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Doom of the Savage Kings


[sblock=OOC]Do you want more of a wrap-up? I don't really have much else to add. I could come up with something else along the lines of 'You all live happily ever after, or almost,' but I would rather the players do a brief summation of what happened to their characters afterwards. Feels more honest to me. Or, we can just call it done.

I have enjoyed playing this game with all of you and I hope I get to game with each of you again in the future.[/sblock]

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Lizt stood up wearily from the wall. She dusted herself off, wincing at the blood on her tunic. Then she shrugged. Wiping off the flat of her bloodied short sword on the dead Jarl, Lizt grinned at Homer. "We did it. And no one was eaten by a grue."

The rebuilding of trust in Hirot took longer than it did to dismantle the stocks set up at the town gate or the Jarl's tendrils of power. The stocks came down the same day the Jarl, his thegns, and his sorcerer were dispatched. The mood in Hirot was somber for several weeks. Whispering seemed to follow the heroes wherever they went. One of the monks of the temple gave up his cowl and ran for office, preaching hell and damnation for lawbreakers. He was roundly elected, having received a clear mandate from the villagers.

Gratien stayed through the winter, not sure that the Hound wouldn't return to harry the town. He left without goodbye or fanfare when the snow and ice receded. No one queried his leaving. They were grateful the Elf removed himself; he was too quiet for the likes of the hardworking folk of Hirot, and always seemed to be watching and waiting, which made people uncomfortable.

In the days immediately following the Jarl's removal, Lizt took to hiding in her ropemaker's storefront, but business was poor. After the first three days, no one wanted to buy rope from a woman cursed by unrequited love and misadventure. On a foggy morning several months later, Lizt quietly visited Alois's family, returning the large man's effects. She stayed for an awkward cup of tea, then left. Permanently. She paused and looked back ere exiting the gate, noting that the spot where the stocks had been was seeded with a carpet of new spring grass.

Deuce Traveler

Kurl stuck around Hirot, with both the chaotic times due to the new power vacuum and the nearby swamps and bogs so conducive to his god's worship enticing him to stay. He started a church to Bobugbubilz in the swamps and began his preaching, to the ire and hair-pulling of the priesthood of Hirot. Late during the cold, moonless nights, when the chill air blows into the village, one can often hear his insane cackling being carried by the wind.

Tender also elected to stick around. The town was nearly defenseless with his killing of the Jarl and his thegns, and so the dwarf felt it was his responsibility to help. When pressed, he admitted that he enjoyed being the local law enforcement, the weather, and wielding the Spear of Hirot. He even pressed into service the irrepressible Catkins, who had a nose for discovering rigged games and general conspiracies.

Finally, there was poor Boral, who worried constantly about whether or not ol' Bessie made it out of the previous, beastmen-filled dungeon and safely home. A farm boy needs his farm, even if he has become an accomplished wizard with the ability to blast opponents from afar. One day he filled his pack, said his goodbyes, and began the long journey home. He eventually made it back to his cow, but the road was long and dangerous, and many an adventure he had. But that's a tale for another time.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Homer saw the need for stable commerce in the are and sought trade routes to and from Hirot, going on many adventures in securing the paths of caravans. He met another halfling who was acting as a guard for a caravan, a lady hafling. the worked side by side for a few years, eventually falling in love getting married and settling down in Hirot, the two of them taking turns in the service of defense of the town while the other took care of the children the were born of them, all twelve of them.

Hank took up a quit residence in Hirot, reading and writing tales, and hiring out on caravans and serving in various ways in the defense of the city, if blowing up invaders is considered 'quiet'.

Franko, . . . . He remained in the vicinity, sometimes showing up and playing in the town square with children, sometimes showing up with lost travelers - seemingly clear of mind. No one questioned his skill in the magic arts, but many feared the arts as they had peered in the eyes that see from afar, as he was eventually know to be. Some even say he say other places, but they were the dreamers and tale tellers that had crossed paths with him. He had even found a place for a hut at the edge of the swamp where he can peacefully listen to the mad cackling of Kurl


You all are awesome! Thanks again for a great game and a great finish. It wouldn't have been great without you all writing an ending true to each of your characters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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