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[Discussion] Lost Love OOC


I don't think I said this in another thread yet, but congrats r1!

Additionally: congrats Mez and LadyLaw! Achievement unlocked! :)

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Alright so other than all the baby-makin' news, I think we've determined that twils will make the call on his character: to res or not to res, that is the question. Just let us know which way you want to go. Our characters may act funny but ultimately we'll get to the right place.

On a more practical side, he still gets the XPs, so that's all good, and yeah I don't think any of us would want his loots if he doesn't res, so he'll either use 'em or lose 'em. Maybe this is why tomb-raiding is such a profitable profession in adventuring circles: people are always buried with their loot because otherwise it would unbalance the party! :)

As for continuing, I'm most interested in keeping this interesting party together, so - assuming you guys will have me - I'll go where everyone else goes. If that's onward and upward, great. If that's back to the tavern, great. In either case, I'd say not only is using parts of my character's background ok, it's damn well expected! :) That's why I wrote it, right?


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Pis and Talkrai will probably gain a level after this adventure, whatever option you choose. Less sure for the others.


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Congrats, parents-to-be!

On ressurecting: Jarren is likely to be fairly unopinionated on the matter. He doesn't feel it necessary to go calling somebody's spirit back to their mortal body after it's passed on, but he also doesn't particularly frown on it. If the rest of the party is all for raising Pis/Din then Jarren will happily chip in for it.


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We'll see how the RP pans out for who I'm playing. If the party tosses the changeling in the river… I understand. That’s the hazard of playing one of the tricksey bastards.

If I end up with a new PC, I'd rather have him/her join the party organically. He'll wander into the tavern and talk with people and if the party likes him/her, we'll work from there.

On a separate note: I’ll be moving this weekend. Would someone NPC Pis for me? I imagine it’ll be an easy job.



Re: where we are now

Ok, so I know it's rather difficult to be open and honest on the internet but I think things are coming to a head now in this adventure and I think it'd be better if we hashed it out away from the game thread for a moment.

So, I'll go ahead and get the ball rolling and just say that I'm feeling a little frustrated with how things are going right now. It's been a very interesting adventure thus far, but now we are losing a lot of focus and there's a lot of indirect arguing going on. I'm not mad at anyone, but I feel like my character is getting a bit... railroaded. I hate to use that word because it's loaded with negative connotations, but frankly, that's the best word I can come up with. And right now that frustration is playing out in my character's actions, re: ignoring the NPCs.

I think we are all still a bit raw from the character death, and I think coming straight from that into another situation where we're all told to "sit down and shut up" just isn't sitting well. Now, I am all for an amicable resolution to this, and I don't want to trounce on Velmont's story, but please appreciate this perspective: I'd like a little time in-game to resolve the killing and direct how I'd like my character to react. At the moment, I feel like we're not getting time to direct ourselves before being pushed in another direction.

As I said, maybe this is a bad idea, but I am a fan of communication. What does everyone else think?


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To be completely honest I don't think I can express my opinion without insulting another member of LEB, which is not my intent. Tact is not my strong suit while typing.

Most of my frustrations mirror EB's. Excepting, of course, their reflection of my current RP. RPing a corpse is pretty easy. Frustration can't really flavor "Is still dead." all that much.


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I'm sorry for the frustration. I've not try to railroad things, but it's true I have poorly handle things. This encounter with the House Tharashk was not planned at first.

I was trying to close that story and open the way for a new adventure, but I didn't really have the time to think of the whole thing clearly and it finish with that situation.

It is not my first time mastering, not the first time in PbP, but somehow, this time, it got too much out of my control, out of the ideas I had and I tried to have an open mind, but I think I had put myself too much wall.

I think I'll just wrap that story up and let you leave for the Tavern.


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I’ll start my thoughts with a bit of detail behind Ryda’s mindset, and then I’ll go into my own. As evilbob has pointed out, every single encounter she’s had with NPC’s has been an ambush, so she is innately paranoid and distrustful. She’s upset about losing people she was supposed to help/protect (not that she’ll show those emotions, she keeps those bottled up, very unhealthy) She hates being told what to do, and right now, she’s fed up, and calling the druids bluff. Good people don’t murder in cold blood, and she was raised that Tharashk was full of good people. If she dies, then she’ll have unveiled an evil person there and she’ll have helped clean up the House.

Mez’s mindset is fairly similar to evilbob’s. I was having a great time in the first 2.5 rooms. I was a bit put off by the spontaneous ambush, but I can deal with that. I was really like WTF, and the second ambush in the same room, and yes, everything there was dealt with, but it left a very sour taste in my mouth, especially the intentional killing of Pis, and the resulting “oh my, I never killed a PC before” comment. It was known what would happen the second they decided to ignore Unit 16’s mark and much more dangerous threat. I always try to run my NPC’s with a bit of self preservation. They are “living” people, and they’d like to stay that way. IMO, watching your boss get 2 shot and having a pissed off warforged breathing down your neck, your first thoughts should be saving your own butt, not ducking down and slitting that guys throat, knowing you’ll be crushed as a result.

The half-orcs up top was pretty much the last straw, I know what they are trying to do, and I can’t fault them for doing it, but I feel as if I’m reading a story of an adventure, not actually participating in one since all my decision are “cake or death” It’s been brewing for a while, and I’ve tried to focus on the next encounter, the next encounter, that one will be better, but it hasn’t lessened my frustration, in fact, it increased it. I don’t want to stiffle Vel’s story, but it’s not fun being a part of it, so I’m stepping back. If this was an IRL game, I’d come up with something else to do on those nights, lord knows I’ve done that. But this is a game to me, and games are supposed to be fun, when it looses that, it’s time to stop.

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