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Darksun: Times of Change RG

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Male Half-Elf Bard Level 2
Medium humanoid, Chahotic neutral

Armor Class. 15 (Leather armor 11, Dex +4)
Hit Points. 19 (1d8+3)
Speed. 30 ft.
Initiative. +5
STR 16 (+3), DEX 18 (+4), CON 16 (+3), INT 16(+3), WIs 16 (+3), CHA 20 (+5)
Saving Throws. Dex +6, Char +7
Skills. Arcana +5, Deception +7, Nature +5, Perception: +5, Persuasion +7, Survival +5, Stealth: +6
Senses. Darkvision, Passive Perception 15
Languages. Tyrian dialect, Elven common tongue, Slaves speech
Tools. Kalimba, Thieves' Tools +6, Poisoner's kit +5
Background. Criminal

Bard's Friend.. Melee : +6 (1d6+4 slashing)
Light Crossbow. Range : +6 (1d6+4 bludgeoning)

Spellcasting Ability Charisma; Spells Save DC 15 ; Spells Attack Bonus +7
Known Spells 4; Slots 3

- Lvl 0 : minor illusion, vicious mockery, object projection
- Lvl 1 : healing word, faerie fire, dissonant whispers, sleep, disguise self

Features and Traits
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Bardic Inspiration. 5d6.
Criminal Network.
Wild talent. Object Projection. As a bonus action You teleport an object you are holding to a willing creature or an unoccupied space within 50ft
Jack of all Trade.[/] Add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.
Song of Rest. During a Short Rest, if you or any friendly creatures who can hear your performance regain hit points by spending Hit Dice at the end of the Short Rest, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d6 hit points.

Bard's Friend, Light Crossbow, Leather Armor, Dagger, Kalimba, Crowbar, Entertainer's Pack, a set of dark common clothes including a hood, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp

190th King's Age the year of Priest's Defiance (Free year 1)

Before the Year of the Priest's Defiance, Akylanthes had nothing to complain about. Living in a fresh house with plenty of shadows, more water than a man will need, and even a garden. The life was easy on this side of the wall. Located in the Golden City of Tyr, the Templar district was like a little Paradise on Hell. His owner, the Templar Tarsin, was a good master. Akylanthes did what he was told to do, when he was told to do it. If he was a bit too slow, or if he looked displeased with the task set before him, he endured whatever punishment his master saw fit to dispense. In some ways, he was living better than the average freeman. And for a time, it was good.

The job was simple enough. Officially, Akylanthes was just a good Kalimba player, entertaining his master and his friends or guests. But when the house was sleeping and the last light was extinguished, the minstrel put aside his instrument and tookout another one. Some years ago, Tarsin blessed him with the art of reading and writing, usually reserved to the highest classes, to write down the chronicles of Tarsin's ascension to power. Akylanthes was very dedicated to his secret task. Following his master's footsteps, the chronicles were growing night after night. And for a time, it was good.

Using the levers of influence at his disposal, Tarsin managed to be transferred from the Administrative to the prestigious Intelligence Department. A fast learner, he quickly felt like a sandworm in a dune but also discovered the dark face of Tyr. Behind this well-organized administrative system, a vast corrupted network was expanding in the city. In no time, Tarsin received a proposition he couldn't refuse without bad consequences. Tarsin was a zealot, loyal to the Sorcerer-King, so he decided to infiltrate and take down this organization and to do this, Tarsin had the best tool for the job: Akylanthes. The occasion presented itself when the High Templar Vilerius organized a feast in his villa. During the festivities, Tarsin offered him a gift, his best minstrel. Akylanthes was transferred to Vilerius’ house and began his new life as a spy. And for a time, it was good.

Vilerius enjoyed this new addition to his house, and Akylanthes received some favored treatments for the artistic impressions he made. The job was simple enough. Officially, Akylanthes was just a good Kalimba player, entertaining his master and his friends or guests. But when the house was sleeping and the last light was extinguished, the minstrel put aside his instrument and started investigating for his true master. During the day, he was listening for conversations and at night, searching the house for evidence. The villa was a real library, full of ancient scrolls and old forgotten volumes. One night, Akylanthes discovered something he didn't expected to find in such a place, some strange encrypted scrolls. The study took him some nights but eventually Akylanthes deciphered the glyphs. This scrolls revealed him the way of the Arcane Art. Since then, the minstrel spent every night learning this new discipline. And for a time, it was good.

The files were growing and Tarsin would soon be able to bring the whole case to a higher authority to expose the corrupted Templars. One night, Akylanthes was waiting for the last light to go off. He was impatient to study more arcane secrets, but one room stayed lit. Intrigued, he slipped discreetly under the window and heard voices.

