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DT's Saga of the Dragon Cult, Legacy of the Savage Kings

Deuce Traveler

Adventure: Saga of the Dragon Cult, 2nd Module:

The Cast:
[MENTION=6801450]Trogdor1992[/MENTION] : Scrag the Troll
[MENTION=6801976]Scott D[/MENTION]e War : John the Wizard
[MENTION=48762]Leif[/MENTION] : Grok the Cleric
[MENTION=1095]Salthorae[/MENTION] : Tuk the Fighter
[MENTION=28412]Amaury[/MENTION] : Rosalia the Rogue
[MENTION=11520]Scotley[/MENTION] : Roque the Fighter

The Previous Threads:
IC Thread 1: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...mayn-s-quot-Saga-of-the-Dragon-Cult-quot-(IC)
IC Thread 2: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...yn-s-quot-Saga-of-the-Dragon-Cult-quot-(IC)-2
RG: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...-Gallery)-Yttermayn-s-Saga-of-the-Dragon-Cult
OOC Thread 1: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?249748-Yttermayn-s-quot-Saga-of-the-Dragon-Cult-quot-OOC
OOC Thread 2: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...ayn-s-quot-Saga-of-the-Dragon-Cult-quot-OOC-2
Current OOC Thread: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...Traveler-s-Saga-of-the-Dragon-Cult-OOC-Thread

For centuries, the Great Swamp has hidden hints of an ancient culture of barbarian kings. While passing through this miserable bog, the PCs encounter Stygoth the Damned, a half-dead black dragon driven mad by a mysterious disease. Delving further, the heroes discover that the disease is tied to the very swamp itself. A great corruption once infested this place, destroying the savage barbarian kings and leaving only mighty statues as their legacy. Now this corruption has returned, and a terrible force is mining the corrupted swamp-earth to produce evil, blighted artifacts.

After entering into the swamp and facing orc slavers, a diseased black dragon, a crazed hermit, and a magically trapped bridge, the party finds itself in front of a fortress where a forge is held inside. This forge is controlled by a force allied with the Cultists the heroes faced in their previous adventures, and were trading blighted weapons to the Dragon Cult. If the heroes can destroy the means of producing these blighted weapons, it would go a long way towards degrading the strength of their nemesis. But the front of this fortress was a tough nut indeed.

The Twenty feet tall and flanked by a pair of gangly stick-towers, the gatehouse stands resolutely in the mist. Snarling figures stalk the parapets, before flaming braziers belching clouds of thick black smoke. Smaller figures crouch atop the towers, peering warily through the dim light. The gate is built from the same timbers that make up the wall. Each watchtower rises out of the mist like a spindly-legged spider, no more than a platform supported by three tall timbers. Each tower is decorated with skulls strung on ropes like beads and tattered war banners spattered with dried gore. The banners all share the same sigil: a blood-red skull. Each tower is 40 ft. tall, and occupied by three kobolds that constantly scan the surrounding swamp, but you have successfully used Rosalia’s scouting and the thick mists to avoid detection.

It’s John that makes the decision to use stealth and attack one of the watchtowers further from the front gates. Rosalia is to go up and try to kill the three kobolds silently before being detected, but she is to be supported before she climbs up by magic and arrows from your team below.

OOC: Rosalia needs to make a stealth check. Others can ready actions (like prepare to fire bows or use spells), and I’ll allow an initiative advantage for everyone who declares a prepared action. Who is donating Rosalia rope for her to toss down once the kobolds are neutralized? A sleep spell might be perfect here.
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Roque bids her good luck and passes over 50' of hempen rope. He takes up a position and slips a javelin from the quiver on his back.

Deuce Traveler

Rosalia makes an attempt to scale the tower.


OOC: Rolling for Rosalia since we waited long enough for Aumury.

Edit: Uh oh...!
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Deuce Traveler

Rosalia slides down the tower, just a few feet up from the base. She causes a bunch of pebbles to fall and clatter to the ground, and immediately dives behind some brush in an attempt to avoid being seen by the kobolds above.

Rosalia's Hide
Kobold A Spot
Kobold B Spot
Kobold C Spot

Deuce Traveler

Rosalia climbs up the tower without any of the kobold guards noticing. Her next attack catches the first one by surprise, as she stabs him from behind.


She also gains initiative and stabs at a second one before it can react.

Deuce Traveler

WIth two kobolds quickly killed by Rosalia, the third squeals a shout and swing at her with a short blade, cutting her arm.


OOC: Everyone else up... Rosalia's doing quite well, though. You can only attack with a distance weapon.


Roque cocks back his arm and flings his javelin at a Kobold.

OOC: [roll=1d20+7[/roll] Note he'll need to subtract 4 if there is not a target which is not engaged with Rose. [roll0]

Deuce Traveler

Before the kobold can issue any significant warning, Roque's arrow strikes true and slays it. The tower is secure, and soon after Rosalia drops a rope down for the rest of the party to climb.

Voidrunner's Codex

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