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di Senzio's Tournement: Slum

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Cyrus come back from the Arena. The combat of the afternoon have been nice to see. Many good combat. That Sairudani have style, but if he wasn't playing that much with hsi opponent, he could be even more interesting to watch. That's what Cyrus was thinking when he heard a Voice behind him. Too familiar to him.

"Lucky, I have something for you." That voice was too familiar to him. Benedict was a watchman he had palyed against on night. Cyrus thought he had found a bunch of beginner to play against and make easy gold. But Benedict is quite a player, and Mongrel didn't seemed to be on his side. Benedict win against him, and Cyrus liast bluff cost him more than he had one him.

He negotiates with Benedict. The deal was not a good one, but it was better than having an unpaid debt to a watchman. Benedict now knew Cyrus was a cleric, and he got free healing, but Cyrus owe him no more money. Cyrus didn't liked it much, but after a month, he learned the reason behind that deal. Benedict was also bouncer in an underground casino. And if that was known to his superior, it could cost him his job. Now that both knew each other secrets, some kind of balance had been maintained in this relation.

Cyrus turns around and see Benedict and another guard escorting a blind beggar. The small Katara seemed to had a bad moment. "Cyrus, I have someone for you. Take care of her. She has been babbling all the way. Take care of her and make sure she doens't get kill for today. And you, small Katara. Know that begging in the High district is a very bad idea. You are lucky you had just been escorted here. And pretending being attacked, you can't guess how many beggar are doing that trick every year." Benedict shooks his head. "I have many testimonies that she has been begging and she thinks we will believe her story."


First Post
Cyrus sees Benedict shaking gently his head as the beggar repeat her story. "We have many witnesses that can contredict that... and these rich love so much there clean and calm streets they will be sure they don't see your kind. You are in good hand, so calm down. Am I right, Cyrus?"


Seeing Benedict was never something that Cyrus looked forward to, but the fact that there was another guardsman with him meant that this meeting would be legit, or as legit as anything the quasi-corrupt guard could really be doing. As Benedict told his story, Cyrus' feeling that Mongrel's favor was returning to him disappeared when it became obvious that he was about to be saddled with a blinded begger.

~What else? Shall you turn my dice to stones as well? No table will let me sit down with her tagging along..it is unlucky...~

As the street rat called out her innocence once more, Cyrus walked slowly over to them, his staff still supporting the majority of his weight. Even though they later reached an agreement, Cyrus' knee hurt constantly from Benedict's first request for payment and Cyrus was too proud to ask Mongrel to aide him in taking away the pain.

~Not that you would let me...you would think it served a grand lesson on risks and the dangers of them...~

Reaching out to push the hair from around her eyes, Cyrus examined the "wounds" to see if it was a birth blindness or something that came along in her later years.

"I will do for her what I can Guardsman Benedict, but once she choses to leave my side I will not promise she will not return to her habits. Whatever they may be..."

Cyrus' voice sounded raspy even to him, but there was a soothing undertone to it all the same to the Katara's ears.

[sblock=OOC]Taking a 10 on the heal check to examine the wounds to see for myself what is going on.[/sblock]


First Post
"All she want is attention, give her some and she will calm herself. And if she show up soon in the high district, my boss will make sure she doesn't return there for some time. It wouldn't be the first beggar he would have put into a jail for teh godo sake of the rich people of Orussus." replies Benedict before leaving the beggar to Cyrus attention.

Cyrus looks at the eyes of the beggar. For anyopne who knows the basic of arts of healing, it is obvious the wounds are fresh, and he sees no old scares behind that. Most likely that Katara lost her sight a few hours ago. The wounds have stop bleeding, maybe with some minor magical healing spell, or the wound are not too deep. Either way, it seems it was taken care enough to make sure the person would survived it.


~Well if she had this done to herself, she certainly went all out...~

Clearing his throat, Cyrus reached into his pocket and pulled the wooden disk with Mongrel's image burned onto it.

"I am going to ask Mongrel to heal you, but I can not promise that he will answer to my call. He and I have been disagreeing on many things of late, and his gifts do not come as easy as they once did. The damage to your eyes is extensive, and too precise to have been self-inflicted."

Seeing her draw a breath to speak, Cyrus cut her off quickly.

"My favor with Mongrel is not good enough for you to tell me the names and tempt fate that they may place the two of us together. I happen to like my eyes just as they are..."

Closing his eyes as he rested his hands on either side of the Katara's head, Cyrus chanted softly and reached out to find the healing energy around him. It struggled in and out of his grasp for what seemed an eternity, but finally Mongrel's blessing bent to his will and poured into the savaged orbs.

Pulling his hands away quickly, Cyrus was glad that she could not see how pale his skin had gotten, nor see the heavy sheen of sweat on his brow.

~You make it harder each time...what have I done to offend you so?~

When he risked speaking, he was surprised at how weak his voice sounded.

"How do you feel? Did it help any?


First Post
Nirrassa pains to her eyes, which was not very painfull, but constant, suddenly dissapear, but the world around her stay dark. She feels an hand that gently rmeove some dried blood that are on her eyes. The touch is gentle and agile.

Cyrus, after removing the dried blood, see that the scares are still there, but what looked like fresh wounds are now clean. The gifts of Mongrel have done his work, but it doesn't seems enough. Cyrus feels something. It is not a voice, but more an impression, a feeling that is telling him I am your friend, not your servant. Help you yourself, and I'll help you.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Nirrassa is now fully healed.[/SBLOCK]


Nirrassa of Clan Swiftclaw

Verbatim said:
"How do you feel? Did it help any?

As she feels the healing take place she opens her eyes...and still sees darkness. "You have healed my wounds, but not my sight. I am still blind," she says in frustration. "I thank you forr yourr help. It didn't go farr enough this time."

She pauses. "Nirrassa is my name. I'm sorry if I offended you by what I said."


Animus said:
As she feels the healing take place she opens her eyes...and still sees darkness. "You have healed my wounds, but not my sight. I am still blind," she says in frustration. "I thank you forr yourr help. It didn't go farr enough this time."

She pauses. "Nirrassa is my name. I'm sorry if I offended you by what I said."

~How can I help myself if you will not help me? You see me...you know me...what can I do more?~

Still fighting with his emotions, Cyrus waved his hand in dismissal of her words before realizing that she could not see the action.

"While I am not exactly sure of what happened Nirrassa, I can promise you that no offense was taken. I have been among those who work the docks, and other less savory places, to be offended by someone telling a pair of guards that they were innocent."

Looking once more at the scarred eyes, Cyrus sighed and knew that Benedict had found the perfect keeper for the blind begger. Even though he tried to keep his distance from those he treated, Cyrus would often check up on them when he could in a casual manner. With this one, he knew that he could not walk away from her unless she chose to leave him.

"Guardsman Benedict did have one fact straight, the rich tend to think less of those below their station and that view would definately include us. Do you have somewhere to call your own, or is your home a communal one?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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