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Patlin said:
Personally, I like the mondo scale. Massive amounts of wilderness in between outposts of civilization makes sense in a world filled with monsters.

I dunno. Even K. Baker himself said the large scale was something of a screw-up. Huge wars like the Last War are pretty hard to do when the scale's that massive - the borders are too large to really explain a war on that scale.

I predict that when Eberron 4e comes out, we'll see a change in the scale of the game.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Kaodi said:
How is the review process for new PCs going?
Slow. E13 just started a new job (promotion?) and I'm busy a the new semester. Hope to get a few out during the weekend.


Yeah I'm still adjusting to my new schedule (man is it heavy). I've got three outstanding submissions. Bront, Mellubb and yourself. As we don't have any open games at the moment, I've been even more lax. Feel free to start your new characters in the inn w/o approval. We'll make sure we get them all settled before the next adventure makes it through the pipeline.


First Post
Would it be possible to get a class developed by Dreamscarred Press, specifically the Society Mind, approved? Ordinarily I'm extremely hesitant to play around with third party material, but the Society Mind seems to be extremely well and carefully designed. Many heavyweights from the official WotC forums had a hand on its development (see here for the development thread as well as a beta version of the class), and it could be said that the CharOp board knows more about D&D balance than WotC does. The primary role of the Society Mind is supporting allies, so it should be welcome in parties.

Plus, the official class and some associated powers and feats are completely free for download, so access shouldn't be a problem. It was also released in September of 06, so it meets the 6 month rule :).

I just wanted to post this here before setting up a proposal thread to make sure it's not against the rules or something.


The man with the probe
You can propose it, but my guess would be no, as the circulation of that particular product isn't particularly high, and I don't think it's open content, so we couldn't repost it here.

Rystil Arden

First Post
It's sort of open, but it isn't WotC. I thought our rule of thumb was to avoid anything that isn't WotC or an obvious modification on WotC stuff (FREX, I'm thinking of proposing a modified version of the Natural Bond feat to work with Shifter Beast Spirit instead of Animal Companion. It should be a no-brainer, since it just changes a few words, and Beast Spirit is just the Animal Companion equivalent anyways).


First Post
I dunno about LEB, but I know that on LEW, people have posted their own creations, which go through an approval process. Really, posting a variant on what you've seen might be a place to start.

That being said, there should be enough in the allowable content (wotc), that you could create a close approximation.

Keep in mind that you're never gonna get past 5th level or so. Progress on LEB is rather slow.


First Post
I thought our rule of thumb was to avoid anything that isn't WotC or an obvious modification on WotC stuff
Would you mind if I asked you why? :) I think Society Minds are really neat and I've been itching to try one, so I want to understand your thoughts better before I try to make a case or it.

I can think of three reasons to usually avoid 3rd party material in living games:
1. Circulation Usually, not as many people have access to 3rd party material, making them inappropriate for living games where all DMs need to be able to run all characters.

2. Balance/Quality 3rd party material may not be well balanced against official books. Additionally, the crunch presented in the books may not be very useful for the campaign.

3. Complexity The addition of 3rd party material means people have to know more rules.

Are there any other concerns?

That being said, there should be enough in the allowable content (wotc), that you could create a close approximation.

Keep in mind that you're never gonna get past 5th level or so. Progress on LEB is rather slow.
I don't know... the SM has some pretty unique abilities and powers that would be tough to duplicate with official material. I don't really see how it's possible to reproduce the effects of 4 out of 6 abilities they have at level 3, not to mention the power list... :\

[sblock]Hmm, this should really go in the proposal thread but I typed it up so I'll just leave it here for now.

Most of the problems don't apply to the society mind. The society mind is free for download (go to this website, click on the "Download Here" in the middle of the page), so everyone here has access to it. It has spells from closed sources on its list, but those are unnecessary, and in fact the class was originally conceived on the official boards without them. The people who created this class have a great understanding of D&D balance, and include some of the more respected people on Wizard's D&D and Character Optimization boards. One of the authors said the playtests showed the Society Mind was balanced from around levels 1-10.

On the surface, the class has some more complex abilities. However, most of the complexity comes from clarifications and balance restrictions; the concept of the abilities seem pretty simple. Additionally, very few abilities require the Society Mind's allies to remember anything, and most of them are simple to remember (range of worldthought network, can leave worldthought network with free action or by moving out of range, can redirect healing, can use telepathy with other members of worldthought network at level 3, and at level 17 the SM can transfer concentration to other allies). Most of the other abilities only need to have the DM and the SM's player be familiar with them, and perhaps prompt others when they're used (in the case of buffs or Mystic Echo).

On the other hand, this class can really fill a niche here. It's a very good and unique support class, and support classes seem to be lacking in LEB. Unlike other support classes, this seems fun to play. Rather than just setting up a song or a passive aura and going back to doing their own thing, the SM has plenty of options and can make many decisions during combat to support his allies, especially after level 8. Even at the early levels, the SM encourages team play. For instance, consider the power Skills As One, which allows characters to share skill points with some restrictions. Rather than just having a Rogue infiltrate a dungeon, the whole party can go along now. Rather than having the big dumb fighter sit down and shut up during negotiations, they can actually attempt a few Aid Another checks and put in some RP.

I'd agree that in most cases, 3rd party material shouldn't be used. However, I think there should be exceptions, and the Society Mind is free to access, fills a niche, is distinctive and ful to play, and should improve the experience of everyone else in the party.[/sblock]
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Rystil Arden

First Post
All of those and also, a 4th that is a parallel to 3--added complexity and preponderence of rules leading to unintentional exploit combinations.

This is exponentially more problematic with 3rd party stuff, as WotC (until some of their insane recent books that seem in light of 4e to be intentionally unbalancing to see what happened) generally tries at least a little to avoid these, but they don't read 3rd party stuff, so they can't try to avoid overpowering combos.

It's just a different paradigm here for proposals--we're trying to be careful about balance while allowing a good amount of official material here, but we tend to look askance at totally homebrewed or 3rd party material. On the other hand, Living ENWorld only uses open content and has accepted some free 3rd party material in the past (I think it was from the netbook of feats).

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