• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Dark Fairytale IC

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OOC: No one is walking out into a blizzard, I don't even understand how there's a blizzard. I thought the dwarven city was mostly underground or in a cave built over a forgotten undercity.

OOC: Are there any ramparts or murder holes that we can attack whatever is coming without opening the gate and letting it in? If not my character is very reluctant to go out into a blizzard to engage an as yet unseen force.


GM: The dwarven city is built inside a mountain, with slight geothermic activity which is built over a series of tunnels that ultimately lead to the mindflayer cavern.

There is a upper level to the chamber you are in but it leads to the outside.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Guards, evacuate the surrounding area and let everyone know to stay inside!"
Leonan shouts.
"And close everything up as much as you can! Let's see what this is..."

To the group, much quieter
"This reminds me of a story where an attacker created an obvious distraction that had nothing to do with the real attack. In the story it was a forest nearby that was used with trees swaying, strange lights going up and down and sounds and screams coming from it without any obvious threat to the fort. But it was an interesting spectacle so guards focused their attention there. In the meantime from the back came a stealthy team that managed to enter the fort before the alarm sounded.

We might want to run by that gnomes shop, just in case."


One of the gate guards turns from his duties "Daint you worry t'vacuation has all ready begun the army should be here within the next 45 mins, with a bit o' luck gate will hold"

"Leonan might be right. Something could have followed us out of the pit under the gnome's house. Should we make sure?"

(OOC: How far away is to the gnome's house from the gate?)

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