“So, you'll take out all the faithful Templars. But tell me, on whom should I place my wager, Rikus or Kalak?”
“Rikus of course. If you bet on Kalak, you lose - no matter what.”
“Is that so? I suppose I should find this too incredible to believe.”
“Then you're with us?”
“I never said I would help, only that I wouldn't stand in your way.”
“There are no bystanders in this, you're either with us or against us.”
“I'll want something in return.”
“It depends on what you want me to do.”
“What we need should be a simple matter for someone of your authority. Just get us out of here after Rikus throws the spear.”
“I'm not in charge of the security force. Kalak assigned that to Larkyn.”
“Don't worry, I'll will see to it.”

This time it was big. His master must be warned as soon as possible. But when Vilerius is arrested, all his precious library will become unreachable for Akylanthes. He had one night to take as much scrolls he could bear with him and run. That's how he landed into a pit, burning under a blazing sun, waiting for his death in the arena.

Suddenly, Tarsin was promoted in charge of the stadium security. Something was wrong. The stadium is a very sensitive place and it required an experienced Templar to manage it optimally. And no news from his spy for days. During the next event, Kalak himself would be on the balcony. Tarsin did his best to secure the stadium, but nothing happened as he wanted. The reinforcements he asked for never showed up, the security palisade in front of the Sorcerer-King was not installed, and the gladiators were not kept away from the Royal tribune. Some dark forces were moving against him. When the gladiator Rikus was about to present himself in front of Kalak to salute him before the combats began, Tarsin was called by some urgent security matters. A man asked for him, speaking about life and death. He left the tribune and ran down to the guards post. It was Akylanthes, burned and dying. He had managed to escape the pit thanks to his new arcane skills, and he told Tarsin about the conspiracy. Tarsin heard the crowd scream in the arena and understood it was too late to do something. Around them, all the loyal Templars were executed without warning. Tarsin took his spy under his arm and got cover. Akylanthes guided him through the Bard District and used his underground network to find a safe passage out of the city.

They joined a caravan going south, and Tarsin healed his slave as best he could. His bond with his master was feeble but still present. Like if Kalak was not destroyed but in some strange stasis, still able to give Tarsin some powers. To this day Tarsin is trying to return Kalak back to his true power.

Ten years have passed since the death of Kalak. The House Vorden is looking for mercenaries to explore old ruins in the Ringing Mountains. Akylanthes discovered some lead about those old ruins. Maybe they will find a way to raise Kalak again.


[sblock= image]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/bb/89/63/bb896325f94e56befdbdda281cbbf7d1.jpg [/sblock]
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First Post
Halfling Druid 1

Str 14 +2
Dex 18 +4
Con 16 +3
Int 13 +3
Wis 17 +5
Cha 15 +2

HP 11
AC 17 (10 + 4 dex + 1 armor + 2 shield)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +4

+2 Dex +1 Con
Small size
Speed 25
Brave (adv vs fear)
Nimble (move through enemy spaces)
Lucky (reroll 1s on attacks and saves)
Resist Poison dmg/Adv on saves vs poison

Druidic Language
Ritual Casting

Armor: Light, Medium, shields (only nonmetal armor)
Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, staves, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saves: Intelligence and Wisdom

Feature: Wanderer
Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival, Music Instrument

Wild Talent
Know Direction


Athletics +4
Nature +3
Perception +5
Survival +5

Common, Halfling, Druidic

Spellcasting (Save DC 15)
Slots: 1 - 2
0 - Produce Flame, Guidence
1 - Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Entangle, Absorb Elements

Cash: 10gp

Produce Flame +5 atk, 1d6 fire, 30'
Quarterstaff, +4 atk, 1d6+2 bludg, (versatile 1d8+2)
Scimitar, +6 atk, 1d6+4 slsh
Dagger, +6 atk, 1d4+4 pierce, 20' throw

Leather, +1 AC
Shield, +2 AC

Explorer Pack
Druidic Focus
Hunting Trap
Trophy (skull on staff)
Traveler's clothes
Belt pouch
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Chtckh'Chtckh (Chick-Chick)
Neutral Thri-Kreen Gladiator Fighter Level 2

AC 15 (No Armour)
HP 22
Hit Dice 2x (1d10+3)

Spear +5 (1d10+3) Reach 10'
Bone Scimitar TWF +5 ea (1d6+3; 1d6)
Longbow +7 (1d8+3) Ranged 150/600
Net +7 Ranged 5/15 Restrained (dc10 Strength check as Action to escape, or destroy AC 10, HP 5)
Claws +5 (1d4+3)

[sblock=Skills & Abilities]
Str 16(+3) Dex 17 (+3) Con 17(+3) Int 14(+2) Wis 16(+3) Cha 13(+1)

