? Losing a battle you started? They all had various exercises tacked on to the in game costs.

That night I crashed on his living room couch and passed out almost immediately. The following morning I awoke to his screams coming from the back of his house. I immediately tried to jump up and rush to his aid but discovered that I couldn't move. At all. I wasn't just sore, I was nearly paralyzed. I couldn't bend at the waist, or lift my arms for HOURS. I was eventually able to tumble off the couch and somehow inch myself up a wall, but we were WRECKED. I don't remember what our eventual tallies were, but if memory serves they were in the thousands. We also never touched Heroes of Might and Magic ever again.

@Dannyalcatraz - Did you ever do any LARPing or play paintball or anything?

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