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Dragon of Icespire Peak - [OOC]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
It's all good.
I missed the fact that there were 2 other ritual casters. I think you probably mean that the classes have some ritual spells, but they need to be prepared, and I think taking the feat will allow those players to pick other spells (we'd all benefit imho). No one else from what I saw can cast wizard rituals, and I think having the possibility of spamming detect magic will be useful.
Bethrynna the Wizard and has three ritual spells (including Alarm and Detect Magic), and Meadowlark also has the feat, and has four wizard spells (including FF and Unseen Servant).

I also love find familiar, and think it could be fun/interesting with a druid (ex: transform in a small snake or mouse or whatever, and have fun riding the owl, have the owl carry goodberries in a little pouch, etc).
This is a separate issue, of course, and if you are doing it for the familiar, then you have an answer (unless you are also interested in Wizard Cantrips, which Magic Initiate would also work.

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Steve Gorak

Hey @Kobold Stew,

I completely overlooked your paladin’s feat, and forgot about the blade singer; thanks for pointing it out! Btw, cool way of getting the 2 extra rituals (I’m assuming you got 2 scrolls) I didn’t think of that ;-)

Ok, I’ll pick another feat or maybchange races. I’ve been wanting to be able to cast create water anyways, and felt I didn’t have enough cantrips, so I may end up taking magic initiate: Druid and pick up guidance, mould earth and create water. That should nicely round up my character.

More suggestions are welcome & I’ll sleep over it.
Thanks again!

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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Mina finishes her song and there's a small amount of applause. She comes back to the table with the rest of the group, she's been dancing while she sings and obviously winded. She picks up her mug and finds it empty, she looks disappointed. She pulls out a chair and sits on it awkwardly sideways her tail draping behind her.

"How's the food? I'm hungry"


As Mina came to the table, Fitz was finishing up a story:

..."Havin' fallen in, cousin Tosh is waist-deep inna muck; me and Calahan have him by both arms and we giver a good hard pull. Tosher comes free, but he leaves his trousers behind! Of course, this is just when Lady Marmont's coach came rollin' round the bend. So we high-tail back up to the road, an' there's Tosh, starkers waist-down, as he gives the Lady the message. And the lady's beet-red and coverin' her eyes, (though not coverin' them too much, as sightly a lad as our Tosh is.)"

He had told the story with perfect timing, and as his audience laughed, he turned to Mina, gave her a wink, and said (letting her know that despite the story, he hadn't missed her song), "You were lovely, lass. A fine show to be sure. Try the soup. It's hot an' still has some meat innit."


The petite elf sat by the table, leaning back, her lute in her lap. Her long fingers had picked at the strings, accompanying Mina’s singing. She was surprised that the tiefling had known the old elven song, but then Bethrynna Liadon hadn’t been out among the other races for very long herself. Much of the world was very new to the young elven woman who had spent most of her hundred and seventy-five years growing up in the Moonwood or training in Evereska.

Bethrynna -- or Rynna Silverfrond, as everyone called her, chuckled at Fitz’s off-color tale. Humans had a tendency to make elven names easier to pronounce. They lived lives so short they didn’t even want to take the time to pronounce a name correctly! “The bread is fresh from the oven,” she told Mina, “and the butter and honey are good on it.” She leaned her lute against her pack, bumping the weapon belt hanging from the back of her chair, rattling her rapier a bit. “Where did you learn that song, Mina?” she asked curiously, brushing back her long, chestnut hair from her blue eyes flecked with gold and pale, blue-tinted skin. She reached for her mug of ale and took a sip, then made a face. She still hadn’t gotten used to the common human beverage, but out here, elven wine was expensive. It wasn’t even dwarven ale, which she’d had before.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Mina looks directly into Rynna's eyes when she hears her name, then tears her look away seeming embarrassed, looking down she quickly grabs a piece of bread, the bread is obviously still very hot, steaming, fresh from the oven. Mina doesn't seem to notice. She tears at the bread distracted. "I, don't remember just something I heard somewhere, I have a good ear."


Bethrynna took a small breath when her eyes met Mina’s, but the connection was brief. She had never had much time for relationships, figuring that would come when she was older and not busy mastering bladesinging. But this tiefling was kind of cute

“Careful,” Rynna warned. “Thats...hot…” She watched as Mina handled the hot bread with little notice. “Interesting.” Rynna smiled. “Well, that was an old elven song. My father used to sing it to me,” she said, her voice growing a bit more solemn, and she looked away into the distance. Idly, she played with the dragon tooth on the leather thong around her neck as she thought of her father.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Meadowlark is sad. Her armour and weapons are upstairs in the room she is being allowed to use in exchange for bussing tables. She still hasn't been paid anything, but she is allowed a meal both before and after her shift, and for the past few weeks this is how she has been making do, late nights and sleeping late into the morning before she starts prepping the lunch soup.

She's fine with the menial labour, and she laughs at herself of the times that she once believed what she had been told, that she might be the Chosen One. She knows what she is capable of, but she does not see an opportunity to serve as a spiritual warrior she knows she is; instead she is wiping tables, and mopping up spilled beer. Surely there is something better for her than this. Her flocks back home would be better than this; that's for sure. And this is what she's thinking about, as she brings Mina a meal at the end of her set, and places it down on the table with the others. She apologizes for the interruption, clears away the empty bowls and asks if they want anything further.

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