Athletics +6
Insight +5
Perception +5 (Passive 15)
Survival +5

Strength Saves +5
Constitution Saves +5

Common (Tyrian), Thri-Kreen

Race & Class Abilities
Thri-Kreen Torpor: You don't sleep (alert during rests)
Thri-Kreen Carpace: Without armour, your AC is 12+Con Mod (15)
Thri-Kreen Claws: Proficient in a 1d4 finesse unarmed attack
Thri-Kreen Extra Arms: (additonal free manipulate object per round)
Fighter 1 Fighting Style: Archery +2 Attack with a Ranged Weapon
Fighter 1 Second Wind: Bonus Action - Regain 1d10 plus Fighter Level in Hit Points. (1 per Short Rest)
Fighter 2 Action Surge: On your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. (1 per Short Rest)

Bone Scimitar (x2) (50 coins)
G'thka Spear (5 coins)
Longbow & Quiver (20 arrows) (52 coins)
Net (x4) (4 coins)
Backpack (2 coins)
Mess Kit, Rations (10 days), Waterskin (6 coins)
Climber's Kit (25 coins)
Huntering Trap (5 coins)
Rope (50') (1 coin)
Money Pouch (0 coins)

Escaped Slave & Gladiator, Chick-Chick was taken from his clutch as a hatchling and raised in a Tyrian battle-arena.

Personality: I always face problems head on, a simple, direct approach is the best path to success.
Ideals: Freedom: I will not return to slavery, or allow others to be enslaved.
Bonds: The clutch that I never knew. If I can form bonds, they will be tight.
Flaws: From a history of abuse, I mistrust everyone around me.

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First Post
NAME: Eevuu Farseeker[sblock=Image]DSElf.jpg[/sblock]
Background: Outlander – Tribal Nomad (Skills – Athletics, Survival; Tools - one type of musical instrument: flute; Languages – one of choice: Gith; Basic Equipment; Wanderer – You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.)
Race: Elf (Darkvision 60ft; Proficiency with Perception; Fey Ancestry; Trance sleep; Fleet of Foot; Mask of the Wild – can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, etc.)

STR 12 (+1/+3)
DEX 20 (+5/7)
CON 15 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 17 (+3)
CHA 16 (+3)

Armor Class: 16 (leather +dexterity)
Speed 35ft
Hit Points 12 (HD 1/1d10)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Armor (Light, medium armor, shields), Weapons (simple weapons, martial weapons), Tools (Musical Instrument - Flute +5)
Saving Throws Strength, Dexterity
Skills Athletics (+3), Handle Animals (+5), Nature (+3), Perception (+5), Stealth (+7), Survival (+5)
Initiative +5; Senses passive Perception 15, darkvision 60ft.
Favored Enemy Monstrosities gain +2 damage rolls with weapon attacks, advantage on Wisdom/Survival checks and Intelligence checks to recall information about them.
Natural Explorer grants the following – Ignore Difficult Terrain; Advantage with Initiative Rolls; On first turn of combat I have advantage on attack rolls against creatures who have not acted yet; when traveling an hour or more, grants the following benefits – Difficult terrain does not slow your group’s travel; Your group cannot become lost except by magical means; Even while engaged in another activities when traveling (foraging, tracking, etc.) you remain alert to danger; when you travel alone you can move stealthily at normal speed; When foraging you find twice as much food as normal; While tracking you also learn the exact number, size and how long ago your target has passed through the area.
Wild Talent Psychic Spark
Languages Tyrian, Tribal Elf, Gith

Attacks Longbow +7 to hit, 1d8+5 piercing, Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy two handed
Short Sword +7 to hit, 1d6+5 piercing, finesse, light
Gear leather armor, two obsidian short swords, an explorer’ pack, longbow and quiver with 20 obsidian tipped arrows, staff, hunter trap, trophy from an animal you killed, bone flute, traveler’s cloths, a belt pouch containing 10gp

Personality Traits I am driven by wanderlust.
Ideal - Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. (Chaotic)
Bond I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster and will do anything to prevent it.
Flaw Don’t expect me to save those who can’t save themselves. It is nature’s way that the strong thrive and the weak perish


Atroclos the Twice-Orphaned

Atroclos the Twice-Orphaned

Atroclos was a dedicated slave of the sorcerer-king Kalak. Since that one's death ten years ago, the half-giant has bided his time, using his muscle and hiding his relative intelligence from an assortment of different employers. His misplaced loyalty lurks just beneath the surface, biding its time and waiting for a chance to resurface in revenge against those who slew his master and orphaned him again.

Background: Urban Bounty Hunter
  • Personality Traits:
    • I am always calm, no matter the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
      I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy. I have enough of those already.
    Ideal: I'm loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a supply-less trip out into the wastes for all I care.
    Bond: Someone I loved died because of a mistake I think I made. That will never happen again.
    Flaw: If there's a plan, I'll forget it. If I don't forget it, I'll ignore it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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