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DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

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As the group rights themselves, creeping out of their respective positions, the half elf sports a devious smirk upon his lightly bearded face and steps towards the entrance.

Jehen begins to move towards the opening, intent upon the cell as 4B stoutly brings up the rear, the now wounded Raekz accepting the healing potion, but not yet using it.

Knowing eyes flash from the figure within the cell as his deft hand blurs to the inside wall of his cell, and the half elf sneers, Tis been a pleasure, but I believe you have a prior engagement with 1st Tower. before seeming to press against the wall.

Hearing the distinct sound of a catch releasing, the sudden movement of a steel door falling from above within the thick wall surprises the group!

Slamming down with an ominous clang of finality, the new barrier separates the group from the mysterious man within.

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Raekz moves forward and knocks the metallic cage a few times with his knuckles, before lowering and commenting, "Well, I'm not certain if I should be surprised or not."


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"Probably not too bloody surprised," Jehen muttered disgustedly. All that effort, and for naught...

"First Tower is it? That is quite a hike, you know. I don't suppose you have something up your sleeve in case we decide to take out our frustration out on you?" Jehen's voice is bright, even cheerful, but the tone of her words holds menace nonetheless.

OOC: So he is still separated from us by a (different) set of bars. Is he still apparently contained in the 'cell' area? And are we still able to leave? Just want to make sure I have the set-up right. Despite Jehen's veiled threat, it is not a serious Intimidate attempt- yet.

ooc; sorry for the absence, had a horrible sinus cold all last week! yuck!

Arrayed about the solid obstruction of steel separating them from the mysterious half elf still contained within, Jehen, Raekz, and 354B puzzle over this new development.

The shorter hobgoblin approaches the new barrier, his knuckles rapping against the thick wall like slab with dull thuds. If the figure inside can hear the Arcane Inquisitive, he doesn't respond, only the silence of the cramped tunnel lingering. Gazing back they way they came, the group sees their way out is still very much clear and free.


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"Agreed. There's no way other than this way now. Come, let's move with haste and caution," says Raekz as he starts to walk ahead, guisarme ready.


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"Not like there is much left down here," Jehen muttered, obviously still bitter at being thwarted. "So, do we follow his little hint, towards First Tower, or do either of you have another idea?"

The dank tunnels and caves, the obvious hideout for the band of criminals who robbed the Sivis message station, stand quiet and dark now. Only the group's animated and lit presence causes any distrubance.

Unsure of their direction and what the clues they've encovered might mean, one thing is for certain; the group that the Heroes seek was here recently and if the half elf is to be believed, on their way to 1st Tower. But why? And what does this gang of bandits have to do with the mysterious Determinist faction of those groups violently agitating for Brelish Democracy?

ooc; please roll skill checks for any of the following (if you have them): Know: Local, History, Nobility/Royalty. If you don't have one of those, an Intelligence roll is fine.

Also, please feel free to ask OOC questions now, we've been playing for a while and if anyone is confused on anything plot/npc wise, please ask now. Also, I believe Kaz will be rejoining us, though I want to ask the group how they feel about going back to the tavern before the next (and final) set piece for this adventure. Do we need another PC? Let us know, please!

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