• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Dark Fairytale IC


OOC: The academy is hired as an institution and they send whoever, if a local lord is present he would do the hiring in this case though it was a local collection.

Hearing towards the largest darkwood building, a,large sign swings lazily in the wind it reads "Sleepy Hollow".

Inside the hearth is lit and a tall well built(for an elf) man stands behind the bar. There are 5 elves dotted about the room a group of 2 sat at the bar and a group of 3 sat by the hearth non of which notice you.

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Charwoman Gene

Colember loudly announces, "We have come from the academy to deal with the issue of missing children. Can any of you point us in the direction of someone who knows about this issue?"


Hearing the deceleration one of the elves from the group sitting on the table stands up, his slender face a mask of sadness and anger."They took my girl, what do you need to know?"

Kaleth shifts his gaze to the elf. He refocuses his mind to question the man. Preparing his mind to pick up on any deception. He then reaches out with his mind and asks his first question. He waits for an answer and then asks the next question.

How old is your child? When did they go missing? Describe the circumstances of the disappearance.

OOC: Psychic focus: Psychic Inquisition, know if someone I am talking to with telepathy is lying.


All though the elves in the tavern seem slightly agitated they don't appear to harbour you any ill intent.


Looking slightly taken aback by the sudden appearance of a voice inside his head for a moment he looks shocked."What devilry is this." not waiting for anyone to answer he sighs and carries on talking."Alissa she was 30, vanished about 2weeks ago. It was night she just vanished and wasn't there in the morning.

You don't feel he is lying or would have any reason to for that matter.

Charwoman Gene

"Thank you for telling us what you can, I truly hope we can solve this situation." He turns to his companions, "I think it best we talk over what our plans are here. It doesn't seem like the locals are that forthcoming."

Charwoman Gene

"I apologize, it seems you are mistaking my actions as a lack of urgency. In your shoes, I'd imagine I'd be just as anxious. Perhaps you could show us where she was last seen? We'll need to start somewhere.'

River Song

"You are quite right milord," Kalveen nods. "Where was the girl last seen, mayhap I can track her from there?"

OOC: When we get origin point, tracking roll [roll0]

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